Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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Nonsense threads get nonsense posts. Do we need to take a look at the active topics.

How about we explore the rampant racism and hate spewed by a massive amount of members.

If you truly feel racism on the board try ignoring those you think are the worst culprits rather than obsessing over it?
Every person that dives into a race discussion is not a racist. Likewise every thread about race isn't a net negative.
It is certainly one issue that will never get any better by ignoring it.

If someone wants to have an honest discussion ...then there will be an honest discussion. Asking why blacks vote for democrats is fine...if you want an honest discussion. My opinion, if you wanted an honest discussion you would post it in the CDZ to keep the low brow racists out...OR...when the low brow racists try to derail your condemn them instead of thanking them for 'helping' your argument. If you start a control it, not your allies. What do crime stats have to do with why blacks vote democrat?
Most here don't see it as broken. The Matrix wants it that way. You guys better find a phone quick.
Get rid of the racists and the quality of threads will greatly increase and the quality of the posts will increase.

We used to do that here, when I was a mod....if a slew of new stormfront type members came here, we just banned them from the get go....we didn't censor their speech, they just were not invited or welcomed, to the game.

But they are kind of hard to spot now since some people hate our President with a passion, and he also happens to be black.....things are said that probably would not normally be said by just regular ole folk type members...and also, this process may have been changed by management, I dunno?

No, they are not hard to spot at all. The way I see it, many of the racists are some of the most 'respected' members on this forum.
Another part of the problem is there's no final resolution to the conflicts, even when a given position is proven to be wrong, there's no concession on the part of those proven wrong; later someone else seeks to propagate the same failed premise and the conflict starts again, again with no final resolution – frustration and insults inevitably ensue.

Not true. Just the other day Careforall confronted me on my thread about people getting up to 6k for taking in an illegal. I did some further digging on a different site and came back and admitted she was right. After that the thread basically died, as it should have.
I've been here for a couple of days, just reading and getting a feel for the way things work. I've come to the conclusion that 80% of the posters are trolls, 15% are fools, 4% are partisan hacks and 1% are genuine people who want to discuss and debate.

Welcome. You'll learn that on most forums trolls increase forum hits which pleases mods. Since most forums out there are prevalently conservative and run by conservatives, or even worse libertarians, the number of constructive posts diminishes rapidly.

It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

It's worse than that.

Even when one submits a post with objective, documented facts, the attacks and denials continue.

Or they run off and start a new thread on the same subject.
Another part of the problem is there's no final resolution to the conflicts, even when a given position is proven to be wrong, there's no concession on the part of those proven wrong; later someone else seeks to propagate the same failed premise and the conflict starts again, again with no final resolution – frustration and insults inevitably ensue.

Not true. Just the other day Careforall confronted me on my thread about people getting up to 6k for taking in an illegal. I did some further digging on a different site and came back and admitted she was right. After that the thread basically died, as it should have.

Report to the nearest reprograming station please. We gotta do better testing.
Nonsense threads get nonsense posts. Do we need to take a look at the active topics.

How about we explore the rampant racism and hate spewed by a massive amount of members.

If you truly feel racism on the board try ignoring those you think are the worst culprits rather than obsessing over it?
Every person that dives into a race discussion is not a racist. Likewise every thread about race isn't a net negative.
It is certainly one issue that will never get any better by ignoring it.

If someone wants to have an honest discussion ...then there will be an honest discussion. Asking why blacks vote for democrats is fine...if you want an honest discussion. My opinion, if you wanted an honest discussion you would post it in the CDZ to keep the low brow racists out...OR...when the low brow racists try to derail your condemn them instead of thanking them for 'helping' your argument. If you start a control it, not your allies. What do crime stats have to do with why blacks vote democrat?

I can't control the direction of any thread. People are free to post as they see fit. I do regularly call out blatant racism. I defend Michelle Obama from personal attacks as well as her children. I have most of the obvious racists on ignore. I also neg them if it is bad.
Thing is I dont take everything someone posts at face value. You simply can't always grasp what someone is trying to convey without the context of facial expressions or tone inflection.
I also see the race card played far too often. It becomes meaningless in many ways. Efforts need to be made in saying it only where truly appropriate.
I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid racists and Teapers are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

The irony meter just maxed out with that response.

Why is that? Racism is acceptable but speaking out against it is not?

Labeling anyone you disagree with as racist to try and silence them from speaking their mind is not speaking out against racism it is though a form of racism. If your really as concerned about racism as you claim you will give this some serious thought though we both know you wont.
Most here don't see it as broken. The Matrix wants it that way. You guys better find a phone quick.

It is what it is. It is a racist forum so it gets the respect it deserves

There are some racists yes, on both sides. There are some clear loons, on both sides. There are honest posters, on both sides.
It is your choice to focus on the ones you want while ignoring the others. You get out of it what you put into it like anything else.
The irony meter just maxed out with that response.

Why is that? Racism is acceptable but speaking out against it is not?

Labeling anyone you disagree with as racist to try and silence them from speaking their mind is not speaking out against racism it is though a form of racism. If your really as concerned about racism as you claim you will give this some serious thought though we both know you wont.

See, that is nonsense. I call people racists who spew racist nonsense. Your labeling argument is just a tactic so you can say whatever you choose or so you can silence someone who disagrees with you. I have been called a racist more times than the real racists...just for disagreeing with a fucking teaper. It is nonsense.
Another part of the problem is there's no final resolution to the conflicts, even when a given position is proven to be wrong, there's no concession on the part of those proven wrong; later someone else seeks to propagate the same failed premise and the conflict starts again, again with no final resolution – frustration and insults inevitably ensue.

Not true. Just the other day Careforall confronted me on my thread about people getting up to 6k for taking in an illegal. I did some further digging on a different site and came back and admitted she was right. After that the thread basically died, as it should have.

Actually, you continued to argue the point after you realized your error. You didn't concede your point. You admitted your error.

CCJ is right. There is no conflict resolution. As Bill Maher puts it.....we have lots of "zombie lies". They just don't die.

The OP is, in my opinion, a person who regularly posts shit that invites insults and mocking. You get what you ask for. Avoid saying ridiculous hyperbole filled things and you might see the better side of others.
USMB is not a racist forum. There are members that are allowed to voice their actual racism, and member who are allowed to insinuate others are racists with much hyperbole. It would be better to allow the discussions to happen, rather than use political correctness to try and hush people one thinks are racist. I would rather people civilly and calmly tore apart the truly racist comments of others.
People need to set the example, and make it known what should and shouldn't be tolerated in our community.

I think we should discard our political enmity for one another, not be so quick to rush to judgment on the motives of others, and avoid personally attacking each other at all costs. We have in our hands the ability to change the landscape of our community, but it will take effort, patience, conviction, and numbers.

I think you have mistaken USMB for a political fund raising venue. Which Congressional district is the focus of your future campaign?

It sounds pretty good though ... so that is going ok.

Another part of the problem is there's no final resolution to the conflicts, even when a given position is proven to be wrong, there's no concession on the part of those proven wrong; later someone else seeks to propagate the same failed premise and the conflict starts again, again with no final resolution – frustration and insults inevitably ensue.

Not true. Just the other day Careforall confronted me on my thread about people getting up to 6k for taking in an illegal. I did some further digging on a different site and came back and admitted she was right. After that the thread basically died, as it should have.

Actually, you continued to argue the point after you realized your error. You didn't concede your point. You admitted your error.

CCJ is right. There is no conflict resolution. As Bill Maher puts it.....we have lots of "zombie lies". They just don't die.

The OP is, in my opinion, a person who regularly posts shit that invites insults and mocking. You get what you ask for. Avoid saying ridiculous hyperbole filled things and you might see the better side of others.

Here is my thread. Feel free to point out how I continued my original point. Or just admit you're full of it.

I posted a link with the CORRECT information.
And the message board came and said I shall put enmity between thee and the opposing political view. And the board saw it was good for traffic and that was the eighth day.
Why is that? Racism is acceptable but speaking out against it is not?

Labeling anyone you disagree with as racist to try and silence them from speaking their mind is not speaking out against racism it is though a form of racism. If your really as concerned about racism as you claim you will give this some serious thought though we both know you wont.

See, that is nonsense. I call people racists who spew racist nonsense. Your labeling argument is just a tactic so you can say whatever you choose or so you can silence someone who disagrees with you. I have been called a racist more times than the real racists...just for disagreeing with a fucking teaper. It is nonsense.
You just can't handle being called out on your bullshit your perfectly willing and happy to label anyone else as racist that you see fit but someone dares to slap the racist label on you well they must be racist now that is nonsense at it's best.
USMB is not a racist forum. There are members that are allowed to voice their actual racism, and member who are allowed to insinuate others are racists with much hyperbole. It would be better to allow the discussions to happen, rather than use political correctness to try and hush people one thinks are racist. I would rather people civilly and calmly tore apart the truly racist comments of others.

USMB is a racist forum. Racism is accepted as the norm and anyone who speaks out against it is attacked. The rules do not apply to the racists as they are allowed to do as they please. Of course, we cannot discuss this because discussing mod inaction when it comes to racists blatantly breaking the rules is the only rule that is enforced.

Perhaps if you were a minority, you would understand how it is tiresome to see a comment in every fucking thread about how all blacks are stupid, on welfare or whatever nonsense.
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