Does it ever occur to repubs to question why gun violence in other first world nations is so minimal

Here is one for you .lived in Morocco 0 guns 0 mass shootings, no shootings at work places, and no shootings at any dispute....if guns were available they wouldve been used.
Access to guns equals to greater damage when people lose control.
America loves guns, and will keep counting dead bodies.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
Republicans don't like questions. Questions can lead to thinking. They prefer to follow. Follow a crazy.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
Most mass shooters are white GTFOH
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
I hate to break it to you. But these days, the opioid epidemic is in the upper area where it's still peaceful and virtually crime-free, except for the drug deaths.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
Most mass shooters are white GTFOH

Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
Most mass shooters are white GTFOH

So are we talking about mass shooters only or overall gun murders?

Recreational narcotics have been illegal in this country my entire life. Yet today, we have more of a problem with drugs than at any other time in our history. More addicts, more drug users, more overdose deaths, more people being saved from OD"s.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
I hate to break it to you. But these days, the opioid epidemic is in the upper area where it's still peaceful and virtually crime-free, except for the drug deaths.

This is true, however no violence involved. When I spoke of crime, I meant violent crime. All areas have some sort of crime.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
Most mass shooters are white GTFOH

So are we talking about mass shooters only or overall gun murders?

Recreational narcotics have been illegal in this country my entire life. Yet today, we have more of a problem with drugs than at any other time in our history. More addicts, more drug users, more overdose deaths, more people being saved from OD"s.
Look American society is very harsh...
People are under immense stress, less family support (everyone on his own), drugs, violent video games, movies...even a violent president. So when people lose their shit they have access to guns and they used them...I cant the same about other countries, because guns are hard to get....keep counting the bodies, 307 mass shootings so far.
Repeal all gun laws and let people be responsible for their own security.

If everyone is armed, nobody is armed. It's the only real somution.
Repeal all gun laws and let people be responsible for their own security.

If everyone is armed, nobody is armed. It's the only real somution.
Looool a dark bar full of drunk armed folks, they hear a shooting, every starts shooting in all move.

Do you guys ever travel overseas and see how people are living? Do you know there is a world out there with no mass shooting?
I say this and I've lived ina countr with 0 gun violence....why you guys dont get it?
Repeal all gun laws and let people be responsible for their own security.

If everyone is armed, nobody is armed. It's the only real somution.
Looool a dark bar full of drunk armed folks, they hear a shooting, every starts shooting in all move.

Do you guys ever travel overseas and see how people are living? Do you know there is a world out there with no mass shooting?
I say this and I've lived ina countr with 0 gun violence....why you guys dont get it?
Being drunk in public is dangerous.

You should travel overseas and stay there. You'd be happier and you don't have to infringe on our rights. Win win.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Repeal all gun laws and let people be responsible for their own security.

If everyone is armed, nobody is armed. It's the only real somution.
Looool a dark bar full of drunk armed folks, they hear a shooting, every starts shooting in all move.

Do you guys ever travel overseas and see how people are living? Do you know there is a world out there with no mass shooting?
I say this and I've lived ina countr with 0 gun violence....why you guys dont get it?
How many people are murdered per capital where you come from? I'll bet it's a lot more than here in the USA.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
All throughout central and south America homicide is high, violence is endemic. Naturally when we bring those people here we will have elevated levels of violence.
Most mass shooters are white Americans sweetie.

Las Vegas shooter - Thought to be Liberal
San Bernardino terrorists - Muslim Democrat
Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Democrat, and muslim
Adam Lanza - Liberal, hated Christians
Columbine High School freaks - too young to vote but came from very liberal families
Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - liberal freak
Virginia Tech decapitater - liberal
Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - liberal
Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - liberal
Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - liberal
Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal, hated Bush
The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberals
Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim democrat
Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

Want more examples of the violent left?...

Lee Harvy Oswald (JFK) - Marxist (hard core lefty)
John Hinkley (Reagan) - Democrat
John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln) - Democrat
Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme (Gerd Ford attempt) - Liberal
Sir Han Sir Han (RFK) - Liberal
Bill Ayers - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Bernadine Dohrn - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Black panther party - leftist based organization
Occupy Wall Street - over 8,000 arrests, 3 murders, 2 arson, 10 plus reported rapes - a hardcore leftist movement
KKK- was spawn from democrats
Eradication of Jews 1940's (holocaust) - Hitler a member of the National Socialist Workers Party aka a hardcore leftist.
Planned parenthood - a leftist organization, created for the sole purpose to eradicate blacks, (do some research on Margaret Sanger)
Slavery - Democrats were proponents.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

Just off the top of my head, I think it has to do with liberty, maybe diet and psychological issues that go unattended to, an ambitious, independent system in which you succeed and fail on your own (loneliness attached to this), and a violent culture of movies, music and media.

It could be worse, the murder rate (and general crime rate) in England is higher than yours, but they get close up and hack you to death. Probably laugh when they are finished.

Upon a quick search, it seems you're full of it.

81- United States
165 - United Kingdom
Murder Rate By Country

I wonder why people never look anything up, they just go with what they want to believe.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
Most mass shooters are white GTFOH

So are we talking about mass shooters only or overall gun murders?

Recreational narcotics have been illegal in this country my entire life. Yet today, we have more of a problem with drugs than at any other time in our history. More addicts, more drug users, more overdose deaths, more people being saved from OD"s.
Look American society is very harsh...
People are under immense stress, less family support (everyone on his own), drugs, violent video games, movies...even a violent president. So when people lose their shit they have access to guns and they used them...I cant the same about other countries, because guns are hard to get....keep counting the bodies, 307 mass shootings so far.

And most of them are not really mass shootings. A mass shooting is four or more people by FBI standards. That happens in drive by drug shootings all the time.

People had it much harder years ago. My father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. He lived in a house about the size of a three car garage with his five other siblings. They went to bed hungry quite often. The house had no running water or sewer, so when you had to go, you went outside to the outhouse even in the middle of winter. The outhouse didn't even have a roof on it. Pretty cold when you sit on a seat with snow on it.

My father never got into trouble with the law, and neither did his siblings. Most of them turned out to be hard working people and all the males joined the military and fought in wars. My father said he joined just to get three square meals a day.

So I don't buy this hard life BS. I don't buy that guns are the problem either. The problem is our society. We live in a near Godless country and we raise our children to be eggshells. The least thing goes wrong in their life, and they end up killing a bunch of people because as far as they are concerned, the only thing that happens to you after death is everything goes blank just like before you were born.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
Your claim only looks legitimate because you aren't counting bombings and mass homicides with Trucks.

France commemorates third anniversary of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Page semi-protected November 2015 Paris attacks

2014 Peshawar school massacre

Sinjar massacre

2014 Bentiu massacre

Ethnic violence in South Sudan

France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in Nice

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia

Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia

2017 Westminster attack

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia

I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
Your claim only looks legitimate because you aren't counting bombings and mass homicides with Trucks.

France commemorates third anniversary of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Page semi-protected November 2015 Paris attacks

2014 Peshawar school massacre

Sinjar massacre

2014 Bentiu massacre

Ethnic violence in South Sudan

France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in Nice

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia

Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia

2017 Westminster attack

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia

I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Lol why are you citing incidents outside of the US?

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