God of the Gaps (well then, how did...")

That's the rigged game.

Everything had a cause! Except for my favorite god character.

Everything had a beginning! Except for my favorite God character.
What an evasion.

If it wasn’t a Creator who made the original Big Bang particle, then where the fuck did that thing come from?

Did it create itself out of nothing? How’s that work according to the laws of science?
I have no idea! I only have suggestions.

Or we could just throw up our hands and say it was a magical creator man and think we answered it.
What you’re doing is tossing up your hands and saying that the very first act of all things was itself a violation of the laws of nature.

I get that you don’t understand it, but your argument (such as it is) constitutes an appeal to the super-natural.
What you’re doing is tossing up your hands and saying that the very first act of all things was itself a violation of the laws of nature.
I neither stated nor implied that.

That's your claim. Go ahead and make it and argue it. In your own words.

This is the big boy section of the board.

And, go.
I neither stated nor implied that.

Yeah. It is.

Your petty quibble had been that people simply had to make up a God to explain the unexplained. But if there were no God Creator, then the only remaining explanation is that everything came into existence without any causation.

This however violates the laws of nature. So your sole remaining alternative to God is nonetheless an appeal to the supernatural. So, go change your panties. Put on your big boy underoos and a nice pair of big boy pants.

Defend your position.

You’re on the clock. Go.
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But if there were no God Creator, then the only remaining explanation is that everything came into existence without any causation.

It might just have always been.

And proposing a magical creator man without its own causation doesn't exactly solve the problem.

Anything else?

It might just have always been.

Then where did it come from?

Please share the scientific law that allows for the existence of anything without it having some first come into existence.
And proposing a magical creator man without its own causation doesn't exactly solve the problem.
Neither does an appeal to science that simultaneously denies the laws of science.
Anything else?
Do you have anything at all?

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