Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.

Okay then, secret methods of mass homicide.

Did you ever explain why 1,000 bodies are unaccounted for? Or how the peoples bodies were turned into pieces that would fit into test tubes?

These people would like to know.

Okay then, secret methods of mass homicide.

Did you ever explain why 1,000 bodies are unaccounted for? Or how the peoples bodies were turned into pieces that would fit into test tubes?

These people would like to know.
they KNOW why, dipshit
take your meds and tell the orderly you need help
Okay then, secret methods of mass homicide.

Did you ever explain why 1,000 bodies are unaccounted for? Or how the peoples bodies were turned into pieces that would fit into test tubes?

These people would like to know.

give me their number and i will tell them. do you really think nobody told them two really big buildings got hit by airplanes and fell down? :cuckoo:

its not a secret. :lol:

the fact you repeatedly try to use the families of the 9/11 victims as some type of justification for your invisicrete hoax is really perverted.
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You pretend your sick diatribe could provide comfort. Crushing and shredding are different, but the pereptrators would not want you to acknowledge that.

The biggest mystery for knowledge people is how everthing was shredded, update/collapsed to dust.mpg

but the perpetrators would not want you to acknowledge that.

You suggest that I people should accept murder without referring to the grief it causes or that referring to the grief is wrong. The perps would like that.
You pretend your sick diatribe could provide comfort. Crushing and shredding are different, but the pereptrators would not want you to acknowledge that.

The biggest mystery for knowledge people is how everthing was shredded, update/collapsed to dust.mpg

but the perpetrators would not want you to acknowledge that.

You suggest that I people should accept murder without referring to the grief it causes or that referring to the grief is wrong. The perps would like that.
the perpetrators already acknowledged what they did, dipshit
Or people who are not even witnesses tell lies.

I'm a witness to the construction and the destruction of 2 tubular concrete cores.



WTC 1 east concrete core wall toppling into the empty core.


The psyops agents are atempting to confuse well established facts with constant misrepresentation and pretense of failure to recognize the differences in images they've been looking at for months.
Or people who are not even witnesses tell lies.

I'm a witness to the construction and the destruction of 2 tubular concrete cores.



WTC 1 east concrete core wall toppling into the empty core.


The psyops agents are atempting to confuse well established facts with constant misrepresentation and pretense of failure to recognize the differences in images they've been looking at for months.

you were in new york on septembet 11th?

just another lie by a compulsive liar.:cuckoo:
Or people who are not even witnesses tell lies.

I'm a witness to the construction and the destruction of 2 tubular concrete cores.


WTC 1 east concrete core wall toppling into the empty core.

The psyops agents are atempting to confuse well established facts with constant misrepresentation and pretense of failure to recognize the differences in images they've been looking at for months.
more lies by a Pathological liar
Or people who are not even witnesses tell lies.

I'm a witness to the construction and the destruction of 2 tubular concrete cores.

**** waste of everyone's time deleted *****

Wow, you were in New York during the late sixties and on 9/11? What an amazing co-incidence!! You must be the only one to witness the birth AND death of the towers.

How does that feel, Chrissy?
After watching a great deal of video and observing many stills of an event widely known, although much misrepresented, I am a witness and my testimony agrees with that of the engineer of record 2 days after 9-11.

You mean where something was erroneously attributed to him that he never said?

You "agree" with a reporter's error?


Well golly gee. Good For You, CriscoFEARa, you imbecile. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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After watching a great deal of video and observing many stills of an event widely known, although much misrepresented, I am a witness and my testimony agrees with that of the engineer of record 2 days after 9-11.

I've seen numerous pictures of Abraham Lincoln. By your qualification, that makes me a witness to the Gettysburg Address.

No. That MAKES you Abraham Lincoln!

It's a pleasure to have you here, Mr. President.
After watching a great deal of video and observing many stills of an event widely known, although much misrepresented, I am a witness and my testimony agrees with that of the engineer of record 2 days after 9-11.
are you fucking serious?
watching youtube videos doesn't make you a witness, dipshit

and stop lying about what Mr Robertson said
I see Rat In the Hat is the latest DOD agent that has penetrated this site along with agents fizz,ditzcon, slackass,and Liar ability.
I see Rat In the Hat is the latest DOD agent that has penetrated this site along with agents fizz,ditzcon, slackass,and Liar ability.

DoD? Do you mean to suggest that I work for the Department of Defense, rimjob?

How silly.

You work for the DoD. That's the Department of Disinformation.

I work for myself.

I dabble in exposing the fraudulent nasty shit asshole pussy cowards like you spew.

9/11 rimjob sucks shit. But then, he's a troofer. All fucking troofers are lowlife shit-suckers.
I see Rat In the Hat is the latest DOD agent that has penetrated this site along with agents fizz,ditzcon, slackass,and Liar ability.

DoD? Do you mean to suggest that I work for the Department of Defense, rimjob?

How silly.

You work for the DoD. That's the Department of Disinformation.

I work for myself.

I dabble in exposing the fraudulent nasty shit asshole pussy cowards like you spew.

9/11 rimjob sucks shit. But then, he's a troofer. All fucking troofers are lowlife shit-suckers.
rimjob sure earns his name
I see Rat In the Hat is the latest DOD agent that has penetrated this site along with agents fizz,ditzcon, slackass,and Liar ability.

everybody that doesnt agree the government hijacked planes, flew them into buildings, flew drones into buildings and slaughtered 3000 people must be a government agent.

fucking whacky people in world. but i guess this is what happens when you give people that cut lawns for a living internet access.:lol:
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