Zone1 Does My Opinion Make Me a Transphobe, or Simply Sane.

Biology is a part of physics. No one gets a year back for anything. I don't know how else to explain the flow of time to you.

Yes. Your body will resume the normal affects of puberty. This shows a lack of a fundamental grasp of physics and biology. Puberty isn't triggered, neither its beginning or end, by time. It's triggered by natural biological processes and ends when they are complete. Not by the dictates of your stop watch.

It's not physics. Puberty starts at time X and ends at time Y, you block it for time between X and Y you don't get that back.

at 22 years old you will go through puberty?

Prove it.

Not wrong. It's only common sense. Mess with a natural process, and you interfere with that natural process.

You are also one of those people that probably think they can reconstruct balls and a penis after lopping it off and making a wound into a fake vagina.
Not wrong. It's only common sense. Mess with a natural process, and you interfere with that natural process.
Guess why they're called blockers? 😆 Once you stop taking them what do imagine stops being blocked?
You are also one of those people that probably think they can reconstruct balls and a penis after lopping it off and making a wound into a fake vagina.
Those people are surgeons but really they're artists. You probably believe in angels more than you believe in their ability though. And I love that. For you.
Guess why they're called blockers? 😆 Once you stop taking them what do imagine stops being blocked?

Those people are surgeons but really they're artists. You probably believe in angels more than you believe in their ability though. And I love that. For you.

Again, effect ends, impact is permanent. You bring up physics as a dodge and it isn't working.

You aren't getting a working version of what you want, and if reversed what you had, you are getting a poor copy.
Again, effect ends, impact is permanent. You bring up physics as a dodge and it isn't working.
The affects of puberty end when the process of puberty is complete, not at some specific point in time. I didn't dodge anything, you don't seem to understand how basic biology works.
You aren't getting a working version of what you want, and if reversed what you had, you are getting a poor copy.
So? Adults can modify their bodies as they wish.
The affects of puberty end when the process of puberty is complete, not at some specific point in time. I didn't dodge anything, you don't seem to understand how basic biology works.

So? Adults can modify their bodies as they wish.

effect of drugs vs. impact of taking them. The impact is shortened puberty or even missed puberty.

The argument is twofold, one people are saying to do this shit to kids, and 2nd, they are being sold a false bill of goods.
Prove it. You're simply wrong.

No one is saying to do sex reassignment surgery on kids.

It's common sense, you stop the effect of hormones designed to make puberty happen, which is a process that takes time and only happens during a set period of time in humans, you have an impact on what those hormones were supposed to do.

You are messing with a natural process, there are always consequences to that.

Didn't you support top surgery on kids at 16 with parental permission?
It's common sense, you stop the effect of hormones designed to make puberty happen, which is a process that takes time and only happens during a set period of time in humans, you have an impact on what those hormones were supposed to do.
Puberty Blockers

You are messing with a natural process, there are always consequences to that.
Hopefully beneficial ones. This is after all a treatment for a condition, gender dysphoria. In some cases our natural bodily processes cause us harm, discomfort or distress and we need treatments to alleviate these symptoms. Increasingly poor eyesight can be the natural result of your viewing habits but luckily we have technology, like glasses or corrective laser surgery to fix this.
Didn't you support top surgery on kids at 16 with parental permission?
If their doctor is okay with it then sure. Who are you to get in the middle of a decision between a doctor, their patient and that patients parents?
Puberty Blockers

Hopefully beneficial ones. This is after all a treatment for a condition, gender dysphoria. In some cases our natural bodily processes cause us harm, discomfort or distress and we need treatments to alleviate these symptoms. Increasingly poor eyesight can be the natural result of your viewing habits but luckily we have technology, like glasses or corrective laser surgery to fix this.

If their doctor is okay with it then sure. Who are you to get in the middle of a decision between a doctor, their patient and that patients parents?

From your link:

Possible long-term side effects of puberty blockers

  • Lower bone density. To protect against this, we work to make sure every patient gets enough exercise, calcium and vitamin D, which can help keep bones healthy and strong. We also closely monitor patients’ bone density.
  • Delayed growth plate closure, leading to slightly taller adult height.
  • Less development of genital tissue, which may limit options for gender affirming surgery (bottom surgery) later in life.
  • Other possible long-term side effects that are n

this validates everything I said, next time read the link before you quote it.
  • ot yet known.
Long term impacts include not being as tall as you might be, that's a permanent impact. Again, validating my point. And this is just what they admit.
You got that backwards. It leads to them being slightly taller. Ooo. What a side effect. Sounds very dangerous. 😆
We can debate this all you want. Ultimately I advocate for complete freedom as long as it does not hurt others. If someone wants to cut off their own penis and get a vagina instead, who cares? It doesn't affect me. Gender is a social construct, yes, sex isn't -- you're 100% right on the chromosomes part (and I'm a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself). I agree the topic is very polarized and many transexual people are lacking of objective criteria when talking about this topic. In my opinion, the topic has simply been extremized when it shouldn't have.
My Opinion:

For humans, there are two fundamental sexes, male and female. Males have XY chromosomes and females have XX chromosomes. There are people that are intersex, but this is extremely rare and are the result of something going wrong similar to some people being born as conjoined twins. The vast majority of people that make the claim of being transgender are not intersex people,

In the English Language, gender is a language construct. Until recently words used to describe people of the male sex had masculine gender, such as he, him, father, brother, and uncle. Words used to describe people of the female sex had feminine gender such as she, her, mother, sister and aunt. These gendered words historically have been used to convey the biological sex of the person for whom they are being used. It is also true that there are some personality characteristics that are considered to be more masculine or more feminine. For example, assertiveness may often be considered a masculine personality characteristic and being nurturing may often be considered a feminine characteristic. Both men and women have masculine and feminine personality characteristics. That said, a person's personality characteristics have not historically determined the gendered words that are used to reference individuals. Many seem to be thinking that their personality characteristics define there gender, and since there is a near infinite possible variations in personalities there would be a near infinite number of genders. That's simply madness.

Copied from the internet:
"Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life."

Gender dysphoria - NHS › conditions › gender-dysphoria
Until recently, there have been an extremely small group of people to claim to have gender dysphoria affecting approximately 1 in 10,000 people. Most of these people have been biological males claiming to have the brains of females. I personally consider this to be a mental disorder regardless of whether it is real or simply perceived to be real.

Most of the people who are claiming to be "Trans" or "Non-Binary" today, IMO, are not suffering from gender dysphoria. They are actually suffering from a social contagion brought on by an ideology of moral relativism and the rejection of objective truth. If everyone gets to have "their own truth" then there is no truth.

As Americans, we live in a free country. If an adult decides to have surgery and hormone therapy to look like the other sex, then so be it. That said, sex change surgery does not really change a person's sex. I don't hate you. But I am not afraid of you (a transphobe) simply because I don't agree with you or use your preferred pronouns. If you kill yourself because I say "he" rather than "her, "zer" or "whatever" then you have coping issues that are really beyond my help anyway.

And finally, it is time to stop the madness. It's time for people to stop being scared to speak objective truth and stop capitulating to the ideology of relative truth.

If this makes me transphobic, then so be it.
You are not wrong.
Once again, this is yet another example of the damage created by wokism and the left virtue signalers.
Transgenderism, or more accurately, gender dysphoria is as real as the sun in the sky. And those folks who have it deserve all the psychological help and acceptance from everyone. Yes. accept them. It wasn't a choice for them.
BUT - today transgenderism has been lumped in together with bisexualism and sexual fetishes.
At the very least 90% of the people claiming to be trans are not trans whatsoever. Most of them are effeminate gay/bisexual men who like to dress like women. Choose to dress like women. They do not feel compelled to. They just want to.
Secondly are heterosexual men who are CDs. Crossdressers. They get a sexual rise out of dressing like women.
And then finally, a thin-tiny portion of them are actual transgenders.
The majority of them are simply posers.
And those folks who have it deserve all the psychological help and acceptance from everyone. Yes. accept them. It wasn't a choice for them.
And accepting them does not mean complying with every whim brought forth by them. As a person with freedom of speech, I am not going to be compelled to use their made up pronouns. Also, people with dicks should use the people with dicks restrooms and changing room...and play on the people with dicks (or once had dicks) athletic leagues if they choose compete seriously.

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