Doctor in video promoted by Trump says: DNA from aliens is being used in medicine

This social media thingy is creating a world of idiots that EMOTE and REACT, but have NO INTEREST in truth, facts, or even critical thinking..

Stop !!! and think when you get infected with fake and putrid "news"....

This HCQuine furor is out of control.. Scientific debate needs to be had.. And the LEFT is trying muzzle competent, qualified scientists that want public visibility for their positions..

AINT a "party of science".. Neither Dem or Rep.. CERTAINLY NOT a party who wants to BAN debate and discussion and dissent on current issues in science...
Is that what you think is happening here? America’s Frontline Doctor’s is a group of qualified scientists?

Did ya think "alien DNA" came from aliens?? If so, your opinion of them is disqualified...
The doctor in a viral video tweeted by Donald Trump (discouraging mask use") is an interesting character:

"But then it came to light what a kook the good doctor seems to be, believing there is alien DNA in some medications. And that sleeping individuals have sex with demons. And that a vaccine is being developed to immunize people from religion."

He didn't promote her...just another lie thread by a TDS moron....
Trump tweeted the video. He promoted it. Did you think he tweeted it because he disagreed with it? Stop playing dumb, even though you are a dumbass.
He is in favor of the medicine she is speaking of but he restated he does not know her nor has he ever heard of her....that's not promoting her tard.....lie in the title of a thread and lose the argument....
Oh Lordy. Poor Trump defending himself so innocently. If he doesn’t know her why even bother to promote her?

Here is the president of US ( I think) supposed to be fighting the Pandemic. Then promote a doctor that campaign for no mask and Covid 19 has a cure. Trump is raping his own agenda fighting the crisis. All his scientists next to him and surgeon general beg people to wear mask. Here is this idiot campaigning for NO MASK. He goes outside and against his experts to promote a doctor he doesn’t even know just because he likes what garbage she is spewing.
Gomer wore no mask Hopefully he came in contact with Trump and Repub party
This social media thingy is creating a world of idiots that EMOTE and REACT, but have NO INTEREST in truth, facts, or even critical thinking..

Stop !!! and think when you get infected with fake and putrid "news"....

This HCQuine furor is out of control.. Scientific debate needs to be had.. And the LEFT is trying muzzle competent, qualified scientists that want public visibility for their positions..

AINT a "party of science".. Neither Dem or Rep.. CERTAINLY NOT a party who wants to BAN debate and discussion and dissent on current issues in science...
Is that what you think is happening here? America’s Frontline Doctor’s is a group of qualified scientists?

Did ya think "alien DNA" came from aliens?? If so, your opinion of them is disqualified...
Doesn’t matter. Do you think this is a group of qualified scientists?
Dr. Stella Immanuel: (08:21)
I know you’re going to tell me that you treated 20 people, 40 people, and it didn’t work. I’m a true testimony. So I came here to Washington DC to tell America nobody needs to get sick. This virus has a cure. It is called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax. I know you people want to talk about a mask. Hello? You don’t need mask. There is a cure. I know they don’t want to open schools. No, you don’t need people to be locked down. There is prevention and there is a cure.

^this is enough to disqualify her when you want scientific debate. her religious delusional ramblings do not help establishing credibility.

Yeah.. She's wrong for calling it "a cure".. Even scientists get emotional about crap.. See the "global warming" debate for example...

But FACT IS -- there IS NO CURE or VACCINE for Corona Virus.. There IS a lot of doctors who have done both "peer reviewed" and "practical" studies on their experiences with the drug in SHORTENING the time and severity of the CVirus...

DrStella Immanuel

""Fellow Americans. How long are we going to allow the enemy to take over our beloved nation. How long are we going to allow the gay agenda, secular humanism, Illuminati and the demonic New World Order to destroy our homes, families and the social fiber of America. It is only the church that was given the mandate by the creator of the universe to thread upon serpents and scorpions.

awesome stuff. if you are not interested in hearing about her proudly stating that she used corporal punishment for education (i had a very heavy hand), or in her homophobic rants, you can skip directly to minute 51:00, where she states that people who are not human lead the world, they are half reptilian / half ET.

But Trump promoted her by retweeting her
I see no problem with retweeting her
Promoting false information about COVID opens Trump to criticism for how he’s handled the pandemic here.
I would love to see someone prove that she is wrong. Someone will trot out an expert to say a drug that was safe for 60 years is deadly. Again, why supress the information? Just because somebody disagrees with a viewpoint is no reason to strike it. The viewers are responsible for what they view as true or credible. I believe many more studies actually back up her claim, but they are not permissible for some reason. Shouldn't people be looking into the results she had and her long experience with the medication?
This social media thingy is creating a world of idiots that EMOTE and REACT, but have NO INTEREST in truth, facts, or even critical thinking..

Stop !!! and think when you get infected with fake and putrid "news"....

This HCQuine furor is out of control.. Scientific debate needs to be had.. And the LEFT is trying muzzle competent, qualified scientists that want public visibility for their positions..

AINT a "party of science".. Neither Dem or Rep.. CERTAINLY NOT a party who wants to BAN debate and discussion and dissent on current issues in science...
if you wish for scientific debate then quit polishing this turd.

Can't REJECT it for not being safe.. Been given to MILLIONS for malaria prevention and as one of the only therapies for a number of chronic diseases..

Can't REJECT it for not being EFFECTIVE, because the FED govt cancelled its emergency use authorization based on FLAWED and now disgraced studies.. Need to let the science work... And FUCK the political bullshit that's trying to PURGE debate on it...
This social media thingy is creating a world of idiots that EMOTE and REACT, but have NO INTEREST in truth, facts, or even critical thinking..

Stop !!! and think when you get infected with fake and putrid "news"....

This HCQuine furor is out of control.. Scientific debate needs to be had.. And the LEFT is trying muzzle competent, qualified scientists that want public visibility for their positions..

AINT a "party of science".. Neither Dem or Rep.. CERTAINLY NOT a party who wants to BAN debate and discussion and dissent on current issues in science...
Is that what you think is happening here? America’s Frontline Doctor’s is a group of qualified scientists?
Whom declares them "qualified"? By going along with WHO mandates and peddling their bullshit?
Well, for starters I expect them to be more than pediatricians running solo practices in strip malls to be a qualified scientist.
But Trump promoted her by retweeting her
I see no problem with retweeting her
Promoting false information about COVID opens Trump to criticism for how he’s handled the pandemic here.
I would love to see someone prove that she is wrong. Someone will trot out an expert to say a drug that was safe for 60 years is deadly. Again, why supress the information? Just because somebody disagrees with a viewpoint is no reason to strike it. The viewers are responsible for what they view as true or credible. I believe many more studies actually back up her claim, but they are not permissible for some reason. Shouldn't people be looking into the results she had and her long experience with the medication?

It's not "deadly".. The powers that be dredged up the ONLY 2 or 3 studies in which the cases were given 2 to 5 times the recommended therapeutic dose.. At the time, the benchmark was "how many lives did it save".. But when the $BILLION NEW drug Remdesivir FAILED TO SAVE ANY LIVES in its first trials, the FDA STILL RUSHED it to market...
I heard one of her YouTube videos where she describes people having dream sex with demons. Havent seen the one with alien DNA. She’s very outspoken against homosexuality and her sermons get pretty bonkers.
So, she is a bigot against gays. That doesn't make her wrong from a medical perspective?

And she is now discredited because she mentioned seeing cases where patients had DREAMS about having sex with demons?

You know that a certain rye bread fungus called ergot is though to have caused people to dream that they were werewolves, right?

When I was a horny teen, I would have dreams about having sex with all sorts of crazy mythical creatures.

The Ecstasy of St. Teresa is a sculpture based on a celibate nun's sex dream with an Angel.

I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron's point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it. The soul is satisfied now with nothing less than God. The pain is not bodily, but spiritual; though the body has its share in it. It is a caressing of love so sweet which now takes place between the soul and God, that I pray God of His goodness to make him experience it who may think that I am lying.

Wholly Porn Literature, Batman!!!


The point is, yes people can have very particular dreams caused by their physical condition, such as poisoning, or being insanely horny with little relief (like a nun or a teenage boy).

But, because Dr. Immanuel is from Africa, you racist motherfuckers ASSUME that she is talking witch craft nonsense.
Sad part of that is lots of these Trump followers believe her.
a religious nutcase extremist promoting a cure for covid19, promoted by the so-called president. yeah, that is scientific debate. we need to give her even more of a forum. she has an opinion. and that counts for something.
This social media thingy is creating a world of idiots that EMOTE and REACT, but have NO INTEREST in truth, facts, or even critical thinking..

Stop !!! and think when you get infected with fake and putrid "news"....

This HCQuine furor is out of control.. Scientific debate needs to be had.. And the LEFT is trying muzzle competent, qualified scientists that want public visibility for their positions..

AINT a "party of science".. Neither Dem or Rep.. CERTAINLY NOT a party who wants to BAN debate and discussion and dissent on current issues in science...
Is that what you think is happening here? America’s Frontline Doctor’s is a group of qualified scientists?
Whom declares them "qualified"? By going along with WHO mandates and peddling their bullshit?
Well, for starters I expect them to be more than pediatricians running solo practices in strip malls to be a qualified scientist.
How many physicians and doctors have stated that HCQ works and yet you focus on one? Doctors that have claim it works have nothing to gain and everything to lose so there is no ulterior motives. The entire purpose of having a united front and as one voice is to protect themselves.
Big pharma, Fauci, Gates and the WHO are hoping to reap BILLIONS for a vaccine that is being fast-tracked and bypassing protocols and test trials to get it to "market". It takes at least five years to properly test a vaccine. Those vaccines will include aborted fetus cells, mice cells, with mercury based preservatives. Knock yourself out.
The doctor in a viral video tweeted by Donald Trump (discouraging mask use") is an interesting character:

"But then it came to light what a kook the good doctor seems to be, believing there is alien DNA in some medications. And that sleeping individuals have sex with demons. And that a vaccine is being developed to immunize people from religion."

He didn't promote her...just another lie thread by a TDS moron....
Trump tweeted the video. He promoted it. Did you think he tweeted it because he disagreed with it? Stop playing dumb, even though you are a dumbass.
He is in favor of the medicine she is speaking of but he restated he does not know her nor has he ever heard of her....that's not promoting her tard.....lie in the title of a thread and lose the argument....
Oh Lordy. Poor Trump defending himself so innocently. If he doesn’t know her why even bother to promote her?

Here is the president of US ( I think) supposed to be fighting the Pandemic. Then promote a doctor that campaign for no mask and Covid 19 has a cure. Trump is raping his own agenda fighting the crisis. All his scientists next to him and surgeon general beg people to wear mask. Here is this idiot campaigning for NO MASK. He goes outside and against his experts to promote a doctor he doesn’t even know just because he likes what garbage she is spewing.
He promotes the use of hydroxychloroquine...she and thousands of doctors do as well....what would you think to learn the resistance to this cure was all based in TDS politics...meaning dems in the media and medical industry are fine with people suffering and maybe dying? long as they can keep Trump from looking good....sick...its sick....TDS is worse than covid by a thousand times....TDS and covid combined?....deadly....

Are you FORGETTING something? Or you purposely ignored what Trump is trying to tell you. Or you are just pure ignorant.
Yes she promotes HCQ. It’s used in hospitals with strict supervisions.

PAY ATTENTION. The difference what Trump is telling you. Use it as a willy nilly PREVENTATIVE MEASURE. That’s the difference. Then he uses Immanuel to promote his stupidity.

Sadly you keep using your childish defense TDS. Trump Denial Sympathizers or Trump Deranged Sympathizers.
What in the world are you folks arguing about.
You want to wear tin foil on your head so the radio waves don’t control your brain waves, great! You think drinking cat pee is a cure for heart disease, Nostrovia! You believe the devil flies up your nose every time you sneeze, Bless You! You think eating spicy food makes you potent, steady aim friend!
There’s a big difference between tolerance and acceptance. I’ll accept your crazy, if you accept mine.
This social media thingy is creating a world of idiots that EMOTE and REACT, but have NO INTEREST in truth, facts, or even critical thinking..

Stop !!! and think when you get infected with fake and putrid "news"....

This HCQuine furor is out of control.. Scientific debate needs to be had.. And the LEFT is trying muzzle competent, qualified scientists that want public visibility for their positions..

AINT a "party of science".. Neither Dem or Rep.. CERTAINLY NOT a party who wants to BAN debate and discussion and dissent on current issues in science...
Is that what you think is happening here? America’s Frontline Doctor’s is a group of qualified scientists?
Whom declares them "qualified"? By going along with WHO mandates and peddling their bullshit?
Well, for starters I expect them to be more than pediatricians running solo practices in strip malls to be a qualified scientist.
How many physicians and doctors have stated that HCQ works and yet you focus on one? Doctors that have claim it works have nothing to gain and everything to lose so there is no ulterior motives. The entire purpose of having a united front and as one voice is to protect themselves.
Big pharma, Fauci, Gates and the WHO are hoping to reap BILLIONS for a vaccine that is being fast-tracked and bypassing protocols and test trials to get it to "market". It takes at least five years to properly test a vaccine. Those vaccines will include aborted fetus cells, mice cells, with mercury based preservatives. Knock yourself out.

Totally hogwash. You are missing something Dude. Yes HCQ are used in hospitals to treat Covid patients with strick supervisions. No one is denying that. So I don’t know what Trump BULLSHIT and the rest of you are talking about.
The difference. Trump is campaigning iuse it as a PREVENTATIVE MEASURE. That’s the difference. YOU GOT THAT?

The rest of your post are totally HOGWASH. Show me an evidence or proof that those vaccines includes aborted fetus cells mice cells. Show me a proof. I’ll wait.

And to add to your ignorance it was Trump who promoted and push for Operation Warp Speed of Covid-19 vaccines.

in reality all you have is just conspiracies BULLSHIT. In reality. You don’t know anything.
This social media thingy is creating a world of idiots that EMOTE and REACT, but have NO INTEREST in truth, facts, or even critical thinking..

Stop !!! and think when you get infected with fake and putrid "news"....

This HCQuine furor is out of control.. Scientific debate needs to be had.. And the LEFT is trying muzzle competent, qualified scientists that want public visibility for their positions..

AINT a "party of science".. Neither Dem or Rep.. CERTAINLY NOT a party who wants to BAN debate and discussion and dissent on current issues in science...
Is that what you think is happening here? America’s Frontline Doctor’s is a group of qualified scientists?
Whom declares them "qualified"? By going along with WHO mandates and peddling their bullshit?
Well, for starters I expect them to be more than pediatricians running solo practices in strip malls to be a qualified scientist.
How many physicians and doctors have stated that HCQ works and yet you focus on one? Doctors that have claim it works have nothing to gain and everything to lose so there is no ulterior motives. The entire purpose of having a united front and as one voice is to protect themselves.
Big pharma, Fauci, Gates and the WHO are hoping to reap BILLIONS for a vaccine that is being fast-tracked and bypassing protocols and test trials to get it to "market". It takes at least five years to properly test a vaccine. Those vaccines will include aborted fetus cells, mice cells, with mercury based preservatives. Knock yourself out.
What do they have to gain? Attention. Apparently all it takes is saying that hydroxychloroquine is a cure for COVID 19 and the president can start promoting you.

We don't have to focus on the experts, we can focus on the data and they don't really have anything compelling.
This social media thingy is creating a world of idiots that EMOTE and REACT, but have NO INTEREST in truth, facts, or even critical thinking..

Stop !!! and think when you get infected with fake and putrid "news"....

This HCQuine furor is out of control.. Scientific debate needs to be had.. And the LEFT is trying muzzle competent, qualified scientists that want public visibility for their positions..

AINT a "party of science".. Neither Dem or Rep.. CERTAINLY NOT a party who wants to BAN debate and discussion and dissent on current issues in science...
Is that what you think is happening here? America’s Frontline Doctor’s is a group of qualified scientists?
Whom declares them "qualified"? By going along with WHO mandates and peddling their bullshit?
Well, for starters I expect them to be more than pediatricians running solo practices in strip malls to be a qualified scientist.
How many physicians and doctors have stated that HCQ works and yet you focus on one? Doctors that have claim it works have nothing to gain and everything to lose so there is no ulterior motives. The entire purpose of having a united front and as one voice is to protect themselves.
Big pharma, Fauci, Gates and the WHO are hoping to reap BILLIONS for a vaccine that is being fast-tracked and bypassing protocols and test trials to get it to "market". It takes at least five years to properly test a vaccine. Those vaccines will include aborted fetus cells, mice cells, with mercury based preservatives. Knock yourself out.

Totally hogwash. You are missing something Dude. Yes HCQ are used in hospitals to treat Covid patients with strick supervisions. No one is denying that. So I don’t know what Trump BULLSHIT and the rest of you are talking about.
The difference. Trump is campaigning iuse it as a PREVENTATIVE MEASURE. That’s the difference. YOU GOT THAT?

The rest of your post are totally HOGWASH. Show me an evidence or proof that those vaccines includes aborted fetus cells mice cells. Show me a proof. I’ll wait.

And to add to your ignorance it was Trump who promoted and push for Operation Warp Speed of Covid-19 vaccines.

in reality all you have is just conspiracies BULLSHIT. In reality. You don’t know anything.
You can STFU now, dipshit.....

Thirty-one years ago, we led an effort to figure out how HIV causes AIDS, and how to identify and isolate human blood-forming “hematopoietic” stem cells (HSCs). Solutions came from the development and optimization of the severe combined immunodeficiency humanized (SCID)-hu mouse, an immunodeficient mouse implanted with the hematolymphoid organs obtained from recently aborted fetuses, namely fetal bone, liver, thymus, spleen, intestine, skin, and lymph node (McCune et al., 1988, Namikawa et al., 1990). Because this mouse model has human blood-forming cells and the human immune organs in which these cells mature and function, it has provided a critical tool for research on the biology of the blood-forming system and diseases affecting it, including cancer and AIDS.
On the local evening news here in Amarillo tonight, they interviewed a couple of local doctors. Guess what they said? They said that hydroxychloroquine wasn't a very good treatment for COVID, and also said that the 2 main forms of treatment at local hospitals is Remdesivir and plasma transfusions. They said that the hospitals around here won't use hydroxychloroquine as it's not as effective as plasma transfusions and Remdesivir, and is also much more dangerous because of the side effects.

And, up here in the TX panhandle, it's pretty much Trump supporter country.
This social media thingy is creating a world of idiots that EMOTE and REACT, but have NO INTEREST in truth, facts, or even critical thinking..

Stop !!! and think when you get infected with fake and putrid "news"....

This HCQuine furor is out of control.. Scientific debate needs to be had.. And the LEFT is trying muzzle competent, qualified scientists that want public visibility for their positions..

AINT a "party of science".. Neither Dem or Rep.. CERTAINLY NOT a party who wants to BAN debate and discussion and dissent on current issues in science...
Is that what you think is happening here? America’s Frontline Doctor’s is a group of qualified scientists?
Whom declares them "qualified"? By going along with WHO mandates and peddling their bullshit?
Well, for starters I expect them to be more than pediatricians running solo practices in strip malls to be a qualified scientist.
How many physicians and doctors have stated that HCQ works and yet you focus on one? Doctors that have claim it works have nothing to gain and everything to lose so there is no ulterior motives. The entire purpose of having a united front and as one voice is to protect themselves.
Big pharma, Fauci, Gates and the WHO are hoping to reap BILLIONS for a vaccine that is being fast-tracked and bypassing protocols and test trials to get it to "market". It takes at least five years to properly test a vaccine. Those vaccines will include aborted fetus cells, mice cells, with mercury based preservatives. Knock yourself out.
What do they have to gain? Attention. Apparently all it takes is saying that hydroxychloroquine is a cure for COVID 19 and the president can start promoting you.

We don't have to focus on the experts, we can focus on the data and they don't really have anything compelling.

Unwanted attention where they are demonized and marginalized, dumb ass. As I have stated before, should I get the virus? I will insist on HCQ and I will never take the vaccine even at gun-point.

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