Does it ever occur to repubs to question why gun violence in other first world nations is so minimal

Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
Most mass shooters are white GTFOH

So are we talking about mass shooters only or overall gun murders?

Recreational narcotics have been illegal in this country my entire life. Yet today, we have more of a problem with drugs than at any other time in our history. More addicts, more drug users, more overdose deaths, more people being saved from OD"s.
Look American society is very harsh...
People are under immense stress, less family support (everyone on his own), drugs, violent video games, movies...even a violent president. So when people lose their shit they have access to guns and they used them...I cant the same about other countries, because guns are hard to get....keep counting the bodies, 307 mass shootings so far.

And most of them are not really mass shootings. A mass shooting is four or more people by FBI standards. That happens in drive by drug shootings all the time.

People had it much harder years ago. My father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. He lived in a house about the size of a three car garage with his five other siblings. They went to bed hungry quite often. The house had no running water or sewer, so when you had to go, you went outside to the outhouse even in the middle of winter. The outhouse didn't even have a roof on it. Pretty cold when you sit on a seat with snow on it.

My father never got into trouble with the law, and neither did his siblings. Most of them turned out to be hard working people and all the males joined the military and fought in wars. My father said he joined just to get three square meals a day.

So I don't buy this hard life BS. I don't buy that guns are the problem either. The problem is our society. We live in a near Godless country and we raise our children to be eggshells. The least thing goes wrong in their life, and they end up killing a bunch of people because as far as they are concerned, the only thing that happens to you after death is everything goes blank just like before you were born.
Irish, italian, Jewish, polish mafias are all a myth I guess. There was no killings before o guess....everyone went to church.
To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
Most mass shooters are white GTFOH

So are we talking about mass shooters only or overall gun murders?

Recreational narcotics have been illegal in this country my entire life. Yet today, we have more of a problem with drugs than at any other time in our history. More addicts, more drug users, more overdose deaths, more people being saved from OD"s.
Look American society is very harsh...
People are under immense stress, less family support (everyone on his own), drugs, violent video games, movies...even a violent president. So when people lose their shit they have access to guns and they used them...I cant the same about other countries, because guns are hard to get....keep counting the bodies, 307 mass shootings so far.

And most of them are not really mass shootings. A mass shooting is four or more people by FBI standards. That happens in drive by drug shootings all the time.

People had it much harder years ago. My father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. He lived in a house about the size of a three car garage with his five other siblings. They went to bed hungry quite often. The house had no running water or sewer, so when you had to go, you went outside to the outhouse even in the middle of winter. The outhouse didn't even have a roof on it. Pretty cold when you sit on a seat with snow on it.

My father never got into trouble with the law, and neither did his siblings. Most of them turned out to be hard working people and all the males joined the military and fought in wars. My father said he joined just to get three square meals a day.

So I don't buy this hard life BS. I don't buy that guns are the problem either. The problem is our society. We live in a near Godless country and we raise our children to be eggshells. The least thing goes wrong in their life, and they end up killing a bunch of people because as far as they are concerned, the only thing that happens to you after death is everything goes blank just like before you were born.
Irish, italian, Jewish, polish mafias are all a myth I guess. There was no killings before o guess....everyone went to church.

Well let me ask: did you see the kind of murders back then that you see today so frequently? Those were small gangs of people. It was not widespread. Gangs mostly killed members of other gangs and sometimes people in their own gang.

This guy went out to kill innocent people who likely did nothing to him in life. The same holds true of the last mass shooting at the Synagog in PA. In fact most mass shootings have nothing to do with the killer himself. They are not killing for financial goals, they are just killing out of anger.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
Your claim only looks legitimate because you aren't counting bombings and mass homicides with Trucks.

France commemorates third anniversary of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Page semi-protected November 2015 Paris attacks

2014 Peshawar school massacre

Sinjar massacre

2014 Bentiu massacre

Ethnic violence in South Sudan

France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in Nice

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia

Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia

2017 Westminster attack

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia

I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Lol why are you citing incidents outside of the US?

You're the one who brought up how other people have it outside the US when it comes to violence. Yet you're questioning why somebody would bring up murders in other countries now?????
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

Freedom, fool—them other countries you rantin' and ravin' about? Their folk have less freedom than us, duh? So you want less freedom, go ahead and deport yourself.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
Your claim only looks legitimate because you aren't counting bombings and mass homicides with Trucks.

France commemorates third anniversary of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Page semi-protected November 2015 Paris attacks

2014 Peshawar school massacre

Sinjar massacre

2014 Bentiu massacre

Ethnic violence in South Sudan

France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in Nice

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia

Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia

2017 Westminster attack

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia

I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Lol why are you citing incidents outside of the US?
Because you asked why only white people in the United States commit mass shootings. I showed that you are full of shit by posting examples committed by brown people outside of the United States. I showed the truth is the exact opposite of what you claim.

You really are a special kind of idiot, aren't you?
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
Your claim only looks legitimate because you aren't counting bombings and mass homicides with Trucks.

France commemorates third anniversary of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Page semi-protected November 2015 Paris attacks

2014 Peshawar school massacre

Sinjar massacre

2014 Bentiu massacre

Ethnic violence in South Sudan

France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in Nice

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia

Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia

2017 Westminster attack

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia

I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Lol why are you citing incidents outside of the US?

You're the one who brought up how other people have it outside the US when it comes to violence. Yet you're questioning why somebody would bring up murders in other countries now?????
He is an idiot, isn't he?
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
Your claim only looks legitimate because you aren't counting bombings and mass homicides with Trucks.

France commemorates third anniversary of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Page semi-protected November 2015 Paris attacks

2014 Peshawar school massacre

Sinjar massacre

2014 Bentiu massacre

Ethnic violence in South Sudan

France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in Nice

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia

Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia

2017 Westminster attack

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia

I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Lol why are you citing incidents outside of the US?

You're the one who brought up how other people have it outside the US when it comes to violence. Yet you're questioning why somebody would bring up murders in other countries now?????
He is an idiot, isn't he?

Idiot? I don't know him that personally. Confused? I'm in for that one.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
Your claim only looks legitimate because you aren't counting bombings and mass homicides with Trucks.

France commemorates third anniversary of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Page semi-protected November 2015 Paris attacks

2014 Peshawar school massacre

Sinjar massacre

2014 Bentiu massacre

Ethnic violence in South Sudan

France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in Nice

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia

Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia

2017 Westminster attack

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia

I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Lol why are you citing incidents outside of the US?
Because you asked why only white people in the United States commit mass shootings. I showed that you are full of shit by posting examples committed by brown people outside of the United States. I showed the truth is the exact opposite of what you claim.

You really are a special kind of idiot, aren't you?
Lol dude you need re read what you just wrote because it doesn’t make any goddamn sense. I was strictly talking about the US. I am well aware brown people commit terrorist attacks outside of the US. Why wouldn’t I? That’s just dumb lol
They should allow smoking in bars again, that will stop it.

Smoking? The libs made those people enemy number one.

I went to see my mother today. She told me of a very disturbing thing that happened to her. She walked six blocks to her Walgreens; a store she has dealt with for over 20 years. They refused to sell her two packs of cigarettes. Insulted, my mother asked for the manager. When the manager came, she too refused to sell my mother cigarettes.

The idiotic company adopted a national policy of no id--no cigarettes. My mother never had a drivers license and doesn't take her ID with her in the event she becomes a victim of a robbery. My mother is 85 years old!!!!
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
Your claim only looks legitimate because you aren't counting bombings and mass homicides with Trucks.

France commemorates third anniversary of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Page semi-protected November 2015 Paris attacks

2014 Peshawar school massacre

Sinjar massacre

2014 Bentiu massacre

Ethnic violence in South Sudan

France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in Nice

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia

Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia

2017 Westminster attack

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia

I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Lol why are you citing incidents outside of the US?

You're the one who brought up how other people have it outside the US when it comes to violence. Yet you're questioning why somebody would bring up murders in other countries now?????
lol you people are so dense. I specifically said white people commit the most terrorist attacks in the US. That doesn’t somehow mean I think brown people in other countries don’t commit terrorist attacks. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?
It's because they are Lilly white, dumbass. Wherever you find brown or black people, you find gun violence.
Then why are most mass shootings and terrorist attacks committed by white people in this country?
Your claim only looks legitimate because you aren't counting bombings and mass homicides with Trucks.

France commemorates third anniversary of Charlie Hebdo shootings

Page semi-protected November 2015 Paris attacks

2014 Peshawar school massacre

Sinjar massacre

2014 Bentiu massacre

Ethnic violence in South Sudan

France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in Nice

2017 London Bridge attack - Wikipedia

Manchester Arena bombing - Wikipedia

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia

2017 Westminster attack

Pan Am Flight 103 - Wikipedia

I could go on and on, but you get the point.
Lol why are you citing incidents outside of the US?

You're the one who brought up how other people have it outside the US when it comes to violence. Yet you're questioning why somebody would bring up murders in other countries now?????
lol you people are so dense. I specifically said white people commit the most terrorist attacks in the US. That doesn’t somehow mean I think brown people in other countries don’t commit terrorist attacks. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

You're the one who brought up how other people have it outside the US when it comes to violence. Yet you're questioning why somebody would bring up murders in other countries now?????
lol you people are so dense. I specifically said white people commit the most terrorist attacks in the US. That doesn’t somehow mean I think brown people in other countries don’t commit terrorist attacks. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
Dude what the absolute fuck? How does these quotes contradict each other? Go ahead and I’ll explain that. I’ll wait.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

A shooting 2 days after the election, when it's safe for Communists to attack civil rights. This couldn't work out better for the dims if they planned it themselves.

Oh, and 11 Las Vegas survivors were present? Some agency cleaning up loose ends? :dunno:

You're the one who brought up how other people have it outside the US when it comes to violence. Yet you're questioning why somebody would bring up murders in other countries now?????
lol you people are so dense. I specifically said white people commit the most terrorist attacks in the US. That doesn’t somehow mean I think brown people in other countries don’t commit terrorist attacks. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
Dude what the absolute fuck? How does these quotes contradict each other? Go ahead and I’ll explain that. I’ll wait.

How many times should I explain this to you?

Your OP was about comparing the violence in other countries to ours. Pat brought up murder statistics in other countries. Anything else I need to explain to you?
The choices are 3:

1 Do nothing and accept daily gun violence as a normal part of American life.

2 Regulate the sale of guns using well funded laws with actual teeth.

3 Regulate the purchase of guns with well funded health care including mental health care.

Either way, the only one that isn't going to cost us is the first.


P.S. - until y'all decide - I'm gonna keep on carrying my 9.


And when you attempt 2 or 3, you're getting the business end of mine.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
Do those other nations have a black gangsta sub culture driving up their numbers? If you take away black violence, our numbers would be great!
Lol why are you citing incidents outside of the US?

You're the one who brought up how other people have it outside the US when it comes to violence. Yet you're questioning why somebody would bring up murders in other countries now?????
lol you people are so dense. I specifically said white people commit the most terrorist attacks in the US. That doesn’t somehow mean I think brown people in other countries don’t commit terrorist attacks. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.
Dude what the absolute fuck? How does these quotes contradict each other? Go ahead and I’ll explain that. I’ll wait.

How many times should I explain this to you?

Your OP was about comparing the violence in other countries to ours. Pat brought up murder statistics in other countries. Anything else I need to explain to you?
What he meant to say is that IN THE UNITED STATES, only white people commit mass shootings. Aside from his inarticulate phrasing of the question, he is still wrong. There was the Orlando nightclub massacre, the San Bernardino massacre, the Fort Hood massacre and on and on and on.
Hmm doesn’t that mean with the right control policies, gun violence can be miminized? First world countries like Australia and in Western Europe have low death rates by guns per capita.

To answer your question, let me pose a scenario:

You have two areas: one is a nice upper-middle-class area, and the other is a crime ridden area with lots of drugs, murders, and robberies.

Make a law for both areas. In the crime area, no guns period. In the upper-middle-class area, every citizen must have a firearm in the house and on person.

So what changes would you expect in both areas after four or five years? None. Nothing will change. The lower class area will still be rife with crime and the upper area will still be peaceful and virtually crime-free.

We are a very diverse country, and sad to say, but some cultures are much more violent than others. You are six times more likely to be murdered in the US by a black person than a white.

In your comparison to us and other countries, you are only comparing gun regulations and not the people. That's why you're so confused. People kill people, not guns.
Most mass shooters are white GTFOH
Another racist lie. You are wrong, racist trash.

Do white males account for a majority of mass shootings?

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