Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations

SO let's review shall we?

THE SAME THING, DONE BY THE SAME GUY went on under Bush. NO INDICTMENTS were made until the Obama administration CLEANED IT UP.

yeah let's review........"Oh fuck.....Obama's can we find a way to blame Bush for it all?" :cuckoo: Unbelievable.

So there WASN'T a gun walking operation going on in the Bush years?

And it wasn't run by the SAME GUY?

And Bushco didn't get ONE SINGLE INDICTMENT, but the Obama Admin did?

You guys shat in the punchbowl, and now have the nerve to complain that someone else didn't clean your mess up fast enough or to your liking. Pathetic.

Tell me, what does it FEEL like to have your OPINION, utterly DESTROYED by the facts?

This is a government program designed to take away citizens right to firearm ownership

Holder says He and obama would like to reinstate the assault weapons ban to help gun violence in Mexico. Well isn't that special maybe they should take assault weapons out of the hand of the government and place them back in the hands of responsible people like the law abiding citizen.

[ame=]Attorney General: Obama to Seek Ban on Semi-Automatic Rifles - YouTube[/ame]
Yes,they got Brian Terry and countless others murdered so they could push their political agenda. This is worse than Watergate. Someone needs to be held accountable.
So there WASN'T a gun walking operation going on in the Bush years?

And it wasn't run by the SAME GUY?

And Bushco didn't get ONE SINGLE INDICTMENT, but the Obama Admin did?

You guys shat in the punchbowl, and now have the nerve to complain that someone else didn't clean your mess up fast enough or to your liking. Pathetic.

Tell me, what does it FEEL like to have your OPINION, utterly DESTROYED by the facts?

Ok so let me get this straight. Your position is that since a sting operation was performed under the Bush administration that it's perfectly fine for the Obama administration in 2009 to arm drug dealers and murders which resulted in the death of an American Border Patrol agent in order for the ATF to make an argument for stricter gun control laws? And you think you have laid down a whuppin? :cuckoo:

I do have to thank you though. Without you establishing a basis for comparison I would not be able to appreciate the intelligence of other posters.
Yes,they got Brian Terry and countless others murdered so they could push their political agenda. This is worse than Watergate. Someone needs to be held accountable.

Someone should but no one has the backbone to do it. So we continue to allow it to happen.
Ok so let me get this straight. Your position is that since a sting operation was performed under the Bush administration that it's perfectly fine for the Obama administration in 2009 to arm drug dealers and murders which resulted in the death of an American Border Patrol agent in order for the ATF to make an argument for stricter gun control laws? And you think you have laid down a whuppin? :cuckoo:

I do have to thank you though. Without you establishing a basis for comparison I would not be able to appreciate the intelligence of other posters.

As I said:
These people are fracking insane.
Sarah Brady accosted Obama on why he wasn't moving faster on gun control, early in the administration.
Obama replied "But my dear, we are. There are things going on under the radar."
Now we know what he meant by 'under the radar'

Hitler maintained a level of plausable deniability between himself and the "Final Solution". At the Wanssee Conference, nothing was in writing and they spoke in riddles.
Ok so let me get this straight. Your position is that since a sting operation was performed under the Bush administration that it's perfectly fine for the Obama administration in 2009 to arm drug dealers and murders which resulted in the death of an American Border Patrol agent in order for the ATF to make an argument for stricter gun control laws? And you think you have laid down a whuppin? :cuckoo:

I do have to thank you though. Without you establishing a basis for comparison I would not be able to appreciate the intelligence of other posters.

As I said:
These people are fracking insane.

Insane doesn't cut it. Trying to blame Bush for Operation Fast and Furious is about as logical as saying Nancy Pelosi keeps getting re-elected based on sex appeal. God have mercy!
Ok so let me get this straight. Your position is that since a sting operation was performed under the Bush administration that it's perfectly fine for the Obama administration in 2009 to arm drug dealers and murders which resulted in the death of an American Border Patrol agent in order for the ATF to make an argument for stricter gun control laws? And you think you have laid down a whuppin? :cuckoo:

I do have to thank you though. Without you establishing a basis for comparison I would not be able to appreciate the intelligence of other posters.

As I said:
These people are fracking insane.

Insane doesn't cut it. Trying to blame Bush for Operation Fast and Furious is about as logical as saying Nancy Pelosi keeps getting re-elected based on sex appeal. God have mercy!

okey dokey now that was funny
Here's the classic lib insane plan aka current administration.

Academia for you. Lets give a whole batch of mexican drug dealers an insane amount of lethal weapons so we can prove for once and for all we need gun control.

Anybody else getting how nuts this is? But Eric, Janet's boy, you know that douche killing Americans on American soil with American law enforcement officers he's your AG now.
Here's the classic lib insane plan aka current administration.

Academia for you. Lets give a whole batch of mexican drug dealers an insane amount of lethal weapons so we can prove for once and for all we need gun control.

Anybody else getting how nuts this is? But Eric, Janet's boy, you know that douche killing Americans on American soil with American law enforcement officers he's your AG now.'s criminal. Prior to this story I dismissed the idea that it was done for political reasons. I figured it was simply a very bad idea that went very wrong but the motivation was correct. Now with these documents apparently revealed....ok now it's a different story. The motivation was politics, not the safety and security of the nation.

Article III: Section 3 of the constitution says: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Boy......sounds like this fits the bill to me.
Too bad (for the anti gun loons, I mean) than an 'assault weapon' ban will never pass Constitutional muster.
(Just how foul is the stench emanating from Eric Holder and his DOJ? Let us count the ways. It is ironic that Barack Obama requested Secret Service protection in 2008 for an astonishing, unprecedented number of his cabinet appointees. He knew full well, in advance, just how devastating their actions in implementing his programs on the American People would be on the people of this country and he didn't want their work interrupted prematurely by something as simple as a 9MM cranial ventiolation.)

"Let’s believe all that; what are we left with? Let Holder sum it up:

“Although the department has taken steps to ensure that such tactics are never used again . . . we will continue to feel the effects of this flawed operation for years to come. Guns lost during this operation will continue to show up at crime scenes on both sides of the border.”

There you have it: One of the most incompetent (at best) and murderous operations ever undertaken in the name of the Justice Department, and all the attorney general can do is say they’ve closed the barn door now that the horses have fled, taking the guns and ammo with them.

Oh, and promise to get to the bottom of things . . . someday."

A Fast & Furious state of mind | Power Line

"Holder, Blago, Richardson: Triangle of Sleaze
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2011

It was a rough week for the corruptocracy. White House officials better ho-ho-hold on tight because the sleigh ride isn’t going to get any smoother.

On Wednesday, disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, D-Ill., received a 14-year prison sentence for scheming to sell President Barack Obama’s Senate office, along with several other pay-for-play schemes. Blago played the distressed daddy for the federal judge, invoking his young daughters and wife (who held her notoriously foul tongue in check) to bemoan how his “life is in ruins.”

How far Blago’s fallen from the glory days of 2008, when he was gloating at the prospect of naming a candidate to fill then-President-elect Obama’s seat. “I’ve got this thing, and it’s f**king golden,” he crowed. All that glitters now, though, are the paparazzi flash bulbs that Blago faces on his perp walks.

Earlier this week, Bill Richardson, former Democratic governor of New Mexico, disgraced former presidential candidate and failed Obama Commerce Secretary nominee, faced new reports of a federal grand jury into his possible violations of campaign finance laws. The funny-money business is tied to an alleged mistress payoff a la disgraced former presidential candidate and Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C.

Additionally, the Wall Street Journal reports, investigators are probing how “Richardson’s close allies steered more than $2 billion of public money into investment funds run by money managers who in turn agreed to pay millions of dollars in consulting fees to high-profile Democratic fundraisers and other supporters of Richardson.”

The star that joined together this little constellation of sleaze? Disgraced U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder."

Michelle Malkin » Holder, Blago, Richardson: Triangle of Sleaze
“Although the department has taken steps to ensure that such tactics are never used again . . . we will continue to feel the effects of this flawed operation for years to come. Guns lost during this operation will continue to show up at crime scenes on both sides of the border.”

There you have it: One of the most incompetent (at best) and murderous operations ever undertaken in the name of the Justice Department, and all the attorney general can do is say they’ve closed the barn door now that the horses have fled, taking the guns and ammo with them.

Oh, and promise to get to the bottom of things . . . someday."

Yeah O.J. said that too
(To Georgia Democrat Hank Johnson, when Guam isn't in danger of capsizing and sinking, the TeaParty and the NRA Republicans manufactured F&F. Now altogether now, lets watch Alice go down the rabbit hole. Some dogs, even when you take and rub their noses in their sh!t, still won't learn)

"No doubt Democrats like Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson agree. Reporter Michelle Fields didn’t make him say what he said, but, if she hadn’t asked a question, he never would have said this quote, which was especially revealing about what he knows of the Fast and Furious scandal:

“I think this is another manufactured controversy by the second amendment, NRA Republican tea party movement,” Johnson said.

Hmm. How exactly did the Tea Party Movement or the NRA instigate an ATF program to sell firearms to straw purchasers and then rapidly lose track of the weapons?"

Congressman claims Tea Party, NRA “manufactured” Fast and Furious « Hot Air

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