Does it ever occur to repubs to question why gun violence in other first world nations is so minimal

You're the one who brought up how other people have it outside the US when it comes to violence. Yet you're questioning why somebody would bring up murders in other countries now?????
lol you people are so dense. I specifically said white people commit the most terrorist attacks in the US. That doesn’t somehow mean I think brown people in other countries don’t commit terrorist attacks. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
Dude what the absolute fuck? How does these quotes contradict each other? Go ahead and I’ll explain that. I’ll wait.

How many times should I explain this to you?

Your OP was about comparing the violence in other countries to ours. Pat brought up murder statistics in other countries. Anything else I need to explain to you?
What he meant to say is that IN THE UNITED STATES, only white people commit mass shootings. Aside from his inarticulate phrasing of the question, he is still wrong. There was the Orlando nightclub massacre, the San Bernardino massacre, the Fort Hood massacre and on and on and on.

Yes, well the media tells them what to focus on. The Democrat (MSM) policy is to focus only on white mass murders. This way Billy (the uninformed) are going to promote what they heard on MSM and nothing more.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
Do those other nations have a black gangsta sub culture driving up their numbers? If you take away black violence, our numbers would be great!

And actually very comparable to European countries.

The premise here is to promote that guns cause the violence--not the type of people. In effort to make a point, he compares gun policies between us and several nations instead of comparing us to the people of other nations.

It's like I posted earlier: If you create law that every citizen in a crime-free upper class suburb must be armed, the violent crime statistics will not change. That's because the gun doesn't cause the violence--the people do. Leftists just don't understand it.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
Do those other nations have a black gangsta sub culture driving up their numbers? If you take away black violence, our numbers would be great!

And actually very comparable to European countries.

The premise here is to promote that guns cause the violence--not the type of people. In effort to make a point, he compares gun policies between us and several nations instead of comparing us to the people of other nations.

It's like I posted earlier: If you create law that every citizen in a crime-free upper class suburb must be armed, the violent crime statistics will not change. That's because the gun doesn't cause the violence--the people do. Leftists just don't understand it.


I was going to say bingo but somehow bang just seem like a better expletive for the subject. :04:
Dude what the absolute fuck? How does these quotes contradict each other? Go ahead and I’ll explain that. I’ll wait.

How many times should I explain this to you?

Your OP was about comparing the violence in other countries to ours. Pat brought up murder statistics in other countries. Anything else I need to explain to you?
Uh what we were talking SPECIFICALLY was that white people commit the most terrorist attacks in the US. Thats it. It was a separate discussion from my OP.
And most crimes in China are committed by Chinese people. So what? What would be the purpose of discussing such a useless piece of information?

Next we can talk about how most things that die in the ocean are some type of aquatic lifeform.
Um because Americans aren’t all white....

Well in that case you're going to have to get a bit more specific with your statistics.
instead of just the category of Americans you need numerous categories each with their own set of statistics.
This is usually where the left fades and dies because they know Goddamn good and well what that type of statistic layout will show.

Here is one for you .lived in Morocco 0 guns 0 mass shootings, no shootings at work places, and no shootings at any dispute....if guns were available they wouldve been used.
Access to guns equals to greater damage when people lose control.
America loves guns, and will keep counting dead bodies.

One killed, two hurt in Morocco tourist town shooting

Disproved your 0 BS pretty quickly, got anymore silly lies?

Morocco has a huge number of domestic violence deaths. The backwards reasoning of the left inferring that if they were more guns present there would be more deaths is like saying it's good to hit yourself in the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop.


Issa lies all the time, and then when you call him on it he then calls you a racist. He is a backward racist hate monger and he never denies it.
Uh what we were talking SPECIFICALLY was that white people commit the most terrorist attacks in the US. Thats it. It was a separate discussion from my OP.
And most crimes in China are committed by Chinese people. So what? What would be the purpose of discussing such a useless piece of information?

Next we can talk about how most things that die in the ocean are some type of aquatic lifeform.
Um because Americans aren’t all white....
Most are, right? If most are white, wouldnt you expect most of the criminals to be white? What exactly about this fact do you find compelling?
Lol whites are about to become a minority, but the point is, it’s dumb to assume minorities commit the most terrorist attacks in the US.

So why focus on just mass shootings?

Ignore what goes on in Chicago and many other major cities across the US and only be concerned about mass killers.

If on a holiday weekend, Chicago has 20 gun deaths, but one mass killer has 12, don't be concerned about what's going on in Chicago?

Of course not the left is never concerned about crimes committed by protected classes. I realize this doesn't make any sense... But in any case I'm going to quote from a brilliant poster that I know on another board who developed an excellent phrase for this sort thing. It's simple, brief and efficient.


Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they don't have Democrats in those places. Look at the totality of gun deaths, not just the high profile mass shootings, and the perpetrators are nearly all people who would vote for Democrats. That's why the Democrats are working so hard to give back voting rights to convicted felons, even those convicted of homicides.
Here is one for you .lived in Morocco 0 guns 0 mass shootings, no shootings at work places, and no shootings at any dispute....if guns were available they wouldve been used.
Access to guns equals to greater damage when people lose control.
America loves guns, and will keep counting dead bodies.

One killed, two hurt in Morocco tourist town shooting

Disproved your 0 BS pretty quickly, got anymore silly lies?

Morocco has a huge number of domestic violence deaths. The backwards reasoning of the left inferring that if they were more guns present there would be more deaths is like saying it's good to hit yourself in the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop.


Issa lies all the time, and then when you call him on it he then calls you a racist. He is a backward racist hate monger and he never denies it.

Ahh...a graduate of the Obama /Holder / Jarett society.... With a sprinkling of Alinsky.

All throughout central and south America homicide is high, violence is endemic. Naturally when we bring those people here we will have elevated levels of violence.

How many Central and South Americans have been responsible for these mass shootings ?
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

Gun violence is only one form of violence. I was reading the other day about the Inquisition. Very violent situation, many people killed, and it was started BEFORE firearms were even invented.

I think we need to eliminate ALL violence, strictly speaking most victims of arrows or spears or being stoned to death don't feel lucky because they weren't shot.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

Figure out why there are more gang members in the US and you might have an answer.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

Just off the top of my head, I think it has to do with liberty, maybe diet and psychological issues that go unattended to, an ambitious, independent system in which you succeed and fail on your own (loneliness attached to this), and a violent culture of movies, music and media.

It could be worse, the murder rate (and general crime rate) in England is higher than yours, but they get close up and hack you to death. Probably laugh when they are finished.

but they get close up and hack you to death. Probably laugh when they are finished.

And thats just at soccer games.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

Just off the top of my head, I think it has to do with liberty, maybe diet and psychological issues that go unattended to, an ambitious, independent system in which you succeed and fail on your own (loneliness attached to this), and a violent culture of movies, music and media.

It could be worse, the murder rate (and general crime rate) in England is higher than yours, but they get close up and hack you to death. Probably laugh when they are finished.

Neither the murder rate nor the general crime rate is higher in England. The murder rate in GB is 1/10 that of the US.

As for the crime rate, American crime rates include only the most violent crimes. British crime rates include ALL crimes. For example: under “sexual assault” the US counts only rapes where penatration is achieved. GB counts molestations, gropings, as well as sexual assaults.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

I have a question for you, let’s see if you can answer it?

When we make all these changes you want and lunatics continue to commit ruthless cowardly acts that we all detest, what’s going to be your excuse then?
Here is one for you .lived in Morocco 0 guns 0 mass shootings, no shootings at work places, and no shootings at any dispute....if guns were available they wouldve been used.
Access to guns equals to greater damage when people lose control.
America loves guns, and will keep counting dead bodies.

Morocco does need guns.
At least 24 dead in Morocco bombings | Daily Mail Online

Why aren’t bombs banned in Morocco?
Here is one for you .lived in Morocco 0 guns 0 mass shootings, no shootings at work places, and no shootings at any dispute....if guns were available they wouldve been used.
Access to guns equals to greater damage when people lose control.
America loves guns, and will keep counting dead bodies.

Morocco does need guns.
At least 24 dead in Morocco bombings | Daily Mail Online

Why aren’t bombs banned in Morocco?

OH MY GOD this bombing was in 2003 and not as your fake news says November the 9th 2018. You owe me a huge apology....
That was when Al Qaeda was super active and committed several bombings against US allies, France, Spain, Morocco, UK, and others.....Since then we cleaned the house and so many extremists were pardoned and rehabilitated to society.
Lived there 23 years of my life not one single mass shootings, except for one ....the arms were smuggled from neighboring Algeria and acts were committed by terrorists.
Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of people died from gun violence in the US, worse than some wars.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

And western Europe is at the mercy of an unelected bureaucratic class in Brussels, Belgium. We are the militia...not the military or the National Guard that works at the behest and leisure of the owners of this corporate entity that we call "government". We, as an armed people, provide the checks and balances. That is why the shadow government works so hard to disarm us. The goal of the communist left is to disarm the citizenry. Put yourself out there and "stand point" in a door to door confiscation movement. I would bet a dime to a Federal Reserve note of debt that your frail shoulders would falter.......
Most mass shooters are white GTFOH

So are we talking about mass shooters only or overall gun murders?

Recreational narcotics have been illegal in this country my entire life. Yet today, we have more of a problem with drugs than at any other time in our history. More addicts, more drug users, more overdose deaths, more people being saved from OD"s.
Look American society is very harsh...
People are under immense stress, less family support (everyone on his own), drugs, violent video games, movies...even a violent president. So when people lose their shit they have access to guns and they used them...I cant the same about other countries, because guns are hard to get....keep counting the bodies, 307 mass shootings so far.

And most of them are not really mass shootings. A mass shooting is four or more people by FBI standards. That happens in drive by drug shootings all the time.

People had it much harder years ago. My father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. He lived in a house about the size of a three car garage with his five other siblings. They went to bed hungry quite often. The house had no running water or sewer, so when you had to go, you went outside to the outhouse even in the middle of winter. The outhouse didn't even have a roof on it. Pretty cold when you sit on a seat with snow on it.

My father never got into trouble with the law, and neither did his siblings. Most of them turned out to be hard working people and all the males joined the military and fought in wars. My father said he joined just to get three square meals a day.

So I don't buy this hard life BS. I don't buy that guns are the problem either. The problem is our society. We live in a near Godless country and we raise our children to be eggshells. The least thing goes wrong in their life, and they end up killing a bunch of people because as far as they are concerned, the only thing that happens to you after death is everything goes blank just like before you were born.
Irish, italian, Jewish, polish mafias are all a myth I guess. There was no killings before o guess....everyone went to church.

Well let me ask: did you see the kind of murders back then that you see today so frequently? Those were small gangs of people. It was not widespread. Gangs mostly killed members of other gangs and sometimes people in their own gang.

This guy went out to kill innocent people who likely did nothing to him in life. The same holds true of the last mass shooting at the Synagog in PA. In fact most mass shootings have nothing to do with the killer himself. They are not killing for financial goals, they are just killing out of anger.

killings have been happening since the creation of this nation....due to availability of arms...Mafia did kill lot of innocent people, those who refused to pay, or didn't obey orders, killed politicians, police officers, informants, etc.....Other countries went through the same intimidation tactics but with no guns, so there were less fatalities....That's what i'm trying to explain to you.

I'll give you a simple example: Mideternean people are warmer people but also they can get hot headed easily unlike Americans here in the US....when they lose their shit they throw punches, use objects, in extreme cases knives unlike in the US, arms are so available to inflict greater damage that's why we see more dead people....more guns available more dead people, is that simple.....good citizen or not....that's not the issue.

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