Does Anyone NOT Think Hillary is Corrupt?

I am NOT talking about guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal prosecution; rather a "preponderance of evidence" as would be the standard in a civil law suit. Does anyone not think such evidence already exists? (Why did she relinquish her law license rather than face disbarment? A vast right-wing conspiracy?)

While you're at it, tell me why you think OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife...

Of course she's corrupt and has been for many years.

Just go back and look at what she and Bill did in Arkansas. Corruption and pay offs. Its the way they operate.
Proof progressives are ether liars or retards. ... which are you?

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Prove corruption
Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

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Since it is wide known and she's walking around , the authorities don't seem to have a problem with it. Next
Lol so because she is free because the first other corrupt democrats that means she isn't corrupt

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I am NOT talking about guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal prosecution; rather a "preponderance of evidence" as would be the standard in a civil law suit. Does anyone not think such evidence already exists? (Why did she relinquish her law license rather than face disbarment? A vast right-wing conspiracy?)

While you're at it, tell me why you think OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife...

Who has ever filed a civil lawsuit against Hillary - and won? Also, Ken Starr wasted over $50 million taxpayer dollars - and found nothing. I assume you're also a birther.

it is hard to prove when she hides billing records and deletes e-mails.
I am NOT talking about guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a criminal prosecution; rather a "preponderance of evidence" as would be the standard in a civil law suit. Does anyone not think such evidence already exists? (Why did she relinquish her law license rather than face disbarment? A vast right-wing conspiracy?)

While you're at it, tell me why you think OJ Simpson didn't kill his wife...

Who has ever filed a civil lawsuit against Hillary - and won? Also, Ken Starr wasted over $50 million taxpayer dollars - and found nothing. I assume you're also a birther.
Nothing? Starr's investigation led to the impeachment of the president of the United States, only the second one in history.

President Bill Clinton was not impeached. He was acquitted by the Senate.

Yes. He was impeached, just like Andrew Johnson, but neither were removed from office by the Senate.
Bullshit. No other politician has sold access to her office for money from foreign governments. No other politician has the record of sleaze and corruption--from Travelgate to Whitewater to Rose Office billing records to...who knows what. There is not another comparable politiician--Republican or Democrat--that has an unparalleled record of corruption going back 40 years the way Hillary does.

Bullshit yourself. So watergate is not as bad? Nor Iran Contra? Sorry, sending 4000+ US servicemen and women off to die on a lie is not only worse, it should be impeachable. Bush and his cabal (Cheney, Wolfie et al) should be in the Fed Pen for a long, long time. Whitewater??? HA!! A real estate deal gone bad compares to Iraq and Afghanistan? The hatred in this one is strong...

Too bad that didn't happen, as much as your liberal fantasies would like it to be.
When a CEO has a sexual relationship with a subordinate it is everybody's business. Clinton lied under oath, whcih is a felony. He was disbarred for it too.

No it's not. It's nobody's business. The lying was the issue and he got what he deserved. Of course, Bush lies and 100s of 1000s of people are now dead, but he gets away scot free. So you can lie about something personal and get crucified, but you can get 1000s of people killed at get away with it. Glad to see where you moral compass is - not in a good place.

I really wish you truly know who lied, maybe one day you will decide to find out.
A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.

that is your opinion. As long are both willing participants I have no issue. History is littered with CEOs who have slept with staff, some even going to get married. If he blackmailed Lewinsky, or similar, then, yes, that is a different matter.

A president sending people to die (Iraq/Afghanistan) on a lie; or deciding that they can send arms to sworn enemies (Iran/Contra) has much more lasting affect on the American people than a blow job. It cracks me up no end how neocon whackos almost burst a blood vessel over Clinton getting a blow job, but talk about Dumbya and his miscreants and suddenly it's a different issue. It's pathetic.

He's got more smarts than most presidents before and after him.

Keep the repeating the lie and maybe one day someone will believe you, just like you did when they lied to you!
It was not. It turned up evidence of deep corruption. It led to the impeachment of the President of the United States. Anyone who denies that is an ignorant cocksucker.

it did no such thing. It turned up a blow job and stained blue dress. Big fucking deal. Clinton's sex life had nothing to do with you. I love how you cons hate sex but don't mind being fucked up the arse by a president who sends you into two useless wars, or another who sells arms to Iran (Raygun). You guys are batshit crazy.

A President having an affair with an intern is abuse of power. Had this been a CEO or manager in any other business it would be the end of the CEO or manager.

The affair is also a compromise of a Presidents power.

Not a smart man that lets his dick make decisions for him.
That's simply not true. In the corporate world, men cover for other men and give each other breaks all the time. The President of the large corporation I worked for was married and had 4 children with his wife, had an affair with his young secretary...she became pregnant with his child, wanted the president to divorce his wife...leaked the affair at the office a real scandal in the 200 person corporate office....and all the company did was transfer him to another division of the Corp, across the nation in California.... he kept his salary and bonuses...and got a new chance to save his marriage with his wife.

Ask all of the members of the military that lost their careers over sexual misconduct if it doesn't happen.
This isnt about Pres. GW Bush.
You think Clinton didnt send people to die? SOmalia ring a bell?
See Stonecipher, Harry for what happens when CEOs have even consenting relationships with subordinates.

If you're going to get all OTT outraged about Clinton, then Bush is absolutely relevant to the debate. It's called context. I can understand why you wouldn't want Bush mentioned. Both Clintons look like boy scouts/girl guides compared to the clusterfuck that was the Bush presidency.

Somalia was actually an attempt to bring humanitarian relief to an anarchic country. Iraq and Afghanistan were full blown military invasions bent on regime change. Apples and oranges

You apparently don't know dick about Somalia. Talk to the men who were there sometime!
So Clinton lied and committed a felony. Bush didnt lie at all. And when called on it you revert to vague conspiracy theories.
Yeah, you're a partisan hack with nothing but hot air.

So you're the guy who gives a free pass to the one who initiated an unnecessary sequence of events that led to thousands of US service men and women's deaths, but want to crucify the guy who gets a blow job? No partisan hackery going on there.....

What does the Iraqi guy code named "Curveball" have to do with the discussion?
Proof progressives are ether liars or retards. ... which are you?

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Prove corruption
Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

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no it wasn't.

PLUS the server was not wiped clean, the FBI has had it 3 months, recovered everything on it, and guess what? Nothing nefarious or corrupt or illegal was done with it by her....again nothing at all was wiped clean...

So, all this right wing hoop dee dah, was simply lies created by them...

Having the server at all was a violation of the law. Having classified information on it was a violation of the law. Do you wish to continue?
Proof progressives are ether liars or retards. ... which are you?

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Prove corruption
Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

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no it wasn't.

PLUS the server was not wiped clean, the FBI has had it 3 months, recovered everything on it, and guess what? Nothing nefarious or corrupt or illegal was done with it by her....again nothing at all was wiped clean...

So, all this right wing hoop dee dah, was simply lies created by them...

Having the server at all was a violation of the law. Having classified information on it was a violation of the law. Do you wish to continue?
They dont get it. They will simply willfully ignore the plain evidence.
Proof progressives are ether liars or retards. ... which are you?

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Prove corruption
Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

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Since it is wide known and she's walking around , the authorities don't seem to have a problem with it. Next
Lol so because she is free because the first other corrupt democrats that means she isn't corrupt

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Try again in English

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