Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works

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Pffft Post
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.
So you're an expert in medicine and as well as a lawyer?
I never claimed to be a lawyer. I have more medical expertise than most.

Don't use HCQ then, but people should have that option without their doctor being hassled, asswipe.

The problem is people thinking they don’t need to do things like wear masks and social distance because they think there’s a cure.

That kind of misinformation is going to make this worse.
Hey, dipshit, explain how a mask prevents YOUR germs from not reaching someone but yet doesn't prevent you from getting someone else's that is over six feet away? I don't wear a mask...gotta problem with that? Tough shit. I will certainly take the word of those that have used it and got well and the physicians that prescribed it over hand wringing losers such as yourself.

The doctors that did the research and trials say it doesn’t work but some solo practice strip mall pediatrician says it works and that’s good enough for you?

I’m not going to make you wear a mask. But people like you are the reason why this pandemic isn’t going away. Thanks asshole.
Numerous doctors have said it works, dipshit.....and damn straight you are not going to "make me" wear a mask. You would be sucking your meals through a straw for a long time if you did.
There’s a thing called evidence based medicine. It means we do what the evidence proves works.

If a doctor is saying that it works, that’s not evidence based medicine.

Thats nice.

There, there kiddo. Let the adults handle it. This is a little complicated for you.

I wouldn't categorize a limp-wristed leftist POS (such as yourself) as an adult and especially one that wishes to dictate what people may or may not use if they get sick because of a sick leftist agenda.
Go fuck yourself, lil boy.

You’re just another dumb shit tool who is programmed to believe what their told and nothing else.

People like you are useless.
Pffft Post
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.
So you're an expert in medicine and as well as a lawyer?
I never claimed to be a lawyer. I have more medical expertise than most.

Don't use HCQ then, but people should have that option without their doctor being hassled, asswipe.

The problem is people thinking they don’t need to do things like wear masks and social distance because they think there’s a cure.

That kind of misinformation is going to make this worse.
Hey, dipshit, explain how a mask prevents YOUR germs from not reaching someone but yet doesn't prevent you from getting someone else's that is over six feet away? I don't wear a mask...gotta problem with that? Tough shit. I will certainly take the word of those that have used it and got well and the physicians that prescribed it over hand wringing losers such as yourself.

The doctors that did the research and trials say it doesn’t work but some solo practice strip mall pediatrician says it works and that’s good enough for you?

I’m not going to make you wear a mask. But people like you are the reason why this pandemic isn’t going away. Thanks asshole.
Numerous doctors have said it works, dipshit.....and damn straight you are not going to "make me" wear a mask. You would be sucking your meals through a straw for a long time if you did.
There’s a thing called evidence based medicine. It means we do what the evidence proves works.

If a doctor is saying that it works, that’s not evidence based medicine.

The AMA is incorporated, did you know that? I didn't think so.
If my doctor says it works, that is all I need to know and it's none of your fucking business either.

The AMA doesn’t have anything to do with it.

The best data says it doesn’t work.
Data like the amount that tested positive with tainted swabs? Those that never got tested but told that their test came back positive? Motorcycle wreck victims counted as COVID deaths? Take your "data" and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender

Imbecile, if she did as she claimed, there would be medical records. So yes, if it's true, it can be proven.

Are you ever not a mindlessly squawking parrot?

so you want us to get medical records of hundreds of people we dont know???

like I said your question was just dumb and a deflection,,,
In other words, you merely accept her outrageous claim simply because she said it and you like hearing it. You like the way it feelz. That's kind of how my kids felt about the tooth fairy when they were little. Thanks for unwittingly admitting you have the mind of a 6 year old.
why are you so focused on her when there are hundreds of doctors making the same claim???

Really??? Where. Where are these peer reviewed studies that say the drug works on Covid?

Covid is a virus. Malaria, the drug it was designed for, is a bacteria. Lupus, another drug it’s used to treat, is an autoimmune disorder.

Hydroxycloroquine has NEVER been used successfully in the treatment of ANY virus, and was tried on both SARS and MERS.

Why is it so important to you that people do not take this drug and live?
Because it's not the cure. And if imbeciles fool themselves into believing it is, they won't look for the actual cure.
no one claimed it a cure,,,

^^^ another idiot who's not paying attention.
Seriously? You don't know how to follow a thread? Look at the poster I replied to, for a clue.
Or remain clueless. Your choice.
The liberals are now going after a Black Doctor. Do black lives matter?
And again, the only one bringing up race -- is you, ya flaming racist.
You brought up witchcraft because she’s from Africa..

Uh, no, ya flaiming racist. I said nothing about witchcraft or Africa. That you feel the need to lie like that to cover for your own unabashed racism reveals more about you than I'm sure you intended.
Just stop attacking black woman..
Why? She's not normal. Has absolutely nothing to do with her being black and everything to do with her believing there are reptilians in our government, believing women are contracting illnesses for having sex with demons in their sleep, and believing alien DNA is used in medicine.
Is that weirder than believing there are 47 genders? That homosexuality is natural as well as cross-dressing/trans-genderism? Two plus two = 5 if it is reached by consensus? The slow push towards normalizing pedophilia?
That last one I am sure you can appreciate, lil faun....

Her beliefs are not any more bizarre than those of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies.
Yes, weirder than that, especially since much of that exists only in your demented head. I don't expect a freakazoid conspiracy nut like to understand.

Your leftard freakazoid pals tout every single of of those I brought up, ya queer-bait, racist pervert.
:71: This just has to involve chem trails.
I'd rather someone just disprove her 350 patient claim. any fking day now.
No one needs to disprove her claims that she herself hasn't proven.
Because her culture studies voodoo? Racist much?
Pffft Post
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.
So you're an expert in medicine and as well as a lawyer?
I never claimed to be a lawyer. I have more medical expertise than most.

Don't use HCQ then, but people should have that option without their doctor being hassled, asswipe.

The problem is people thinking they don’t need to do things like wear masks and social distance because they think there’s a cure.

That kind of misinformation is going to make this worse.
Hey, dipshit, explain how a mask prevents YOUR germs from not reaching someone but yet doesn't prevent you from getting someone else's that is over six feet away? I don't wear a mask...gotta problem with that? Tough shit. I will certainly take the word of those that have used it and got well and the physicians that prescribed it over hand wringing losers such as yourself.

The doctors that did the research and trials say it doesn’t work but some solo practice strip mall pediatrician says it works and that’s good enough for you?

I’m not going to make you wear a mask. But people like you are the reason why this pandemic isn’t going away. Thanks asshole.
Numerous doctors have said it works, dipshit.....and damn straight you are not going to "make me" wear a mask. You would be sucking your meals through a straw for a long time if you did.
There’s a thing called evidence based medicine. It means we do what the evidence proves works.

If a doctor is saying that it works, that’s not evidence based medicine.

Thats nice.

There, there kiddo. Let the adults handle it. This is a little complicated for you.

I wouldn't categorize a limp-wristed leftist POS (such as yourself) as an adult and especially one that wishes to dictate what people may or may not use if they get sick because of a sick leftist agenda.
Go fuck yourself, lil boy.

You’re just another dumb shit tool who is programmed to believe what their told and nothing else.

People like you are useless.

Pot, meet kettle and vice versa. I have this one hard rule I swear by and it's that I don't believe a fucking thing our lamestream media claims. Those that are programmed such as yourself, do swallow it whole. So, again, go fuck yourself. It's getting too easy to destroy your lame arguments.
Pffft Post
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.
So you're an expert in medicine and as well as a lawyer?
I never claimed to be a lawyer. I have more medical expertise than most.

Don't use HCQ then, but people should have that option without their doctor being hassled, asswipe.

The problem is people thinking they don’t need to do things like wear masks and social distance because they think there’s a cure.

That kind of misinformation is going to make this worse.
Hey, dipshit, explain how a mask prevents YOUR germs from not reaching someone but yet doesn't prevent you from getting someone else's that is over six feet away? I don't wear a mask...gotta problem with that? Tough shit. I will certainly take the word of those that have used it and got well and the physicians that prescribed it over hand wringing losers such as yourself.

The doctors that did the research and trials say it doesn’t work but some solo practice strip mall pediatrician says it works and that’s good enough for you?

I’m not going to make you wear a mask. But people like you are the reason why this pandemic isn’t going away. Thanks asshole.
Numerous doctors have said it works, dipshit.....and damn straight you are not going to "make me" wear a mask. You would be sucking your meals through a straw for a long time if you did.
There’s a thing called evidence based medicine. It means we do what the evidence proves works.

If a doctor is saying that it works, that’s not evidence based medicine.

The AMA is incorporated, did you know that? I didn't think so.
If my doctor says it works, that is all I need to know and it's none of your fucking business either.

The AMA doesn’t have anything to do with it.

The best data says it doesn’t work.
Data like the amount that tested positive with tainted swabs? Those that never got tested but told that their test came back positive? Motorcycle wreck victims counted as COVID deaths? Take your "data" and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.
No, like data from placebo controlled randomized prospective trials.

Thats the kind of data that modern medicine is built upon. Don’t like it? I guess we could go back to trying to bleed the evil humors off of you. Doctors used to say that worked too.
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.
And the attack continues! But still a empty argument.. poor democrats
It is not an attack. Nor is it an argument. It is a presentation of facts that are, unfortunately, beyond your ability to comprehend
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender

Imbecile, if she did as she claimed, there would be medical records. So yes, if it's true, it can be proven.

Are you ever not a mindlessly squawking parrot?

so you want us to get medical records of hundreds of people we dont know???

like I said your question was just dumb and a deflection,,,
In other words, you merely accept her outrageous claim simply because she said it and you like hearing it. You like the way it feelz. That's kind of how my kids felt about the tooth fairy when they were little. Thanks for unwittingly admitting you have the mind of a 6 year old.
why are you so focused on her when there are hundreds of doctors making the same claim???

Really??? Where. Where are these peer reviewed studies that say the drug works on Covid?

Covid is a virus. Malaria, the drug it was designed for, is a bacteria. Lupus, another drug it’s used to treat, is an autoimmune disorder.

Hydroxycloroquine has NEVER been used successfully in the treatment of ANY virus, and was tried on both SARS and MERS.

Why is it so important to you that people do not take this drug and live?
Because it's not the cure. And if imbeciles fool themselves into believing it is, they won't look for the actual cure.
no one claimed it a cure,,,

^^^ another idiot who's not paying attention.
Seriously? You don't know how to follow a thread? Look at the poster I replied to, for a clue.
Or remain clueless. Your choice.
The liberals are now going after a Black Doctor. Do black lives matter?
And again, the only one bringing up race -- is you, ya flaming racist.
You brought up witchcraft because she’s from Africa..

Uh, no, ya flaiming racist. I said nothing about witchcraft or Africa. That you feel the need to lie like that to cover for your own unabashed racism reveals more about you than I'm sure you intended.
Just stop attacking black woman..
Why? She's not normal. Has absolutely nothing to do with her being black and everything to do with her believing there are reptilians in our government, believing women are contracting illnesses for having sex with demons in their sleep, and believing alien DNA is used in medicine.
Is that weirder than believing there are 47 genders? That homosexuality is natural as well as cross-dressing/trans-genderism? Two plus two = 5 if it is reached by consensus? The slow push towards normalizing pedophilia?
That last one I am sure you can appreciate, lil faun....

Her beliefs are not any more bizarre than those of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies.
Dale, Fk an A dude. Nice work. Yeah, how about all these racist demofks who think there's more gender than man and woman. hahahahahahaha, Guess that keeps them in that hypocrisy drawer they sleep in.
I'll go with science rather than your bloviating bought off scumbag GOP pundits, brainwashed functional moron.

Don't use HQC, frankie, I don't give a shit if you do or don't. I don't give a shit about you or your health in the slightest. But the point is who the fuck has the right to deny someone of the treatment they want? What happened to "My body, my choice" leftards tout so much? You are a fucking hypocritical sack of leftest shit.
It appears you can get it if you want it, but we will continue to remind you that it's totally stupid garbage propaganda and lies like everything else you know LOL
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.
And the attack continues! But still a empty argument.. poor democrats
It is not an attack. Nor is it an argument. It is a presentation of facts that are, unfortunately, beyond your ability to comprehend
Sure where is your argument to her findings? Opps lol
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Huffing-puffington Post with the far left extremist Nick Robin- Early that also comes across as an angry queer?

Well played, Progressive sure laid down some serious debunking info with serious "street cred".

Your ad homonyms do not exactly make you sound smart or credible. Refute it or shut the hell up
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.
And the attack continues! But still a empty argument.. poor democrats
It is not an attack. Nor is it an argument. It is a presentation of facts that are, unfortunately, beyond your ability to comprehend
Sure where is your argument to her findings? Opps lol
If she presents them; we can discuss it.
Pffft Post
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.
So you're an expert in medicine and as well as a lawyer?
I never claimed to be a lawyer. I have more medical expertise than most.

Don't use HCQ then, but people should have that option without their doctor being hassled, asswipe.

The problem is people thinking they don’t need to do things like wear masks and social distance because they think there’s a cure.

That kind of misinformation is going to make this worse.
Hey, dipshit, explain how a mask prevents YOUR germs from not reaching someone but yet doesn't prevent you from getting someone else's that is over six feet away? I don't wear a mask...gotta problem with that? Tough shit. I will certainly take the word of those that have used it and got well and the physicians that prescribed it over hand wringing losers such as yourself.

The doctors that did the research and trials say it doesn’t work but some solo practice strip mall pediatrician says it works and that’s good enough for you?

I’m not going to make you wear a mask. But people like you are the reason why this pandemic isn’t going away. Thanks asshole.
Numerous doctors have said it works, dipshit.....and damn straight you are not going to "make me" wear a mask. You would be sucking your meals through a straw for a long time if you did.
There’s a thing called evidence based medicine. It means we do what the evidence proves works.

If a doctor is saying that it works, that’s not evidence based medicine.

Thats nice.

There, there kiddo. Let the adults handle it. This is a little complicated for you.

I wouldn't categorize a limp-wristed leftist POS (such as yourself) as an adult and especially one that wishes to dictate what people may or may not use if they get sick because of a sick leftist agenda.
Go fuck yourself, lil boy.

You’re just another dumb shit tool who is programmed to believe what their told and nothing else.

People like you are useless.
There you go talking about yourself again. Me, me, me it's always all about you isnt it?
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.
And the attack continues! But still a empty argument.. poor democrats
It is not an attack. Nor is it an argument. It is a presentation of facts that are, unfortunately, beyond your ability to comprehend
Sure where is your argument to her findings? Opps lol
If she presents them; we can discuss it.
She did you democrats are silencing her.. Stalin like tactics
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Huffing-puffington Post with the far left extremist Nick Robin- Early that also comes across as an angry queer?

Well played, Progressive sure laid down some serious debunking info with serious "street cred".

Your ad homonyms do not exactly make you sound smart or credible. Refute it or shut the hell up
You’re literally shutting down a black doctor from speaking
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.
And the attack continues! But still a empty argument.. poor democrats
It is not an attack. Nor is it an argument. It is a presentation of facts that are, unfortunately, beyond your ability to comprehend
Sure where is your argument to her findings? Opps lol
If she presents them; we can discuss it.
She did you democrats are silencing her.. Stalin like tactics
Really? Where did she submit her data?
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.
And the attack continues! But still a empty argument.. poor democrats
It is not an attack. Nor is it an argument. It is a presentation of facts that are, unfortunately, beyond your ability to comprehend
Sure where is your argument to her findings? Opps lol
If she presents them; we can discuss it.
She did you democrats are silencing her.. Stalin like tactics
Really? Where did she submit her data?
In her speech.. check it out 350, 100%
They are banning this black woman's voice on Twitter ,,

next time you call republicans racist.
View attachment 368236

Twitter's Jack Dorsey is a piece of shit!....they are banning everything and anything Conservative in Twitter!

Dr. Stella Immanuel knows exactly what she and the Doctors are talking about! she is also asking people who have been cured by Hydroxychloroquine to come forward and tell the rest of the world the truth!

What an amazing woman!:up:

So? Go post on Parler then. You idiots do have choices.

Are you saying Twitter's Jack Dorsey doesn't like the truth?

That Twitter has a problem with a doctor speaking the truth about Hydroxychloroquine?

That Twitter doesn't care about saving lives?

No, I'm saying Twitter is done with folks posting bullshit, especially when such bullshit can be harmful to their members. Rightards can't stand reality so they need to create their own, complete with alternative facts. So now they live in a bubble of their own creation with conservapedia because wikipedia doesn't spread their delusions. Now we have Parler because Twitter doesn't spread their delusions. What's next? Your own NFL?

So like I said, you idiots have choices. So why are you still bitching and moaning about Twitter?

Look at you! Posting links to research like a big boy!

Now this, for future reference, is an actual argument. Much more effective than the "you are attacking her because she is black" nonsense you were apparently copying from the leftists.

You’re the one attacking what she said you’re attacking a board-certified African-American doctor

Yes, I am. Any medical doctor who believes that demons cause illness deserves to be mocked and ridiculed. I stand by that.

But I absolutely reject your claim that I am attacking her because of her race.

So you can’t argue about her findings of the life-saving drug Trump discovered? You’re just attacking her personal views , of the voodoo that she practices in her culture.. Interesting

The link you posted suggests more studies on the effectiveness of the drug. I never said the drug didn't work. I questioned using her as anything more than a laughable example of rushing to put people in front of a camera.

As for cultural practices, does that include her claims that alien dna is being used in medical research? Or her claim that governments have been infiltrated by reptilians who disguise themselves as humans?

If her cultural practices include preaching that dream sex with demons causes gynecological illnesses, it shows her medical knowledge to be tainted. It is that simple. Ovarian cysts, endometriosis and other problems women have can be serious.

OK you’re just gonna continue to troll the black women.. troll somewhere else racist

Trolling means posting just for the reaction. I am ridiculing her for ignoring her medical training in favor of crackpot beliefs.

I think I'll stick around here. You using the democrat's "you're a racist" nonsense is hilarious.

She ignored medical training treating Covid ? Link?

She ignored her medical training. You added the "covid". To my knowledge, she hasn't had any training concerning Covid-19. She is an ER doctor.
Pffft Post
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
View attachment 368215are you calling her a liar?

No idea who she is or what she’s doing. I only know what the data shows, which in medicine is the only thing that should count.
So you're an expert in medicine and as well as a lawyer?
I never claimed to be a lawyer. I have more medical expertise than most.

Don't use HCQ then, but people should have that option without their doctor being hassled, asswipe.

The problem is people thinking they don’t need to do things like wear masks and social distance because they think there’s a cure.

That kind of misinformation is going to make this worse.
Hey, dipshit, explain how a mask prevents YOUR germs from not reaching someone but yet doesn't prevent you from getting someone else's that is over six feet away? I don't wear a mask...gotta problem with that? Tough shit. I will certainly take the word of those that have used it and got well and the physicians that prescribed it over hand wringing losers such as yourself.

The doctors that did the research and trials say it doesn’t work but some solo practice strip mall pediatrician says it works and that’s good enough for you?

I’m not going to make you wear a mask. But people like you are the reason why this pandemic isn’t going away. Thanks asshole.
Numerous doctors have said it works, dipshit.....and damn straight you are not going to "make me" wear a mask. You would be sucking your meals through a straw for a long time if you did.
There’s a thing called evidence based medicine. It means we do what the evidence proves works.

If a doctor is saying that it works, that’s not evidence based medicine.

Thats nice.

There, there kiddo. Let the adults handle it. This is a little complicated for you.

It's not.
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol
She is a lunatic who passes herself off as a doctor and happens to be black
Why are you attacking her!? She’s board certified. Do people have a right to listen to board-certified doctors to give an outtake?

Any person who steps into the public arena, after claiming that gynecological problems are caused by dream sex with demons, or that vaccines are using alien DNA, will get attacked, mocked, and laughed at. There are already some hilarious memes out there. It is not because she is black. It is because she is crazy as a loon.

People have a right to listen to anyone they want.
or you can stick to the OP and discuss the 350 patients. Can you do that?

I can also question the credibility of the only witness (so far) to her curing 350 patients.
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol
She is a lunatic who passes herself off as a doctor and happens to be black
Why are you attacking her!? She’s board certified. Do people have a right to listen to board-certified doctors to give an outtake?

Any person who steps into the public arena, after claiming that gynecological problems are caused by dream sex with demons, or that vaccines are using alien DNA, will get attacked, mocked, and laughed at. There are already some hilarious memes out there. It is not because she is black. It is because she is crazy as a loon.

People have a right to listen to anyone they want.
So you’re going to continue the attack on the black doctor.. You can argue with her questionable lifestyle but if you can’t argue the point maybe you should just go take a hike loser

Her "lifestyle" is blaming diseases on demons. And none of her cures have been proven to be due to the drugs she is spouting so much about. 99% of people with covid-19 get better.
It works for here and the Dozen or so doctors that spoke up.
all he has to do is prove she didn't. then I'll listen to him. otherwise he's just another mouse looking for cheese.

Attack character vs evidence. I'm still laughing.

Evidence? What evidence. She claims she did. But I have seen no evidence.

And as far as her character goes, for a medical doctor to claim physical ailments are caused by demons should give everyone pause.
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