Does Anyone NOT Think Hillary is Corrupt?

This isnt about Pres. GW Bush.
You think Clinton didnt send people to die? SOmalia ring a bell?
See Stonecipher, Harry for what happens when CEOs have even consenting relationships with subordinates.

If you're going to get all OTT outraged about Clinton, then Bush is absolutely relevant to the debate. It's called context. I can understand why you wouldn't want Bush mentioned. Both Clintons look like boy scouts/girl guides compared to the clusterfuck that was the Bush presidency.

Somalia was actually an attempt to bring humanitarian relief to an anarchic country. Iraq and Afghanistan were full blown military invasions bent on regime change. Apples and oranges
Why haven't you been able to prove she is corrupt even once?

Others are doing actual Prison time for less offense concerning top secret Federal documents
sigh...........regurgitating proven lies is unbecoming!

intelligence community had the info she received Classified as top secret, but facts showed the information sent to her was from PUBLIC SOURCES....not from top secret documents.
George W Bush was one of the better presidents in this country. He had to deal with a terrorist attack, thanks to his predecessor, 2 wars, and 2 recessions. His performance was pretty good, winning the wars and stopping the recessions.
Obama has been a total and complete fuck up from Day One. Every victory lost. Every opportunity squandered. Every advantage given away.
You still fail to understand that a CEO sleeping with a subordinate is a big no no in our culture. Maybe it's because you've never worked a responsible job.

You are actually mentally incompetent if you believe any of your blather. What recessions did he stop? The GFC was well underway on his watch.

winning what wars (hint - they're still going). What recession did he stop? It's only in the past 18 months or so youv'e come out of the GFC. The Fed only increased interest rates last week for the first time in 9 years. You're delusional.

Oh, and tell me something new. You're right. From day one the right blamed Obama for all of Bush's fuck ups. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny. How can he be responsible from day one in office for things that were already in motion before he was elected. Only a partisan idiot would see things that way.

Nothing wrong with anybody sleeping with anybody as long as there is consent on both sides. Any blowback is theirs to deal with. Nobody elses business.
Lying under oath is a felony. You get that, right?
What felonies did Bush commit? Yeah, none.

Sure. No problem. I have never said otherwise. My point is, a lie is a lie.

What felonies? I don't even know where to start. But when you have friends in high places....
A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.

that is your opinion. As long are both willing participants I have no issue. History is littered with CEOs who have slept with staff, some even going to get married. If he blackmailed Lewinsky, or similar, then, yes, that is a different matter.

A president sending people to die (Iraq/Afghanistan) on a lie; or deciding that they can send arms to sworn enemies (Iran/Contra) has much more lasting affect on the American people than a blow job. It cracks me up no end how neocon whackos almost burst a blood vessel over Clinton getting a blow job, but talk about Dumbya and his miscreants and suddenly it's a different issue. It's pathetic.

He's got more smarts than most presidents before and after him.

It is the most powerful man in the world, it is wrong, it is sexist, it is demeaning to women. The only reason you are okay with it is because he is a Democrat.
It was not. It turned up evidence of deep corruption. It led to the impeachment of the President of the United States. Anyone who denies that is an ignorant cocksucker.

it did no such thing. It turned up a blow job and stained blue dress. Big fucking deal. Clinton's sex life had nothing to do with you. I love how you cons hate sex but don't mind being fucked up the arse by a president who sends you into two useless wars, or another who sells arms to Iran (Raygun). You guys are batshit crazy.

A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.
That's simply not true. In the corporate world, men cover for other men and give each other breaks all the time. The President of the large corporation I worked for was married and had 4 children with his wife, had an affair with his young secretary...she became pregnant with his child, wanted the president to divorce his wife...leaked the affair at the office a real scandal in the 200 person corporate office....and all the company did was transfer him to another division of the Corp, across the nation in California.... he kept his salary and bonuses...and got a new chance to save his marriage with his wife.

So that makes it okay? It was wrong of your President to put the company in that position and opened the company for a huge lawsuit.

Wrong is wrong. I don't care about party.
Ordinary people see it as unfounded claims.

If she did not have Top Secret coming and going thru private server...WHAT was she doing for 6 years? impossible not to have important secret classified sent to her. Or the job is a farce?
intelligence community had the info she received Classified as top secret, but facts showed the information sent to her was from PUBLIC SOURCES....not from top secret documents.

Not buying it. See post #87. You say they did NOT send her any Classified documents in 6 years work while traveling around? huh? who did they send it to? Some college intern? along for the ride? IF she did not receive any Classified documents then the positions should be eliminated. NOT NEEDED.
It is the most powerful man in the world, it is wrong, it is sexist, it is demeaning to women. The only reason you are okay with it is because he is a Democrat.

It was Monica's choice. I couldn't give a flying fuck who is bonking who. I really couldn't. Is the budget balanced? What is he doing about health? Education? Defense? They're the things I give a fuck about.

Like Monica wasn't up for it. She was just as culpable as him.
So that makes it okay? It was wrong of your President to put the company in that position and opened the company for a huge lawsuit.

Wrong is wrong. I don't care about party.

And that is the problem with the US. It is the most litigious country in the world. In the real world it would never even come close to being a law suit unless there was coercion. People shouldn't have the right to sue because they make dumb decisions. That's America's fault that you are like that, and shouldn't affect decisions people make in all walks of life. If some secretary makes the decision to bonk her boss then that's on her.
too easy. The massive bust from Clinton last year is one. I will let the board fill in the other.

Nothing to do with Clinton. It was caused by silicon valley and greedy venture capitalists buying up bad ideas. It was a blimp on the horizon compared to the GFC.
I am NOT talking about guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal prosecution; rather a "preponderance of evidence" as would be the standard in a civil law suit. Does anyone not think such evidence already exists? (Why did she relinquish her law license rather than face disbarment? A vast right-wing conspiracy?)

While you're at it, tell me why you think OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife...

Who has ever filed a civil lawsuit against Hillary - and won? Also, Ken Starr wasted over $50 million taxpayer dollars - and found nothing. I assume you're also a birther.
Nothing? Starr's investigation led to the impeachment of the president of the United States, only the second one in history.
A political ploy by the Republican House the Republican Senate refused to go along with. Duh! How come you guys never seem to know anything?
Nothing to do with Clinton. It was caused by silicon valley and greedy venture capitalists buying up bad ideas. It was a blimp on the horizon compared to the GFC.

I would not call bust "nothing",. They blame GWB alone for housing crash so it becomes habit who is in office when it goes belly up.....Clinton, sorry about that.

n 2000, the dot-com bubble burst, destroying $6.2 trillion in household wealth over the next two years.
Five years later, the housing market crashed, and from 2007 to 2009, the value of real estate owned by U.S. households fell by nearly the same amount — $6 trillion.

Why the Housing Bubble Tanked the Economy And the Tech Bubble Didn’t
intelligence community had the info she received Classified as top secret, but facts showed the information sent to her was from PUBLIC SOURCES....not from top secret documents.

The more I read that the more confused I become? come again? huh?
Heard a good joke on Sirius the other day. Some guy called in sports talk (black guy?) and said something like "Is your partner gettin' any from Lisa Ann?" Announcer stammered.....Guy says "I want you to spell weigh but take out the F"

announcer says there is "no F in weigh" Black guy goes. "Thar ya go"
It was not. It turned up evidence of deep corruption. It led to the impeachment of the President of the United States. Anyone who denies that is an ignorant cocksucker.

it did no such thing. It turned up a blow job and stained blue dress. Big fucking deal. Clinton's sex life had nothing to do with you. I love how you cons hate sex but don't mind being fucked up the arse by a president who sends you into two useless wars, or another who sells arms to Iran (Raygun). You guys are batshit crazy.

A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.
That's simply not true. In the corporate world, men cover for other men and give each other breaks all the time. The President of the large corporation I worked for was married and had 4 children with his wife, had an affair with his young secretary...she became pregnant with his child, wanted the president to divorce his wife...leaked the affair at the office a real scandal in the 200 person corporate office....and all the company did was transfer him to another division of the Corp, across the nation in California.... he kept his salary and bonuses...and got a new chance to save his marriage with his wife.

So that makes it okay? It was wrong of your President to put the company in that position and opened the company for a huge lawsuit.

Wrong is wrong. I don't care about party.
uhhhhh, who in the heck said it was okay? why deflect from what I was initially responding to where you indicated that in the private sector he would be gone....?

Also at a second corporation that I worked for, the vice president ended up having a relationship with a girl 20 years younger than him that worked in data entry as a manager....right out of college, no one knew it until they were heading down to the keys for the weekend and they got in a head on collision, she was hurt badly, hospitalized for 3 months, he was driving a company car.... the company let HER GO when she tried to come back to work, while still in a wheel chair....the vice president, they kept....

Trust me, there is still, even with all the new sexual harassment courses corps make management take, a boys club of scratching and covering, each others backs in the private sector, just like there used to be, for Presidents, before Clinton.

and NO, I am not saying this is A-OK....
It was not. It turned up evidence of deep corruption. It led to the impeachment of the President of the United States. Anyone who denies that is an ignorant cocksucker.

it did no such thing. It turned up a blow job and stained blue dress. Big fucking deal. Clinton's sex life had nothing to do with you. I love how you cons hate sex but don't mind being fucked up the arse by a president who sends you into two useless wars, or another who sells arms to Iran (Raygun). You guys are batshit crazy.

A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.
That's simply not true. In the corporate world, men cover for other men and give each other breaks all the time. The President of the large corporation I worked for was married and had 4 children with his wife, had an affair with his young secretary...she became pregnant with his child, wanted the president to divorce his wife...leaked the affair at the office a real scandal in the 200 person corporate office....and all the company did was transfer him to another division of the Corp, across the nation in California.... he kept his salary and bonuses...and got a new chance to save his marriage with his wife.

So that makes it okay? It was wrong of your President to put the company in that position and opened the company for a huge lawsuit.

Wrong is wrong. I don't care about party.
uhhhhh, who in the heck said it was okay? why deflect from what I was initially responding to where you indicated that in the private sector he would be gone....?

Also at a second corporation that I worked for, the vice president ended up having a relationship with a girl 20 years younger than him that worked in data entry as a manager....right out of college, no one knew it until they were heading down to the keys for the weekend and they got in a head on collision, she was hurt badly, hospitalized for 3 months, he was driving a company car.... the company let HER GO when she tried to come back to work, while still in a wheel chair....the vice president, they kept....

Trust me, there is still, even with all the new sexual harassment courses corps make management take, a boys club of scratching and covering, each others backs in the private sector, just like there used to be, for Presidents, before Clinton.

and NO, I am not saying this is A-OK....

And a person in the power position needs to be let go.

And again, Clinton was wrong and should have had the common courtesy to resign and let Gore assume the Presidency. If had been Bush, I would feel the same.
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