does the gop want to lose power?

No. That would be fucking retarded. There HAS to be a replace at the same time as the repeal. If you want the GOP to go down in flames... then repeal the ACA with nothing to replace it and put millions of people off health care... you'd see more seats flipped in 2018 that you'd have a stroke.

No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better

Bullshit. :lmao:

We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.
We probably could afford it if we wasn't the worlds sugar daddy and didn't have a wasteful bureaucracy.

I've said that quite often. We provide help to a lot of countries that have plenty of their own money.
I would probably be a lot more fiscally liberal if we didn't do that. We owe 20T in debt and over 100T in unfunded liabilities. We cant afford shit like that.

Let's be honest, you and I probably won't agree on this, but we spend too much on the military. If other countries as part of NATO spent more money or refunded us for money we spent, that could help us to cut the military budget. We also need to cut back on foreign aid... and most importantly we need to do what Bernie Sanders wanted to do, and that is find and tax the rich people who are holding their earning in off shore accounts. That money alone would help fix a lot of our nation's problems.
No. What's retarded is taking something that was designed not to work and making it worse.

They were elected to repeal obamacare. What we had before was better

Bullshit. :lmao:

We call ourself the best country in the world, and we didn't even provide health care for our citizens, when countries that are behind us provide far superior coverage for their people.
We probably could afford it if we wasn't the worlds sugar daddy and didn't have a wasteful bureaucracy.

I've said that quite often. We provide help to a lot of countries that have plenty of their own money.
I would probably be a lot more fiscally liberal if we didn't do that. We owe 20T in debt and over 100T in unfunded liabilities. We cant afford shit like that.

Let's be honest, you and I probably won't agree on this, but we spend too much on the military. If other countries as part of NATO spent more money or refunded us for money we spent, that could help us to cut the military budget. We also need to cut back on foreign aid... and most importantly we need to do what Bernie Sanders wanted to do, and that is find and tax the rich people who are holding their earning in off shore accounts. That money alone would help fix a lot of our nation's problems.
No, we do. I don't agree with increasing it that much. I figure its so high for negotiation reasons though. If we fucking reformed it and forced accountability down their throats, we would be fine.
Absolutely on foreign aid. Absolutely.
Tax offshore accounts? Idk im torn. I want to get rid of the income tax, so I might be a little biased with taxes. Money shouldn't be taxed 500 times.
The illegal people not from our country go into an emergency room and by law have to be seen.. The bills are very very high which most of the time never get paid..

Why don't we address this instead of hurting the Americans...Building a stupid wall isn't going to stop it..

What about the cushy lifestyles the high government has , No one says a word about the expense for these corrupt assholes voting for Americans while getting paid off by the Big Pharma..

So much corruption going on.
Might as well keep the bad ACA, which has better health care coverage, costs the government less money, and covers more citizens, with a lower penalty for not having, if you choose not to have coverage and drop it, then when you decide to get coverage by your choice again, somewhere down the road, the iNSURANCE COMPANIES can double your premium price....!!!!!! :eek: For no reason other than you choosing to pass on health care insurance and dropping it, for 3 months or longer....

this is a terrible bill....these guys in Congress need to do something for a change and work on this....with representation for all of us....

Fix the ACA, or develop something that meets constitutional muster AND helps reduce the costs for ALL, without leaving those poor to die in the gutter.

How many poor died in the gutter today ?

Or before the ACA ?
The illegal people not from our country go into an emergency room and by law have to be seen.. The bills are very very high which most of the time never get paid..

Why don't we address this instead of hurting the Americans...Building a stupid wall isn't going to stop it..

What about the cushy lifestyles the high government has , No one says a word about the expense for these corrupt assholes voting for Americans while getting paid off by the Big Pharma..

So much corruption going on.
Yep, so much corruption yet you believe what they say without evidence and justify them abusing their powers.
Must be confused. Was Ryan elected by the will of the people? Nope. Trump was, and he needs to fix Ryancare and put the House in their place

Can Fox News Channel run a package on how the Republicans just screwed over the American people so President Trump can be made aware?
The illegal people not from our country go into an emergency room and by law have to be seen.. The bills are very very high which most of the time never get paid..

Why don't we address this instead of hurting the Americans...Building a stupid wall isn't going to stop it..

What about the cushy lifestyles the high government has , No one says a word about the expense for these corrupt assholes voting for Americans while getting paid off by the Big Pharma..

So much corruption going on.
Yep, so much corruption yet you believe what they say without evidence and justify them abusing their powers.

Harley, ,I have been sitting here studying all of this for over 5 years,since getting sick .. I make my own decisions, not by what the media on both sides feed you. This is just healthcare...our food supply is full of corruption too..
Our whole government system is corrupt..

Look at who gave money to Paul Ryan, who is he really working for? Not us..

Paul Ryan Picks Fight with Donald Trump Over Big Pharma Corruption:

3 Pfizer Inc $63,255 $53,255 $10,000

5 Blue Cross/Blue Shield $61,350 $38,850 $22,500


Kindred Healthcare $102,400 $87,400 $15,000

Health Professionals $1,006,295 $717,295 $289,000

David Sirota


In late night victory for PhRMA, Dems help GOP block Americans from buying cheaper FDA-approved medicine from Canada …

11:18 PM - 11 Jan 2017

Lee Fang


Incredible: Cory Booker & several other Dems join GOP maj in voting down Bernie amendment on importing cheaper drugs …

11:00 PM - 11 Jan 2017

Big Pharma Spends Millions on Political Contributions

Pharmaceutical and health product companies injected $51 million into the 2012 federal elections and nearly $32 million into the 2014 elections, according to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). The industry has already spent nearly $10 million on the 2016 elections and is expected to spend more, especially now that Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have made drug prices a campaign issue with separate proposals to rein them in with new regulations.

Big Pharma tends to spend more on Republicans than Democrats, and the GOP benefited from 58 percent of the industry's federal contributions in 2012 and 2014 while Democrats received 42 percent, according to the CRP.

How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?

Who Owns Congress? A Campaign Cash Seating Chart

Mitch McConnell Is the Cancer of the U.S. Senate

On the flip side, McConnell is quite productive if you’re willing to write him a fat check. One week after Amgen, a pharmaceutical multinational, hosted a fundraiser for McConnell in December of 2012, one of their lobbyists, who was in charge of monitoring the “fiscal cliff” negotiations, wrote a $3,000 check to McConnell’s campaign. By the time the negotiations were finished, McConnell had secured a$500 million Christmas present for Amgen that came directly out of Medicare. But even that wasn’t McConnell’s foulest moment of corruption.

How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?

How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?

The illegal people not from our country go into an emergency room and by law have to be seen.. The bills are very very high which most of the time never get paid..

Why don't we address this instead of hurting the Americans...Building a stupid wall isn't going to stop it..

What about the cushy lifestyles the high government has , No one says a word about the expense for these corrupt assholes voting for Americans while getting paid off by the Big Pharma..

So much corruption going on.
Yep, so much corruption yet you believe what they say without evidence and justify them abusing their powers.

Harley, ,I have been sitting here studying all of this for over 5 years,since getting sick .. I make my own decisions, not by what the media on both sides feed you. This is just healthcare...our food supply is full of corruption too..
Our whole government system is corrupt..

Look at who gave money to Paul Ryan, who is he really working for? Not us..

Paul Ryan Picks Fight with Donald Trump Over Big Pharma Corruption:

3 Pfizer Inc $63,255 $53,255 $10,000

5 Blue Cross/Blue Shield $61,350 $38,850 $22,500


Kindred Healthcare $102,400 $87,400 $15,000

Health Professionals $1,006,295 $717,295 $289,000

David Sirota


In late night victory for PhRMA, Dems help GOP block Americans from buying cheaper FDA-approved medicine from Canada …

11:18 PM - 11 Jan 2017

Lee Fang


Incredible: Cory Booker & several other Dems join GOP maj in voting down Bernie amendment on importing cheaper drugs …

11:00 PM - 11 Jan 2017

Big Pharma Spends Millions on Political Contributions

Pharmaceutical and health product companies injected $51 million into the 2012 federal elections and nearly $32 million into the 2014 elections, according to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). The industry has already spent nearly $10 million on the 2016 elections and is expected to spend more, especially now that Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have made drug prices a campaign issue with separate proposals to rein them in with new regulations.

Big Pharma tends to spend more on Republicans than Democrats, and the GOP benefited from 58 percent of the industry's federal contributions in 2012 and 2014 while Democrats received 42 percent, according to the CRP.

How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?

Who Owns Congress? A Campaign Cash Seating Chart

Mitch McConnell Is the Cancer of the U.S. Senate

On the flip side, McConnell is quite productive if you’re willing to write him a fat check. One week after Amgen, a pharmaceutical multinational, hosted a fundraiser for McConnell in December of 2012, one of their lobbyists, who was in charge of monitoring the “fiscal cliff” negotiations, wrote a $3,000 check to McConnell’s campaign. By the time the negotiations were finished, McConnell had secured a$500 million Christmas present for Amgen that came directly out of Medicare. But even that wasn’t McConnell’s foulest moment of corruption.

How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?

How Much of Big Pharma's Massive Profits Are Used to Influence Politicians?

Big pharma helped write ACA!!
They should kick HC right back to the private sector where it belongs.

Name the public provider of health care besides Emergency Rooms those of us with good insurance pay for. All heath insurance is private. "Obamacare" isn't a thing.

Obamacare is a POS that's to damned expensive.

"Obamacare" isn't a thing. You can't get "Obamacare". Insurance is private. There is government provided health care. It's called Medicare and the VA...both of which have higher customer satisfaction than private insurance.

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