Does DEI belong in the military?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

DEI has infiltrated our American military like a deadly toxin, making it incapable of defending our shores or our country. The higher-ups in the American armed forces have somehow succumbed to a racist philosophy that recruits, promotes, hires, and rewards black, brown, and Hispanic members at the expense of white people, who need not apply.

Word is out: White people will not be hired or promoted according to merit, nor will they even be allowed to function the way other races function so long as DEI has a branch in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or any other American defense mechanism. In short, hiring and promoting in the military according to race seems to be more important than defending our country. This is suicidal madness.
From a report at The Daily Signal, there is this:

The Heritage Foundation recently hosted a series of panel discussions, ā€˜Seizing the Moment to Defeat DEI,ā€™ that brought together top conservative minds to discuss how to combat what they regard as those divisive leftist policies. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.) ā€¦ a former Army infantry officer, said the military became a testing ground for non-merit-based hiring programs, mainly through affirmative action and later DEI-based hiring practices, emphasizing race and sexual orientation.
When you eliminate merit, you get mediocrity, the very thing a country cannot afford when our very survival as a nation relies on excellence, not mediocrity. When you hire for race or sex, you donā€™t get the best but second best. Or worse ā€” those who couldnā€™t get hired anywhere else because they are simply not good enough. Merit and love of country should be the only criteria by which a person is allowed to serve in our military. This isnā€™t a drag queen contest nor is it a melanin-based endeavor: Our military is supposed to defend and protect our homeland, her infrastructure, and her people. It is not designed to be a venue for social experimentation or reparations. As Rush Limbaugh wisely noted, ā€œOur military is there to kill people and break thingsā€, ā€” over there. If it comes here, ditto. Skin color and oneā€™s sex life are irrelevant, or they should be.

Is the country safer under DEI?

DEI has infiltrated our American military like a deadly toxin, making it incapable of defending our shores or our country. The higher-ups in the American armed forces have somehow succumbed to a racist philosophy that recruits, promotes, hires, and rewards black, brown, and Hispanic members at the expense of white people, who need not apply.

Word is out: White people will not be hired or promoted according to merit, nor will they even be allowed to function the way other races function so long as DEI has a branch in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or any other American defense mechanism. In short, hiring and promoting in the military according to race seems to be more important than defending our country. This is suicidal madness.
From a report at The Daily Signal, there is this:

When you eliminate merit, you get mediocrity, the very thing a country cannot afford when our very survival as a nation relies on excellence, not mediocrity. When you hire for race or sex, you donā€™t get the best but second best. Or worse ā€” those who couldnā€™t get hired anywhere else because they are simply not good enough. Merit and love of country should be the only criteria by which a person is allowed to serve in our military. This isnā€™t a drag queen contest nor is it a melanin-based endeavor: Our military is supposed to defend and protect our homeland, her infrastructure, and her people. It is not designed to be a venue for social experimentation or reparations. As Rush Limbaugh wisely noted, ā€œOur military is there to kill people and break thingsā€, ā€” over there. If it comes here, ditto. Skin color and oneā€™s sex life are irrelevant, or they should be.

Is the country safer under DEI?

we need the best person for each job,,
I used to live in San Diego. I had a cousin who joined the US Marines. I asked her why.

"Because I was dared to. He said I couldn't handle it."

Not a good reason, not at all. Putting a US Marine uniform on a woman doesn't mean she is really a US Marine by normal standards. All of the standards were watered down. The US Marines should be about tough young men wanting to serve and protect America. Front line duty in war is no place for politically correct "US Marines" to have their periods.

Not saying ban women from the military, but front line jobs like Marines, Seals, Green Berets - YEAH BAN THE WOMEN
I used to live in San Diego. I had a cousin who joined the US Marines. I asked her why.

"Because I was dared to. He said I couldn't handle it."

Not a good reason, not at all. Putting a US Marine uniform on a woman doesn't mean she is really a US Marine by normal standards. All of the standards were watered down. The US Marines should be about tough young men wanting to serve and protect America. Front line duty in war is no place for politically correct "US Marines" to have their periods.

Not saying ban women from the military, but front line jobs like Marines, Seals, Green Berets - YEAH BAN THE WOMEN
I know of a marine that joined and his mother said he had a medical condition that needed emergent surgery.

Then after the surgery, he was worse than before.

Next thing you know they shove him out of the service because he was damaged goods and refused to pay his medical expenses.

He only lived 5 more years. He saw a JAG lawyer and he just laughed saying that not treating soldiers was an epidiemic in the military.

Of course, we have all heard of soldiers being denied care for things like Agent Orange in Vietnam or the Gulf war syndrome in Iraq, anything to save a buck or two

Meanwhile, the US government gives billions to the Ukraine and Israel and Iran.

Pure insanity

Let's go Brandon along with your crack head son!!!

DEI has infiltrated our American military like a deadly toxin, making it incapable of defending our shores or our country. The higher-ups in the American armed forces have somehow succumbed to a racist philosophy that recruits, promotes, hires, and rewards black, brown, and Hispanic members at the expense of white people, who need not apply.

Word is out: White people will not be hired or promoted according to merit, nor will they even be allowed to function the way other races function so long as DEI has a branch in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or any other American defense mechanism. In short, hiring and promoting in the military according to race seems to be more important than defending our country. This is suicidal madness.
From a report at The Daily Signal, there is this:

When you eliminate merit, you get mediocrity, the very thing a country cannot afford when our very survival as a nation relies on excellence, not mediocrity. When you hire for race or sex, you donā€™t get the best but second best. Or worse ā€” those who couldnā€™t get hired anywhere else because they are simply not good enough. Merit and love of country should be the only criteria by which a person is allowed to serve in our military. This isnā€™t a drag queen contest nor is it a melanin-based endeavor: Our military is supposed to defend and protect our homeland, her infrastructure, and her people. It is not designed to be a venue for social experimentation or reparations. As Rush Limbaugh wisely noted, ā€œOur military is there to kill people and break thingsā€, ā€” over there. If it comes here, ditto. Skin color and oneā€™s sex life are irrelevant, or they should be.

Is the country safer under DEI?
The ONLY reason to have a military is to defend and protect the United States of America and fulfill its military commitments to its allies should they be attacked.

Toward that end the military should be made up of honorable, intelligent and capable men who are physically and mentally able to perform that duty in the most excellent and profitable way. Women should be included if they can meet the same standards required of the men. Standards should never be lowered so that lesser capable people can qualify.

The only DEI that should apply is that all Americans who want to serve in the military and qualify to do so should have opportunity to apply and among those the military should choose the most qualified and capable.
We've been doing it since Truman ordered the military to desegregate. How else do we take disparate 18 year olds, who often times have not had to interact with people of different backgrounds, and teach them to work together? IF anyone went through basic training, they got "the treatment."
Next thing you know they shove him out of the service because he was damaged goods and refused to pay his medical expenses.

He only lived 5 more years. He saw a JAG lawyer and he just laughed saying that not treating soldiers was an epidiemic in the military.

Of course, we have all heard of soldiers being denied care for things like Agent Orange in Vietnam or the Gulf war syndrome in Iraq, anything to save a buck or two
Really? Doesn't the US military have 'free' socialized health care?

DEI has infiltrated our American military like a deadly toxin, making it incapable of defending our shores or our country. The higher-ups in the American armed forces have somehow succumbed to a racist philosophy that recruits, promotes, hires, and rewards black, brown, and Hispanic members at the expense of white people, who need not apply.

Word is out: White people will not be hired or promoted according to merit, nor will they even be allowed to function the way other races function so long as DEI has a branch in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or any other American defense mechanism. In short, hiring and promoting in the military according to race seems to be more important than defending our country. This is suicidal madness.
From a report at The Daily Signal, there is this:

When you eliminate merit, you get mediocrity, the very thing a country cannot afford when our very survival as a nation relies on excellence, not mediocrity. When you hire for race or sex, you donā€™t get the best but second best. Or worse ā€” those who couldnā€™t get hired anywhere else because they are simply not good enough. Merit and love of country should be the only criteria by which a person is allowed to serve in our military. This isnā€™t a drag queen contest nor is it a melanin-based endeavor: Our military is supposed to defend and protect our homeland, her infrastructure, and her people. It is not designed to be a venue for social experimentation or reparations. As Rush Limbaugh wisely noted, ā€œOur military is there to kill people and break thingsā€, ā€” over there. If it comes here, ditto. Skin color and oneā€™s sex life are irrelevant, or they should be.

Is the country safer under DEI?
all marines are green. what is the problem,?
The ONLY reason to have a military is to defend and protect the United States of America and fulfill its military commitments to its allies should they be attacked.

Toward that end the military should be made up of honorable, intelligent and capable men who are physically and mentally able to perform that duty in the most excellent and profitable way. Women should be included if they can meet the same standards required of the men. Standards should never be lowered so that lesser capable people can qualify.

The only DEI that should apply is that all Americans who want to serve in the military and qualify to do so should have opportunity to apply and among those the military should choose the most qualified and capable.
Agreed. That is why I oppose gays going in the military and even women

Sexual attraction drama within the military is the last thing we need during war time which is why the military exists

As it stands now, sexual assault towards women is off the charts in the Military.

But the Left cares nothing about women, which is why they refuse to even tell us what a woman is now and even let men win in all their sporting activities. Why not just let them get raped in the military then?
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Really? Doesn't the US military have 'free' socialized health care?
He did not have to pay for the surgery while in the service, but once they kicked him out he was denied medical care.

I might add, he was told by a private physician afterwards that the surgery he had in the military was not necessary and probably made things worse.

Yea, be careful of things that are free, like free government paid health care, which is why no one goes to places like Cuba or North Korea for their free government care.

Reminds me of the scandal with the Arizona VA under Obama. Soldiers were put on secret lists of do not treat because they were under funded and staffed. One of the doctors confided in John McCain about the scandal but was thrown under the bus by McCain and fired for saying something about it. Luckily, another Congressman from Florida leaked the story to the media or we would have never known about it.

Obama just apologized to the world and fired some bureaucrat that had nothing to do with the scandal.

Just swept it all under the rug.

Let's go Brandon!! Roost them chickens baby!!
DEI is a combination of racism, quotas and rewarding losers. Democrats have very little pride to be insisting on shit like this. They're probably the same Democrats who say they are too stupid to get an ID card for voting. MAGA
Agreed. That is why I oppose gays going in the military and even women

Sexual attraction drama within the military is the last thing we need during war time.

As it stands now, sexual assault towards women is off the charts in the Military.

But the Left cares nothing about women, which is why they refuse to even tell us what a woman is now and let men win in all their sporting activities. Why not just let them get raped in the military then?
I'm somewhat conflicted on that one. I myself have qualified for jobs that were considered 'men's work' and have never been assaulted or even made uncomfortable on the job. But a 'don't ask don't tell' policy for the military should allow even gay Americans join up if they are qualified to do so. And if a woman can meet the rigorous physical qualification the guys meet, I hate to exclude her from that opportunity though admittedly women should have separate quarters from the men. And that does add another layer of unnecessary expense.

A hard fast and enforced rule of NO assault, NO sex policy in the military among military combat personnel, and any who violate that rule should be subject to court martial and dishonorable discharge. I think that would take care of it.

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