Doh? Rape up 20% In London

Jihad Watch - SERIOUSLY? :)

Jihad Watch is a blog affiliated with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, run by blogger Robert Spencer,[2][3][4][5][6] it has been described as one of the main homes of the Counter-jihad movement on the internet.[7]

According to the website, a theology of violent jihad, which denies non-Muslims and women equality, human rights, and dignity has been present throughout the history of Islam. Jihad Watch says that it is "dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world, and to correct popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern-day conflicts."[8]

It has been repeatedly criticised by numerous academics who believe that it promotes an Islamophobic worldview and conspiracy theories.[9][10][11][12][13][14]


Picaro and Tilly are creaming their pants at the idea women are bing raped to support their agenda. Don't ruin the moment for them.
I live in London and I also have first hand experience of rape. I don’t find your commentary very amusing, you childish twat. If you don’t want to discuss the increase in rape in London sensibly, then go ply your foul idea of humour elsewhere.

I'm sure the children who were raped in Rotherham and elsewhere in the U.K. would be heartened to read him referring to their horrific experiences as "so-called" rape.
There are so many utterly vile sickos on this board it is astonishing. Makes it easier to understand how lefties have no problem throwing women and girls under the bus in order to facilitate their dreams of multicultural ‘utopias’ though.

Sickos? Sickos are people celebrating rape because they hate Muslims.
'Progressives' are sick freaks and knee jerk reactionaries; they will automatically jump in to defend their pet demographics no end with such gibberish and innuendo,so do feel free to ignore them and their ridiculous trolling and baiting. No 'minority' can ever commit or be guilty of any crime whatsoever in their fantasy worlds.

Where did I defend rape you dumb fuck? I stated what has always been said. Rapes are under-reported and it is impossible to know if this is an increase in the occurrence of rape, or just simply more being reported.

You whack-a-doodles can have your little circle-jerk being happy about more rapes because you think it re-enforces your hatred of Muslims.

You think attacking me saying I'm defending rapist is ridiculous, but what's worse is you guys are here celebrating the rise in rape because of your hatred of Muslims.

Pipe down, gimp; your dope addled attempts at feigning 'objectivity' are beyond silly. We know you know you're just a left wing sociopath jumping in to defend a bunch of 7th century atavistic thugs with zero chance at assimilating or even want to assimilate, but they make you happy, because you want to be one of them, just don't have the balls, like most fags, so you settle for the vicarious thrills and lurid voyeurism.

You don't know shit about me or about the subject. My point is about the subject of rape across the world, not just with the Muslims you have so much hatred for.

And you and Tilly and your passive aggressive attacks are just sad.
This thread is about rapes being up 20% in LONDON. If you don’t want to read what the police have said about it and want to discuss rape in general and rape elsewhere, go make a thread about it. Oh, and you are just as aggressive as anyone else.

Rape is under-reported EVERYWHERE. It doesn't matter if it is London or anywhere else. If you actually understood WHY rape is under-reported you'd get it.

You also need to learn what passive-aggressive is.
GFY you retard. We are discussing a 20% INCREASE in rape in London and have already acknowledged it is underreported also, we’ve also given you a reason why it goes underrpeored in the U.K. as it relates to alleged ‘racism’ - yet here you are banging on about anything and everything the thread IS NOT about. Tard.
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I'm sorry about your experience, but that doesn't change the facts.
Says the little boy who refers to ACTUAL facts as "so-called"

Islamic rape gangs have been working throughout Britain for years. This is an established fact and has been well documented. You are just too stupid and too terrified of being called names that you refuse to acknowledge these facts.
Jihad Watch - SERIOUSLY? :)

Jihad Watch is a blog affiliated with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, run by blogger Robert Spencer,[2][3][4][5][6] it has been described as one of the main homes of the Counter-jihad movement on the internet.[7]

According to the website, a theology of violent jihad, which denies non-Muslims and women equality, human rights, and dignity has been present throughout the history of Islam. Jihad Watch says that it is "dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world, and to correct popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern-day conflicts."[8]

It has been repeatedly criticised by numerous academics who believe that it promotes an Islamophobic worldview and conspiracy theories.[9][10][11][12][13][14]


Picaro and Tilly are creaming their pants at the idea women are bing raped to support their agenda. Don't ruin the moment for them.
I live in London and I also have first hand experience of rape. I don’t find your commentary very amusing, you childish twat. If you don’t want to discuss the increase in rape in London sensibly, then go ply your foul idea of humour elsewhere.

I'm sure the children who were raped in Rotherham and elsewhere in the U.K. would be heartened to read him referring to their horrific experiences as "so-called" rape.
There are so many utterly vile sickos on this board it is astonishing. Makes it easier to understand how lefties have no problem throwing women and girls under the bus in order to facilitate their dreams of multicultural ‘utopias’ though.

Sickos? Sickos are people celebrating rape because they hate Muslims.

Nobody is "celebrating" rape, you cretin. We are speaking out against it and the cultural attitudes responsible for it.

You, on the other hand, are indulging in nothing but apologia, denial, obfuscation and misdirection -- all calculated to defend the perpetrators.
Jihad Watch - SERIOUSLY? :)

Jihad Watch is a blog affiliated with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, run by blogger Robert Spencer,[2][3][4][5][6] it has been described as one of the main homes of the Counter-jihad movement on the internet.[7]

According to the website, a theology of violent jihad, which denies non-Muslims and women equality, human rights, and dignity has been present throughout the history of Islam. Jihad Watch says that it is "dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world, and to correct popular misconceptions about the role of jihad and religion in modern-day conflicts."[8]

It has been repeatedly criticised by numerous academics who believe that it promotes an Islamophobic worldview and conspiracy theories.[9][10][11][12][13][14]


Picaro and Tilly are creaming their pants at the idea women are bing raped to support their agenda. Don't ruin the moment for them.
I live in London and I also have first hand experience of rape. I don’t find your commentary very amusing, you childish twat. If you don’t want to discuss the increase in rape in London sensibly, then go ply your foul idea of humour elsewhere.

I'm sure the children who were raped in Rotherham and elsewhere in the U.K. would be heartened to read him referring to their horrific experiences as "so-called" rape.
There are so many utterly vile sickos on this board it is astonishing. Makes it easier to understand how lefties have no problem throwing women and girls under the bus in order to facilitate their dreams of multicultural ‘utopias’ though.

Sickos? Sickos are people celebrating rape because they hate Muslims.
So, if you're against rape you're Islamophobic?
I'm sorry about your experience, but that doesn't change the facts.
Says the little boy who refers to ACTUAL facts as "so-called"

Islamic rape gangs have been working throughout Britain for years. This is an established fact and has been well documented. You are just too stupid and too terrified of being called names that you refuse to acknowledge these facts.

I’ve put the retarded troll on ignore. It has nothing to contribute but irrelevant talking points and useful idiot nonsense. Lol.
London sees 20% rise in rape reports in a year, police say “we don’t understand the causes”
Britain is, as is obvious, finished.
After the grooming scandal and cover up they still will not blame Islam.

and that makes you happy because?

rape is up here, too
USA - reported forcible rape rate 1990-2016 | Timeline

angry males get very aggressive.

He expressed no pleasure. Why do you lie by insinuating he did?

That's what bugs me about you radical leftists --the agenda always overrides the truth. You people have created this Orwellian world we now live in where the choice is between tolerating Muslims raping children or getting called a racist and a hater.
Picaro and Tilly are creaming their pants at the idea women are bing raped to support their agenda. Don't ruin the moment for them.
I live in London and I also have first hand experience of rape. I don’t find your commentary very amusing, you childish twat. If you don’t want to discuss the increase in rape in London sensibly, then go ply your foul idea of humour elsewhere.

I'm sure the children who were raped in Rotherham and elsewhere in the U.K. would be heartened to read him referring to their horrific experiences as "so-called" rape.
There are so many utterly vile sickos on this board it is astonishing. Makes it easier to understand how lefties have no problem throwing women and girls under the bus in order to facilitate their dreams of multicultural ‘utopias’ though.

Sickos? Sickos are people celebrating rape because they hate Muslims.
So, if you're against rape you're Islamophobic?

That's it in a nutshell for these useful idiot regressives.
I live in London and I also have first hand experience of rape. I don’t find your commentary very amusing, you childish twat. If you don’t want to discuss the increase in rape in London sensibly, then go ply your foul idea of humour elsewhere.

I'm sure the children who were raped in Rotherham and elsewhere in the U.K. would be heartened to read him referring to their horrific experiences as "so-called" rape.
There are so many utterly vile sickos on this board it is astonishing. Makes it easier to understand how lefties have no problem throwing women and girls under the bus in order to facilitate their dreams of multicultural ‘utopias’ though.

Sickos? Sickos are people celebrating rape because they hate Muslims.
So, if you're against rape you're Islamophobic?

That's it in a nutshell for these useful idiot regressives.
Political correctness is so confusing.
I'm sorry about your experience, but that doesn't change the facts.
Says the little boy who refers to ACTUAL facts as "so-called"

Islamic rape gangs have been working throughout Britain for years. This is an established fact and has been well documented. You are just too stupid and too terrified of being called names that you refuse to acknowledge these facts.

I’ve put the retarded troll on ignore. It has nothing to contribute but irrelevant talking points and useful idiot nonsense. Lol.

Yeah, but it's like that yellowjacket nest. You can stomp on one of the drones, but a thousand more will soon replace it.
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London sees 20% rise in rape reports in a year, police say “we don’t understand the causes”
Britain is, as is obvious, finished.
After the grooming scandal and cover up they still will not blame Islam.

and that makes you happy because?

rape is up here, too
USA - reported forcible rape rate 1990-2016 | Timeline

angry males get very aggressive.

He expressed no pleasure. Why do you lie by insinuating he did?

That's what bugs me about you radical leftists --the agenda always overrides the truth. You people have created this Orwellian world we now live in where the choice is between tolerating Muslims raping children or getting called a racist and a hater.

I know gloating when I see gloating.

but it's very kind of you to take bigot boy's side.
Where did I defend rape you dumb fuck? I stated what has always been said. Rapes are under-reported and it is impossible to know if this is an increase in the occurrence of rape, or just simply more being reported.

You whack-a-doodles can have your little circle-jerk being happy about more rapes because you think it re-enforces your hatred of Muslims.

You think attacking me saying I'm defending rapist is ridiculous, but what's worse is you guys are here celebrating the rise in rape because of your hatred of Muslims.

Pipe down, gimp; your dope addled attempts at feigning 'objectivity' are beyond silly. We know you know you're just a left wing sociopath jumping in to defend a bunch of 7th century atavistic thugs with zero chance at assimilating or even want to assimilate, but they make you happy, because you want to be one of them, just don't have the balls, like most fags, so you settle for the vicarious thrills and lurid voyeurism.

You don't know shit about me or about the subject. My point is about the subject of rape across the world, not just with the Muslims you have so much hatred for.

And you and Tilly and your passive aggressive attacks are just sad.
This thread is about rapes being up 20% in LONDON. If you don’t want to read what the police have said about it and want to discuss rape in general and rape elsewhere, go make a thread about it. Oh, and you are just as aggressive as anyone else.

Rape is under-reported EVERYWHERE. It doesn't matter if it is London or anywhere else. If you actually understood WHY rape is under-reported you'd get it.

You also need to learn what passive-aggressive is.
GFY you retard. We are discussing a 20% INCREASE in rape in London and have already acknowledged it is underreported also, we’ve also given you a reason why it goes underrpeored in the U.K. as it relates to alleged ‘racism’ - yet here you are banging on about anything and everything the thread IS NOT about. Tard.

It goes under-reported because of more than just a fucking religion, but you don't get that because you don't read something that says something you don't want to hear.

What I'm talking about has EVERYTHING to do with this thread, because people that know how crime statistics work will tell you this article is full of shit.
Why do you think the rape of children is funny, DRlove?

Are you a sock puppet of Coyote or something?

If you are going to talk shit about Coyote at least have the balls to page her.
I ignore him Lew, he is not worth bothering with. He isnt interested in discussion. As a mod, I cant put people on actual ignore, but you can. :)
Picaro and Tilly are creaming their pants at the idea women are bing raped to support their agenda. Don't ruin the moment for them.
I live in London and I also have first hand experience of rape. I don’t find your commentary very amusing, you childish twat. If you don’t want to discuss the increase in rape in London sensibly, then go ply your foul idea of humour elsewhere.

I'm sure the children who were raped in Rotherham and elsewhere in the U.K. would be heartened to read him referring to their horrific experiences as "so-called" rape.
There are so many utterly vile sickos on this board it is astonishing. Makes it easier to understand how lefties have no problem throwing women and girls under the bus in order to facilitate their dreams of multicultural ‘utopias’ though.

Sickos? Sickos are people celebrating rape because they hate Muslims.
So, if you're against rape you're Islamophobic?

Obviously you haven't read the thread. This is all about blaming Muslim migrants for an increase in rape.
]Political correctness is so confusing.

Take one part utter stupidity, mix thoroughly with the desire to be exactly the same as everybody else, sprinkle in a good heaping of fear, and top with thorough layer of dishonesty.

Bake for 18 years and unleash.
Picaro and Tilly are creaming their pants at the idea women are bing raped to support their agenda. Don't ruin the moment for them.
I live in London and I also have first hand experience of rape. I don’t find your commentary very amusing, you childish twat. If you don’t want to discuss the increase in rape in London sensibly, then go ply your foul idea of humour elsewhere.

I'm sure the children who were raped in Rotherham and elsewhere in the U.K. would be heartened to read him referring to their horrific experiences as "so-called" rape.
There are so many utterly vile sickos on this board it is astonishing. Makes it easier to understand how lefties have no problem throwing women and girls under the bus in order to facilitate their dreams of multicultural ‘utopias’ though.

Sickos? Sickos are people celebrating rape because they hate Muslims.
So, if you're against rape you're Islamophobic?

an argument could be made that ANTI-RAPE is anti islam.
Islam does not recognize rape as a crime if it is upon a
female that is a LEGAL OBJECT OF SEX-----no marital rape,
no rape of an enslaved woman, no rape of a rebellious dhimmi, no rape of a woman not pious, no rape of a woman not muslim and not "protected" under the rules of dhimmia. The rape of a dhimmi can be EASILY justified by claiming that she violated some aspect of her dhimmi status---like TOUCHING A KORAN
I live in London and I also have first hand experience of rape. I don’t find your commentary very amusing, you childish twat. If you don’t want to discuss the increase in rape in London sensibly, then go ply your foul idea of humour elsewhere.

I'm sure the children who were raped in Rotherham and elsewhere in the U.K. would be heartened to read him referring to their horrific experiences as "so-called" rape.
There are so many utterly vile sickos on this board it is astonishing. Makes it easier to understand how lefties have no problem throwing women and girls under the bus in order to facilitate their dreams of multicultural ‘utopias’ though.

Sickos? Sickos are people celebrating rape because they hate Muslims.
So, if you're against rape you're Islamophobic?

Obviously you haven't read the thread. This is all about blaming Muslim migrants for an increase in rape.
I don't get it. Are you for increased rape, or only if it's done by Muslims?
Why do you think the rape of children is funny, DRlove?

Are you a sock puppet of Coyote or something?

If you are going to talk shit about Coyote at least have the balls to page her.

I didn't need to. I figured one of the drones would page her.

Do you care to add to the building consensus that he rape of children is funny, though? There have been two now, and you might want to get in one it since it is now the approved leftist position to take.
I'm sure the children who were raped in Rotherham and elsewhere in the U.K. would be heartened to read him referring to their horrific experiences as "so-called" rape.
There are so many utterly vile sickos on this board it is astonishing. Makes it easier to understand how lefties have no problem throwing women and girls under the bus in order to facilitate their dreams of multicultural ‘utopias’ though.

Sickos? Sickos are people celebrating rape because they hate Muslims.
So, if you're against rape you're Islamophobic?

Obviously you haven't read the thread. This is all about blaming Muslim migrants for an increase in rape.
I don't get it. Are you for increased rape?

Yes you obviously don't get it if you are asking that question. I'm against rape, but I'm also against people trying to use unreliable statistics to propagate their hatred of an entire group of people.

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