Does the GOP/Conservatives want to re-occupy Iraq or not?

Obama claimed Iraq didn't need our military support to complete the transition in the post-Saddam era, he lied.

Obama fucked up in Syria allowing Assad and AQ terrorist groups to turn the country into a fucking mess that affects the entire region.

ISIS came out of the mess in Syria and figured out Obama left a gaping hole for them to invade Iraq, so Obama's original blunder with Iraq has turned into a disaster.

Ah yes Iraq and Syria... the two most coveted pieces of real estate on the planet :rolleyes:
Dumbfuck....Iraq and Syria are bigger messes today compared to the day Obama stepped foot in the White House.

AQ terrorist groups are running wild in Iraq and Syria, thanks to Obama.

AQ affiliated and non-affiliated groups (Boko Haram) have grown in size and power all over Africa, thanks to Obama.

See a pattern here, asswipe?

Obama claimed Iraq didn't need our military support to complete the transition in the post-Saddam era, he lied.

Obama fucked up in Syria allowing Assad and AQ terrorist groups to turn the country into a fucking mess that affects the entire region.

ISIS came out of the mess in Syria and figured out Obama left a gaping hole for them to invade Iraq, so Obama's original blunder with Iraq has turned into a disaster.

Ah yes Iraq and Syria... the two most coveted pieces of real estate on the planet :rolleyes:
Why do you presume there is one single conservative idea out there?

Truer words have never been spoken

I am still waiting for a single conservative idea

So far.....NO seems to fit every situation
Dumbfuck....Iraq and Syria are bigger messes today compared to the day Obama stepped foot in the White House.

AQ terrorist groups are running wild in Iraq and Syria, thanks to Obama.

AQ affiliated and non-affiliated groups (Boko Haram) have grown in size and power all over Africa, thanks to Obama.

See a pattern here, asswipe?

Boko Haram is no different than all the other lunatic groups that have fucked Africa for the last million decades. In fact they are weaker than the more famous ones of the last couple decades.

And the Sunni's and Shiites will always find a way to blow each other up. It's not America's problem and since China benefited the most from the Oil we coveted so much there maybe they should do something about it.
The US has very weak leadership and this is the result of said bad leadership.

The far left can not own up to it because it is not within their programming!
that question and this thread should be in the flame zone

we never INTENDED or were we ever OCCUPYING Iraq
Japan was a fluke because their culture and way of life allowed for the process the U.S. imposed to rebuild them.

Democracy building in the middle east DOES NOT WORK. Turkey, THE ONLY ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY, became that way because of the self-determination of their people. We can go blow up as many things as we want and have as many of our soldiers maimed and killed as we want but we won't be able to impose a modern democracy in those backwards places until the people there want it.
Why won't this evil regime do what every other government has done, evacuate the embassy? The employees of the embassy who are not Americans have been allowed to go back to their home countries. Only Americans remain. obama knows they will be killed. Isn't that his intention all along?

I think the embassy is more significant than our leaders let on
Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

The GOP'ers will mostly not commit to any one position because they're afraid they might get caught agreeing with the President.
Anyone know?

Whatever Obama wants to do, you will never go wrong by assuming the GOP will want the opposite.

You won't see them out in front on anything like Iraq. They don't have that kind of courage. They wait for Obama, then go the other way.
Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

The GOP'ers will mostly not commit to any one position because they're afraid they might get caught agreeing with the President.

Anyone know?

Whatever Obama wants to do, you will never go wrong by assuming the GOP will want the opposite.

You won't see them out in front on anything like Iraq. They don't have that kind of courage. They wait for Obama, then go the other way.

really g? that's your answer and you're going to stick with it?
good grief:rolleyes:
Obama claimed Iraq didn't need our military support to complete the transition in the post-Saddam era, he lied.
Obama fucked up in Syria allowing Assad and AQ terrorist groups to turn the country into a fucking mess that affects the entire region.

ISIS came out of the mess in Syria and figured out Obama left a gaping hole for them to invade Iraq, so Obama's original blunder with Iraq has turned into a disaster.

What Obama actually said...

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world

Barack Obama Oct 2 2002
Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

The GOP'ers will mostly not commit to any one position because they're afraid they might get caught agreeing with the President.

More far left Obama drone propaganda!

Although that may be true on some fronts, Obama has never listened to the GOP anyway, so what difference does it make?
Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

I don't know. Does they?

Maybe, in the interim, instead of worrying about what the Party OUT of power might want, you can tell us about the liberals and the Democratics?

DO they want to stay out of this fray and all frays, no matter what the long term consequences might be?

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