Does Anyone NOT Think Hillary is Corrupt?

Proof progressives are ether liars or retards. ... which are you?

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Prove corruption
Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

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Since it is wide known and she's walking around , the authorities don't seem to have a problem with it. Next
Lol so because she is free because the first other corrupt democrats that means she isn't corrupt

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Try again in English
Why since you speak traitor?

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It is.

But the sources the right wing uses to "accuse and convict" her all come from right wing sources, like the DailyCaller, the Daily Mail, Town hall, Breibart, Fox, DrugeReport, Judicial Watch, Rush, wnd, CNS etc etc etc etc etc....

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!!!
I believe Mrs. Clinton believes she is well educated and smart enough to run the country. I do not think she endorses either faith in God nor humility.
Prove corruption
Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

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Since it is wide known and she's walking around , the authorities don't seem to have a problem with it. Next
Lol so because she is free because the first other corrupt democrats that means she isn't corrupt

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Try again in English
Why since you speak traitor?

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Hang in there Slingblade,the State takes care of retards over a certain age. Help is on the way.
Bullshit. No other politician has sold access to her office for money from foreign governments. No other politician has the record of sleaze and corruption--from Travelgate to Whitewater to Rose Office billing records to...who knows what. There is not another comparable politiician--Republican or Democrat--that has an unparalleled record of corruption going back 40 years the way Hillary does.

Bullshit yourself. So watergate is not as bad? Nor Iran Contra? Sorry, sending 4000+ US servicemen and women off to die on a lie is not only worse, it should be impeachable. Bush and his cabal (Cheney, Wolfie et al) should be in the Fed Pen for a long, long time. Whitewater??? HA!! A real estate deal gone bad compares to Iraq and Afghanistan? The hatred in this one is strong...

Too bad that didn't happen, as much as your liberal fantasies would like it to be.

Yeah, it did...
Proof progressives are ether liars or retards. ... which are you?

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Prove corruption
Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

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Since it is wide known and she's walking around , the authorities don't seem to have a problem with it. Next
Lol so because she is free because the first other corrupt democrats that means she isn't corrupt

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Right.......Another conspiracy theory.
Proof progressives are ether liars or retards. ... which are you?

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Prove corruption
Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

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Since it is wide known and she's walking around , the authorities don't seem to have a problem with it. Next
Lol so because she is free because the first other corrupt democrats that means she isn't corrupt

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Right.......Another conspiracy theory.

The 9/11 truthers could learn a thing or two about cognitive dissonance from the GOP....
Keep the repeating the lie and maybe one day someone will believe you, just like you did when they lied to you!

Maybe he wasn't bright enough to lie. Ignorance is not a defense or an excuse...

Speaking of not being bright enough, how are you and your lib friends going to handle when Hillary gets indicted?
Prove corruption
Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

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Since it is wide known and she's walking around , the authorities don't seem to have a problem with it. Next
Lol so because she is free because the first other corrupt democrats that means she isn't corrupt

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Right.......Another conspiracy theory.

The 9/11 truthers could learn a thing or two about cognitive dissonance from the GOP....
Dip shit seeing as she broke laws and didn't spend one day in jail shows she did so with the help of a corrupt administration. Sad how dishonest you are

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Having her own server for government work was corruption dummy

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Since it is wide known and she's walking around , the authorities don't seem to have a problem with it. Next
Lol so because she is free because the first other corrupt democrats that means she isn't corrupt

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Right.......Another conspiracy theory.

The 9/11 truthers could learn a thing or two about cognitive dissonance from the GOP....
Dip shit seeing as she broke laws and didn't spend one day in jail shows she did so with the help of a corrupt administration. Sad how dishonest you are

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Gee if she's a murderer, couldn't Texas arrest her? Couldn't New Jersey? It's a pretty major crime (murder--not your mental illness)
So Clinton lied and committed a felony. Bush didnt lie at all. And when called on it you revert to vague conspiracy theories.
Yeah, you're a partisan hack with nothing but hot air.

So you're the guy who gives a free pass to the one who initiated an unnecessary sequence of events that led to thousands of US service men and women's deaths, but want to crucify the guy who gets a blow job? No partisan hackery going on there.....

What does the Iraqi guy code named "Curveball" have to do with the discussion?

Do your own work
Ten pounds of shit in a five pound sack. That's Clinton.

And she is winning in the polls against every Republican candidate.

Every. One.


You have to ask yourself, "Hmmmm...what does that say about the Republicans? Merka likes this undeniably evil bitch more than them!"

I beyond fucked up does your party have to be to lose to an Obama or Clinton?

"Oh, we need to turn the manufactured bullshit and bigotry up to 11. Clearly!"
Come on, ragheads. Are you really going to vote for Clinton? Really?

Come on, you rapist, thieving Mexicans. Vote GOP! Why not? Huh?

And you degenerate, abnormal faggots. What's wrong with you? Why you going to vote Democratic? I don't understand. We'll take you back to the golden days of the past when things were terrific.

All you lazy, food stamp abusing, welfare cheating, Obamaphone leeching negroes. Surely you know the GOP will treat you right! Huh? We'll get you down off that porch and back out picking cotton where you were happier. I sure miss the old days, don't you? Things were SO much better then. Come on!
Warp speed ahead to 2017:


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