Does Anyone NOT Think Hillary is Corrupt?

ut lying under oath was a slam dunk,

wow. I was not even paying attention back then. Lying under oath in a courtroom? convicted? Impeached? As I remember he served out full term and is the HERO of "these people"? No harm no foul? I wonder why he got to work thru it all? I saw him recently sway the DemWits to vote BHO!
ut lying under oath was a slam dunk,

wow. I was not even paying attention back then. Lying under oath in a courtroom? convicted? Impeached? As I remember he served out full term and is the HERO of "these people"? No harm no foul? I wonder why he got to work thru it all? I saw him recently sway the DemWits to vote BHO!
As president he was exempt from criminal prosecution. He was impeached but not removed because the Senate was filled with cowards.
Why haven't you been able to prove she is corrupt even once?

Like the IRS or other recent scandals, SHE has about 1/4 of FED GOVT covering it all up? or so it seems to ordinary man? Others are doing actual Prison time for less offense concerning top secret Federal documents.
Her day will come, sooner or later her lie's and corruption will catch up with her...
It was not. It turned up evidence of deep corruption. It led to the impeachment of the President of the United States. Anyone who denies that is an ignorant cocksucker.

it did no such thing. It turned up a blow job and stained blue dress. Big fucking deal. Clinton's sex life had nothing to do with you. I love how you cons hate sex but don't mind being fucked up the arse by a president who sends you into two useless wars, or another who sells arms to Iran (Raygun). You guys are batshit crazy.

A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.
Her day will come, sooner or later her lie's and corruption will catch up with her...

It has....many times, but she is PROTECTED by the MSM from any BAD PRESS about them!
Bullshit. No other politician has sold access to her office for money from foreign governments. No other politician has the record of sleaze and corruption--from Travelgate to Whitewater to Rose Office billing records to...who knows what. There is not another comparable politiician--Republican or Democrat--that has an unparalleled record of corruption going back 40 years the way Hillary does.

Bullshit yourself. So watergate is not as bad? Nor Iran Contra? Sorry, sending 4000+ US servicemen and women off to die on a lie is not only worse, it should be impeachable. Bush and his cabal (Cheney, Wolfie et al) should be in the Fed Pen for a long, long time. Whitewater??? HA!! A real estate deal gone bad compares to Iraq and Afghanistan? The hatred in this one is strong...
When a CEO has a sexual relationship with a subordinate it is everybody's business. Clinton lied under oath, whcih is a felony. He was disbarred for it too.

No it's not. It's nobody's business. The lying was the issue and he got what he deserved. Of course, Bush lies and 100s of 1000s of people are now dead, but he gets away scot free. So you can lie about something personal and get crucified, but you can get 1000s of people killed at get away with it. Glad to see where you moral compass is - not in a good place.
When a CEO has a sexual relationship with a subordinate it is everybody's business. Clinton lied under oath, whcih is a felony. He was disbarred for it too.

No it's not. It's nobody's business. The lying was the issue and he got what he deserved. Of course, Bush lies and 100s of 1000s of people are now dead, but he gets away scot free. So you can lie about something personal and get crucified, but you can get 1000s of people killed at get away with it. Glad to see where you moral compass is - not in a good place.
Did you miss the entire thread here?
Clinton lied under oath. Bush didnt lie at all.
Clinton abused his position to have sex with a subordinate.
Bush didnt abuse his position at all.

Your moral compass is "Dem-good. GOP-bad". Bush has nothing to do with any of this. But you have to drag him in because you are losing the argument really badly.
How do you defend bosses who prey on subordinates for sex? I think that says a lot about your lack of ethics.
A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.

that is your opinion. As long are both willing participants I have no issue. History is littered with CEOs who have slept with staff, some even going to get married. If he blackmailed Lewinsky, or similar, then, yes, that is a different matter.

A president sending people to die (Iraq/Afghanistan) on a lie; or deciding that they can send arms to sworn enemies (Iran/Contra) has much more lasting affect on the American people than a blow job. It cracks me up no end how neocon whackos almost burst a blood vessel over Clinton getting a blow job, but talk about Dumbya and his miscreants and suddenly it's a different issue. It's pathetic.

He's got more smarts than most presidents before and after him.
Hillary is not an honest person, she can't tell the truth and never has been able to. That said, many politicians fall into the same category.

I don't trust her she is to far up Wall Street's ass for her to make a positive difference for the working middle class.

Thats why they need a higher turnover rate in washington, they need to get all the old blood out . No more, bushes, clintons Kennedys, etc. time to start over with people who don't have so much invested in their political career. they are no longer public servants
It was not. It turned up evidence of deep corruption. It led to the impeachment of the President of the United States. Anyone who denies that is an ignorant cocksucker.

it did no such thing. It turned up a blow job and stained blue dress. Big fucking deal. Clinton's sex life had nothing to do with you. I love how you cons hate sex but don't mind being fucked up the arse by a president who sends you into two useless wars, or another who sells arms to Iran (Raygun). You guys are batshit crazy.

A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.
That's simply not true. In the corporate world, men cover for other men and give each other breaks all the time. The President of the large corporation I worked for was married and had 4 children with his wife, had an affair with his young secretary...she became pregnant with his child, wanted the president to divorce his wife...leaked the affair at the office a real scandal in the 200 person corporate office....and all the company did was transfer him to another division of the Corp, across the nation in California.... he kept his salary and bonuses...and got a new chance to save his marriage with his wife.
Why haven't you been able to prove she is corrupt even once?

Like the IRS or other recent scandals, SHE has about 1/4 of FED GOVT covering it all up? or so it seems to ordinary man? Others are doing actual Prison time for less offense concerning top secret Federal documents.

Ordinary people see it as unfounded claims.
Why haven't you been able to prove she is corrupt even once?

Like the IRS or other recent scandals, SHE has about 1/4 of FED GOVT covering it all up? or so it seems to ordinary man? Others are doing actual Prison time for less offense concerning top secret Federal documents.

No doubt, she has a lot of Washington resources to protect her, people dedicated to her damage control. Its bullshit, we don't need a leader like this.
She needs to take her money and get the hell out of Washington forever
Is she corrupt =yes
Is she dumb enough to gut our ability to lead and invest in our own country no.

No one is perfect in our government. I'll choose the better of the choices...Hillary clinton.
Clinton lied under oath. Bush didnt lie at all.
Clinton abused his position to have sex with a subordinate.
Bush didnt abuse his position at all.

Your moral compass is "Dem-good. GOP-bad". Bush has nothing to do with any of this. But you have to drag him in because you are losing the argument really badly.
How do you defend bosses who prey on subordinates for sex? I think that says a lot about your lack of ethics.

Oh, sorry my bad. Lying under oath is soooo much different from lying generally.

Bush didn't abuse his power? You're right. He was totally incompetent. It was his puppet masters who did the abusing on his behalf. Mind you, 'not knowing' is not an excuse. He is just as guilty.

Clinton did not abuse his position. You mean Monica "the opportunist" Lewinsky is innocent in all this? Is that what you're trying to peddle here?

I'm a centrist. What I'm not is a shill for the neocon whackjob right like you have been and always will be.

Oh, so Clinton preyed on Lewinsky. I'm sure she felt real bad about it. You get that impression from her after all the interviews and how she ingratiated herself upon him. Clinton was a sleeze no doubt. But I'd rather have a sleeze in office who is smart, knew what he was doing and actually got things done than a pretzel-munching, neocon puppet whose only raison d'etre is to line his cronies pockets and send people off to war to die when none of them were willing to do it themselves.

What did Bush give you other than two unnecessary wars and a massive depression?
Why haven't you been able to prove she is corrupt even once?

Like the IRS or other recent scandals, SHE has about 1/4 of FED GOVT covering it all up? or so it seems to ordinary man? Others are doing actual Prison time for less offense concerning top secret Federal documents.

Ordinary people see it as unfounded claims.

She stonewalls just like in her email fiasco, until people become so tired of hearing about it. She's a wonderful lawyer. She knows the tactics well.
This is why we don't need lawyers running washington, they never tell it to you straight, or you have people around them using the 5th
A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.

that is your opinion. As long are both willing participants I have no issue. History is littered with CEOs who have slept with staff, some even going to get married. If he blackmailed Lewinsky, or similar, then, yes, that is a different matter.

A president sending people to die (Iraq/Afghanistan) on a lie; or deciding that they can send arms to sworn enemies (Iran/Contra) has much more lasting affect on the American people than a blow job. It cracks me up no end how neocon whackos almost burst a blood vessel over Clinton getting a blow job, but talk about Dumbya and his miscreants and suddenly it's a different issue. It's pathetic.

He's got more smarts than most presidents before and after him.
This isnt about Pres. GW Bush.
You think Clinton didnt send people to die? SOmalia ring a bell?
See Stonecipher, Harry for what happens when CEOs have even consenting relationships with subordinates.
Clinton lied under oath. Bush didnt lie at all.
Clinton abused his position to have sex with a subordinate.
Bush didnt abuse his position at all.

Your moral compass is "Dem-good. GOP-bad". Bush has nothing to do with any of this. But you have to drag him in because you are losing the argument really badly.
How do you defend bosses who prey on subordinates for sex? I think that says a lot about your lack of ethics.

Oh, sorry my bad. Lying under oath is soooo much different from lying generally.

Bush didn't abuse his power? You're right. He was totally incompetent. It was his puppet masters who did the abusing on his behalf. Mind you, 'not knowing' is not an excuse. He is just as guilty.

Clinton did not abuse his position. You mean Monica "the opportunist" Lewinsky is innocent in all this? Is that what you're trying to peddle here?

I'm a centrist. What I'm not is a shill for the neocon whackjob right like you have been and always will be.

Oh, so Clinton preyed on Lewinsky. I'm sure she felt real bad about it. You get that impression from her after all the interviews and how she ingratiated herself upon him. Clinton was a sleeze no doubt. But I'd rather have a sleeze in office who is smart, knew what he was doing and actually got things done than a pretzel-munching, neocon puppet whose only raison d'etre is to line his cronies pockets and send people off to war to die when none of them were willing to do it themselves.

What did Bush give you other than two unnecessary wars and a massive depression?
George W Bush was one of the better presidents in this country. He had to deal with a terrorist attack, thanks to his predecessor, 2 wars, and 2 recessions. His performance was pretty good, winning the wars and stopping the recessions.
Obama has been a total and complete fuck up from Day One. Every victory lost. Every opportunity squandered. Every advantage given away.
You still fail to understand that a CEO sleeping with a subordinate is a big no no in our culture. Maybe it's because you've never worked a responsible job.
Clinton lied under oath. Bush didnt lie at all.
Clinton abused his position to have sex with a subordinate.
Bush didnt abuse his position at all.

Your moral compass is "Dem-good. GOP-bad". Bush has nothing to do with any of this. But you have to drag him in because you are losing the argument really badly.
How do you defend bosses who prey on subordinates for sex? I think that says a lot about your lack of ethics.

Oh, sorry my bad. Lying under oath is soooo much different from lying generally.
Lying under oath is a felony. You get that, right?
What felonies did Bush commit? Yeah, none.

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