does the gop want to lose power?

"How is the bill more Constitutional than Obamacare"? That's an interesting question. Does the radical left concede that the ironically named ACA is unconstitutional? With the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM, democrats have managed to hide the fact that Obamacare is collapsing under it's own weight while the deductible for middle class families is as expensive as a new car. With the cooperation of the MSM, the low information left wing base has forgotten that the law is not only unmanageable but it literally weighs as much as the total weight of a family it is supposed to represent. Democrats didn't even read the monstrosity before they passed it with intimidation and bribery.
The democrats only like Obamacare because they know it's failure is ingrained in its very being. They see it as a path to single payer, nothing more or less.

It was a start to stop the corruption in our healthcare system...Fix the problems...

Do you know the KOCH brothers are the loudest voice to stop Obamacare? That alone should tell you the truth behind it all.

As long as government is involved, it will be corrupt

Why is this government helping the rich then Avatar? Obama tried to stop the corruption going on with our health care system.
If it wasn't for Obama's healthcare pre-excisting law..I would have lost my home and savings by now..

So many do not understand it, unless if you were sick and saw what these corrupt people do...From the Big Pharma down to the FDA.. Corrupt..

Did you know that getting cancer will cost you $500.000 after they kick you off insurance and then when everything runs out , they kick you off any care and you die..
How many insurance lobbyists had their hand in its creation?
Lol, its like you are reading strait from the DNC website.

Harley I lived it.... My husband is an attorney , we have our own small business. When I got sick 5 years ago , we were just about kicked off insurance because we renew every year. They found any which way to now enroll you.

I am too young for Medicare, but I am able to get on it for disabilities so I will be ok..But...Millions will not be ok..
There were some good things about the ACA. That doesn't change the fact that is was generally a failure. Personally, I think it was meant to fail. If they wanted it to work, it wouldn't have been crafted by corporate loyalists.
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.
I am with you here. Although I don't think our Federal bureaucracy should be regulating a fifth of our economy, they cant just give those people to the wolves.
It was a start to stop the corruption in our healthcare system...Fix the problems...

Do you know the KOCH brothers are the loudest voice to stop Obamacare? That alone should tell you the truth behind it all.

As long as government is involved, it will be corrupt

Why is this government helping the rich then Avatar? Obama tried to stop the corruption going on with our health care system.
If it wasn't for Obama's healthcare pre-excisting law..I would have lost my home and savings by now..

So many do not understand it, unless if you were sick and saw what these corrupt people do...From the Big Pharma down to the FDA.. Corrupt..

Did you know that getting cancer will cost you $500.000 after they kick you off insurance and then when everything runs out , they kick you off any care and you die..
How many insurance lobbyists had their hand in its creation?
Lol, its like you are reading strait from the DNC website.

Harley I lived it.... My husband is an attorney , we have our own small business. When I got sick 5 years ago , we were just about kicked off insurance because we renew every year. They found any which way to now enroll you.

I am too young for Medicare, but I am able to get on it for disabilities so I will be ok..But...Millions will not be ok..
There were some good things about the ACA. That doesn't change the fact that is was generally a failure. Personally, I think it was meant to fail. If they wanted it to work, it wouldn't have been crafted by corporate loyalists.

Why do the KOCH brothers want ACA gone? This is corrupt as hell...

These assholes leak so much fake news about ACA....and those uninformed people suck it up.

Koch brothers push targeted reforms to replace the ACA

  • Freedom Partners, a group funded by the Koch brothers, has been circulating a memo on Capitol Hill advocating for a series of specific legal reforms, rather than comprehensive legislation, to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to The Hill.

  • Among the group’s recommendations are elimination of the ACA mandate, more state control over the marketplace, use of high-risk pools at the state level and increased use of health savings accounts.

  • Republican Congressmen expressed concerns last week about the timing and content of an ACA replacement plan, according to an audio recording The Washington Post obtained.
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No they plan of replacing it with some dumb ass plan that will be defunded in time.. These stupid savings accounts are lies to keep face and their cushy jobs..
People will think that they still have a good deal...but will find out they are screwed after 2020
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No they plan of replacing it with some dumb ass plan that will be defunded in time.. These stupid savings accounts are lies to keep face and their cushy jobs..
People will think that they still have a good deal...but will find out they are screwed after 2020

The worst part of it is, the tax is just being moved from the mandate to instead putting a tax on employees who get insurance through employers. It's crazy people don't see that.
This Obamacare lite bill the GOP is proposing is going to lose them the house and senate.

How is this bill any more constitutional than Obamacare? Where does the constitution give the federal government power over our healthcare????

The bill doesn't let people buy insurance across state lines. There is still a version of the mandate. This is not what we elected these people to do.

Anyone up for a real third party?

If you are honestly surprised at the Republican's inability to govern, you haven't been paying attention.
This Obamacare lite bill the GOP is proposing is going to lose them the house and senate.

How is this bill any more constitutional than Obamacare? Where does the constitution give the federal government power over our healthcare????

The bill doesn't let people buy insurance across state lines. There is still a version of the mandate. This is not what we elected these people to do.

Anyone up for a real third party?
I agree. I am terribly troubled by what I am hearing about these GOP proposals. We put them there to get rid of the ACA, not tweak it.
  • Thread starter
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  • #50
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better
  • Thread starter
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  • #51
The democrats only like Obamacare because they know it's failure is ingrained in its very being. They see it as a path to single payer, nothing more or less.

It was a start to stop the corruption in our healthcare system...Fix the problems...

Do you know the KOCH brothers are the loudest voice to stop Obamacare? That alone should tell you the truth behind it all.

As long as government is involved, it will be corrupt

Why is this government helping the rich then Avatar? Obama tried to stop the corruption going on with our health care system.
If it wasn't for Obama's healthcare pre-excisting law..I would have lost my home and savings by now..

So many do not understand it, unless if you were sick and saw what these corrupt people do...From the Big Pharma down to the FDA.. Corrupt..

Did you know that getting cancer will cost you $500.000 after they kick you off insurance and then when everything runs out , they kick you off any care and you die..

Obama was one of the most corrupt men to ever lead this nation. Nothing he touched was to eliminate corruption.

Hey Avatar where you on the forum Christian Forums? I think I remember you..

When you only watch Fox forums, the Blaze and all of those other democrats hating sites you will only see corruption..

He did some things that pissed me signing the GMO bill through ( which is a whole different thread)

Unlikely. I've never heard of the forum
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better

Bullshit. :lmao:

We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #53
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better

Bullshit. :lmao:

We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.

Which is why they come here for care...

The lie doesn't work any more.

When you expect someone else to take care of your health care is it really a surprise when you aren't getting good care?
  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #54
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better

Bullshit. :lmao:

We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.

Which is why they come here for care...

The lie doesn't work any more.

When you expect someone else to take care of your health care is it really a surprise when you aren't getting good care?
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better

Bullshit. :lmao:

We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.
We probably could afford it if we wasn't the worlds sugar daddy and didn't have a wasteful bureaucracy.
We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.

What doesn't the government have to provide for it's citizens? Food, housing? Where does it end?
Any politician who signs onto this bill, votes for it, or campaigns for it will have permanently lost my vote. It's just that simple.
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better

Bullshit. :lmao:

We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.

Which is why they come here for care...

The lie doesn't work any more.

When you expect someone else to take care of your health care is it really a surprise when you aren't getting good care?

Who comes here? You can't just make a comment like that and not expect to get called out on it. Give me some numbers of people from countries that have universal health care that leave their country to come here and pay for it out of pocket instead.
Has Trump endorsed this yet?

Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better

Bullshit. :lmao:

We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.
We probably could afford it if we wasn't the worlds sugar daddy and didn't have a wasteful bureaucracy.

I've said that quite often. We provide help to a lot of countries that have plenty of their own money.
Yes. And the market is going down in response.

Oh and the radio just said that this is the first phase of health care reform. Buying insurance across state lines is in the next phase.

If we are going to do this in phases, repeal Obamacare first with nothing till a second phase

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better

Bullshit. :lmao:

We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.
We probably could afford it if we wasn't the worlds sugar daddy and didn't have a wasteful bureaucracy.

I've said that quite often. We provide help to a lot of countries that have plenty of their own money.
I would probably be a lot more fiscally liberal if we didn't do that. We owe 20T in debt and over 100T in unfunded liabilities. We cant afford shit like that.

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