Does the US Constitution give the govt. the authority. . .

Does the Constitution give the govt. The right to define it both ways?

  • Yes. It does

  • No. It does not

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The federal government has supremacy over the states. If it isn't limited by the constitution directly saying so then it is up to case law. How hard is it for you to understand?
I'm not sure what you said. But, States rights denotes that if the constitution does not blatantly give the Federal government rights, it is expected it is a States the have the power to determine their own future.
The federal government has supremacy over the states. If it isn't limited by the constitution directly saying so then it is up to case law. How hard is it for you to understand?

Was that a yes or a no? Does the government have the power (through case law or any other way) to recognize a human being in one set of circumstances as a person... but that same human being in any other set of circumstances is NOT a person?

Yes or no.
Where are my Pro life and antiabortion colleagues on this? Do you see the point I am getting at?
Unless I see some damn good explanations for how the government has the Constitutional authority to say a human being in one situation is a person... but that same human being is not a person in any other set of circumstances . . .?

I'm going to take everyone's silence on this as a NO!

My point is validated by your silence.
I wonder how a Supreme Court Justice would answer this question and poll. It would be nice if that branch of the government was accessible and accountable as the other two are.
The federal government has supremacy over the states. If it isn't limited by the constitution directly saying so then it is up to case law. How hard is it for you to understand?

Just as a woman has supremacy over what is going on inside her body
The federal government has supremacy over the states. If it isn't limited by the constitution directly saying so then it is up to case law. How hard is it for you to understand?

Just as a woman has supremacy over what is going on inside her body

If that is true.... how do explain the cutoff dates for when it's too late for a woman to get a legal abortion?
No comments, votes or discussions on this?

Maybe I will just start a new thread every five minutes like everyone else does.
Human rights do not emanate from the Constitution, they are not "granted" by our government. They are protected by it.
Human rights do not emanate from the Constitution, they are not "granted" by our government. They are protected by it.

100% correct.

At least that's how it was intended to be.

Isn't it interesting that none of our usmb abortion proponents want to discuss this any further?
. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.

. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.


The 14th amendment says that "ALL persons" are entitled to the equal protection of our laws.

Funny how Conservatives read that as being INCLUSIVE of the rights of children in the womb and leftarded fuckstains like yourself see it as EXclusive of their rights.
. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.

. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.


The 14th amendment says that "ALL persons" are entitled to the equal protection of our laws.

Funny how Conservatives read that as being INCLUSIVE of the rights of children in the womb and leftarded fuckstains like yourself see it as EXclusive of their rights.

Chuz Life

And STILL, anti-freedom fundies can't be bothered to read their own constitution or how their own govt works.

Ever hear of the SCOTUS? Do you know what their job is?

I suggest you read the SCOTUS Blog. Don't worry. Its pretty simple reading. If you do, you will find the constitution does indeed guarantee the right to abortion. I've read half a dozen links just this morning. Why haven't you? And no, I'm not going to do it for you.
. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.

. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.


The 14th amendment says that "ALL persons" are entitled to the equal protection of our laws.

Funny how Conservatives read that as being INCLUSIVE of the rights of children in the womb and leftarded fuckstains like yourself see it as EXclusive of their rights.

Chuz Life

And STILL, anti-freedom fundies can't be bothered to read their own constitution or how their own govt works.

Ever hear of the SCOTUS? Do you know what their job is?

I suggest you read the SCOTUS Blog. Don't worry. Its pretty simple reading. If you do, you will find the constitution does indeed guarantee the right to abortion. I've read half a dozen links just this morning. Why haven't you? And no, I'm not going to do it for you.

During Roe, the SCOTUS said (and the pro abort lawyers agreed) that any States recognition of the personhood of children in the womb would make the case for abortion "nearly impossible" to make.

Read my signature!

Then, try to wrap your head around the number of fetal HOMICIDE laws that have been passed since the SCOTUS made that statement.
. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.

. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.


The 14th amendment says that "ALL persons" are entitled to the equal protection of our laws.

Funny how Conservatives read that as being INCLUSIVE of the rights of children in the womb and leftarded fuckstains like yourself see it as EXclusive of their rights.

Chuz Life

And STILL, anti-freedom fundies can't be bothered to read their own constitution or how their own govt works.

Ever hear of the SCOTUS? Do you know what their job is?

I suggest you read the SCOTUS Blog. Don't worry. Its pretty simple reading. If you do, you will find the constitution does indeed guarantee the right to abortion. I've read half a dozen links just this morning. Why haven't you? And no, I'm not going to do it for you.

During Roe, the SCOTUS said (and the pro abort lawyers agreed) that any States recognition of the personhood of children in the womb would make the case for abortion "nearly impossible" to make.

Read my signature!

Then, try to wrap your head around the number of fetal HOMICIDE laws that have been passed since the SCOTUS made that statement.

So, if you already knew that, why did you ask the question? Why did you start this thread?

Oh, that's right. Because you want to spam and harass and control other people's lives.:trolls:
. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.

. . . and waiting

If you're going to spend your life obsessing about running the lives of others, learn to do your own research instead of always demanding to be spoon fed like the dumb ass baby you are.

Meanwhile, read the 14th Amendment.


The 14th amendment says that "ALL persons" are entitled to the equal protection of our laws.

Funny how Conservatives read that as being INCLUSIVE of the rights of children in the womb and leftarded fuckstains like yourself see it as EXclusive of their rights.

Chuz Life

And STILL, anti-freedom fundies can't be bothered to read their own constitution or how their own govt works.

Ever hear of the SCOTUS? Do you know what their job is?

I suggest you read the SCOTUS Blog. Don't worry. Its pretty simple reading. If you do, you will find the constitution does indeed guarantee the right to abortion. I've read half a dozen links just this morning. Why haven't you? And no, I'm not going to do it for you.

During Roe, the SCOTUS said (and the pro abort lawyers agreed) that any States recognition of the personhood of children in the womb would make the case for abortion "nearly impossible" to make.

Read my signature!

Then, try to wrap your head around the number of fetal HOMICIDE laws that have been passed since the SCOTUS made that statement.

So, if you already knew that, why did you ask the question? Why did you start this thread?

Oh, that's right. Because you want to spam and harass and control other people's lives.:trolls:

Asking if the government HAS done something in the past is one question. . . asking if the government has or had the Constitutional authority to do it, is another.

Funny how you missed that.
People's pro abortion stance is little more than a thinly veiled fraud. On one hand; if they wish to kill the baby by having an abortion, they say it wasn't a person.
Then some thug comes along and shoots a pregnant woman in the stomach, then they want to charge them with a double homicide...

So... Like most "serious" issues with lefties; it is merely their feelings in a given moment that shape the reality they live in. Including what determines, what a person is, or isnt, and when...
People's pro abortion stance is little more than a thinly veiled fraud. On one hand; if they wish to kill the baby by having an abortion, they say it wasn't a person.
Then some thug comes along and shoots a pregnant woman in the stomach, then they want to charge them with a double homicide...

So... Like most "serious" issues with lefties; it is merely their feelings in a given moment that shape the reality they live in. Including what determines, what a person is, or isnt, and when...

The question is - does our government have the Constitutional authority to say that same human being / child IS a person in one situation but NOT a person in any other situation.
People's pro abortion stance is little more than a thinly veiled fraud. On one hand; if they wish to kill the baby by having an abortion, they say it wasn't a person.
Then some thug comes along and shoots a pregnant woman in the stomach, then they want to charge them with a double homicide...

So... Like most "serious" issues with lefties; it is merely their feelings in a given moment that shape the reality they live in. Including what determines, what a person is, or isnt, and when...

They really haven't changed, that much. A few centuries ago, it was black people, abducted from Africa, whose humanity was denied, in order to promote the Democrat's immoral and insane agenda. Now, it's unborn children.

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