DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary’s Wrongdoing

The snowflakes have been mewling incessantly about Trump being charged with obstruction of justice. Little did they realize that the two highest ranking members of the Demococrat party would be the ones wriggling on that hook!

First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary's Wrongdoing Before Election

Full title: First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary’s Wrongdoing Before Election

As reported earlier the first DOJ leaks on the upcoming Inspector General report does not look good for fired former Director James Comey.

The IG report found that Trump-basher Comey “defied authority” and was “insubordinate” in his behavior at the bureau.

ABC News was given a draft of the IG report early for today’s announcements.

But the leaks to ABC News also reveal that Obama Attorney General Attorney General Loretta Lynch was determined to hide evidence of Hillary Clinton’s wrongdoing from the American public.

If that is the best Trump has then this report is a bust. Please tell me what federal statute covers 'defied authority' and 'insubordinate'. Also if Lynch's asking Comey to call the investigation a matter instead of a investigation then again nothing to see.
No one believes the IG report is going to expose all the dirt. That's why they want a special counsel. Rosenstein is a poisonous snake who hates Trump, and Sessions is a useless jellfyfish.

As Sessions said, you need facts for a special prosecutor. Not 1 fact has been put out there. Nothing but speculation. There is no evidence that Rosenstein hates Trump. Just because you don't like their actions does not make them anti-Trump.
It's a "special counsel," not a "special prosecutor." There are far more facts that need to be investigated in the spygate scandal than this phoney Russian collusion scandal. There are hundreds of facts. How many people in the FBI have been fired, demoted and reassigned?

You're simply a shameless douchebag who defend the party aparatchiks to the bitter end.

There is no spygate. That conspiracy theory has been torpedoed by Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, and Richard Burr. The fact that Nunes has not pushed back speaks volumes. It is lying at the bottom of the ocean. The Russian collusion is not phony. In at least 1 instance, Trump campaign officials did meet with a Russian national to get what they thought was dirt on Clinton. Retaliation is likely the reason for the firings, demotions and reassignments.
They tried to stage a coup against Trump. Instead they got their messiah indicted for a host of crimes against the United States.

I like how the sailor who was convicted for taking a few snaps in his sub to show his family is now suing Obabble and Conney. I hope he wins.

He is not going to win. He took photos of top secret areas which he had no authority to do. Clinton was authorized to see the information she had. The only question was how it was stored.
A distinction without a difference.

A major difference. Clinton turned her e-mails over to the State Department when she left. This person was taking pictures of classified areas when he was not entitled to do so.
Hillary only turned over some of her emails. The fact remains that she broke the law by storing them on a private unsecured server. Your "difference" doesn't mean a fucking thing.

She turned over her work e-mails which is what she was required to do. The fact is that other government officials have used private e-mail to conduct business. Comey was right when he talked about prosecutor's discretion. If she was still with the State Department then administrative sanctions would be in order. By the way, 6 former or current members of Trump's White House have used private e-mail accounts including Kushner. Will they be prosecuted as well.
I like how the sailor who was convicted for taking a few snaps in his sub to show his family is now suing Obabble and Conney. I hope he wins.

He is not going to win. He took photos of top secret areas which he had no authority to do. Clinton was authorized to see the information she had. The only question was how it was stored.
A distinction without a difference.

A major difference. Clinton turned her e-mails over to the State Department when she left. This person was taking pictures of classified areas when he was not entitled to do so.
Hillary only turned over some of her emails. The fact remains that she broke the law by storing them on a private unsecured server. Your "difference" doesn't mean a fucking thing.

She turned over her work e-mails which is what she was required to do. The fact is that other government officials have used private e-mail to conduct business. Comey was right when he talked about prosecutor's discretion. If she was still with the State Department then administrative sanctions would be in order. By the way, 6 former or current members of Trump's White House have used private e-mail accounts including Kushner. Will they be prosecuted as well.

You can keep repeating that ad nauseum. It doesn't change the fact that her private email server being used for classified communications in the first place is a violation of the Espionage Act.
He is not going to win. He took photos of top secret areas which he had no authority to do. Clinton was authorized to see the information she had. The only question was how it was stored.

Ohhhh...buzzzzzz off.

This case is not going to help the Dems with Normal People. The glaring abuse of the justice system by Obama to help hiLIARy is not a good look for them. off.

There was no abuse. He was not entitled to those photos. No one is paying attention. There is no evidence of any abuse.

Your blindness to Hillary's criminality is astounding.

What you cannot stand is that I am fair and look at facts. I have seen no facts that prove a need tor a second special investigator.

Oh, you poor widdle clueless woowoo.

You wouldn't recognize a fact or fairness if either smacked you on your flabbly ass and called you Judy.

You being the Trump supporter are the widdle clueless cuckoo.

I recognize facts because I have not lost my mind like you cuckoo Trump supporters.
He is not going to win. He took photos of top secret areas which he had no authority to do. Clinton was authorized to see the information she had. The only question was how it was stored.
A distinction without a difference.

A major difference. Clinton turned her e-mails over to the State Department when she left. This person was taking pictures of classified areas when he was not entitled to do so.
Hillary only turned over some of her emails. The fact remains that she broke the law by storing them on a private unsecured server. Your "difference" doesn't mean a fucking thing.

She turned over her work e-mails which is what she was required to do. The fact is that other government officials have used private e-mail to conduct business. Comey was right when he talked about prosecutor's discretion. If she was still with the State Department then administrative sanctions would be in order. By the way, 6 former or current members of Trump's White House have used private e-mail accounts including Kushner. Will they be prosecuted as well.

You can keep repeating that ad nauseum. It doesn't change the fact that her private email server being used for classified communications in the first place is a violation of the Espionage Act.

You have just proven why ordinary people roll their eyes at you crazy people. There was no espionage.
The snowflakes have been mewling incessantly about Trump being charged with obstruction of justice. Little did they realize that the two highest ranking members of the Demococrat party would be the ones wriggling on that hook!

First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary's Wrongdoing Before Election

Full title: First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary’s Wrongdoing Before Election

As reported earlier the first DOJ leaks on the upcoming Inspector General report does not look good for fired former Director James Comey.

The IG report found that Trump-basher Comey “defied authority” and was “insubordinate” in his behavior at the bureau.

ABC News was given a draft of the IG report early for today’s announcements.

But the leaks to ABC News also reveal that Obama Attorney General Attorney General Loretta Lynch was determined to hide evidence of Hillary Clinton’s wrongdoing from the American public.

Are you saying that leftists have once again projected their rotten qualities onto others?

I couldn't have seen the day.
A distinction without a difference.

A major difference. Clinton turned her e-mails over to the State Department when she left. This person was taking pictures of classified areas when he was not entitled to do so.
Hillary only turned over some of her emails. The fact remains that she broke the law by storing them on a private unsecured server. Your "difference" doesn't mean a fucking thing.

She turned over her work e-mails which is what she was required to do. The fact is that other government officials have used private e-mail to conduct business. Comey was right when he talked about prosecutor's discretion. If she was still with the State Department then administrative sanctions would be in order. By the way, 6 former or current members of Trump's White House have used private e-mail accounts including Kushner. Will they be prosecuted as well.

You can keep repeating that ad nauseum. It doesn't change the fact that her private email server being used for classified communications in the first place is a violation of the Espionage Act.

You have just proven why ordinary people roll their eyes at you crazy people. There was no espionage.

Then what were all these spies the FBI assigned to the Trump campaign doing?
I like how the sailor who was convicted for taking a few snaps in his sub to show his family is now suing Obabble and Conney. I hope he wins.

He is not going to win. He took photos of top secret areas which he had no authority to do. Clinton was authorized to see the information she had. The only question was how it was stored.

Ohhhh...buzzzzzz off.

This case is not going to help the Dems with Normal People. The glaring abuse of the justice system by Obama to help hiLIARy is not a good look for them. off.

There was no abuse. He was not entitled to those photos. No one is paying attention. There is no evidence of any abuse.

Your blindness to Hillary's criminality is astounding.

What you cannot stand is that I am fair and look at facts. I have seen no facts that prove a need tor a second special investigator.
That's funny if a Republican did the exact same thing. You would piss yourself.
A major difference. Clinton turned her e-mails over to the State Department when she left. This person was taking pictures of classified areas when he was not entitled to do so.
Hillary only turned over some of her emails. The fact remains that she broke the law by storing them on a private unsecured server. Your "difference" doesn't mean a fucking thing.

She turned over her work e-mails which is what she was required to do. The fact is that other government officials have used private e-mail to conduct business. Comey was right when he talked about prosecutor's discretion. If she was still with the State Department then administrative sanctions would be in order. By the way, 6 former or current members of Trump's White House have used private e-mail accounts including Kushner. Will they be prosecuted as well.

You can keep repeating that ad nauseum. It doesn't change the fact that her private email server being used for classified communications in the first place is a violation of the Espionage Act.

You have just proven why ordinary people roll their eyes at you crazy people. There was no espionage.

Then what were all these spies the FBI assigned to the Trump campaign doing?

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

Sucking from the taxpayer teat and attempting to sabotage first Trump's campaign and then his Presidency.
The snowflakes have been mewling incessantly about Trump being charged with obstruction of justice. Little did they realize that the two highest ranking members of the Demococrat party would be the ones wriggling on that hook!

First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary's Wrongdoing Before Election

Full title: First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary’s Wrongdoing Before Election

As reported earlier the first DOJ leaks on the upcoming Inspector General report does not look good for fired former Director James Comey.

The IG report found that Trump-basher Comey “defied authority” and was “insubordinate” in his behavior at the bureau.

ABC News was given a draft of the IG report early for today’s announcements.

But the leaks to ABC News also reveal that Obama Attorney General Attorney General Loretta Lynch was determined to hide evidence of Hillary Clinton’s wrongdoing from the American public.

If that is the best Trump has then this report is a bust. Please tell me what federal statute covers 'defied authority' and 'insubordinate'. Also if Lynch's asking Comey to call the investigation a matter instead of a investigation then again nothing to see.
No one believes the IG report is going to expose all the dirt. That's why they want a special counsel. Rosenstein is a poisonous snake who hates Trump, and Sessions is a useless jellfyfish.

As Sessions said, you need facts for a special prosecutor. Not 1 fact has been put out there. Nothing but speculation. There is no evidence that Rosenstein hates Trump. Just because you don't like their actions does not make them anti-Trump.
It's a "special counsel," not a "special prosecutor." There are far more facts that need to be investigated in the spygate scandal than this phoney Russian collusion scandal. There are hundreds of facts. How many people in the FBI have been fired, demoted and reassigned?

You're simply a shameless douchebag who defend the party aparatchiks to the bitter end.

There is no spygate. That conspiracy theory has been torpedoed by Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, and Richard Burr. The fact that Nunes has not pushed back speaks volumes. It is lying at the bottom of the ocean. The Russian collusion is not phony. In at least 1 instance, Trump campaign officials did meet with a Russian national to get what they thought was dirt on Clinton. Retaliation is likely the reason for the firings, demotions and reassignments.
Repeat that 1000 times if it makes you feel better.
Gateway Pundit, yeah, I'm sure that will work out for you.
It should be easy enough for you to prove the story is bogus.

It's not that the story is bogus, it's GP's inability to understand it.
What didn't they understand?

A better question is what did they understand.
In other words, nothing.

Thanks for playing.

What is GP stating Lynch did wrong? What are they saying about Comey? Then go to the ABC link and tell me how much they match up.
The snowflakes have been mewling incessantly about Trump being charged with obstruction of justice. Little did they realize that the two highest ranking members of the Demococrat party would be the ones wriggling on that hook!

First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary's Wrongdoing Before Election

Full title: First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary’s Wrongdoing Before Election

As reported earlier the first DOJ leaks on the upcoming Inspector General report does not look good for fired former Director James Comey.

The IG report found that Trump-basher Comey “defied authority” and was “insubordinate” in his behavior at the bureau.

ABC News was given a draft of the IG report early for today’s announcements.

But the leaks to ABC News also reveal that Obama Attorney General Attorney General Loretta Lynch was determined to hide evidence of Hillary Clinton’s wrongdoing from the American public.
Ah yes, the Gateway Pundit Nothingburger of the Day. And the Fake Outrage Pride Parade begins...

The fake news media produces almost all the nothing burgers since the election.
That's nice. So, let me get this straight:

You're acting like a fool, because someone else did?

Good for you
ROFL! So you belive I'm the one who's acting like a fool?
Of course you are...
Why did slick Willy meet her on the plane...
He didn't. He talked to her on the tarmac for a few minutes .

The FBI investigated... Found nothing. At all. They investigated again...found nothing, again.

How can you people obsess over this shit for almost 2 years and STILL not have your facts straight?

Are you saying they were actually on the tarmac?
A major difference. Clinton turned her e-mails over to the State Department when she left. This person was taking pictures of classified areas when he was not entitled to do so.
Hillary only turned over some of her emails. The fact remains that she broke the law by storing them on a private unsecured server. Your "difference" doesn't mean a fucking thing.

She turned over her work e-mails which is what she was required to do. The fact is that other government officials have used private e-mail to conduct business. Comey was right when he talked about prosecutor's discretion. If she was still with the State Department then administrative sanctions would be in order. By the way, 6 former or current members of Trump's White House have used private e-mail accounts including Kushner. Will they be prosecuted as well.

You can keep repeating that ad nauseum. It doesn't change the fact that her private email server being used for classified communications in the first place is a violation of the Espionage Act.

You have just proven why ordinary people roll their eyes at you crazy people. There was no espionage.

Then what were all these spies the FBI assigned to the Trump campaign doing?

There were no spies. That conspiracy theory is deader than a doornail.
Hillary only turned over some of her emails. The fact remains that she broke the law by storing them on a private unsecured server. Your "difference" doesn't mean a fucking thing.

She turned over her work e-mails which is what she was required to do. The fact is that other government officials have used private e-mail to conduct business. Comey was right when he talked about prosecutor's discretion. If she was still with the State Department then administrative sanctions would be in order. By the way, 6 former or current members of Trump's White House have used private e-mail accounts including Kushner. Will they be prosecuted as well.

You can keep repeating that ad nauseum. It doesn't change the fact that her private email server being used for classified communications in the first place is a violation of the Espionage Act.

You have just proven why ordinary people roll their eyes at you crazy people. There was no espionage.

Then what were all these spies the FBI assigned to the Trump campaign doing?

There were no spies. That conspiracy theory is deader than a doornail.
There is abudand evidence for spies. Your denials are positively comical.
He is not going to win. He took photos of top secret areas which he had no authority to do. Clinton was authorized to see the information she had. The only question was how it was stored.

Ohhhh...buzzzzzz off.

This case is not going to help the Dems with Normal People. The glaring abuse of the justice system by Obama to help hiLIARy is not a good look for them. off.

There was no abuse. He was not entitled to those photos. No one is paying attention. There is no evidence of any abuse.

Your blindness to Hillary's criminality is astounding.

What you cannot stand is that I am fair and look at facts. I have seen no facts that prove a need tor a second special investigator.
That's funny if a Republican did the exact same thing. You would piss yourself.
I am a ex-Republican turned independent. Both parties are extreme. We need sane people on both sides.
She turned over her work e-mails which is what she was required to do. The fact is that other government officials have used private e-mail to conduct business. Comey was right when he talked about prosecutor's discretion. If she was still with the State Department then administrative sanctions would be in order. By the way, 6 former or current members of Trump's White House have used private e-mail accounts including Kushner. Will they be prosecuted as well.

You can keep repeating that ad nauseum. It doesn't change the fact that her private email server being used for classified communications in the first place is a violation of the Espionage Act.

You have just proven why ordinary people roll their eyes at you crazy people. There was no espionage.

Then what were all these spies the FBI assigned to the Trump campaign doing?

There were no spies. That conspiracy theory is deader than a doornail.
There is abudand evidence for spies. Your denials are positively comical.

Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, and Richard Burr deny it as well. You are the comical cuckoo bird. YOU need to be in a looney bin somewhere.
The snowflakes have been mewling incessantly about Trump being charged with obstruction of justice. Little did they realize that the two highest ranking members of the Demococrat party would be the ones wriggling on that hook!

First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary's Wrongdoing Before Election

Full title: First DOJ Leak on IG Report Reveals Obama AG Loretta Lynch Tried to Hide Evidence of Hillary’s Wrongdoing Before Election

As reported earlier the first DOJ leaks on the upcoming Inspector General report does not look good for fired former Director James Comey.

The IG report found that Trump-basher Comey “defied authority” and was “insubordinate” in his behavior at the bureau.

ABC News was given a draft of the IG report early for today’s announcements.

But the leaks to ABC News also reveal that Obama Attorney General Attorney General Loretta Lynch was determined to hide evidence of Hillary Clinton’s wrongdoing from the American public.

liberals are all crooked just like crooked Hillary...

We all know all liberals are full of shit

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