Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

In the 2021-22 school year, there were. Just because nobody knocked on your door to tell your ignorant ass about them all doesn't mean they didn't happen.

Oh look, Ft Liar Indiana is full of shit.

School shootings, including colleges, peaked at 82 in 2023.

You just proved that you care what I have to say by your response. That makes you a liar.

You can vote however your wish on guns, but don't come crying back here when your desires fail to come to pass.

BTW, have you any proof or ever seen a gun just lying on the table go off and shoot someone?

Perhaps all of your vaunted desire to control guns should be applied to educating those who own them.
Not one thing is true, never said any of those things The only way you people can comment is by lying.

Deaths and injury by year The latest government data on school shootings

Where does this data come from?

The K-12 SSDB aims to compile information on school shootings from publicly available sources into a single comprehensive database. It defines school shootings as situations when someone brandishes or fires a gun on school property or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims, time or day of the week, or motivation.
For a fuller picture of crime in the US, read about how many high schoolers in the US carry guns, and get more USAFacts data in your inbox by subscribing to our weekly newsletter.
You either contribute or your ass is out of here. Simple rules contribute and don't try to hi jack the thread , if you can't do that you are out of here.
Since you don't have that power, except in your own mind, I have little to worry about.

If that were an actual rule, you would be gone far before I would.

Just look at your posts and threats, most of which are against the posted rules. They apply to you, even though you don't think so.

Just another attempt at bullying, as is your posted history.

You are nothing but a want to be the dictator of this thread.

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