Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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Positive board change doesn't come from the top down, but rather from the common poster up.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Its the right wingers doing most of that.
This phenomenon of name calling and insults and generalizations is the bad side of free speech, but free speech none the less....I don't think the board moderators can really do anything about it...

Of course they can do something about it, as I mentioned a little earlier in a post I wrote while you were writing this one. And it's effective.

BTW, "free speech" refers to the government not being allowed to censor people, restrict their speech etc. Private discussion boards like this one, have no such rule. If the owner(s) and moderators want to make personal attacks forbidden, they can. And if board members don't like it, they can leave, and/or start their own board and try to keep a membership.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Its the right wingers doing most of that.

Only if you are blind...
Yes, in a public board you get results by not participating in the frays and/or boycotting the boards which act in a manner you object to.
There are posters who posess a great deal of self control on this board. I am not one of them sadly.

I do however enjoy reading the carefully thought out arguments of both sides. Just not the ones who post novels as op's
I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid racists and Teapers are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

ROFL! Says the guy who just engaged in moronic name calling. You're one of the worst offenders.

Look at your avatar, asshole...that is how you post. I reply in kind, it is that simple.

Nonetheless, the PM's and the negs from racist teapers calling me ****** was enough for me to not care anymore (and USMB not caring but encouraging it). What is your excuse?
If poster B is an idiot Monday through Saturday, my expectations for Sunday are sadly much the same as the rest of the week.
I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid racists and Teapers are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

ROFL! Says the guy who just engaged in moronic name calling. You're one of the worst offenders.

Look at your avatar, asshole...that is how you post. I reply in kind, it is that simple.

Nonetheless, the PM's and the negs from racist teapers calling me ****** was enough for me to not care anymore (and USMB not caring but encouraging it). What is your excuse?

So your excuse is you are forced into it? Interesting?

As a side note, you never start any of this right?
There are quality discussions to be had, but it takes searching, patience, and a willingness to understand different points of view. Look for people who treat others with respect, regardless of political ideology, and keep them in mind when looking for a good chat.
I've been here for a couple of days, just reading and getting a feel for the way things work. I've come to the conclusion that 80% of the posters are trolls, 15% are fools, 4% are partisan hacks and 1% are genuine people who want to discuss and debate.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

It's worse than that.

Even when one submits a post with objective, documented facts, the attacks and denials continue.
I've been here for a couple of days, just reading and getting a feel for the way things work. I've come to the conclusion that 80% of the posters are trolls, 15% are fools, 4% are partisan hacks and 1% are genuine people who want to discuss and debate.

Kindly point out the one percent, we can actually do something about those people. :D
ROFL! Says the guy who just engaged in moronic name calling. You're one of the worst offenders.

Look at your avatar, asshole...that is how you post. I reply in kind, it is that simple.

Nonetheless, the PM's and the negs from racist teapers calling me ****** was enough for me to not care anymore (and USMB not caring but encouraging it). What is your excuse?

So your excuse is you are forced into it? Interesting?

As a side note, you never start any of this right?

:lmao: Who said I was forced into anything. If someone wants a respectful discussion, then they will act as if they want a respectful discussion and I will reply in kind. But veiled racism and overt racist comments are going to manifest vitriol.

As to your side simply mirror the Teapers. They are just too stupid to realize it.
I've been here for a couple of days, just reading and getting a feel for the way things work. I've come to the conclusion that 80% of the posters are trolls, 15% are fools, 4% are partisan hacks and 1% are genuine people who want to discuss and debate.

All that in a couple days? Good grief we're all doomed.....
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