Does anyone but me want to opt out of the whole Trump/anti-Trump "thing"?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I'm not even watching FOX News anymore because I'm so sick of hearing about it.

I turned it on today and they were saying that someone wants to appoint a Special Prosecutor to look into Russian interference in the election.

I just turned it off, because I'm no longer interested.

I see both sides as equally ridiculous, and if I keep the TV off and don't check the news, I don't have to think about how the leaders of our country are being so incredibly stupid.

Who else is sick of this?
I'm not even watching FOX News anymore because I'm so sick of hearing about it.

I turned it on today and they were saying that someone wants to appoint a Special Prosecutor to look into Russian interference in the election.

I just turned it off, because I'm no longer interested.

I see both sides as equally ridiculous, and if I keep the TV off and don't check the news, I don't have to think about how the leaders of our country are being so incredibly stupid.

Who else is sick of this?

Everyone is screaming and no one is listening. Party before country. Not a good time, and yeah, both parties are responsible for this.
I have a television in my living room which hasn't been turned on in over a year. I sometimes use it when my kids and grands come to visit and we will watch a DVD. Most anything I want to watch is available online. I have Netflix and Amazon Prime, and I have a huge collection of old movies and documentaries. I download daily podcasts from my favorite conservatives and that's where I stay informed on events of the day. I also have sources online for reading and researching.

I remember when I first stopped watching television regularly... at that time, I kept the TV on CNN or FoxNews all the time... or the Weather Channel if weather was bad. But I really noticed things were more peaceful and serene for me. I couldn't get over what a difference it made. Just not being constantly bombarded with information. I used to listen to a lot of talk radio when driving, now... it annoys me. I had rather pop in a CD and listen to The Band.
What do you mean by the "Trump thing?" Is it something more than pointing out the deception and violence of the Left in this country? The rest of us are simply waiting for his appointments to be confirmed so that we can evaluate his policies and legislation.

However, I do agree that the incessant attention to the antics of his detractors have become boring to watch or listen to. Any suggestions?
I'm not even watching FOX News anymore because I'm so sick of hearing about it.

I turned it on today and they were saying that someone wants to appoint a Special Prosecutor to look into Russian interference in the election.

I just turned it off, because I'm no longer interested.

I see both sides as equally ridiculous, and if I keep the TV off and don't check the news, I don't have to think about how the leaders of our country are being so incredibly stupid.

Who else is sick of this?

I'm there, the politico posturing is getting real old.
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I turned it [FOX] on today and they were saying that someone wants to appoint a Special Prosecutor to look into Russian interference in the election....the leaders of our country are being so incredibly stupid....

The homosexual Shep Smith keeps on spewing fake news and the lie of "Russian interference" just like his friends on MSNBC and CNN. There was no Russian interference and generally only homosexuals, retarded idiots, and leftwing, anti-White "leaders" claim there was.
The big news now is that Kellyanne Conway put her feet up on a couch in the Oval Office. This is now way beyond stupid.
It's hard to believe that we were handed a historical win in this time in our history, and the soldiers are tiring before the fight has ever begun ? Don't be defeatist soldiers, and fight onward in this most important time in our history. Implement new policy with extreme due diligence, and run the libs off of the hill for once. Only allow them back up on the hill when they learn to behave themselves.
I'm not even watching FOX News anymore because I'm so sick of hearing about it.

I turned it on today and they were saying that someone wants to appoint a Special Prosecutor to look into Russian interference in the election.

I just turned it off, because I'm no longer interested.

I see both sides as equally ridiculous, and if I keep the TV off and don't check the news, I don't have to think about how the leaders of our country are being so incredibly stupid.

Who else is sick of this?

I'm beyond sick of it.
Fox is generally fair and balanced. At least it is light years above the craziness on MSNBC and CBS and ABC and CNN and the Comedy channel. It's interesting that Fox has been including opinions lately by moderate PBS info babe Moira Liasson these days.
Fox is generally fair and balanced. At least it is light years above the craziness on MSNBC and CBS and ABC and CNN and the Comedy channel. It's interesting that Fox has been including opinions by moderate PBS info babe Moira Liasson these days in the discussion sessions.
Wherever from did that attitude come? I see it exists, but I don't understand why it has been allowed to persist.
I think it's a combination of influences. A 24-hour news cycle, in which the tiniest thoughts and silliest notions are allowed to fester and grow; media "pundits" who have a vested professional interest in making their "fans" angry and keeping them that way; our "selfie" culture, in which so many have convinced themselves that they're little Limbaughs and Olbermanns and just have to be their own little running partisan talk show; and, of course, the internet, which simply amplifies all of it exponentially.

I don't see how this gets fixed.
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