Doctor in video promoted by Trump says: DNA from aliens is being used in medicine

I heard one of her YouTube videos where she describes people having dream sex with demons. Havent seen the one with alien DNA. She’s very outspoken against homosexuality and her sermons get pretty bonkers.
So, she is a bigot against gays. That doesn't make her wrong from a medical perspective?

And she is now discredited because she mentioned seeing cases where patients had DREAMS about having sex with demons?

You know that a certain rye bread fungus called ergot is though to have caused people to dream that they were werewolves, right?

When I was a horny teen, I would have dreams about having sex with all sorts of crazy mythical creatures.

The Ecstasy of St. Teresa is a sculpture based on a celibate nun's sex dream with an Angel.

I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron's point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it. The soul is satisfied now with nothing less than God. The pain is not bodily, but spiritual; though the body has its share in it. It is a caressing of love so sweet which now takes place between the soul and God, that I pray God of His goodness to make him experience it who may think that I am lying.

Wholly Porn Literature, Batman!!!


The point is, yes people can have very particular dreams caused by their physical condition, such as poisoning, or being insanely horny with little relief (like a nun or a teenage boy).

But, because Dr. Immanuel is from Africa, you racist motherfuckers ASSUME that she is talking witch craft nonsense.
The best data shows no benefit in early state treatment or post-exposure prevention.
By “the best data” you mean info you agree with

this study says otherwise

The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized between the system’s six hospital between March 10 and May 2. The study found 13% of the patients treated with hydroxychloroquine died while 26.4% of the patients who did not receive the drug died.

that is their study.

yet we know more than 1 million people have naturally recovered from COVID-19 without the drug.

They also point out, that the study results should be interpreted with some caution, should not be applied to patients treated outside of hospital settings and require further confirmation in prospective, randomized controlled trials that rigorously evaluate the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine therapy for COVID-19.

The hydroxychloroquine group in that study was also twice as likely to receive steroids, which has emerged as another likely beneficial therapy.

It’s an uncontrolled observational study. Not saying they did anything wrong, but the evidence is not very strong.

I was wondering why they fed me steroids. They don't tell you a thing except hey here some steroids were going to administer. Okay your a doctor. I am game now I just need to find my wife.
I heard one of her YouTube videos where she describes people having dream sex with demons. Havent seen the one with alien DNA. She’s very outspoken against homosexuality and her sermons get pretty bonkers.
So, she is a bigot against gays. That doesn't make her wrong from a medical perspective?

And she is now discredited because she mentioned seeing cases where patients had DREAMS about having sex with demons?

You know that a certain rye bread fungus called ergot is though to have caused people to dream that they were werewolves, right?

When I was a horny teen, I would have dreams about having sex with all sorts of crazy mythical creatures.

The Ecstasy of St. Teresa is a sculpture based on a celibate nun's sex dream with an Angel.

I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron's point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it. The soul is satisfied now with nothing less than God. The pain is not bodily, but spiritual; though the body has its share in it. It is a caressing of love so sweet which now takes place between the soul and God, that I pray God of His goodness to make him experience it who may think that I am lying.

Wholly Porn Literature, Batman!!!


The point is, yes people can have very particular dreams caused by their physical condition, such as poisoning, or being insanely horny with little relief (like a nun or a teenage boy).

But, because Dr. Immanuel is from Africa, you racist motherfuckers ASSUME that she is talking witch craft nonsense.
Dude. That was a huge waste of time to come up with a defense of a fringe bigot.

I mean, your product was impressive but it’s impressive like making a shit sandwich taste a little less like shit.

Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with her being a bit bonkers and promoting false medical information.
Ahhh, but the Kray-Kray doesn't stop with alien DNA!

  • Did you know that Hydroxychloroquine was a cure, and because of that, we don't need to wear face masks?
  • Did you know that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious??
  • Did you know that government is run not by humans but by “reptilians”???
  • Did you know that Jesus Christ would destroy Facebook’s servers if that video isn't restored to the platform????
  • Did you know that medical issues like endometriosis, cysts, infertility, and impotence are caused by sex with “spirit husbands” and “spirit wives”—a phenomenon Immanuel describes essentially as witches and demons having sex with people in a dreamworld - “They are responsible for miscarriages, impotence, and men that can’t get it up.”?????
  • Did you know that “Children need to be whipped”??????

Need more? Put on your tinfoil hats and let's ROOOOOLLL!! :71:

Did you know that Hydroxychloraquine was used with COVID cousins MERS and SARS and had people swear it worked? A friends 94 year old aunt was on deaths door until they gave her Hydroxychloraquine. The reason it’s not used unless it’s a last resort is because it has nasty known side effects. Those side effects are still better than dead.

Did you know doctors don’t need to cook up a vaccine against religion because we already have that. The vaccine is called liberal and leftist thinking and they’ve been poisoning religious beliefs with liberal indoctrination of evolution 50+years in the school system.

Prove aliens Demons and reptilians or God for that matter doesn’t exist. Go ahead. I want definitive proof. You can’t because that would mean you’d have to know every inch of this universe and every inch of any Possible alternate universe. You can’t even tell me every species in the ocean or in the jungle. No one can. So to scoff because your limited human intelligence doesn’t allow you to be omniscient doesn’t mean something doesn’t exist, it just means you don’t know about it. IE you don’t know the color of my lipstick right now but that doesn’t mean I’m not wearing any or said lipstick doesn’t exist.

Did you know that many cultures and religions have belief in non human forces effecting the physical? Christianity, Judaism, Islam do. You’ve heard of the devil AKA Satan AKA Lucifer. Have you heard of Jinn and Lilith? Succubus and incubus have been part of people’s belief systems for millennia. This is nothing new. Again prove 100% conclusively that those things don’t exist. You can’t.

Judging by the way kids are acting and the whole time out chair generations that are now run amok adults, I think kids do need a good ass whoopin. You don’t see my generation eating Tide Pods or having COVID parties. My mom kept a belt on the kitchen towel rack. That was all the influence I needed not to be stupid,disrespectful and entitled. Just sayin.
Ahhh, but the Kray-Kray doesn't stop with alien DNA!

  • Did you know that Hydroxychloroquine was a cure, and because of that, we don't need to wear face masks?
  • Did you know that scientists are cooking up a vaccine to prevent people from being religious??
  • Did you know that government is run not by humans but by “reptilians”???
  • Did you know that Jesus Christ would destroy Facebook’s servers if that video isn't restored to the platform????
  • Did you know that medical issues like endometriosis, cysts, infertility, and impotence are caused by sex with “spirit husbands” and “spirit wives”—a phenomenon Immanuel describes essentially as witches and demons having sex with people in a dreamworld - “They are responsible for miscarriages, impotence, and men that can’t get it up.”?????
  • Did you know that “Children need to be whipped”??????

Need more? Put on your tinfoil hats and let's ROOOOOLLL!! :71:

Did you know that Hydroxychloraquine was used with COVID cousins MERS and SARS and had people swear it worked? A friends 94 year old aunt was on deaths door until they gave her Hydroxychloraquine. The reason it’s not used unless it’s a last resort is because it has nasty known side effects. Those side effects are still better than dead.

Did you know doctors don’t need to cook up a vaccine against religion because we already have that. The vaccine is called liberal and leftist thinking and they’ve been poisoning religious beliefs with liberal indoctrination of evolution 50+years in the school system.

Prove aliens Demons and reptilians or God for that matter doesn’t exist. Go ahead. I want definitive proof. You can’t because that would mean you’d have to know every inch of this universe and every inch of any Possible alternate universe. You can’t even tell me every species in the ocean or in the jungle. No one can. So to scoff because your limited human intelligence doesn’t allow you to be omniscient doesn’t mean something doesn’t exist, it just means you don’t know about it. IE you don’t know the color of my lipstick right now but that doesn’t mean I’m not wearing any or said lipstick doesn’t exist.

Did you know that many cultures and religions have belief in non human forces effecting the physical? Christianity, Judaism, Islam do. You’ve heard of the devil AKA Satan AKA Lucifer. Have you heard of Jinn and Lilith? Succubus and incubus have been part of people’s belief systems for millennia. This is nothing new. Again prove 100% conclusively that those things don’t exist. You can’t.

Judging by the way kids are acting and the whole time out chair generations that are now run amok adults, I think kids do need a good ass whoopin. You don’t see my generation eating Tide Pods or having COVID parties. My mom kept a belt on the kitchen towel rack. That was all the influence I needed not to be stupid,disrespectful and entitled. Just sayin.

This should be your default posting forum. Stay there and you can't go wrong!

PS: I'm happy that you were happy to have been whipped as a child. It may have left an indelible mark on your intellect. ;)
The doctor in a viral video tweeted by Donald Trump (discouraging mask use") is an interesting character:

"But then it came to light what a kook the good doctor seems to be, believing there is alien DNA in some medications. And that sleeping individuals have sex with demons. And that a vaccine is being developed to immunize people from religion."

You just started a thread to talk about the "facts" you found in an OPINION PIECE. Please explain to me why anyone here should treat you with any more respect than they would a drunken homeless man screaming on the street at his own hallucinations.
The doctor in a viral video tweeted by Donald Trump (discouraging mask use") is an interesting character:

"But then it came to light what a kook the good doctor seems to be, believing there is alien DNA in some medications. And that sleeping individuals have sex with demons. And that a vaccine is being developed to immunize people from religion."

I'm not going to watch an hour long video to see what she really says, but my fallback position with all TDS morons is that they are liars.
I heard one of her YouTube videos where she describes people having dream sex with demons. Havent seen the one with alien DNA. She’s very outspoken against homosexuality and her sermons get pretty bonkers.
So, she is a bigot against gays. That doesn't make her wrong from a medical perspective?

And she is now discredited because she mentioned seeing cases where patients had DREAMS about having sex with demons?

You know that a certain rye bread fungus called ergot is though to have caused people to dream that they were werewolves, right?

When I was a horny teen, I would have dreams about having sex with all sorts of crazy mythical creatures.

The Ecstasy of St. Teresa is a sculpture based on a celibate nun's sex dream with an Angel.

I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron's point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it. The soul is satisfied now with nothing less than God. The pain is not bodily, but spiritual; though the body has its share in it. It is a caressing of love so sweet which now takes place between the soul and God, that I pray God of His goodness to make him experience it who may think that I am lying.

Wholly Porn Literature, Batman!!!


The point is, yes people can have very particular dreams caused by their physical condition, such as poisoning, or being insanely horny with little relief (like a nun or a teenage boy).

But, because Dr. Immanuel is from Africa, you racist motherfuckers ASSUME that she is talking witch craft nonsense.
Dude. That was a huge waste of time to come up with a defense of a fringe bigot.

I mean, your product was impressive but it’s impressive like making a shit sandwich taste a little less like shit.

Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with her being a bit bonkers and promoting false medical information.
Forgive me if I don't buy that horse shit.

Has this "psycho bigot" cured 350 people of COVID with Hydroxichloroquin and zinc or not?

What about the other 10+ doctors? Are they wrong too?

Make your case, motherfucker.
I keep trying to find an actual reference to Dr. Immanuel actually saying medicine is made with "alien DNA" and that anyone is having "sex with demons" but there is no evidence that she has ever said either in that context.
Until libs furnish proof its just fake news
I think she has a defamation claim against every news outlet who repeats that bullshit.
here, have a blast. the demon semen causing cysts and miscarriages, infertily is mentioned in the first 3 minutes.

I’ve read that study and can discuss it in detail. What makes you think that’s better data?
I cant say its better data

but I have reason to reject out of hand
I just listened to a little bit, but that sounds like a whole lot of crazy right there.

In other words, you can't locate what the article claims she says.

Based on what I'm seeing here, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she said that. You might want to abandon this ship. So far, here's what I have heard from her:

- Spirit husbands and wives are making people impotent.
- Pregnancy with evil spirits.
- Spirits turning into people to reproduce more spirits.
- Human beings that are actually witches.
- Checking people's belly buttons to determine if they're human.

But I've only listened to a little bit of it. There's at least two hours of crazy to sift though and I think I've heard enough to make up my mind.

Try listening to her for a few seconds and tell me she sounds perfectly sane to you.
The doctor in a viral video tweeted by Donald Trump (discouraging mask use") is an interesting character:

"But then it came to light what a kook the good doctor seems to be, believing there is alien DNA in some medications. And that sleeping individuals have sex with demons. And that a vaccine is being developed to immunize people from religion."

I keep trying to find an actual reference to Dr. Immanuel actually saying medicine is made with "alien DNA" and that anyone is having "sex with demons" but there is no evidence that she has ever said either in that context.

It seems that these false characterizations are made about her BECAUSE she is from Africa.

How racist.
At least she's a dual citizen "dual citizen" unlike the majority of the others that couldn't find it on a globe....although they could ace dat glo troo a hoop at 150 feetz
13% of the patients treated with hydroxychloroquine died while 26.4% of the patients who did not receive the drug died.

that is their study.
Its enough to contradict the rabid trump haters who are determined to deny any health benefits to using the drug

if I had the wuflu I would want to double my chances of recovery
But Trump promoted her by retweeting her
I see no problem with retweeting her
Promoting false information about COVID opens Trump to criticism for how he’s handled the pandemic here.
We don't believe you. Now get the riots outside the deep blue areas and prove your revolutionary capabilities. Take out the theme parks and the surrounding areas and you will see where you are at. In cities, the high rises can be towering infernos. Imagine multiple Dresdens! And the stadiums. there for the destruction! With live TV out the wazoo! Always complaining about the costs of these monstrosities. And you can bring them down! You got the virus to work with. Spread it around. Make your move before it is to late. You may never get this chance again. Remember. The Prog politicians may not be as much as a friend to you so soon. And they will turn on you for their ultimate power eventually. Good hunting...
I just listened to a little bit, but that sounds like a whole lot of crazy right there.

In other words, you can't locate what the article claims she says.

Based on what I'm seeing here, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she said that. You might want to abandon this ship. So far, here's what I have heard from her:

- Spirit husbands and wives are making people impotent.
- Pregnancy with evil spirits.
- Spirits turning into people to reproduce more spirits.
- Human beings that are actually witches.
- Checking people's belly buttons to determine if they're human.

But I've only listened to a little bit of it. There's at least two hours of crazy to sift though and I think I've heard enough to make up my mind.

Try listening to her for a few seconds and tell me she sounds perfectly sane to you.

you "wouldn't be surprised?" In other words, you have no evidence to support your claims.

What are the items in your list supposed to be - quotes? If so, then post their location in the video. Otherwise just admit you made them up.
you "wouldn't be surprised?" In other words, you have no evidence to support your claims.

What are the items in your list supposed to be - quotes? If so, then post their location in the video. Otherwise just admit you made them up.

I thought I made myself clear last time. Guess I'll try again.

  • I haven't listened to all 2+ hours of her talking.
  • In the brief part that I have listened to, I haven't heard her mention alien semen. At least not yet.
  • Based on what I'm hearing from her, no, I wouldn't be surprised if she mentioned that. I'm already hearing plenty of crazy nonsense.
  • If they were quotes, I would put them in quotations. They're just a list of things I gathered from her ramblings in the first 15 minutes or so.
Why would I make up something like that? Just listen to her for yourself. Go to 1:04. She outlines her talk about spirit husbands and spirit wives.

I'll give you one of the quotes. Go to 2:45.

"We call them fibroids, we call them cysts. But most of them are evil deposits from the spirit husband. They are responsible for miscarriages, impotence. Men that can't get it up. Untold hardship. They're responsible for financial failure because when this spirit is in your life..."

And it just kind of goes on like that...

It sounds like a whole lot of crazy to me. If you want to hear the rest of the stuff I mentioned, just sift through the first 15 minutes like I did. But I think you'll get a real clear understanding of what it's going to be like in just the first 2 or 3 minutes.
The doctor in a viral video tweeted by Donald Trump (discouraging mask use") is an interesting character:

"But then it came to light what a kook the good doctor seems to be, believing there is alien DNA in some medications. And that sleeping individuals have sex with demons. And that a vaccine is being developed to immunize people from religion."

Attack the religion instead of the message huh?

PROGS are dirty

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