Does this mean house democrats are still racists...?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
so...democrats voted against the recent past a political party who voted against Obama. would be called the party of "No" and they would be called racists simply because they voted against obama's agenda....but since they are democrats....and the democrat party is already the party of racism....they get to do what they want and never get called on it....
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
so...democrats voted against the recent past a political party who voted against Obama. would be called the party of "No" and they would be called racists simply because they voted against obama's agenda....but since they are democrats....and the democrat party is already the party of racism....they get to do what they want and never get called on it....
racist, one of those words diluted. too much pc, identity politics (kevin jackson), & the boy who cried wolf.

now we are force to upgrade, maybe a "super racist...." like a "super delegate"

... could come in handy in the primaries.
The Dems stopping the fast-track trade deal and the inclusion of racism for reasoning, must be the very newest talking point, as this is the second thread with the same theme.
Should each parties voting history of free trade be considered when throwing racism into the mix? I guess not.
Check out the complete history and ratification vote of both CAFTA and NAFTA for your answer. I know that'd involved some actual effort, which isn't much harder than reading daily talking points in your email's inbox. But then with the little effort, people wouldn't look so stupid..
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
As of right now, Carson has my vote.
Mine too, however the republicans are going to do what they always do and run a total loser, like, McCain? not sure how they thought he was a good idea when he was beat so bad for the nomination in 2000.
The republican idiocy and hard shift to the left is the reason I left the party and took my vote elsewhere.
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
People here have suddenly realized you can oppose the Presidents policies and not be racist a miracle before our very eyes.

except in this case..the democrat party actually is the party of racism...
Can we hear some more about slavery and the KKK?

The thread needs it
Can we hear some more about slavery and the KKK?

The thread needs it

How about the current racist in the White House....the guy who sat in a racist church for 20 years, who was married by a racist, Jeremiah wright, and who had his daughters baptized by a racist...Jeremiah wright...and who has close ties to the racist al sharpton...

And the racism of the groups that make up the democrat Raza, the Congressional Black caucus, the NAACP, the Nation of Islam......the honoring of racists by Bill Clinton....who is also a serial sexual predator....

And the kkk and also forgot Jim Crow....let's not forget their defense of the new black panther party as well....
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
As of right now, Carson has my vote.

So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.

Actually...republicans aren't racist....democrats are....try to hide that fact all you want..but their history and governing seen in the plight of minorities under their control reveal their racism...
People here have suddenly realized you can oppose the Presidents policies and not be racist a miracle before our very eyes.

Then why do 99% of the RW'ers on this board think it's racist to disagree with Ben Carson?

Of course you conveniently forget it was you as holes who said simply disagreeing with Obama was because they were racists...and had nothing to do with disagreeing with his left wing bullshit policies.......republicans see individuals....democrats only see skin color.....
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
As of right now, Carson has my vote.

So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.
Not really, only in looney liberal land you can be racist for disagreeing with a black person. I mean I was never considered racist till 2009. Imagine that.
People here have suddenly realized you can oppose the Presidents policies and not be racist a miracle before our very eyes.

Then why do 99% of the RW'ers on this board think it's racist to disagree with Ben Carson?

Of course you conveniently forget it was you as holes who said simply disagreeing with Obama was because they were racists...and had nothing to do with disagreeing with his left wing bullshit policies.......republicans see individuals....democrats only see skin color.....

LOL, is that why liberals never disagree with all the white guys who are rightwing nuts?
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
As of right now, Carson has my vote.

So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.
Not really, only in looney liberal land you can be racist for disagreeing with a black person. I mean I was never considered racist till 2009. Imagine that.

Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
As of right now, Carson has my vote.

So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.

Actually...republicans aren't racist....democrats are....try to hide that fact all you want..but their history and governing seen in the plight of minorities under their control reveal their racism...

Conservatives fought civil rights every step of the way.
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?

For the same reason that one would as "Why do you beat your Husband", Gilligan. It's a means to impart an illicit assertion, while posing it as a question. Nefarious intent, parading as concern for the defenseless.

Now what do you suppose would be the appropriate word, for those who pose blacks as defenseless?
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
As of right now, Carson has my vote.

So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.
Not really, only in looney liberal land you can be racist for disagreeing with a black person. I mean I was never considered racist till 2009. Imagine that.

Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.
Not till your kind labeled anyone racist for disagreeing with Obama. You started that bullshit, now you don't like it used against you.

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