Does God Exist?

When gravity gets high enough, it exceeds the ability of fundamental particles to maintain separate spaces.

Where such a deluded idea comes from?

It comes from the Pauli Exclusion principle and general relatvity. When a mass greater than the Chandrasekhar limit (2.765×1030 kg, the maximum mass of a white dwarf star) collapses, the gravitational force is sufficient to overcome the degeneracy pressure created by the Pauli exclusion principle and collapse fermionic particles into a common location. Bosons have no problem with colocation.
Astronomy provides a spectacular demonstration of the effect of the Pauli principle, in the form of white dwarf and neutron stars. In both bodies, the atomic structure is disrupted by extreme pressure, but the stars are held in hydrostatic equilibrium by degeneracy pressure, also known as Fermi pressure. This exotic form of matter is known as degenerate matter. The immense gravitational force of a star's mass is normally held in equilibrium by thermal pressure caused by heat produced in thermonuclear fusion in the star's core. In white dwarfs, which do not undergo nuclear fusion, an opposing force to gravity is provided by electron degeneracy pressure. In neutron stars, subject to even stronger gravitational forces, electrons have merged with protons to form neutrons. Neutrons are capable of producing an even higher degeneracy pressure, neutron degeneracy pressure, albeit over a shorter range. This can stabilize neutron stars from further collapse, but at a smaller size and higher density than a white dwarf. Neutron stars are the most "rigid" objects known; their Young modulus (or more accurately, bulk modulus) is 20 orders of magnitude larger than that of diamond. However, even this enormous rigidity can be overcome by the gravitational field of a massive star or by the pressure of a supernova, leading to the formation of a black hole.[16]:286–287

16) Martin Bojowald (5 November 2012). The Universe: A View from Classical and Quantum Gravity. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-3-527-66769-7.

Oh, in other words: pure fantasies.

Same Eddington who committed fraud to validate Relativity, same Eddington who was behind the validation of black holes.

Saying that such an extreme point of gravity will cause no motion of particles is exactly the same as you saying you just can jump up from your chair and reach the moon.

Pure imaginations.
I will hopefully have the time to break the words out.
I have actually done this by spending about 20 or so hours with the first 7 words after our last discussion.
The "secret" is that every Hebrew words has a 2 letter root, not a 3 letter root.

Go and tell about it to Samsom Raphael Hirsch.

B'Rayshis, for instance, means "Within The Pristine".
Rayshis does not mean "In the beginning" in any way whatsoever, and a careful study of the ever elusive Midrash keeps defining Rayshis as a "Pristine" fruit or crop.

I can interpret it as "when it was opened" and my interpretation is as valid as "in the beginning".

Just stick with the "beginning" interpretation which fits OK anyway.

B means within something's essence...
This is the concept of Tzimtzum...cause a "gap", so to speak within one's own essence to allow for something else to exist.
The attribute within the sfree-irote that expresses this "giving to another" is G'dow-lah, erroneously translated outside of Kabbalah as "Physically Big".

It is clear that God is the one "giving to another". The structure of the whole text describes it that way.

For instance, when God tell Avraham he will become a Great (Gah-dole) Nation, Gos doesn't mean large in number or able to kick some {insert your own word here), it means that Avraham's descendants will have room for the rest of the world to survive and thrive.
That's why Jews are generally identified with charities.

Identified with charities because such is the way to make easy money, evade tax, and avoid IRS audits.

Come on, you are talking peanuts here.

"The Pristine" is the unknowable Creator who's lack of duplicity is so perfect that it's creation cannot comprehend it's existence in any manner whatsoever.
No creation falls outside of Pristine's Created Laws of Physics...
Which automatically infers movement and give and take.

And here you finally are going in the right path.

The dictionaries came about due to the Septuagint and, later on, the KJV.
Prior to that, no Jew ever learned in any language but Hebrew and Aramaic, which means that Aramaic is a divine language that has an intrinsic role to play in existence.

When is about languages, England English is the mother language and American English is the daughter language. While mother language pronounces Quarter with "t" on the other hand the daughter language pronounces is as "Quarer".

Besides this common observation between Hebrew and Aramaic, there are also other obvious influences like the inclusion of other languages which caused Aramaic to have their own identity and having different meanings for their hybrid language.

I typed that pretty fast so it may be messy.

This is how research works: trial and error (with some mess from time to time), same as scientific approaches. I think your initiative is great.

I know it hurts when people don't use the dictionaries.
It used to annoy me.
But I spent the last six years in the Torah portion cycle and a lot of the English, which I relied on heavily, started to not make any sense in light of the explanations from the sages.

Best way to start is to ignore the traditional interpretation, to make your own, and compare.

The first verse translation also leave out the Hebrew word "et", which is mentioned twice, and God, that English translation sucks!
"Et" is a huge word.

You have two scenarios.

You make lemonade with water, lemon juice and sugar.

The first scenario is to decipher the meaning of lemonade by using the ingredients alone.

The second scenario is deciphering the method used to make lemonade using those ingredients.

From here, you know there are two other factors, which are the physical (stirring) and the chemical (compounds mixtures) which gave as a result a NEW compound.

Then, you must realize that lemonade is not separate water, lemon and sugar, but a new compound.

This is like conception. The Zygote is no more the sperm and the egg but a totally different being.

Then, defining words by their roots is fine, that is a correct approach, but you simply can't make lots of definitions to the formed word in base of the definition of each letter which formed it.

Such, excuse me but... such is lunacies.

Mysticism is praised because is a good entertainment. But mysticism is way from the narration, mysticism is like Christmas lights in the streets, with a meaning other than the remembrance of the birth of a famous historical person. Celebrating in the wrong date, using the wrong name of the individual, etc.

When a word is formed, the meaning of each letter of that word have been distorted, like atoms forming molecules, sharing electrons, those atoms are no more their original status.

Hope your research to bring better approaches, but you won't go far if you stick with the letter by letter own definitions giving bunches of meaning to the formed word.
Samsom Raphael Hirsch was addressing atheism and The KJV, not kabbalists.
It was very popular until about 10 years ago to go with the 3 letter root and the "Plain Meaning of the Verse".
The problem is that The Midrash, in most cases, having almost nothing to do with the words from the point of view of a 3 letter root, sounded like a fairy tale.
The post-Holocaust generation has been replaced by far more savvy and technically educated Jews.
As soon as I started getting frustrated with reading the English and started reading Hebrew, as well as Artscroll making available the Orh Hachaim and other Torah Commentaries who comment profusely on the 2 letters roots, not to mention the Daf Yomi, I realized that the two letter root held the overt explanations to the Midrash and many halachas discussed in the Talmud.
Try it and you'll see what I mean.
I will hopefully have the time to break the words out.
I have actually done this by spending about 20 or so hours with the first 7 words after our last discussion.
The "secret" is that every Hebrew words has a 2 letter root, not a 3 letter root.

Go and tell about it to Samsom Raphael Hirsch.

B'Rayshis, for instance, means "Within The Pristine".
Rayshis does not mean "In the beginning" in any way whatsoever, and a careful study of the ever elusive Midrash keeps defining Rayshis as a "Pristine" fruit or crop.

I can interpret it as "when it was opened" and my interpretation is as valid as "in the beginning".

Just stick with the "beginning" interpretation which fits OK anyway.

B means within something's essence...
This is the concept of Tzimtzum...cause a "gap", so to speak within one's own essence to allow for something else to exist.
The attribute within the sfree-irote that expresses this "giving to another" is G'dow-lah, erroneously translated outside of Kabbalah as "Physically Big".

It is clear that God is the one "giving to another". The structure of the whole text describes it that way.

For instance, when God tell Avraham he will become a Great (Gah-dole) Nation, Gos doesn't mean large in number or able to kick some {insert your own word here), it means that Avraham's descendants will have room for the rest of the world to survive and thrive.
That's why Jews are generally identified with charities.

Identified with charities because such is the way to make easy money, evade tax, and avoid IRS audits.

Come on, you are talking peanuts here.

"The Pristine" is the unknowable Creator who's lack of duplicity is so perfect that it's creation cannot comprehend it's existence in any manner whatsoever.
No creation falls outside of Pristine's Created Laws of Physics...
Which automatically infers movement and give and take.

And here you finally are going in the right path.

The dictionaries came about due to the Septuagint and, later on, the KJV.
Prior to that, no Jew ever learned in any language but Hebrew and Aramaic, which means that Aramaic is a divine language that has an intrinsic role to play in existence.

When is about languages, England English is the mother language and American English is the daughter language. While mother language pronounces Quarter with "t" on the other hand the daughter language pronounces is as "Quarer".

Besides this common observation between Hebrew and Aramaic, there are also other obvious influences like the inclusion of other languages which caused Aramaic to have their own identity and having different meanings for their hybrid language.

I typed that pretty fast so it may be messy.

This is how research works: trial and error (with some mess from time to time), same as scientific approaches. I think your initiative is great.

I know it hurts when people don't use the dictionaries.
It used to annoy me.
But I spent the last six years in the Torah portion cycle and a lot of the English, which I relied on heavily, started to not make any sense in light of the explanations from the sages.

Best way to start is to ignore the traditional interpretation, to make your own, and compare.

The first verse translation also leave out the Hebrew word "et", which is mentioned twice, and God, that English translation sucks!
"Et" is a huge word.

You have two scenarios.

You make lemonade with water, lemon juice and sugar.

The first scenario is to decipher the meaning of lemonade by using the ingredients alone.

The second scenario is deciphering the method used to make lemonade using those ingredients.

From here, you know there are two other factors, which are the physical (stirring) and the chemical (compounds mixtures) which gave as a result a NEW compound.

Then, you must realize that lemonade is not separate water, lemon and sugar, but a new compound.

This is like conception. The Zygote is no more the sperm and the egg but a totally different being.

Then, defining words by their roots is fine, that is a correct approach, but you simply can't make lots of definitions to the formed word in base of the definition of each letter which formed it.

Such, excuse me but... such is lunacies.

Mysticism is praised because is a good entertainment. But mysticism is way from the narration, mysticism is like Christmas lights in the streets, with a meaning other than the remembrance of the birth of a famous historical person. Celebrating in the wrong date, using the wrong name of the individual, etc.

When a word is formed, the meaning of each letter of that word have been distorted, like atoms forming molecules, sharing electrons, those atoms are no more their original status.

Hope your research to bring better approaches, but you won't go far if you stick with the letter by letter own definitions giving bunches of meaning to the formed word.
Samsom Raphael Hirsch was addressing atheism and The KJV, not kabbalists.
It was very popular until about 10 years ago to go with the 3 letter root and the "Plain Meaning of the Verse".
The problem is that The Midrash, in most cases, having almost nothing to do with the words from the point of view of a 3 letter root, sounded like a fairy tale.
The post-Holocaust generation has been replaced by far more savvy and technically educated Jews.
As soon as I started getting frustrated with reading the English and started reading Hebrew, as well as Artscroll making available the Orh Hachaim and other Torah Commentaries who comment profusely on the 2 letters roots, not to mention the Daf Yomi, I realized that the two letter root held the overt explanations to the Midrash and many halachas discussed in the Talmud.
Try it and you'll see what I mean.

Ancient Hebrew might be original and simplistic, however I can state it is a man made language. I don't see any divine root and a superior being teaching him a language. Even more, the first man was told for him to name animals, and surely to name objects and everything he saw around.

The two letter root is very limited when three letter roots appear to be more common and reliable to work with.

But, I will give you the credit that it is a good initiative.

However, newer languages after Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Chinese, etc. have also followed the two and three letter root meaning in order to form words.

This is a good opportunity for other readers who are not very familiar with what you are talking about, to have an illustration using a most common language: English.

Lets say, lets use the English word BLUE

Then, lets use the "two letter root" method to discover how that word become to be the one chosen to describe a certain color.

1)- Lets find out what the letter B means for English language

With the following example, most readers will understand the method you are using with Hebrew language.

Be aware this is an analogy made for illustration purposes only


Flip “B” on its belly and you see a home — complete with a door, a room and a roof. Now you have some idea of why 4,000 years ago in Egypt, “B” (which sounded like our “h”) was a hieroglyph that meant “shelter.”

2)- Now, lets find the meaning of the letter "l"


A hook-shaped letter, referred to as “El,” meaning “God” emerged in ancient Semitic inscriptions around 1800 BC.

3)- Using those two letters as the "root" of the word blue, we obtain its meaning: "House of God".

Very simple, right?

Lets say the first man spoke English rather than Hebrew.

When the first man was expelled from the Garden of Eden, his descendants might have asked him where the Creator lives at. And the first man pointing with his finger up to the sky said: "over there"

They asked him, what is the name of such a location, and the first man responded: Blue.

Then, the House of God was known as blue.

The following generations just invented new words using the same bl root, but as it was expected, the meaning of the new words with same root suffered lots of transformations. They forgot the original meaning "House of God" and used the word blue to describe the color of the sky.


Definition of blue (Entry 2 of 3)

1 : a color whose hue is that of the clear sky or that of the portion of the color spectrum lying between green and violet

In other languages the same root won't focus in the color of the sky but in how beautiful the sky is, as you can find it with bello, belo, etc. ( בלו belo)

In your case, when you use the two letter root to decipher the meaning of ancient words, you must be very careful, because at the time when the ancient dudes finally used the writing method, the whole ancient oral tradition was surely edited.

The scribes, even under the supervision of the religious authorities, they made mistakes, and by lots.

The meaning of several ancient words were also forgotten and/or changed, because such is what happened with all the languages of the world. You use the letter root method to find more accurate results, however you might find more confusion as well.
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I will hopefully have the time to break the words out.
I have actually done this by spending about 20 or so hours with the first 7 words after our last discussion.
The "secret" is that every Hebrew words has a 2 letter root, not a 3 letter root.

Go and tell about it to Samsom Raphael Hirsch.

B'Rayshis, for instance, means "Within The Pristine".
Rayshis does not mean "In the beginning" in any way whatsoever, and a careful study of the ever elusive Midrash keeps defining Rayshis as a "Pristine" fruit or crop.

I can interpret it as "when it was opened" and my interpretation is as valid as "in the beginning".

Just stick with the "beginning" interpretation which fits OK anyway.

B means within something's essence...
This is the concept of Tzimtzum...cause a "gap", so to speak within one's own essence to allow for something else to exist.
The attribute within the sfree-irote that expresses this "giving to another" is G'dow-lah, erroneously translated outside of Kabbalah as "Physically Big".

It is clear that God is the one "giving to another". The structure of the whole text describes it that way.

For instance, when God tell Avraham he will become a Great (Gah-dole) Nation, Gos doesn't mean large in number or able to kick some {insert your own word here), it means that Avraham's descendants will have room for the rest of the world to survive and thrive.
That's why Jews are generally identified with charities.

Identified with charities because such is the way to make easy money, evade tax, and avoid IRS audits.

Come on, you are talking peanuts here.

"The Pristine" is the unknowable Creator who's lack of duplicity is so perfect that it's creation cannot comprehend it's existence in any manner whatsoever.
No creation falls outside of Pristine's Created Laws of Physics...
Which automatically infers movement and give and take.

And here you finally are going in the right path.

The dictionaries came about due to the Septuagint and, later on, the KJV.
Prior to that, no Jew ever learned in any language but Hebrew and Aramaic, which means that Aramaic is a divine language that has an intrinsic role to play in existence.

When is about languages, England English is the mother language and American English is the daughter language. While mother language pronounces Quarter with "t" on the other hand the daughter language pronounces is as "Quarer".

Besides this common observation between Hebrew and Aramaic, there are also other obvious influences like the inclusion of other languages which caused Aramaic to have their own identity and having different meanings for their hybrid language.

I typed that pretty fast so it may be messy.

This is how research works: trial and error (with some mess from time to time), same as scientific approaches. I think your initiative is great.

I know it hurts when people don't use the dictionaries.
It used to annoy me.
But I spent the last six years in the Torah portion cycle and a lot of the English, which I relied on heavily, started to not make any sense in light of the explanations from the sages.

Best way to start is to ignore the traditional interpretation, to make your own, and compare.

The first verse translation also leave out the Hebrew word "et", which is mentioned twice, and God, that English translation sucks!
"Et" is a huge word.

You have two scenarios.

You make lemonade with water, lemon juice and sugar.

The first scenario is to decipher the meaning of lemonade by using the ingredients alone.

The second scenario is deciphering the method used to make lemonade using those ingredients.

From here, you know there are two other factors, which are the physical (stirring) and the chemical (compounds mixtures) which gave as a result a NEW compound.

Then, you must realize that lemonade is not separate water, lemon and sugar, but a new compound.

This is like conception. The Zygote is no more the sperm and the egg but a totally different being.

Then, defining words by their roots is fine, that is a correct approach, but you simply can't make lots of definitions to the formed word in base of the definition of each letter which formed it.

Such, excuse me but... such is lunacies.

Mysticism is praised because is a good entertainment. But mysticism is way from the narration, mysticism is like Christmas lights in the streets, with a meaning other than the remembrance of the birth of a famous historical person. Celebrating in the wrong date, using the wrong name of the individual, etc.

When a word is formed, the meaning of each letter of that word have been distorted, like atoms forming molecules, sharing electrons, those atoms are no more their original status.

Hope your research to bring better approaches, but you won't go far if you stick with the letter by letter own definitions giving bunches of meaning to the formed word.
Samsom Raphael Hirsch was addressing atheism and The KJV, not kabbalists.
It was very popular until about 10 years ago to go with the 3 letter root and the "Plain Meaning of the Verse".
The problem is that The Midrash, in most cases, having almost nothing to do with the words from the point of view of a 3 letter root, sounded like a fairy tale.
The post-Holocaust generation has been replaced by far more savvy and technically educated Jews.
As soon as I started getting frustrated with reading the English and started reading Hebrew, as well as Artscroll making available the Orh Hachaim and other Torah Commentaries who comment profusely on the 2 letters roots, not to mention the Daf Yomi, I realized that the two letter root held the overt explanations to the Midrash and many halachas discussed in the Talmud.
Try it and you'll see what I mean.

Ancient Hebrew might be original and simplistic, however I can state it is a man made language. I don't see any divine root and a superior being teaching him a language. Even more, the first man was told for him to name animals, and surely to name objects and everything he saw around.

The two letter root is very limited when three letter roots appear to be more common and reliable to work with.

But, I will give you the credit that it is a good initiative.

However, newer languages after Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Chinese, etc. have also followed the two and three letter root meaning in order to form words.

This is a good opportunity for other readers who are not very familiar with what you are talking about, to have an illustration using a most common language: English.

Lets say, lets use the English word BLUE

Then, lets use the "two letter root" method to discover how that word become to be the one chosen to describe a certain color.

1)- Lets find out what the letter B means for English language

With the following example, most readers will understand the method you are using with Hebrew language.

Be aware this is an analogy made for illustration purposes only

View attachment 334468

Flip “B” on its belly and you see a home — complete with a door, a room and a roof. Now you have some idea of why 4,000 years ago in Egypt, “B” (which sounded like our “h”) was a hieroglyph that meant “shelter.”

2)- Now, lets find the meaning of the letter "l"

View attachment 334469

A hook-shaped letter, referred to as “El,” meaning “God” emerged in ancient Semitic inscriptions around 1800 BC.

3)- Using those two letters as the "root" of the word blue, we obtain its meaning: "House of God".

Very simple, right?

Lets say the first man spoke English rather than Hebrew.

When the first man was expelled from the Garden of Eden, his descendants might have asked him where the Creator lives at. And the first man pointing with his finger up to the sky said: "over there"

They asked him, what is the name of such a location, and the first man responded: Blue.

Then, the House of God was known as blue.

The following generations just invented new words using the same bl root, but as it was expected, the meaning of the new words with same root suffered lots of transformations. They forgot the original meaning "House of God" and used the word blue to describe the color of the sky.


Definition of blue (Entry 2 of 3)

1 : a color whose hue is that of the clear sky or that of the portion of the color spectrum lying between green and violet

In other languages the same root won't focus in the color of the sky but in how beautiful the sky is, as you can find it with bello, belo, etc. ( בלו belo)

In your case, when you use the two letter root to decipher the meaning of ancient words, you must be very careful, because at the time when the ancient dudes finally used the writing method, the whole ancient oral tradition was surely edited.

The scribes, even under the supervision of the religious authorities, they made mistakes, and by lots.

The meaning of several ancient words were also forgotten and/or changed, because such is what happened with all the languages of the world. You use the letter root method to find more accurate results, however you might find more confusion as well.
The Pristine used 70 languages to create existence because all 70 nations are considered an essential unit to make a Pristine fearing/loving world.
Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

Fascinating reference to the color Blue.
Which verse actually specifies Blue as the base of God's throne?
The Talmud has emendations; a fact that Jews have no shame in admitting.
The Prophets and Writing have a scant variants with the same intent.
Torah scrolls around the globe for the last 2,000 years have 2 verses where a Hay or Aleph are switched depending on which nation was murdering them in droves at the time.
Based on Halacha and Gematria, these few variances exists but are insignificant.

Of course your an idiot for believing that the "ancients" couldn't write...because you're an idiot.
Tell me how many truthful documents have survived from the Revolutionary War.
Not many...that's why they cost so damn much.
Later biblical authors were no doubt aware of a round earth. And I don't fault them for using metaphors like "the four corners of the earth".

The expression might be more properly described as "the four wings of the earth". Wow!

Think about it. The circle has no corners. End of the story.

Then, the earth lands must appear as wings, extensions of land between the oceans. They didn't consider Europe and Asia as two continents because there is not such a water division between them. Then, they considered four big lands, and the metaphor "wing" fits very well. It could also refer to the four big powers, and so forth.

The simple meaning is "from everywhere". But one must keep the metaphor alive because without its use the bible should be so boring...
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The Pristine used 70 languages to create existence because all 70 nations are considered an essential unit to make a Pristine fearing/loving world.



Give me the list of those 70 languages. Let me check them one by one.

It is time to bury all those superfluous ideas made by dudes (rabbis) in the past. A few days ago I just threw some dirt to the new residence of the body of a relative. A sad duty, but was symbolic only, using the shovel throwing a small amount of dirt on the hole, later the cemetery machine will completely cover the coffin.

But, here it won't be symbolic. You say 70 languages and you must... no, no more "you must"... I'm from Missouri, and you have to show me.

Yeah, show your stuff.
Later biblical authors were no doubt aware of a round earth. And I don't fault them for using metaphors like "the four corners of the earth".

The expression might be more properly described as "the four wings of the earth". Wow!

Think about it. The circle has no corners. End of the story.

Then, the earth lands must appear as wings, extensions of land between the oceans. They didn't consider Europe and Asia as two continents because there is not such a water division between them. Then, they considered four big lands, and the metaphor "wing" fits very well. It could also refer to the four big powers, and so forth.

The simple meaning is "from everywhere". But one must keep the metaphor alive because without its use the bible should be so boring...
The Pristine used 70 languages to create existence because all 70 nations are considered an essential unit to make a Pristine fearing/loving world.



Give me the list of those 70 languages. Let me check them one by one.

It is time to bury all those superfluous ideas made by dudes (rabbis) in the past. A few days ago I just threw some dirt to the new residence of the body of a relative. A sad duty, but was symbolic only, using the shovel throwing a small amount of dirt on the hole, later the cemetery machine will completely cover the coffin.

But, here it won't be symbolic. You say 70 languages and you must... no, no more "you must"... I'm from Missouri, and you have to show me.

Yeah, show your stuff.
I presume you don’t often.
Did you know you can’t see more than about 1/2 mile because of the curvature of the earth?
Of course these obvious facts don’t occur to you.
The Pristine used 70 languages to create existence because all 70 nations are considered an essential unit to make a Pristine fearing/loving world.



Give me the list of those 70 languages. Let me check them one by one.

It is time to bury all those superfluous ideas made by dudes (rabbis) in the past. A few days ago I just threw some dirt to the new residence of the body of a relative. A sad duty, but was symbolic only, using the shovel throwing a small amount of dirt on the hole, later the cemetery machine will completely cover the coffin.

But, here it won't be symbolic. You say 70 languages and you must... no, no more "you must"... I'm from Missouri, and you have to show me.

Yeah, show your stuff.
I don’t particularly care if the midrashic statements are real or just metaphors because what you do with your life is your business.
70, being a multiple of 7, which are the number of days in the week, colors in the rainbow, notes in an octave, represents the natural occurrence in nature.
The 70 idolatrous nations were scattered by Sancheariv and are gone because most of them were like yourself.
I suggest you count the families of Shem, Yefes and Cham after they left the ark.
These were the progenitors of mankind and were scattered into oblivion by God as a result of the Tower of Babel.
The Pristine used 70 languages to create existence because all 70 nations are considered an essential unit to make a Pristine fearing/loving world.



Give me the list of those 70 languages. Let me check them one by one.

It is time to bury all those superfluous ideas made by dudes (rabbis) in the past. A few days ago I just threw some dirt to the new residence of the body of a relative. A sad duty, but was symbolic only, using the shovel throwing a small amount of dirt on the hole, later the cemetery machine will completely cover the coffin.

But, here it won't be symbolic. You say 70 languages and you must... no, no more "you must"... I'm from Missouri, and you have to show me.

Yeah, show your stuff.
I don’t particularly care if the midrashic statements are real or just metaphors because what you do with your life is your business.
70, being a multiple of 7, which are the number of days in the week, colors in the rainbow, notes in an octave, represents the natural occurrence in nature.
The 70 idolatrous nations were scattered by Sancheariv and are gone because most of them were like yourself.
I suggest you count the families of Shem, Yefes and Cham after they left the ark.
These were the progenitors of mankind and were scattered into oblivion by God as a result of the Tower of Babel.
There you go.

If the languages were to confuse and disperse, how it comes you claim those "languages were to create existence because all 70 nations are considered an essential unit to make a Pristine fearing/loving world?"

But now you add those "70 idolatrous nations were scattered by Sancheariv and are gone because most of them were like yourself."

As myself?!!! Mama mia!

I don't understand you, it sounds like you want to interpret the bible as a medieval romantic love letter or something like that. That sucks.

Are you sure all those nations became idolaters? What about if one of them didn't? Come one, give it a chance... just one from the rest that continued worshiping the right god... Come on... give a break to your bad omen against all those nations...

You have suggested me to "count the families of Shem, Yefes and Cham after they left the ark."

So, you can't list the name of those 70 languages but you are arguing the total number of the descendants of the children of Noah were 70, and that they formed 70 nations.

I'm lazy, so I just pulled the list from the following website

You just ignore Shem, Ham and Japhet from the list below, and I might need to buy me prescription glasses because I still am counting 71 descendants, this is to say, 71 nations, or 71 languages.

I didn't check the accuracy of that list, but you are free to defend yourself against it.
Shem (Semitic Race)Ham (Turanian Race)Japheth (Aryan Race)

Elam (Elamites)Cush (Ethiopia)Gomer (Celts)
Asshur (Assyrians) Seba (meroe) Ashkenaz (Nysia, Phrygia)
Arphaxad (Chaldeans) Havilah (Arabia) Riphath (Riphaean)
Shelah Sabtah (Sabbatha) Togarmah (Armenia)
Eber Raamah (Persian Gulf)Magog (Scythians)
Peleg ShebaMadai (Medes)
Joktan (Arabia) DedanJavan (Greeks)
Almodad Sabtecah Elishah (Aeolians)
Sheleph Nimrod Tarshish (Tartessus)
HazarmavethMizraim (Egypt) Kittim (Cyprus)
Jerah Ludim (Nubia) Dodanim (Trojans)
Hadoram AnamitesTubal
Uzal Lehabim (Libya)Meshech
Diklah Naphtuhitim (Napetu)Tiras (Thracians)
Obal Pathrusim (Pathros)
Abimael Casluhites (Philistia)
Sheba Philistines
Ophir Caphtorites (Crete)
HavilahPhut (Libya)
JobabCanaan (Canaanites)
Lud (Lydians) Sidonites
Aram (Syrians) Hittites
Uz Jebusites
Hul Amorites
Gether Girgashites
Meshach Hivites

Seventy one is also a good number, the look like sisters 7 and 1.

What some people say about 71?

The Number 71 is strongly associated with the Holy Spirit. Its primary meaning is Fulness and Dove. It appears in Scripture in Numbers 11.16:

And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee. And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone.
The Lord God Almighty placed His Spirit upon 71 people.

(Including Moses at that very moment)


This religious stuff is so entertainingly, the new discoveries never end...

Well, without further distractions, you said 70 nations but it appears in that website list, that those nations were 71.

Houston, we have a problem...
The Pristine used 70 languages to create existence because all 70 nations are considered an essential unit to make a Pristine fearing/loving world.



Give me the list of those 70 languages. Let me check them one by one.

It is time to bury all those superfluous ideas made by dudes (rabbis) in the past. A few days ago I just threw some dirt to the new residence of the body of a relative. A sad duty, but was symbolic only, using the shovel throwing a small amount of dirt on the hole, later the cemetery machine will completely cover the coffin.

But, here it won't be symbolic. You say 70 languages and you must... no, no more "you must"... I'm from Missouri, and you have to show me.

Yeah, show your stuff.
I don’t particularly care if the midrashic statements are real or just metaphors because what you do with your life is your business.
70, being a multiple of 7, which are the number of days in the week, colors in the rainbow, notes in an octave, represents the natural occurrence in nature.
The 70 idolatrous nations were scattered by Sancheariv and are gone because most of them were like yourself.
I suggest you count the families of Shem, Yefes and Cham after they left the ark.
These were the progenitors of mankind and were scattered into oblivion by God as a result of the Tower of Babel.
There you go.

If the languages were to confuse and disperse, how it comes you claim those "languages were to create existence because all 70 nations are considered an essential unit to make a Pristine fearing/loving world?"

But now you add those "70 idolatrous nations were scattered by Sancheariv and are gone because most of them were like yourself."

As myself?!!! Mama mia!

I don't understand you, it sounds like you want to interpret the bible as a medieval romantic love letter or something like that. That sucks.

Are you sure all those nations became idolaters? What about if one of them didn't? Come one, give it a chance... just one from the rest that continued worshiping the right god... Come on... give a break to your bad omen against all those nations...

You have suggested me to "count the families of Shem, Yefes and Cham after they left the ark."

So, you can't list the name of those 70 languages but you are arguing the total number of the descendants of the children of Noah were 70, and that they formed 70 nations.

I'm lazy, so I just pulled the list from the following website

You just ignore Shem, Ham and Japhet from the list below, and I might need to buy me prescription glasses because I still am counting 71 descendants, this is to say, 71 nations, or 71 languages.

I didn't check the accuracy of that list, but you are free to defend yourself against it.
Shem (Semitic Race)Ham (Turanian Race)Japheth (Aryan Race)

Elam (Elamites)Cush (Ethiopia)Gomer (Celts)
Asshur (Assyrians)Seba (meroe)Ashkenaz (Nysia, Phrygia)
Arphaxad (Chaldeans)Havilah (Arabia)Riphath (Riphaean)
ShelahSabtah (Sabbatha)Togarmah (Armenia)
EberRaamah (Persian Gulf)Magog (Scythians)
Peleg ShebaMadai (Medes)
Joktan (Arabia) DedanJavan (Greeks)
AlmodadSabtecahElishah (Aeolians)
ShelephNimrodTarshish (Tartessus)
HazarmavethMizraim (Egypt)Kittim (Cyprus)
JerahLudim (Nubia)Dodanim (Trojans)
UzalLehabim (Libya)Meshech
DiklahNaphtuhitim (Napetu)Tiras (Thracians)
ObalPathrusim (Pathros)
AbimaelCasluhites (Philistia)
Sheba Philistines
OphirCaphtorites (Crete)
HavilahPhut (Libya)
JobabCanaan (Canaanites)
Lud (Lydians)Sidonites
Aram (Syrians)Hittites

Seventy one is also a good number, the look like sisters 7 and 1.

What some people say about 71?

The Number 71 is strongly associated with the Holy Spirit. Its primary meaning is Fulness and Dove. It appears in Scripture in Numbers 11.16:

And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may stand there with thee. And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone.
The Lord God Almighty placed His Spirit upon 71 people.

(Including Moses at that very moment)


This religious stuff is so entertainingly, the new discoveries never end...

Well, without further distractions, you said 70 nations but it appears in that website list, that those nations were 71.

Houston, we have a problem...
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Of course you didn't. The bible does it.

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

Uh uh, I think I saw a pussy cat...

And now that you have mentioned it, I just noticed that yes indeed, my rear end is not smart at all... and now I am very intrigued... how did you know?

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

Lets analyze your nonsense.

First you said 70 nations with their 70 languages.

The list of ancient nations formed by the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth counts 71 nations.

Then, the amount of ancient languages must be 71 languages.

The Children of Israel will count between those 71 nations because they spoke the language of Eber, hello?

I think you better relax and take it easy.

The more you talk the more deep down your hypothesis is going.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

Excuse me but the one swearing there were 70 nations it's you, even when according to the LINK those were 71.

I think you are making a fool of yourself showing that you can't add.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

Oh, come on.

Moses was so a common dude for God, that later God never mentioned him anymore. No prophet says that God thru Moses as a leader took the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

After Moses completed his journey he was done for God. Probably for men Moses still is considered a ... a... whatever you want to consider him, but for God Moses always was just a common dude. It had to be that way,because God said he is a jealous god (no competence), so, there it is...

Even for the Children of Israel, they seemed to evade naming their children with the name Moses for several generations, because Moses is not even a Hebrew name. The popularity of the name Moses came back thanks to the Muslim invasion when Muslims started to name their young leaders with the name Musa, and those Musa were victorious, they conquered lands by lots.

By envy or competence, the name Moses started to be used by the descendants of the 12 tribes since the Muslim expansion in Europe.

Then , the website LINK is right mentioning Moses as one more dude between the group of 71. You have no choice to take.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.

Definitively you are avoiding to respond the issue with the 71 nations, so your babbling is notorious as your way of escaping with a Lippy the Lion style.

First part is closed.

Time for the next paragraph of your former reply

Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

That sounds deep, specially coming from those ancient dudes.

I didn't know cave men were so great in philosophy.

"the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet"... what shapes?... the Hieroglyphic Hebrew... the Paleo Hebrew, the Aramaic Hebrew or the shapes of the Masoretic Hebrew?... because they are way different, you know... and here is the LINK


So, you must be talking of the Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Using that primeval Hebrew the reading was as it follows: "... then God said to first man, pristine creating me heavens earth. And earth a mess. Me said, light! light shine. Me said... etc.

Because it was a primitive language, you know. But, you are right, those letters had a particular shape each one. You see, letters with shape of humans, bird heads, snakes, etc.

So, you also say "they represent the Yud descending into existence". The "yud"... but... which one?


The one which resembles the Z of Zorro?

I truly don't think you are talking seriously in this topic.

This is a forum of religion and ethics but you are talking pure mysticism here.

I understand you come from a school where the great rabbis said lots of things, like Gamaliel saying "in the future women will deliver children everyday", and he even pointed the hen as his evidence.


Pure mysticism coming from their lazy imaginations, because if he was capable to think that way, then it is a clear indication that hashish was smoked in Palestine in great amounts.

Well, lets continue with the second part.

Start explaining which one of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet you are talking about. The one forming the path for the Yud to come into existence... the Hierogyphic, the Paleo, the... bah... you know the rest.
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Of course you didn't. The bible does it.

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

Uh uh, I think I saw a pussy cat...

And now that you have mentioned it, I just noticed that yes indeed, my rear end is not smart at all... and now I am very intrigued... how did you know?

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

Lets analyze your nonsense.

First you said 70 nations with their 70 languages.

The list of ancient nations formed by the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth counts 71 nations.

Then, the amount of ancient languages must be 71 languages.

The Children of Israel will count between those 71 nations because they spoke the language of Eber, hello?

I think you better relax and take it easy.

The more you talk the more deep down your hypothesis is going.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

Excuse me but the one swearing there were 70 nations it's you, even when according to the LINK those were 71.

I think you are making a fool of yourself showing that you can't add.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

Oh, come on.

Moses was so a common dude for God, that later God never mentioned him anymore. No prophet says that God thru Moses as a leader took the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

After Moses completed his journey he was done for God. Probably for men Moses still is considered a ... a... whatever you want to consider him, but for God Moses always was just a common dude. It had to be that way,because God said he is a jealous god (no competence), so, there it is...

Even for the Children of Israel, they seemed to evade naming their children with the name Moses for several generations, because Moses is not even a Hebrew name. The popularity of the name Moses came back thanks to the Muslim invasion when Muslims started to name their young leaders with the name Musa, and those Musa were victorious, they conquered lands by lots.

By envy or competence, the name Moses started to be used by the descendants of the 12 tribes since the Muslim expansion in Europe.

Then , the website LINK is right mentioning Moses as one more dude between the group of 71. You have no choice to take.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.

Definitively you are avoiding to respond the issue with the 71 nations, so your babbling is notorious as your way of escaping with a Lippy the Lion style.

First part is closed.

Time for the next paragraph of your former reply

Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

That sounds deep, specially coming from those ancient dudes.

I didn't know cave men were so great in philosophy.

"the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet"... what shapes?... the Hieroglyphic Hebrew... the Paleo Hebrew, the Aramaic Hebrew or the shapes of the Masoretic Hebrew?... because they are way different, you know... and here is the LINK

View attachment 334969

So, you must be talking of the Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Using that primeval Hebrew the reading was as it follows: "... then God said to first man, pristine creating me heavens earth. And earth a mess. Me said, light! light shine. Me said... etc.

Because it was a primitive language, you know. But, you are right, those letters had a particular shape each one. You see, letters with shape of humans, bird heads, snakes, etc.

So, you also say "they represent the Yud descending into existence". The "yud"... but... which one?

View attachment 334972

The one which resembles the Z of Zorro?

I truly don't think you are talking seriously in this topic.

This is a forum of religion and ethics but you are talking pure mysticism here.

I understand you come from a school where the great rabbis said lots of things, like Gamaliel saying "in the future women will deliver children everyday", and he even pointed the hen as his evidence.


Pure mysticism coming from their lazy imaginations, because if he was capable to think that way, then it is a clear indication that hashish was smoked in Palestine in great amounts.

Well, lets continue with the second part.

Start explaining which one of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet you are talking about. The one forming the path for the Yud to come into existence... the Hierogyphic, the Paleo, the... bah... you know the rest.
I would prefer to discuss the actual history of Judaism vs. atheism...
Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of well over 100 million people globally in the last century, not to mention an untold number of abortions and the acceptance of euthanasia.
If atheism is based on pure logic, you can keep your logic.

You are correct about what I originally posted about there being a total of 70 nations and languages...I did indeed make that mistake while I was in the middle of work.
I believe, based on the history of atheism, that my mistake would result in my execution.
Because in the end, atheists are far from rational...they are irrational and murderous towards those who see life from a different point of yourself.
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Of course you didn't. The bible does it.

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

Uh uh, I think I saw a pussy cat...

And now that you have mentioned it, I just noticed that yes indeed, my rear end is not smart at all... and now I am very intrigued... how did you know?

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

Lets analyze your nonsense.

First you said 70 nations with their 70 languages.

The list of ancient nations formed by the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth counts 71 nations.

Then, the amount of ancient languages must be 71 languages.

The Children of Israel will count between those 71 nations because they spoke the language of Eber, hello?

I think you better relax and take it easy.

The more you talk the more deep down your hypothesis is going.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

Excuse me but the one swearing there were 70 nations it's you, even when according to the LINK those were 71.

I think you are making a fool of yourself showing that you can't add.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

Oh, come on.

Moses was so a common dude for God, that later God never mentioned him anymore. No prophet says that God thru Moses as a leader took the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

After Moses completed his journey he was done for God. Probably for men Moses still is considered a ... a... whatever you want to consider him, but for God Moses always was just a common dude. It had to be that way,because God said he is a jealous god (no competence), so, there it is...

Even for the Children of Israel, they seemed to evade naming their children with the name Moses for several generations, because Moses is not even a Hebrew name. The popularity of the name Moses came back thanks to the Muslim invasion when Muslims started to name their young leaders with the name Musa, and those Musa were victorious, they conquered lands by lots.

By envy or competence, the name Moses started to be used by the descendants of the 12 tribes since the Muslim expansion in Europe.

Then , the website LINK is right mentioning Moses as one more dude between the group of 71. You have no choice to take.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.

Definitively you are avoiding to respond the issue with the 71 nations, so your babbling is notorious as your way of escaping with a Lippy the Lion style.

First part is closed.

Time for the next paragraph of your former reply

Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

That sounds deep, specially coming from those ancient dudes.

I didn't know cave men were so great in philosophy.

"the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet"... what shapes?... the Hieroglyphic Hebrew... the Paleo Hebrew, the Aramaic Hebrew or the shapes of the Masoretic Hebrew?... because they are way different, you know... and here is the LINK

View attachment 334969

So, you must be talking of the Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Using that primeval Hebrew the reading was as it follows: "... then God said to first man, pristine creating me heavens earth. And earth a mess. Me said, light! light shine. Me said... etc.

Because it was a primitive language, you know. But, you are right, those letters had a particular shape each one. You see, letters with shape of humans, bird heads, snakes, etc.

So, you also say "they represent the Yud descending into existence". The "yud"... but... which one?

View attachment 334972

The one which resembles the Z of Zorro?

I truly don't think you are talking seriously in this topic.

This is a forum of religion and ethics but you are talking pure mysticism here.

I understand you come from a school where the great rabbis said lots of things, like Gamaliel saying "in the future women will deliver children everyday", and he even pointed the hen as his evidence.


Pure mysticism coming from their lazy imaginations, because if he was capable to think that way, then it is a clear indication that hashish was smoked in Palestine in great amounts.

Well, lets continue with the second part.

Start explaining which one of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet you are talking about. The one forming the path for the Yud to come into existence... the Hierogyphic, the Paleo, the... bah... you know the rest.
The shapes of the Hebrew letters have zero to do with Hierogyphics, which are as yet, still indecipherable.
Yeah...every pharoah had a cat...
Feeling stupid yet?

The fact is you are exactly of the same mold as every atheist I have ever met...internally angry and outwardly nasty.

Every letter starts with the letter Yud, because every utterance starts with the energy supplied form above.
I presume you know which letter represents yourself...
Someone such as yourself would have the Yud starting in the middle, descending into your ego, trying to get back to the origin by traveling north East and having your ego turn it westward away from the East.
I'm sure you know to which letter I'm refer.
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Of course you didn't. The bible does it.

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

Uh uh, I think I saw a pussy cat...

And now that you have mentioned it, I just noticed that yes indeed, my rear end is not smart at all... and now I am very intrigued... how did you know?

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

Lets analyze your nonsense.

First you said 70 nations with their 70 languages.

The list of ancient nations formed by the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth counts 71 nations.

Then, the amount of ancient languages must be 71 languages.

The Children of Israel will count between those 71 nations because they spoke the language of Eber, hello?

I think you better relax and take it easy.

The more you talk the more deep down your hypothesis is going.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

Excuse me but the one swearing there were 70 nations it's you, even when according to the LINK those were 71.

I think you are making a fool of yourself showing that you can't add.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

Oh, come on.

Moses was so a common dude for God, that later God never mentioned him anymore. No prophet says that God thru Moses as a leader took the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

After Moses completed his journey he was done for God. Probably for men Moses still is considered a ... a... whatever you want to consider him, but for God Moses always was just a common dude. It had to be that way,because God said he is a jealous god (no competence), so, there it is...

Even for the Children of Israel, they seemed to evade naming their children with the name Moses for several generations, because Moses is not even a Hebrew name. The popularity of the name Moses came back thanks to the Muslim invasion when Muslims started to name their young leaders with the name Musa, and those Musa were victorious, they conquered lands by lots.

By envy or competence, the name Moses started to be used by the descendants of the 12 tribes since the Muslim expansion in Europe.

Then , the website LINK is right mentioning Moses as one more dude between the group of 71. You have no choice to take.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.

Definitively you are avoiding to respond the issue with the 71 nations, so your babbling is notorious as your way of escaping with a Lippy the Lion style.

First part is closed.

Time for the next paragraph of your former reply

Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

That sounds deep, specially coming from those ancient dudes.

I didn't know cave men were so great in philosophy.

"the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet"... what shapes?... the Hieroglyphic Hebrew... the Paleo Hebrew, the Aramaic Hebrew or the shapes of the Masoretic Hebrew?... because they are way different, you know... and here is the LINK

View attachment 334969

So, you must be talking of the Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Using that primeval Hebrew the reading was as it follows: "... then God said to first man, pristine creating me heavens earth. And earth a mess. Me said, light! light shine. Me said... etc.

Because it was a primitive language, you know. But, you are right, those letters had a particular shape each one. You see, letters with shape of humans, bird heads, snakes, etc.

So, you also say "they represent the Yud descending into existence". The "yud"... but... which one?

View attachment 334972

The one which resembles the Z of Zorro?

I truly don't think you are talking seriously in this topic.

This is a forum of religion and ethics but you are talking pure mysticism here.

I understand you come from a school where the great rabbis said lots of things, like Gamaliel saying "in the future women will deliver children everyday", and he even pointed the hen as his evidence.


Pure mysticism coming from their lazy imaginations, because if he was capable to think that way, then it is a clear indication that hashish was smoked in Palestine in great amounts.

Well, lets continue with the second part.

Start explaining which one of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet you are talking about. The one forming the path for the Yud to come into existence... the Hierogyphic, the Paleo, the... bah... you know the rest.
I would prefer to discuss the actual history of Judaism vs. atheism...
Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of well over 100 million people globally in the last century, not to mention an untold number of abortions and the acceptance of euthanasia.
If atheism is based on pure logic, you can keep your logic.

You are correct about what I originally posted about there being a total of 70 nations and languages...I did indeed make that mistake while I was in the middle of work.
I believe, based on the history of atheism, that my mistake would result in my execution.
Because in the end, atheists are far from rational...they are irrational and murderous towards those who see life from a different point of yourself.
Atheism has not resulted in murder as your cut and paste slogan claims. That's a nonsense slogan that religious extremists cut and paste frequently.
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Of course you didn't. The bible does it.

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

Uh uh, I think I saw a pussy cat...

And now that you have mentioned it, I just noticed that yes indeed, my rear end is not smart at all... and now I am very intrigued... how did you know?

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

Lets analyze your nonsense.

First you said 70 nations with their 70 languages.

The list of ancient nations formed by the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth counts 71 nations.

Then, the amount of ancient languages must be 71 languages.

The Children of Israel will count between those 71 nations because they spoke the language of Eber, hello?

I think you better relax and take it easy.

The more you talk the more deep down your hypothesis is going.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

Excuse me but the one swearing there were 70 nations it's you, even when according to the LINK those were 71.

I think you are making a fool of yourself showing that you can't add.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

Oh, come on.

Moses was so a common dude for God, that later God never mentioned him anymore. No prophet says that God thru Moses as a leader took the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

After Moses completed his journey he was done for God. Probably for men Moses still is considered a ... a... whatever you want to consider him, but for God Moses always was just a common dude. It had to be that way,because God said he is a jealous god (no competence), so, there it is...

Even for the Children of Israel, they seemed to evade naming their children with the name Moses for several generations, because Moses is not even a Hebrew name. The popularity of the name Moses came back thanks to the Muslim invasion when Muslims started to name their young leaders with the name Musa, and those Musa were victorious, they conquered lands by lots.

By envy or competence, the name Moses started to be used by the descendants of the 12 tribes since the Muslim expansion in Europe.

Then , the website LINK is right mentioning Moses as one more dude between the group of 71. You have no choice to take.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.

Definitively you are avoiding to respond the issue with the 71 nations, so your babbling is notorious as your way of escaping with a Lippy the Lion style.

First part is closed.

Time for the next paragraph of your former reply

Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

That sounds deep, specially coming from those ancient dudes.

I didn't know cave men were so great in philosophy.

"the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet"... what shapes?... the Hieroglyphic Hebrew... the Paleo Hebrew, the Aramaic Hebrew or the shapes of the Masoretic Hebrew?... because they are way different, you know... and here is the LINK

View attachment 334969

So, you must be talking of the Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Using that primeval Hebrew the reading was as it follows: "... then God said to first man, pristine creating me heavens earth. And earth a mess. Me said, light! light shine. Me said... etc.

Because it was a primitive language, you know. But, you are right, those letters had a particular shape each one. You see, letters with shape of humans, bird heads, snakes, etc.

So, you also say "they represent the Yud descending into existence". The "yud"... but... which one?

View attachment 334972

The one which resembles the Z of Zorro?

I truly don't think you are talking seriously in this topic.

This is a forum of religion and ethics but you are talking pure mysticism here.

I understand you come from a school where the great rabbis said lots of things, like Gamaliel saying "in the future women will deliver children everyday", and he even pointed the hen as his evidence.


Pure mysticism coming from their lazy imaginations, because if he was capable to think that way, then it is a clear indication that hashish was smoked in Palestine in great amounts.

Well, lets continue with the second part.

Start explaining which one of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet you are talking about. The one forming the path for the Yud to come into existence... the Hierogyphic, the Paleo, the... bah... you know the rest.
I would prefer to discuss the actual history of Judaism vs. atheism...
Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of well over 100 million people globally in the last century, not to mention an untold number of abortions and the acceptance of euthanasia.
If atheism is based on pure logic, you can keep your logic.

You are correct about what I originally posted about there being a total of 70 nations and languages...I did indeed make that mistake while I was in the middle of work.
I believe, based on the history of atheism, that my mistake would result in my execution.
Because in the end, atheists are far from rational...they are irrational and murderous towards those who see life from a different point of yourself.
Atheism has not resulted in murder as your cut and paste slogan claims. That's a nonsense slogan that religious extremists cut and paste frequently.
Your history is wanting.
Then again, I can't remember the last time you actually used a search engine.
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Of course you didn't. The bible does it.

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

Uh uh, I think I saw a pussy cat...

And now that you have mentioned it, I just noticed that yes indeed, my rear end is not smart at all... and now I am very intrigued... how did you know?

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

Lets analyze your nonsense.

First you said 70 nations with their 70 languages.

The list of ancient nations formed by the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth counts 71 nations.

Then, the amount of ancient languages must be 71 languages.

The Children of Israel will count between those 71 nations because they spoke the language of Eber, hello?

I think you better relax and take it easy.

The more you talk the more deep down your hypothesis is going.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

Excuse me but the one swearing there were 70 nations it's you, even when according to the LINK those were 71.

I think you are making a fool of yourself showing that you can't add.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

Oh, come on.

Moses was so a common dude for God, that later God never mentioned him anymore. No prophet says that God thru Moses as a leader took the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

After Moses completed his journey he was done for God. Probably for men Moses still is considered a ... a... whatever you want to consider him, but for God Moses always was just a common dude. It had to be that way,because God said he is a jealous god (no competence), so, there it is...

Even for the Children of Israel, they seemed to evade naming their children with the name Moses for several generations, because Moses is not even a Hebrew name. The popularity of the name Moses came back thanks to the Muslim invasion when Muslims started to name their young leaders with the name Musa, and those Musa were victorious, they conquered lands by lots.

By envy or competence, the name Moses started to be used by the descendants of the 12 tribes since the Muslim expansion in Europe.

Then , the website LINK is right mentioning Moses as one more dude between the group of 71. You have no choice to take.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.

Definitively you are avoiding to respond the issue with the 71 nations, so your babbling is notorious as your way of escaping with a Lippy the Lion style.

First part is closed.

Time for the next paragraph of your former reply

Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

That sounds deep, specially coming from those ancient dudes.

I didn't know cave men were so great in philosophy.

"the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet"... what shapes?... the Hieroglyphic Hebrew... the Paleo Hebrew, the Aramaic Hebrew or the shapes of the Masoretic Hebrew?... because they are way different, you know... and here is the LINK

View attachment 334969

So, you must be talking of the Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Using that primeval Hebrew the reading was as it follows: "... then God said to first man, pristine creating me heavens earth. And earth a mess. Me said, light! light shine. Me said... etc.

Because it was a primitive language, you know. But, you are right, those letters had a particular shape each one. You see, letters with shape of humans, bird heads, snakes, etc.

So, you also say "they represent the Yud descending into existence". The "yud"... but... which one?

View attachment 334972

The one which resembles the Z of Zorro?

I truly don't think you are talking seriously in this topic.

This is a forum of religion and ethics but you are talking pure mysticism here.

I understand you come from a school where the great rabbis said lots of things, like Gamaliel saying "in the future women will deliver children everyday", and he even pointed the hen as his evidence.


Pure mysticism coming from their lazy imaginations, because if he was capable to think that way, then it is a clear indication that hashish was smoked in Palestine in great amounts.

Well, lets continue with the second part.

Start explaining which one of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet you are talking about. The one forming the path for the Yud to come into existence... the Hierogyphic, the Paleo, the... bah... you know the rest.
I would prefer to discuss the actual history of Judaism vs. atheism...
Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of well over 100 million people globally in the last century, not to mention an untold number of abortions and the acceptance of euthanasia.
If atheism is based on pure logic, you can keep your logic.

You are correct about what I originally posted about there being a total of 70 nations and languages...I did indeed make that mistake while I was in the middle of work.
I believe, based on the history of atheism, that my mistake would result in my execution.
Because in the end, atheists are far from rational...they are irrational and murderous towards those who see life from a different point of yourself.
Atheism has not resulted in murder as your cut and paste slogan claims. That's a nonsense slogan that religious extremists cut and paste frequently.
Your history is wanting.
Then again, I can't remember the last time you actually used a search engine.
Your ability to form a coherent response is lacking. I can't recall a single time you offered a supportable statement.

The personality cult of Stalin, Lenin, Mao etc., draws from a sociopathy in which leaders sought to strengthen their positions and unite their citizens into an entity that identified as a collective whole, not unlike religions. These details are important because communism/Stalinism/Leninism are all ideologies dedicated to destroying individuality and to coerce conformance to the State ideology.

Obviously, you're too lazy and/or unethical to actually look at the details. Shall I do that fir you?
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Of course you didn't. The bible does it.

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

Uh uh, I think I saw a pussy cat...

And now that you have mentioned it, I just noticed that yes indeed, my rear end is not smart at all... and now I am very intrigued... how did you know?

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

Lets analyze your nonsense.

First you said 70 nations with their 70 languages.

The list of ancient nations formed by the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth counts 71 nations.

Then, the amount of ancient languages must be 71 languages.

The Children of Israel will count between those 71 nations because they spoke the language of Eber, hello?

I think you better relax and take it easy.

The more you talk the more deep down your hypothesis is going.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

Excuse me but the one swearing there were 70 nations it's you, even when according to the LINK those were 71.

I think you are making a fool of yourself showing that you can't add.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

Oh, come on.

Moses was so a common dude for God, that later God never mentioned him anymore. No prophet says that God thru Moses as a leader took the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

After Moses completed his journey he was done for God. Probably for men Moses still is considered a ... a... whatever you want to consider him, but for God Moses always was just a common dude. It had to be that way,because God said he is a jealous god (no competence), so, there it is...

Even for the Children of Israel, they seemed to evade naming their children with the name Moses for several generations, because Moses is not even a Hebrew name. The popularity of the name Moses came back thanks to the Muslim invasion when Muslims started to name their young leaders with the name Musa, and those Musa were victorious, they conquered lands by lots.

By envy or competence, the name Moses started to be used by the descendants of the 12 tribes since the Muslim expansion in Europe.

Then , the website LINK is right mentioning Moses as one more dude between the group of 71. You have no choice to take.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.

Definitively you are avoiding to respond the issue with the 71 nations, so your babbling is notorious as your way of escaping with a Lippy the Lion style.

First part is closed.

Time for the next paragraph of your former reply

Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

That sounds deep, specially coming from those ancient dudes.

I didn't know cave men were so great in philosophy.

"the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet"... what shapes?... the Hieroglyphic Hebrew... the Paleo Hebrew, the Aramaic Hebrew or the shapes of the Masoretic Hebrew?... because they are way different, you know... and here is the LINK

View attachment 334969

So, you must be talking of the Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Using that primeval Hebrew the reading was as it follows: "... then God said to first man, pristine creating me heavens earth. And earth a mess. Me said, light! light shine. Me said... etc.

Because it was a primitive language, you know. But, you are right, those letters had a particular shape each one. You see, letters with shape of humans, bird heads, snakes, etc.

So, you also say "they represent the Yud descending into existence". The "yud"... but... which one?

View attachment 334972

The one which resembles the Z of Zorro?

I truly don't think you are talking seriously in this topic.

This is a forum of religion and ethics but you are talking pure mysticism here.

I understand you come from a school where the great rabbis said lots of things, like Gamaliel saying "in the future women will deliver children everyday", and he even pointed the hen as his evidence.


Pure mysticism coming from their lazy imaginations, because if he was capable to think that way, then it is a clear indication that hashish was smoked in Palestine in great amounts.

Well, lets continue with the second part.

Start explaining which one of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet you are talking about. The one forming the path for the Yud to come into existence... the Hierogyphic, the Paleo, the... bah... you know the rest.
I would prefer to discuss the actual history of Judaism vs. atheism...
Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of well over 100 million people globally in the last century, not to mention an untold number of abortions and the acceptance of euthanasia.
If atheism is based on pure logic, you can keep your logic.

You are correct about what I originally posted about there being a total of 70 nations and languages...I did indeed make that mistake while I was in the middle of work.
I believe, based on the history of atheism, that my mistake would result in my execution.
Because in the end, atheists are far from rational...they are irrational and murderous towards those who see life from a different point of yourself.
Atheism has not resulted in murder as your cut and paste slogan claims. That's a nonsense slogan that religious extremists cut and paste frequently.
Your history is wanting.
Then again, I can't remember the last time you actually used a search engine.
Your ability to form a coherent response is lacking. I can't recall a single time you offered a supportable statement.

The personality cult of Stalin, Lenin, Mao etc., draws from a sociopathy in which leaders sought to strengthen their positions and unite their citizens into an entity that identified as a collective whole, not unlike religions. These details are important because communism/Stalinism/Leninism are all ideologies dedicated to destroying individuality and to coerce conformance to the State ideology.

Obviously, you're too lazy and/or unethical to actually look at the details. Shall I do that fir you?
"Your ability to form a coherent response is lacking. I can't recall a single time you offered a supportable statement."
All anyone has to do is look through our one-sided (my side) discusssions to see that this post is typical of your responses to anyone who presents facts.
I really enjoy when you post something, "Yeah! Right!".
As though that's an intelligent response to anything.

Try a search engine "atheism and mass murder"...unless you're too stupid to know how to use them.
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Of course you didn't. The bible does it.

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

Uh uh, I think I saw a pussy cat...

And now that you have mentioned it, I just noticed that yes indeed, my rear end is not smart at all... and now I am very intrigued... how did you know?

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

Lets analyze your nonsense.

First you said 70 nations with their 70 languages.

The list of ancient nations formed by the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth counts 71 nations.

Then, the amount of ancient languages must be 71 languages.

The Children of Israel will count between those 71 nations because they spoke the language of Eber, hello?

I think you better relax and take it easy.

The more you talk the more deep down your hypothesis is going.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

Excuse me but the one swearing there were 70 nations it's you, even when according to the LINK those were 71.

I think you are making a fool of yourself showing that you can't add.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

Oh, come on.

Moses was so a common dude for God, that later God never mentioned him anymore. No prophet says that God thru Moses as a leader took the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

After Moses completed his journey he was done for God. Probably for men Moses still is considered a ... a... whatever you want to consider him, but for God Moses always was just a common dude. It had to be that way,because God said he is a jealous god (no competence), so, there it is...

Even for the Children of Israel, they seemed to evade naming their children with the name Moses for several generations, because Moses is not even a Hebrew name. The popularity of the name Moses came back thanks to the Muslim invasion when Muslims started to name their young leaders with the name Musa, and those Musa were victorious, they conquered lands by lots.

By envy or competence, the name Moses started to be used by the descendants of the 12 tribes since the Muslim expansion in Europe.

Then , the website LINK is right mentioning Moses as one more dude between the group of 71. You have no choice to take.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.

Definitively you are avoiding to respond the issue with the 71 nations, so your babbling is notorious as your way of escaping with a Lippy the Lion style.

First part is closed.

Time for the next paragraph of your former reply

Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

That sounds deep, specially coming from those ancient dudes.

I didn't know cave men were so great in philosophy.

"the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet"... what shapes?... the Hieroglyphic Hebrew... the Paleo Hebrew, the Aramaic Hebrew or the shapes of the Masoretic Hebrew?... because they are way different, you know... and here is the LINK

View attachment 334969

So, you must be talking of the Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Using that primeval Hebrew the reading was as it follows: "... then God said to first man, pristine creating me heavens earth. And earth a mess. Me said, light! light shine. Me said... etc.

Because it was a primitive language, you know. But, you are right, those letters had a particular shape each one. You see, letters with shape of humans, bird heads, snakes, etc.

So, you also say "they represent the Yud descending into existence". The "yud"... but... which one?

View attachment 334972

The one which resembles the Z of Zorro?

I truly don't think you are talking seriously in this topic.

This is a forum of religion and ethics but you are talking pure mysticism here.

I understand you come from a school where the great rabbis said lots of things, like Gamaliel saying "in the future women will deliver children everyday", and he even pointed the hen as his evidence.


Pure mysticism coming from their lazy imaginations, because if he was capable to think that way, then it is a clear indication that hashish was smoked in Palestine in great amounts.

Well, lets continue with the second part.

Start explaining which one of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet you are talking about. The one forming the path for the Yud to come into existence... the Hierogyphic, the Paleo, the... bah... you know the rest.
I would prefer to discuss the actual history of Judaism vs. atheism...
Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of well over 100 million people globally in the last century, not to mention an untold number of abortions and the acceptance of euthanasia.
If atheism is based on pure logic, you can keep your logic.

You are correct about what I originally posted about there being a total of 70 nations and languages...I did indeed make that mistake while I was in the middle of work.
I believe, based on the history of atheism, that my mistake would result in my execution.
Because in the end, atheists are far from rational...they are irrational and murderous towards those who see life from a different point of yourself.
Atheism has not resulted in murder as your cut and paste slogan claims. That's a nonsense slogan that religious extremists cut and paste frequently.
Your history is wanting.
Then again, I can't remember the last time you actually used a search engine.
Your ability to form a coherent response is lacking. I can't recall a single time you offered a supportable statement.

The personality cult of Stalin, Lenin, Mao etc., draws from a sociopathy in which leaders sought to strengthen their positions and unite their citizens into an entity that identified as a collective whole, not unlike religions. These details are important because communism/Stalinism/Leninism are all ideologies dedicated to destroying individuality and to coerce conformance to the State ideology.

Obviously, you're too lazy and/or unethical to actually look at the details. Shall I do that fir you?
"Your ability to form a coherent response is lacking. I can't recall a single time you offered a supportable statement."
All anyone has to do is look through our one-sided (my side) discusssions to see that this post is typical of your responses to anyone who presents facts.
I really enjoy when you post something, "Yeah! Right!".
As though that's an intelligent response to anything.

Try a search engine "atheism and mass murder"...unless you're too stupid to know how to use them.
You have presented no facts. That's pretty typical.

Try a search engine for "no facts diminishes your argument".
Where did I post that the languages were meant to confuse?

Of course you didn't. The bible does it.

Take the Holy Spirit and stick it up your ignorant rear end.

Uh uh, I think I saw a pussy cat...

And now that you have mentioned it, I just noticed that yes indeed, my rear end is not smart at all... and now I am very intrigued... how did you know?

The very sages who say there are 70 nations also say that the Children of Israel are not counted among the nations; I guess that statement never appeared in any of your Links
So I guess we're back to the Jews and 70 nations.

Lets analyze your nonsense.

First you said 70 nations with their 70 languages.

The list of ancient nations formed by the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth counts 71 nations.

Then, the amount of ancient languages must be 71 languages.

The Children of Israel will count between those 71 nations because they spoke the language of Eber, hello?

I think you better relax and take it easy.

The more you talk the more deep down your hypothesis is going.

The problem is that I am having a discussion with a Link Debator, which shows how pathetic you are.
You haven't spent even a year studying the subject and you are making a fool of yourself.

Excuse me but the one swearing there were 70 nations it's you, even when according to the LINK those were 71.

I think you are making a fool of yourself showing that you can't add.

You will also take note of the Torah verses that state Moshe and Children of Israel...
Moshe was equal to the entire nation and more than equal to the 70 elders, not simply one of them.

Oh, come on.

Moses was so a common dude for God, that later God never mentioned him anymore. No prophet says that God thru Moses as a leader took the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

After Moses completed his journey he was done for God. Probably for men Moses still is considered a ... a... whatever you want to consider him, but for God Moses always was just a common dude. It had to be that way,because God said he is a jealous god (no competence), so, there it is...

Even for the Children of Israel, they seemed to evade naming their children with the name Moses for several generations, because Moses is not even a Hebrew name. The popularity of the name Moses came back thanks to the Muslim invasion when Muslims started to name their young leaders with the name Musa, and those Musa were victorious, they conquered lands by lots.

By envy or competence, the name Moses started to be used by the descendants of the 12 tribes since the Muslim expansion in Europe.

Then , the website LINK is right mentioning Moses as one more dude between the group of 71. You have no choice to take.

You have to find better Links that give you all the information, not just the ideological information you want.

Definitively you are avoiding to respond the issue with the 71 nations, so your babbling is notorious as your way of escaping with a Lippy the Lion style.

First part is closed.

Time for the next paragraph of your former reply

Let me know when you have an inkling of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet and how they represent the Yud descending into existence and how that Yud is driven by the free will human to either achieve or thwarts Pristine's intention for mankind.

That sounds deep, specially coming from those ancient dudes.

I didn't know cave men were so great in philosophy.

"the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet"... what shapes?... the Hieroglyphic Hebrew... the Paleo Hebrew, the Aramaic Hebrew or the shapes of the Masoretic Hebrew?... because they are way different, you know... and here is the LINK

View attachment 334969

So, you must be talking of the Hieroglyphic Hebrew. Using that primeval Hebrew the reading was as it follows: "... then God said to first man, pristine creating me heavens earth. And earth a mess. Me said, light! light shine. Me said... etc.

Because it was a primitive language, you know. But, you are right, those letters had a particular shape each one. You see, letters with shape of humans, bird heads, snakes, etc.

So, you also say "they represent the Yud descending into existence". The "yud"... but... which one?

View attachment 334972

The one which resembles the Z of Zorro?

I truly don't think you are talking seriously in this topic.

This is a forum of religion and ethics but you are talking pure mysticism here.

I understand you come from a school where the great rabbis said lots of things, like Gamaliel saying "in the future women will deliver children everyday", and he even pointed the hen as his evidence.


Pure mysticism coming from their lazy imaginations, because if he was capable to think that way, then it is a clear indication that hashish was smoked in Palestine in great amounts.

Well, lets continue with the second part.

Start explaining which one of the shapes of the Hebrew alphabet you are talking about. The one forming the path for the Yud to come into existence... the Hierogyphic, the Paleo, the... bah... you know the rest.
I would prefer to discuss the actual history of Judaism vs. atheism...
Atheism has resulted in the mass murder of well over 100 million people globally in the last century, not to mention an untold number of abortions and the acceptance of euthanasia.
If atheism is based on pure logic, you can keep your logic.

You are correct about what I originally posted about there being a total of 70 nations and languages...I did indeed make that mistake while I was in the middle of work.
I believe, based on the history of atheism, that my mistake would result in my execution.
Because in the end, atheists are far from rational...they are irrational and murderous towards those who see life from a different point of yourself.
Atheism has not resulted in murder as your cut and paste slogan claims. That's a nonsense slogan that religious extremists cut and paste frequently.
Your history is wanting.
Then again, I can't remember the last time you actually used a search engine.
Your ability to form a coherent response is lacking. I can't recall a single time you offered a supportable statement.

The personality cult of Stalin, Lenin, Mao etc., draws from a sociopathy in which leaders sought to strengthen their positions and unite their citizens into an entity that identified as a collective whole, not unlike religions. These details are important because communism/Stalinism/Leninism are all ideologies dedicated to destroying individuality and to coerce conformance to the State ideology.

Obviously, you're too lazy and/or unethical to actually look at the details. Shall I do that fir you?
"Your ability to form a coherent response is lacking. I can't recall a single time you offered a supportable statement."
All anyone has to do is look through our one-sided (my side) discusssions to see that this post is typical of your responses to anyone who presents facts.
I really enjoy when you post something, "Yeah! Right!".
As though that's an intelligent response to anything.

Try a search engine "atheism and mass murder"...unless you're too stupid to know how to use them.
Try a search engine "atheism and mass murder"...unless you're too stupid to know how to use them.
As though that's an intelligent response to anything.
do you ever follow your own advice ... and not cry when the phony desert religions receive the payback they most assuredly deserve.

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