Does Anyone NOT Think Hillary is Corrupt?

it did no such thing. It turned up a blow job and stained blue dress. Big fucking deal. Clinton's sex life had nothing to do with you. I love how you cons hate sex but don't mind being fucked up the arse by a president who sends you into two useless wars, or another who sells arms to Iran (Raygun). You guys are batshit crazy.

A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.
That's simply not true. In the corporate world, men cover for other men and give each other breaks all the time. The President of the large corporation I worked for was married and had 4 children with his wife, had an affair with his young secretary...she became pregnant with his child, wanted the president to divorce his wife...leaked the affair at the office a real scandal in the 200 person corporate office....and all the company did was transfer him to another division of the Corp, across the nation in California.... he kept his salary and bonuses...and got a new chance to save his marriage with his wife.

So that makes it okay? It was wrong of your President to put the company in that position and opened the company for a huge lawsuit.

Wrong is wrong. I don't care about party.
uhhhhh, who in the heck said it was okay? why deflect from what I was initially responding to where you indicated that in the private sector he would be gone....?

Also at a second corporation that I worked for, the vice president ended up having a relationship with a girl 20 years younger than him that worked in data entry as a manager....right out of college, no one knew it until they were heading down to the keys for the weekend and they got in a head on collision, she was hurt badly, hospitalized for 3 months, he was driving a company car.... the company let HER GO when she tried to come back to work, while still in a wheel chair....the vice president, they kept....

Trust me, there is still, even with all the new sexual harassment courses corps make management take, a boys club of scratching and covering, each others backs in the private sector, just like there used to be, for Presidents, before Clinton.

and NO, I am not saying this is A-OK....

And a person in the power position needs to be let go. If I worked in a company that did not punish the power position, I would leave.

And again, Clinton was wrong and should have had the common courtesy to resign and let Gore assume the Presidency. If had been Bush, I would feel the same.
sadly near none of them do punish the guilty... they get huge exit packages, or huge bonuses for bringing these companies to their knees like Wall Street execs.... it's corrupt.
A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.
That's simply not true. In the corporate world, men cover for other men and give each other breaks all the time. The President of the large corporation I worked for was married and had 4 children with his wife, had an affair with his young secretary...she became pregnant with his child, wanted the president to divorce his wife...leaked the affair at the office a real scandal in the 200 person corporate office....and all the company did was transfer him to another division of the Corp, across the nation in California.... he kept his salary and bonuses...and got a new chance to save his marriage with his wife.

So that makes it okay? It was wrong of your President to put the company in that position and opened the company for a huge lawsuit.

Wrong is wrong. I don't care about party.
uhhhhh, who in the heck said it was okay? why deflect from what I was initially responding to where you indicated that in the private sector he would be gone....?

Also at a second corporation that I worked for, the vice president ended up having a relationship with a girl 20 years younger than him that worked in data entry as a manager....right out of college, no one knew it until they were heading down to the keys for the weekend and they got in a head on collision, she was hurt badly, hospitalized for 3 months, he was driving a company car.... the company let HER GO when she tried to come back to work, while still in a wheel chair....the vice president, they kept....

Trust me, there is still, even with all the new sexual harassment courses corps make management take, a boys club of scratching and covering, each others backs in the private sector, just like there used to be, for Presidents, before Clinton.

and NO, I am not saying this is A-OK....

And a person in the power position needs to be let go. If I worked in a company that did not punish the power position, I would leave.

And again, Clinton was wrong and should have had the common courtesy to resign and let Gore assume the Presidency. If had been Bush, I would feel the same.
sadly near none of them do punish the guilty... they get huge exit packages, or huge bonuses for bringing these companies to their knees like Wall Street execs.... it's corrupt.

I agree with you there. They rich protect the rich.
Lying under oath is a felony. You get that, right?
What felonies did Bush commit? Yeah, none.

Sure. No problem. I have never said otherwise. My point is, a lie is a lie.

What felonies? I don't even know where to start. But when you have friends in high places....
So Clinton lied and committed a felony. Bush didnt lie at all. And when called on it you revert to vague conspiracy theories.
Yeah, you're a partisan hack with nothing but hot air.
It is the most powerful man in the world, it is wrong, it is sexist, it is demeaning to women. The only reason you are okay with it is because he is a Democrat.

It was Monica's choice. I couldn't give a flying fuck who is bonking who. I really couldn't. Is the budget balanced? What is he doing about health? Education? Defense? They're the things I give a fuck about.

Like Monica wasn't up for it. She was just as culpable as him.
No you dont.
Budgets under Obama have been way out of control.
You complain about the Tea Party
Defense has been cut to the point we have the smallest military since before WW2
You complain about the GOP in Congress
The administration is blocking a successful voucher program for poor kids in DC
You rehash the actions of the Bush Administration in Iraq.

No, you are a partisan hack without an ounce of integrity. You dont give a shit about any of it. You only care about sticking it to conservatives/Christians/Republicans because you think they represent evil.
too easy. The massive bust from Clinton last year is one. I will let the board fill in the other.

Nothing to do with Clinton. It was caused by silicon valley and greedy venture capitalists buying up bad ideas. It was a blimp on the horizon compared to the GFC.
So the dot com bust wasnt Clinton's fault but the mortgage meltdown was Bush's.
Do you have an ounce of integrity anywhere n there?
Her day will come, sooner or later her lie's and corruption will catch up with her...
You guys have been saying the same thing for twenty five years

Unfortunately, conspiracy theories do not substitute for facts
I am NOT talking about guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal prosecution; rather a "preponderance of evidence" as would be the standard in a civil law suit. Does anyone not think such evidence already exists? (Why did she relinquish her law license rather than face disbarment? A vast right-wing conspiracy?)

While you're at it, tell me why you think OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife...
Do you think Reagan, bush1, bill, bush or Obama were corrupt?

Do you think rubio, Cruz, jeb, Christie, Paul, fiorino, carson , kasich, trump would be corrupt?

Im trying to figure out if you are truly concerned about political corruption or just being a partisan hack
I am NOT talking about guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal prosecution; rather a "preponderance of evidence" as would be the standard in a civil law suit. Does anyone not think such evidence already exists? (Why did she relinquish her law license rather than face disbarment? A vast right-wing conspiracy?)

While you're at it, tell me why you think OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife...
Do you think Reagan, bush1, bill, bush or Obama were corrupt?

Do you think rubio, Cruz, jeb, Christie, Paul, fiorino, carson , kasich, trump would be corrupt?

Im trying to figure out if you are truly concerned about political corruption or just being a partisan hack
Only Clinton is corrupt. Obama might be although I havent seen much evidence of it. But as a Chicago machine politcian it pretty much goes with the territory.
So Clinton lied and committed a felony. Bush didnt lie at all. And when called on it you revert to vague conspiracy theories.
Yeah, you're a partisan hack with nothing but hot air.

So you're the guy who gives a free pass to the one who initiated an unnecessary sequence of events that led to thousands of US service men and women's deaths, but want to crucify the guy who gets a blow job? No partisan hackery going on there.....
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Ordinary people see it as unfounded claims.

If she did not have Top Secret coming and going thru private server...WHAT was she doing for 6 years? impossible not to have important secret classified sent to her. Or the job is a farce?

She could have been baking cookies or filing away library books. either that or scamming everyone with her private servers. Of course she w,as which is why information had to be dragged out of her.
No you dont.
Budgets under Obama have been way out of control.
You complain about the Tea Party
Defense has been cut to the point we have the smallest military since before WW2
You complain about the GOP in Congress
The administration is blocking a successful voucher program for poor kids in DC
You rehash the actions of the Bush Administration in Iraq.

No, you are a partisan hack without an ounce of integrity. You dont give a shit about any of it. You only care about sticking it to conservatives/Christians/Republicans because you think they represent evil.

The budget is doing much better than it was under You Know Who. That is why the reserve upped the interest rates by .25 percent. Gee, who to believe; the US Fed or some hack on messageboard. What a dilemma - not...

I'm glad defense has been cut. You have nukes. You hardly need anything else. Why should every other dept in the US be cut but not the military. Do you think members should be employed just for sake of it so they can get a govt check? You seem to object to this kind of thing when it involves 'community organisers', but when the military is sucking off the govt teat, everything is A OK. Is that what you are saying?

When you get stuck into a person or political party based on their actions and policies, you open up the other side to scrutiny. The fact you seem to have a problem with that or find it unusual leads me to believe you're not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. I've known this for quite some time, it's nice of you to back it up with almost every post you make.

I haven't mentioned the GoP in Congress....yet...

No, I don't hate the right or conservatives. They do make me laugh more than anything. It appears to me that a lot of them - not all, but a lot - are dumb as posts. And the ones that aren't just love manipulating the rest of the white trash like little puppets. Remember this - as they manipulate you to hate muslims, lefties, women, blacks and hispanics, they're not doing it out of any loyalty to you. They are doing to gain power so they can put into action their own agenda. They couldn't give a shit about you unless you vote for them or they can get you to part with your money.
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So the dot com bust wasnt Clinton's fault but the mortgage meltdown was Bush's.
Do you have an ounce of integrity anywhere n there?

You're the whackjobs who started apportioning blame to various politicians when bad things occurred. Go back and look on this board and see who started the blame game. If you blame Clinton for the Dot Com crash, Bush owns the GFC. If WTC 1 was Clinton's fault, 9-11 was Bush's. If Clinton owns Somalia, the clusterfuck in Iraq and Afghanistan is Bush. And you know what? Isn't it interesting that for every stuff up you want to put at the foot of Clinton, Bush's equivalent is, at a minimum, 10 times worse.
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I am NOT talking about guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal prosecution; rather a "preponderance of evidence" as would be the standard in a civil law suit. Does anyone not think such evidence already exists? (Why did she relinquish her law license rather than face disbarment? A vast right-wing conspiracy?)

While you're at it, tell me why you think OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife...

Who has ever filed a civil lawsuit against Hillary - and won? Also, Ken Starr wasted over $50 million taxpayer dollars - and found nothing. I assume you're also a birther.
Nothing? Starr's investigation led to the impeachment of the president of the United States, only the second one in history.

President Bill Clinton was not impeached. He was acquitted by the Senate.

To be correct, he was impeached. Impeachment is merely the accusation being made. Similar to all the other false accusations that have been made. He was acquitted though.
Having political ails giving you a pass isn't the same as being aquitted

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I am NOT talking about guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal prosecution; rather a "preponderance of evidence" as would be the standard in a civil law suit. Does anyone not think such evidence already exists? (Why did she relinquish her law license rather than face disbarment? A vast right-wing conspiracy?)

While you're at it, tell me why you think OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife...

Who has ever filed a civil lawsuit against Hillary - and won? Also, Ken Starr wasted over $50 million taxpayer dollars - and found nothing. I assume you're also a birther.
Nothing? Starr's investigation led to the impeachment of the president of the United States, only the second one in history.

President Bill Clinton was not impeached. He was acquitted by the Senate.

To be correct, he was impeached. Impeachment is merely the accusation being made. Similar to all the other false accusations that have been made. He was acquitted though.
Having political ails giving you a pass isn't the same as being aquitted

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Being acquitted, as he was, makes him acquitted. Political foes making unfounded accusations doesn't make you guilty.

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