Does GDP growth mean Federal Tax revenue growth?

Single cause fallacy

Deficit before the tax cut: $500B
Deficit after the tax cut: $1T

So the deficit grew to $1T only because of the tax cut.

So it's not a fallacy, it's your tax cut's fault that the deficit is back to $1T.

Why did you cut the conversation up to that point out of your quote? Am I supposed to go look for it?

You only said those three words. So that's what I responded to.

Your tax cuts caused the deficit to go from about $500B to $1T. The tax cuts and only the tax cuts were the reason for that.
I already told you dip shit, the commiecrats refused to vote for middle class tax cuts. They'd rather screw the middle class than give Trump a victory. It's that resist thing..

That is not a reason why the Conservatives made your tax cut temporary and the tax cut for the rich permanent. Why didn't they make your tax cut permanent and the cut for the wealthy temporary?
Single cause fallacy

Deficit before the tax cut: $500B
Deficit after the tax cut: $1T

So the deficit grew to $1T only because of the tax cut.

So it's not a fallacy, it's your tax cut's fault that the deficit is back to $1T.

Why did you cut the conversation up to that point out of your quote? Am I supposed to go look for it?

You only said those three words. So that's what I responded to.

Your tax cuts caused the deficit to go from about $500B to $1T. The tax cuts and only the tax cuts were the reason for that.

Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January
The federal government this January ran a surplus while collecting record total tax revenues for that month of the year, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today.January was the first month under the new tax law that President Donald Trump signed in December.
During January, the Treasury collected approximately $361,038,000,000 in total tax revenues and spent a total of approximately $311,802,000,000 to run a surplus of approximately $49,236,000,000.
Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

So immediately there is almost a $50 billion surplus. This means there was MORE money coming in than going out!
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I know, I know, it should seem to be common sense that the answer is a RESOUNDING YES!
But some tax cut critics keep complaining that Trump tax cuts will ruin our economy. Will add to the debt..something they didn't seem to care about when Obama added $9 trillion with no major events, 9/11 worst hurricanes, etc. that GWB experienced and Obama even had TARP repaid with a profit!
So here is a chart I made combining GDP with Federal Tax revenue.
Some observations points:
A) Kennedy's tax cuts didn't reduce revenue.
B) Please consider Inflation during the years 1978 through 1982 (averaged 10.5%)
C) Look at years in red GDP versus years in red Tax receipts.. and consider the time lag... i.e. when GDP decreases
people in the following years are laid off. Meaning NO federal payroll taxes, or personal income taxes WHILE at the same time unemployment and welfare outlays increase.

So given this chart wouldn't it also make sense that if the GDP grows as the Atlanta Fed Reserve predicts Q118
at over 5% Federal tax revenues i.e. more people working more payroll taxes less unemployment benefits less welfare payments outlay that there would be lower deficits adding to the national debt?
Talk amongst yourselves and comment!
View attachment 176064
Those tax cut critics are the same people who believe entitlement programs are good for the economy
Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

That's great. Of course, the government frequently surpassed its projected revenue collected on a monthly basis during Obama. But then in other months, it didn't.

So you have this nasty habit of cherry picking certain data sets, while ignoring everything else, to make the world's shittiest points and arguments.

Despite the "record taxes collected", the federal deficit is going to hit $1T this year, and the debt ceiling has to be raised much earlier than expected because of the decline in revenues overall.

One month does not an enduring trend make, and representing it as such is disingenuous.
Those tax cut critics are the same people who believe entitlement programs are good for the economy

This is hilarious coming from someone pretending to be a veteran on a message board...veterans are the queens of entitlement. The military is the country's largest welfare program.
So immediately there is almost a $50 billion surplus. This means there was MORE money coming in than going out!

Of course, federal spending is not the same every month. And you know that. You can crow about this if by July we're still seeing surpluses like this. One month does not a trend make.
Feds Collect Record Taxes in First Month Under Tax Cut; Run Surplus in January

That's great. Of course, the government frequently surpassed its projected revenue collected on a monthly basis during Obama. But then in other months, it didn't.

So you have this nasty habit of cherry picking certain data sets, while ignoring everything else, to make the world's shittiest points and arguments.

Despite the "record taxes collected", the federal deficit is going to hit $1T this year, and the debt ceiling has to be raised much earlier than expected because of the decline in revenues overall.

One month does not an enduring trend make, and representing it as such is disingenuous.

ONE major difference between Trump and Obama is best illustrated by their respective attitudes when it comes to businesses, hiring people, etc.
I mean when you have Obama who signed 40% fewer oil leases than GWB and then Trump opens up ANWR PLUS Trump's Keystone acceptance lowers risks
of 1 millón barrels in oil tanker traffic in the worst area versus less then 700 barrels traveling 1 mile in the Keystone pipeline.
That and the below statements ARE encouraging words to the economy... NOT discouraging!
So immediately there is almost a $50 billion surplus. This means there was MORE money coming in than going out!

Of course, federal spending is not the same every month. And you know that. You can crow about this if by July we're still seeing surpluses like this. One month does not a trend make.
I agree... if we used Obama's administration's anti-business attitude.
I mean look... rules and regulations!
Total final rule costs: $24.4 billion for Obama vs. $1.2 billion for Trump.
Annual final rule costs: $4.2 billion for Obama vs. $378 million for Trump.
Paperwork burden: 6,803,249 hours for Obama vs. 848,239 for Trump.
Regulation revolution: 'Historic' Trump cuts, 1/20th of Obama's deluge, $23B slashed
Those tax cut critics are the same people who believe entitlement programs are good for the economy

This is hilarious coming from someone pretending to be a veteran on a message board...veterans are the queens of entitlement. The military is the country's largest welfare program.
Served from 1996-2003 5 yrs with CSSAMO 10th Mountain Division. 1 yr 7 months 501st Intelligence Brigade South Korea. I don't Pretend. The Military performs a service that is compensated for the same way although a lot less than a person in the private industry does . For 6 yrs and 7 months of service my entitlement was blown out knees major hearing lose, and serious back problems. I expect those issues to be addressed the same way fuckfaces like yourself would do if you were injured on the job. The difference is private citizens get to sue for millions of dollars.

By the way entitlement programs take up the majority of Federal spending not the Military.
Democrats said electing Trump would collapse the world markets

They did? When? Who said that? And have you paid attention to our own market? It dropped 10%+ in the last week. So have markets worldwide

If you're intellectually dishonest, I'm putting you in my don't take seriously category. I'd show you quotes, but you're LYING. You know Democrats said this

Issues where if we flip parties you switch sides are irrelevant since it's not even something you actually believe, it's just partisan

No, you're just making shit up to draw some kind of equivalence where none exists. Fact is, your poor instincts and intuition made you an easy mark for Trump, and now you have to diminish everyone else just so you don't have to admit you weren't as clever as you thought.


Get over yourself.

We switch parties in this discussion, you switch sides. No doubt
Single cause fallacy

Deficit before the tax cut: $500B
Deficit after the tax cut: $1T

So the deficit grew to $1T only because of the tax cut.

So it's not a fallacy, it's your tax cut's fault that the deficit is back to $1T.

Why did you cut the conversation up to that point out of your quote? Am I supposed to go look for it?

You only said those three words. So that's what I responded to.

Your tax cuts caused the deficit to go from about $500B to $1T. The tax cuts and only the tax cuts were the reason for that.

Well, I don't know what the context of those three words were.

And my tax cuts? I'm not a Republican and I didn't vote for Trump. I thought the cuts were lame. Corporate taxes should be eliminated, it's double taxation. And personal rates should have been cut far deeper. I'd also slash spending, I'd cut a third of the Federal government in year one at least and keep going from there.

Government should not spend over 10% of our economy, it should not redistribute wealth. It should be a referee for disputes, not a kindergarten teacher.

If Republicans scare, you, I'm your worst nightmare


ONE major difference between Trump and Obama is best illustrated by their respective attitudes when it comes to businesses, hiring people, etc.

Yes, the difference between the two when it comes to hiring people is stark; Trump hires people who abuse their wives, launder money, spy for foreign governments, use taxpayer dollars for luxury travel, practice nepotism, are openly and overtly racist, and are under indictment for conspiracy against the United States. So yeah, Obama and Trump are wildly different when it comes to the quality and character of people they hire.

Obama grew the stock market more in his first year than Trump did. So already, Obama's leading Trump when it comes to the market.

Trump also had the weakest year of job growth since 2010.

I mean when you have Obama who signed 40% fewer oil leases than GWB and then Trump opens up ANWR PLUS Trump's Keystone acceptance lowers risks

KXL is going to increase oil costs, not decrease them. There already is a pipeline that carries sludge from the Alberta Tar Sands to the United States. That pipeline carries so much sludge that it's actually discounted for US refineries in the PADD II region because it's oversupplied. Building KXL will redirect the sludge from the Midwest down to the Gulf Coast, thus eliminating the oversupply and the discount that comes with it. If you think KXL is going to lower your energy costs, then you're the biggest fucking dupe in the world.

Secondly, so what if Obama signed fewer leases? Who gives a shit? The price per barrel of oil during Obama dropped to one of its lowest levels ever and it's stayed there for a while. The price-per-barrel right now isn't even $60. But KXL is going to increase that price because the discounting US refineries get will go away the minute Tar Sands sludge can be sold to the global markets via the Gulf. The only reason TransCanada wants to build KXL is so they can make more money. They make money when the price per barrel goes up, not down.

of 1 millón barrels in oil tanker traffic in the worst area versus less then 700 barrels traveling 1 mile in the Keystone pipeline.That and the below statements ARE encouraging words to the economy... NOT discouraging!View attachment 176478

KXL redirects the flow of the sludge from the Midwest down to the Gulf. It can't be sold globally for a higher price if it only goes to PADD II. But if it can go to the Gulf, that means the price goes up for PADD II.
I agree... if we used Obama's administration's anti-business attitude.

Obama grew the market more in his first year than Trump did.
Corporations made record profits every year of Obama's term.
Obama grew the stock market by nearly 2.5x.
Trump had the fewest jobs created since 2010.
Trump ballooned the deficit to $1T, after Obama reduced it to below $500B.

The myth that Obama was anti-business is the biggest crock of shit out there, with the exception of trickle-down economics.
Served from 1996-2003 5 yrs with CSSAMO 10th Mountain Division. 1 yr 7 months 501st Intelligence Brigade South Korea. I don't Pretend. The Military performs a service that is compensated for the same way although a lot less than a person in the private industry does . For 6 yrs and 7 months of service my entitlement was blown out knees major hearing lose, and serious back problems. I expect those issues to be addressed the same way fuckfaces like yourself would do if you were injured on the job. The difference is private citizens get to sue for millions of dollars.By the way entitlement programs take up the majority of Federal spending not the Military.

You're welcome for the welfare job.
who says tax cuts aren't cuts unless they're net cuts?

Depends on the discussion. I was talking about economic impact though, so since you were responding to that, they aren't cuts unless they are net cuts

LOL! Yeah, so thanks for admitting you just arbitrarily redefine parameters depending on how your argument is faring.
If you're intellectually dishonest, I'm putting you in my don't take seriously category. I'd show you quotes, but you're LYING. You know Democrats said this

No, I don't know they said this. Why don't you get off your fat, lazy ass and prove it?! What you do is construct straw men, then argue those straw men...and then you get defensive when your bullshit is called out.


We switch parties in this discussion, you switch sides. No doubt

Eat a bag of dicks.
who says tax cuts aren't cuts unless they're net cuts?

Depends on the discussion. I was talking about economic impact though, so since you were responding to that, they aren't cuts unless they are net cuts

LOL! Yeah, so thanks for admitting you just arbitrarily redefine parameters depending on how your argument is faring.

Seriously? You don't grasp using words in context? What grade are you in? Wait until middle school, way cool ...

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