Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works

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Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
but the data on the ground says in some cases it does,,,
No, it doesn’t. Some data from retrospective observational studies suggested it, but in order to prove it works, you need better research studies.

Guess what happened when they did better studies?
guess what happened when they used it???
people got better,,
Guess what happens to people when they don’t use it? They get better too.
Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
Except for the patients that used it and were cured disagree. Why does it bother you
How do they know they were cured by it?
they didnt die and recovered sooner,,,
How do they know they recovered “sooner”?
Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
but the data on the ground says in some cases it does,,,
No, it doesn’t. Some data from retrospective observational studies suggested it, but in order to prove it works, you need better research studies.

Guess what happened when they did better studies?
guess what happened when they used it???
people got better,,
Guess what happens to people when they don’t use it? They get better too.
according to the MSM they are dying in droves,,,
Democrats just erased a black doctor from the Internet and trashed her. Lol IS THIS THE TWILIGHT ZONE? Lol

She is still out there talking about the reptilians disguised as humans, illnesses being caused by dream sex with demons and witches, and vaccines being made with alien DNA.

But as far as her being an authority on covid-19? Yeah, she is gone. You can try and make it about race if you want. But crazy is crazy.
Wow attacking a board-certified doctor.. is this because she’s African so she has to be a witch?
You can't stop spouting racist shit, can ya?

No man............PROG-rules & race-cards, you know how it's played.

PROGS don't like her cuz she failed to mansplain the situation properly. They make fun of fat people too, and they ignore science when it conflicts with their religion (i.e., PROG). Oh forgot one, she's from another country, so PROGS are xenophobic as well.
No, we don't like her cause she's batshit insane. Righties like her because she's promoting a drug Impeached Trump promoted.

lil faun = racist
^^^ conspiracy nut
A conspiracy nut that destroys your lame attempts at rebuttal.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!! Huffing-puffington Post with the far left extremist Nick Robin- Early that also comes across as an angry queer?

Well played, Progressive sure laid down some serious debunking info with serious "street cred".

Your ad homonyms do not exactly make you sound smart or credible. Refute it or shut the hell up
You’re literally shutting down a black doctor from speaking
I am shutting down a dangerous and insane person who is ranting about demons and telling lies
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Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
Except for the patients that used it and were cured disagree. Why does it bother you
How do they know they were cured by it?
they didnt die and recovered sooner,,,
How do they know they recovered “sooner”?
cause they said so,,,
Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
but the data on the ground says in some cases it does,,,
No, it doesn’t. Some data from retrospective observational studies suggested it, but in order to prove it works, you need better research studies.

Guess what happened when they did better studies?
guess what happened when they used it???
people got better,,
Guess what happens to people when they don’t use it? They get better too.
according to the MSM they are dying in droves,,,
Most don’t.
No. That’s how research is done in the real world
Yep, in research lab environments
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
youre one to talk,,,
If y’all would actually listen to me, you might get an education in how medical research is done.
Doesn’t sound like they did research. They merely presented data
Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
but the data on the ground says in some cases it does,,,
No, it doesn’t. Some data from retrospective observational studies suggested it, but in order to prove it works, you need better research studies.

Guess what happened when they did better studies?
guess what happened when they used it???
people got better,,
Guess what happens to people when they don’t use it? They get better too.
according to the MSM they are dying in droves,,,
Most don’t.
didnt you here??
we are all in danger of dying at any minute,,,
Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
but the data on the ground says in some cases it does,,,
No, it doesn’t. Some data from retrospective observational studies suggested it, but in order to prove it works, you need better research studies.

Guess what happened when they did better studies?
guess what happened when they used it???
people got better,,
Guess what happens to people when they don’t use it? They get better too.
according to the MSM they are dying in droves,,,
Most don’t.
Present the data
Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
Except for the patients that used it and were cured disagree. Why does it bother you
How do they know they were cured by it?
they didnt die and recovered sooner,,,
How do they know they recovered “sooner”?
cause they said so,,,
But they have no way of knowing what would have happened if they didn’t take the drug.
PROGS don't like her because:

They're racist and the woman is black

They reject science when it conflicts with their religion (aka free-flowing PROG-doctrine).

She's a foreigner and they're xenophopes.

She didn't mansplain the situation which is sexism.

Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
Except for the patients that used it and were cured disagree. Why does it bother you
How do they know they were cured by it?
they didnt die and recovered sooner,,,
How do they know they recovered “sooner”?
cause they said so,,,
But they have no way of knowing what would have happened if they didn’t take the drug.
and neither do you,,,

so let them try it if they want to,,,its not hurting you,,,
No. That’s how research is done in the real world
Yep, in research lab environments
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
youre one to talk,,,
If y’all would actually listen to me, you might get an education in how medical research is done.
Doesn’t sound like they did research. They merely presented data
Presenting data=research.
No. That’s how research is done in the real world
Yep, in research lab environments
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
youre one to talk,,,
If y’all would actually listen to me, you might get an education in how medical research is done.
Doesn’t sound like they did research. They merely presented data
Presenting data=research.
its old data that was researched before the kungflu existed,,,
Yeah, so?
So their conclusions aren’t reliable.
Ok! So? BTW, why does it bother you so that someone gained relief?
I’n trying to protect people from false medical information.
well you are failing miserably,,,

do you believe in "right to try"???

Sometimes, in the right circumstances.
who are you to decide for other people???

Treatments require a physician to prescribe them. First do no harm. It’s medical ethics.
doctors are the ones prescribing it,,,

its not like they are buying it on the streets,,,

And they have a responsibility to their patients to not harm them.
as of yet I havent heard that they have,,,

and wouldnt it be harming them if they denied it when its been proven to help in some cases???

I’m opposed to doctors saying false things like claiming somethings been proven when it hasn’t.
how do you know its false or what their success's are with it???
Because the data shows it doesn’t work.
but the data on the ground says in some cases it does,,,
No, it doesn’t. Some data from retrospective observational studies suggested it, but in order to prove it works, you need better research studies.

Guess what happened when they did better studies?
guess what happened when they used it???
people got better,,
Guess what happens to people when they don’t use it? They get better too.
according to the MSM they are dying in droves,,,
Most don’t.
didnt you here??
we are all in danger of dying at any minute,,,
Didn’t I what? Early on our worst case scenario was a mortality rate of 2.3%. So we always knew that most would survive.
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