Does the GOP/Conservatives want to re-occupy Iraq or not?

They never wanted to leave..leaving makes you weak...these people would literally destroy our government within a week if they had power..

They tried, but they are not efficient. It took them a lot longer, but they nearly succeeded in destroying the country.
Why do you presume there is one single conservative idea out there?

I haven't heard one single Idea. Let yours be the first....what do you think we should do in Iraq?

At this point? I think we need to keep out of it and develop our energy independence. I don't trust a government to command our troops when they can't even take care of the VA.
Notice the transparent candycorn deflection effort?

The insipid commander in chief cannot begin to figure out what to do. So, being a hack loyalist, candycorny asks what the other side might want.

Notice the transparent candycorn deflection effort?

The insipid commander in chief cannot begin to figure out what to do. So, being a hack loyalist, candycorny asks what the other side might want.


Well if they do offer it up, Obama will not listen anyway.

He has to make the far left look right on Iraq, he is not allowed to save it.

The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong.
ASSWIPE....the US military plan was to keep 10,000 troops in Iraq until Iraq was stable enough to defend themselves.

Your plan has ISIS executing people in Iraq as they move closer to Baghdad. Also, your plan has turned Syria into a hellhole so that groups like ISIS exist and can invade Iraq.

Your plan sucks, because you are fucking stupid.

Since your plan has failed, the US military should use airpower and select spec ops on the ground to kill off the ISIS scum that you helped create and support by doing nothing in Syria and leaving a vacuum in Iraq.

Got that, idiot?

They, as usual, have ZERO ideas. They're going to wait and see what Obama does and then argue the opposite. It'll really fire up the base.

Tourettes much [MENTION=45621]1776[/MENTION] ? :eusa_eh:

As to the OP- who is going to pay for your brilliant plan because last I checked, Cheney/Bush's war-for-profit :up: busted the budget.

ASSWIPE....the US military plan was to keep 10,000 troops in Iraq until Iraq was stable enough to defend themselves.

Your plan has ISIS executing people in Iraq as they move closer to Baghdad. Also, your plan has turned Syria into a hellhole so that groups like ISIS exist and can invade Iraq.

Your plan sucks, because you are fucking stupid.

Since your plan has failed, the US military should use airpower and select spec ops on the ground to kill off the ISIS scum that you helped create and support by doing nothing in Syria and leaving a vacuum in Iraq.

Got that, idiot?

They, as usual, have ZERO ideas. They're going to wait and see what Obama does and then argue the opposite. It'll really fire up the base.

Tourettes much? :eusa_eh:

As to the OP- who is going to pay for your brilliant plan because last I checked, Cheney/Bush's war-for-profit :up: busted the budget.

Seen one far left Obama drone propaganda post, seen them all.
Notice the transparent candycorn deflection effort?

The insipid commander in chief cannot begin to figure out what to do. So, being a hack loyalist, candycorny asks what the other side might want.


Just wondering what the military geniuses on the board think is the best trek. So far, you've done nothing but criticize someone for asking questions. Pretty transparent....that you just wish to reserve the right to say, "I wouldn't have done that". Its called being a coward.
Notice the transparent candycorn deflection effort?

The insipid commander in chief cannot begin to figure out what to do. So, being a hack loyalist, candycorny asks what the other side might want.


Just wondering what the military geniuses on the board think is the best trek. So far, you've done nothing but criticize someone for asking questions. Pretty transparent....that you just wish to reserve the right to say, "I wouldn't have done that". Its called being a coward.

Yet not one offering from you except to criticize anyone you believe is not of the far left matrix.

Go figure the far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!
Why do you presume there is one single conservative idea out there?

I haven't heard one single Idea. Let yours be the first....what do you think we should do in Iraq?

At this point? I think we need to keep out of it and develop our energy independence. I don't trust a government to command our troops when they can't even take care of the VA.

Agree with the first part. As for the 2nd part..

Did you trust Bush during the Walter Reed scandals?

Walter Reed Army Medical Center neglect scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why or why not?
Anyone know?

I hear that they're not happy with our "no boots on the ground" policy but what is the alternative...more blood spilled for Tikrit, Fallujah, Basra, etc...?

Are any of those places worth more American deaths because there will be deaths involved if we go in. I don't think so.

The GOP'ers will mostly not commit to any one position because they're afraid they might get caught agreeing with the President.

I agree with Obama that Iraq was one of his great achievements. Too bad he chose to go play golf and let it go to hell.
Stupid fuck....if Obama kept US troops in Iraq to this point and didn't allow Syria to turn into a hellhole breeding terrorists groups then eventually they could have been back by the end of this term.

But instead Iraq is a mess and Syria is a mess......shut the fuck up.

The American people voted overwhelmingly to NOT leave troops in Iraq, on November 6, 2008.
We never occupied Iraq so your entire far left propaganda driven premise is incorrect.

Dumbfuck....Iraq and Syria are bigger messes today compared to the day Obama stepped foot in the White House.

AQ terrorist groups are running wild in Iraq and Syria, thanks to Obama.

AQ affiliated and non-affiliated groups (Boko Haram) have grown in size and power all over Africa, thanks to Obama.

See a pattern here, asswipe?

Boko Haram is no different than all the other lunatic groups that have fucked Africa for the last million decades. In fact they are weaker than the more famous ones of the last couple decades.

And the Sunni's and Shiites will always find a way to blow each other up. It's not America's problem and since China benefited the most from the Oil we coveted so much there maybe they should do something about it.
^ that
Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements. It's all his.

he did inherit a shit sandwich from his predecessor didn't he? Thats why we are extricating ourselves shit for brains [MENTION=49484]Ibentoken[/MENTION] .
Stupid fuck....if Obama kept US troops in Iraq to this point and didn't allow Syria to turn into a hellhole breeding terrorists groups then eventually they could have been back by the end of this term.

But instead Iraq is a mess and Syria is a mess......shut the fuck up.

The American people voted overwhelmingly to NOT leave troops in Iraq, on November 6, 2008.

Dammit Obummer!
Stupid fuck....if Obama kept US troops in Iraq to this point and didn't allow Syria to turn into a hellhole breeding terrorists groups then eventually they could have been back by the end of this term.

But instead Iraq is a mess and Syria is a mess......shut the fuck up.

The American people voted overwhelmingly to NOT leave troops in Iraq, on November 6, 2008.

So the American citizens are responsible. Okay.
Notice the transparent candycorn deflection effort?

The insipid commander in chief cannot begin to figure out what to do. So, being a hack loyalist, candycorny asks what the other side might want.


Just wondering what the military geniuses on the board think is the best trek. So far, you've done nothing but criticize someone for asking questions. Pretty transparent....that you just wish to reserve the right to say, "I wouldn't have done that". Its called being a coward.

More of your transparently disingenuous deflection. How non surprising.

Yes, corny, I criticize your faux "question." But I also criticize your tireless propaganda efforts. You really are far too obvious at it to ever be considered effective.

I'll worry about an assessment of "cowardice" from the likes of you --

well, never.

But even as to your faux "question," I'll tell you this much. You gutless, spineless surrender-monkey liberals can be readily and accurately pigeon-holed. You object to fighting. Period. Always. Like the eunuch in chief, you craven pussies mouth mindless platitudes such as "we'll fight when 'they' threaten OUR interests." But you seem unable and unwilling to confront the many questions that come from that evasive "policy."

Like, for example, can you tell us precisely WHEN the actions of those scumbags in Iraq actually DO threaten American interests?

No, of course you can't. And more to the point, you don't WANT to. You object to being pinned-down because sometimes your words would come back to haunt you.
Why won't this evil regime do what every other government has done, evacuate the embassy? The employees of the embassy who are not Americans have been allowed to go back to their home countries. Only Americans remain. obama knows they will be killed. Isn't that his intention all along?

I think the embassy is more significant than our leaders let on

how much BORROWED taxpayer $$$ did Bush/Cheney blow on that ginormous facility again?

Embassy of the United States, Baghdad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At 4,700,000 sq ft (440,000 m2), it is the largest and most expensive embassy in the world, and is nearly as large as Vatican City.[1] Ambassador Robert S. Beecroft is currently the Chief of Mission.
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