Does anybody know why Trump

Dr Grump

Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2006
From the Back of Beyond
has chosen Baghdad Bob as his press secretary? Bit like the inauguration I guess. Any credible person up for the job didn't want it....

Sean Spicer Baghdad Bob.

has chosen Baghdad Bob as his press secretary? Bit like the inauguration I guess. Any credible person up for the job didn't want it....

Sean Spicer Baghdad Bob.

This is literally the function of every Press Secretary: Spout whatever nonsense the administration tells them to.
has chosen Baghdad Bob as his press secretary? Bit like the inauguration I guess. Any credible person up for the job didn't want it....

Sean Spicer Baghdad Bob.

It's so funny how Democrats see that so clearly with Republicans and how completely blind to the exact same thing you are to Democrats and your ridiculous and useless press secretaries.

I look at him and saw wow, another useless press secretary. You look at it through your partisan glasses. Anyway, now you know how your press secretaries looked to normal people
has chosen Baghdad Bob as his press secretary? Bit like the inauguration I guess. Any credible person up for the job didn't want it....

Sean Spicer Baghdad Bob.

This is literally the function of every Press Secretary: Spout whatever nonsense the administration tells them to.

no it is not the function of the press secretary to lie. there is a difference between presenting facts in the light most favorable to the administration and lying while saying they're giving "alternative facts".

even you should be able to tell the difference
This is hilarious, after enduring the puppets of Obama, Josh Earnest and Jay The Clown Carney the left is suddenly concerned about press secretaries
has chosen Baghdad Bob as his press secretary? Bit like the inauguration I guess. Any credible person up for the job didn't want it....

Sean Spicer Baghdad Bob.

Perhaps President Trump thought Spicer would treat the press with the disrespect they deserved for their biased reporting of the campaigns.

It's their fault that he said what he did to billy bush? That he mocked a disabled person? Was racist towards a judge who might have to rule on trump university? The press didn't exactly treat Clinton with kid gloves over her emails.
This is hilarious, after enduring the puppets of Obama, Josh Earnest and Jay The Clown Carney the left is suddenly concerned about press secretaries

more lies from the skanky one.

do try to tell the truth... at least once in your life

Oh go troll someone else you flamer....or I'll point out your legendary whopper "you're a high powered attorney from New York" guess is the only time you were ever in a court room was for a fraud trial...your own. You're certainly no attorney and never have been one
has chosen Baghdad Bob as his press secretary? Bit like the inauguration I guess. Any credible person up for the job didn't want it....

Sean Spicer Baghdad Bob.

Perhaps President Trump thought Spicer would treat the press with the disrespect they deserved for their biased reporting of the campaigns.

It's their fault that he said what he did to billy bush? That he mocked a disabled person? Was racist towards a judge who might have to rule on trump university? The press didn't exactly treat Clinton with kid gloves over her emails.

In a private conversation with Billy Bush Trump made fun of his groupies and Clinton took that statement out of context, dishonestly claimed it applied to all women and made it the centerpiece of her failed campaign.

What he said about the judge was foolish and perhaps paranoid, but it was not racist. We all know a large part of the Hispanic vote was based on hostility to Trump's plan to deport illegal immigrants, so it is not implausible that a Hispanic judge's decision might, consciously or unconsciously, be influenced by such considerations.

Both the press and the Justice Department did treat Clinton's emails with kid gloves. A grand jury should have been convened to consider charges but Obama's Attorney General refused.
has chosen Baghdad Bob as his press secretary? Bit like the inauguration I guess. Any credible person up for the job didn't want it....

Sean Spicer Baghdad Bob.

This is literally the function of every Press Secretary: Spout whatever nonsense the administration tells them to.

no it is not the function of the press secretary to lie. there is a difference between presenting facts in the light most favorable to the administration and lying while saying they're giving "alternative facts".

even you should be able to tell the difference

No, there isn't. Furthermore, it's the function of all administration officials to lie for the administration. Just ask DNI Clapper given he lied under oath.
In a private conversation with Billy Bush Trump made fun of his groupies and Clinton took that statement out of context, dishonestly claimed it applied to all women and made it the centerpiece of her failed campaign.

What he said about the judge was foolish and perhaps paranoid, but it was not racist. We all know a large part of the Hispanic vote was based on hostility to Trump's plan to deport illegal immigrants, so it is not implausible that a Hispanic judge's decision might, consciously or unconsciously, be influenced by such considerations.

Both the press and the Justice Department did treat Clinton's emails with kid gloves. A grand jury should have been convened to consider charges but Obama's Attorney General refused.

They were not his groupies. They found him disgusting.

When you base your opinion solely on somebody's surname and ethnicity, that is racism. If the judge in question had a record of finding against a certain type of people or race, Trump's criticism was valid. He assumed because the judge had an Hispanic surname that somehow that would affect the judge's decision. That is as blatant racism as you can get - basing a decision on somebody's ethnicity.

The FBI didn't have enough to go after Clinton. Period.
has chosen Baghdad Bob as his press secretary? Bit like the inauguration I guess. Any credible person up for the job didn't want it....

Sean Spicer Baghdad Bob.

Imp Press

That's the image the pushy media want us to believe in. If, for once, it is accurate; it just shows Trump's contempt for them that he would hire someone like that.
In a private conversation with Billy Bush Trump made fun of his groupies and Clinton took that statement out of context, dishonestly claimed it applied to all women and made it the centerpiece of her failed campaign.

What he said about the judge was foolish and perhaps paranoid, but it was not racist. We all know a large part of the Hispanic vote was based on hostility to Trump's plan to deport illegal immigrants, so it is not implausible that a Hispanic judge's decision might, consciously or unconsciously, be influenced by such considerations.

Both the press and the Justice Department did treat Clinton's emails with kid gloves. A grand jury should have been convened to consider charges but Obama's Attorney General refused.

They were not his groupies. They found him disgusting.

When you base your opinion solely on somebody's surname and ethnicity, that is racism. If the judge in question had a record of finding against a certain type of people or race, Trump's criticism was valid. He assumed because the judge had an Hispanic surname that somehow that would affect the judge's decision. That is as blatant racism as you can get - basing a decision on somebody's ethnicity.

The FBI didn't have enough to go after Clinton. Period.
If you listen tot he tape, Trump was clearly referring to his groupies, who will do anything to get close to a star, but Clinton with the help of a biased media took that comment out of context and fooled people like you into believing he was talking about all women.

There is good reason to believe that many people of Hispanic heritage were biased against Trump because of this policies about illegal immigrants and since Trump believed the judge's decisions were justified by the facts of the case, there were grounds to suspect the judge might have been biased for the same reasons. There is no record of Trump being racist toward Hispanics so it is a stretch to think this remark was based on racism.

Clinton's top staff refused to talk to the FBI until they were granted immunity from prosecution, so they clearly thought there were grounds for criminal proceedings.
This is hilarious, after enduring the puppets of Obama, Josh Earnest and Jay The Clown Carney the left is suddenly concerned about press secretaries

more lies from the skanky one.

do try to tell the truth... at least once in your life

Says the lying POS who tried to pawn off she is a high powered attorney? Really? :lmao:

i don't have to lie to poindscum like you. you still haven't figured that out, white trash.
If you listen tot he tape, Trump was clearly referring to his groupies, who will do anything to get close to a star, but Clinton with the help of a biased media took that comment out of context and fooled people like you into believing he was talking about all women.

There is good reason to believe that many people of Hispanic heritage were biased against Trump because of this policies about illegal immigrants and since Trump believed the judge's decisions were justified by the facts of the case, there were grounds to suspect the judge might have been biased for the same reasons. There is no record of Trump being racist toward Hispanics so it is a stretch to think this remark was based on racism.

Clinton's top staff refused to talk to the FBI until they were granted immunity from prosecution, so they clearly thought there were grounds for criminal proceedings.

I heard the tape. He was not talking about his groupies. He was talking about how his celebrity allowed him to grab women's pussies.

There is a record of him being racist towards blacks. I reiterate, when you base your decisions on the ethnicity of somebody that is racism. Especially when that person has no history of showing bias. It is Trump reacting to something based on his on prejudices.

And they got immunity and they still didn't go after her.

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