Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

So, while Nostra has his nightly tantrum, let's review:

The new voting laws proposed by republicans Are designed and intended to reduce turnout.

They have already admitted this publicly and privately more than once.

The only way to get people to support these laws is to lie to them and tell them that dead people and illegal immigrants are voting, for example. ( and all voting for democrats)

  So they basically assume and rely on the idea that people like Nostra are gullible and stupid and are bigots.

That's what they think of you, Nostra. Talk about the safest of bets.
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So, while Nostra has his nightly tantrum, let's review:

The new voting laws proposed by republicans Are designed and intended to reduce turnout.

They have already admitted this publicly and privately more than once.

The only way to get people to support these laws is to lie to them and tell them that dead people and illegal immigrants are voting, for example.

  So they basically assume and rely on the idea that people like Nostra are gullible and stupid and are bigots.

That's what they think of you, Nostra. Talk about the safest of bets.
Explain how there was record black voter turnout in Georgia after voter ID laws went into effect.

You clowns were bleating about how it would keep blacks from voting. Why do you play this bullshit card every 4 years just to look like a complete moron?
there are MILLIONS of AR-15's yet less then 2 school shootings a year and not all with AR-15's. so much for that horse shit claim of yours. And the last 6 school shootings were by transgendered individuals hardly right wing at all. another lie.
Yup you are as dumb as fuck
Can anyone post a comment that is more stupid then This Gun Bubbas
You are making unfounded statements and you expect them to be taken as gospel. Such is the ego of the brain dead liberal anti gun people.
I don't care how the scum of this world takes what I say. Do you really think I care what you think of what I say. Guns need tons of regulation way way more then they have now. and of course the courts have decided that we can regulate guns so the courts will be on our side. I vote for many more regulations on guns.
I don't care how the scum of this world takes what I say. Do you really think I care what you think of what I say. Guns need tons of regulation way way more then they have now. and of course the courts have decided that we can regulate guns so the courts will be on our side. I vote for many more regulations on guns.
If you're GM or Ford and Toyota makes a better car than either of you; what does GM and Ford do? They copy the Toyota.

If you're Warner Brothers or Paramount and another studio makes a blockbuster, you put out a similar picture.

There are a lot of terms for it but the one that used to be en vogue is benchmarking.

If your society is suffering from 20,000 homicides and 10,000 suicides and other similar nations are not, you should benchmark off of them.

You do that then you come up with similar solutions. We don't lack the resources. We don't lack an educated populous. And we don't lack a desire for fewer gun deaths. It shouldn't be that hard.

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