Domestic terrorists open fire on soldiers at Jade Helm

Here is the Domestic Terrorist and he is a doozy. HE'S a; LEFTWING black Muslim calling for the KILLING of people in this country. WHERE is your Government NOW? He gets away with talking this? We have had NOTHING but chaos, riots, lootings, people going on over a flag, etc since they put that so called: black man AGITATOR Obama in office. DO not put another Obama in office in 2016

Farrakhan Calls for ‘Retaliation’ Against Whites Who Kill Blacks
by Rick Moran
August 4, 2015 - 1:04 pm

A chilling example of the double standard applied by the Obama Justice Department to hate speech was on display when Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called on his followers to “rise up” and “kill those who kill us” if the federal government fails to “intercede in our affairs.”

His speech was delivered in Miami before an enthusiastic crowd, many of whom stood up and applauded when he suggested “retaliation” against whites.

This, from his Facebook page:

Retaliation! If the federal government won’t intercede in our affairs, then we MUST rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel our pain.

Farrakhan is planning another “Million Man March” for October. In connection with that event, he has created a social media campaign with the charming hashtag #JusticeOrElse

The radical Muslim is calling for 10,000 men “among the million” who are willing to die in order to carry out this “retaliation

ALL of it here:
Farrakhan calls for the stalking and killing of whites PJ Tatler
BREAKING Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Camp

Tuesday when two unidentified white males perpetrated a drive-by shooting at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi- one of the bases where Jade Helm 15 troops were deploying from.

Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported, and a manhunt is underway for the right-wing terrorists who struck out against the Army.

I find it interesting this article called them right wing terrorists when they have yet to identify who did it.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
BREAKING Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Camp

Tuesday when two unidentified white males perpetrated a drive-by shooting at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi- one of the bases where Jade Helm 15 troops were deploying from.

Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported, and a manhunt is underway for the right-wing terrorists who struck out against the Army.

I find it interesting this article called them right wing terrorists when they have yet to identify who did it.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
PolitiFart??? Why don't you just quote Hillary ("I'll never tell the truth when a lie will do") Clinton's website????

Using a proven liberal tool funded by the Democrats DOES NOT constitute a source!!!!

And most of your "truths" come from FAUX News.........bwahahaha!
BREAKING Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Camp

Tuesday when two unidentified white males perpetrated a drive-by shooting at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi- one of the bases where Jade Helm 15 troops were deploying from.

Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported, and a manhunt is underway for the right-wing terrorists who struck out against the Army.

I find it interesting this article called them right wing terrorists when they have yet to identify who did it.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
Do you have anything that doesn't openly demonstrate through constant political ads that they are just a tool of the Democrats???

BREAKING Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Camp

Tuesday when two unidentified white males perpetrated a drive-by shooting at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi- one of the bases where Jade Helm 15 troops were deploying from.

Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported, and a manhunt is underway for the right-wing terrorists who struck out against the Army.

I find it interesting this article called them right wing terrorists when they have yet to identify who did it.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
Hey, threadjacker, this is about a false report of domestic terrorists firing on US troops.

Kindly STFU.
BREAKING Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Camp

Tuesday when two unidentified white males perpetrated a drive-by shooting at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi- one of the bases where Jade Helm 15 troops were deploying from.

Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported, and a manhunt is underway for the right-wing terrorists who struck out against the Army.

I find it interesting this article called them right wing terrorists when they have yet to identify who did it.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
PolitiFart??? Why don't you just quote Hillary ("I'll never tell the truth when a lie will do") Clinton's website????

Using a proven liberal tool funded by the Democrats DOES NOT constitute a source!!!!

And most of your "truths" come from FAUX News.........bwahahaha!
Can you demonstrate where I post opinions from FOX???? I don't, and actually use a lot of Liberal sources!!!!
BREAKING Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Camp

Tuesday when two unidentified white males perpetrated a drive-by shooting at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi- one of the bases where Jade Helm 15 troops were deploying from.

Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported, and a manhunt is underway for the right-wing terrorists who struck out against the Army.

I find it interesting this article called them right wing terrorists when they have yet to identify who did it.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
Do you have anything that doesn't openly demonstrate through constant political ads that they are just a tool of the Democrats???


Are yo claiming that Todd Smith is a tool of the Democrats?'ll have to do better than that.
Or are you trying to cover that egg on your face?


Former GOP lawmaker blisters Abbott for pandering to idiots over military exercises Dallas Morning News
BREAKING Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Camp

Tuesday when two unidentified white males perpetrated a drive-by shooting at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi- one of the bases where Jade Helm 15 troops were deploying from.

Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported, and a manhunt is underway for the right-wing terrorists who struck out against the Army.

I find it interesting this article called them right wing terrorists when they have yet to identify who did it.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
FORMER GOP state rep.

BREAKING Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Camp

Tuesday when two unidentified white males perpetrated a drive-by shooting at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi- one of the bases where Jade Helm 15 troops were deploying from.

Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported, and a manhunt is underway for the right-wing terrorists who struck out against the Army.

I find it interesting this article called them right wing terrorists when they have yet to identify who did it.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
PolitiFart??? Why don't you just quote Hillary ("I'll never tell the truth when a lie will do") Clinton's website????

Using a proven liberal tool funded by the Democrats DOES NOT constitute a source!!!!

And most of your "truths" come from FAUX News.........bwahahaha!
Can you demonstrate where I post opinions from FOX???? I don't, and actually use a lot of Liberal sources!!!!

"Your" was in reference to conservatives on this Forum, not necessarily you. Although most conservative propagate the same rhetoric that is aired on Faux.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
Do you have anything that doesn't openly demonstrate through constant political ads that they are just a tool of the Democrats???


Are yo claiming that Todd Smith is a tool of the Democrats?'ll have to do better than that.
Or are you trying to cover that egg on your face?


Former GOP lawmaker blisters Abbott for pandering to idiots over military exercises Dallas Morning News
And any relationship between that letter and the OP???? There is none, so run along and find another thread to Hijack.
BREAKING Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Camp

Tuesday when two unidentified white males perpetrated a drive-by shooting at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi- one of the bases where Jade Helm 15 troops were deploying from.

Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported, and a manhunt is underway for the right-wing terrorists who struck out against the Army.

I find it interesting this article called them right wing terrorists when they have yet to identify who did it.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
FORMER GOP state rep.


Bwahahaha....that doesn't mean he is no longer a Republican, moron.
Your supposed source got right on it, didn't they???

Occupy Democrats s file PolitiFact

Occupy Democrats's file

Occupy Democrats, founded in 2012, is an advocacy group created to counterbalance the Republican tea party, and to "give President Obama and other progressive Democrats a Congress that will work with them to grow the economy, create jobs, promote fairness and fight inequality, and get money out of politics!"
Occupy Democrats's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Occupy Democrats's statements for that ruling.

The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
FORMER GOP state rep.


Bwahahaha....that doesn't mean he is no longer a Republican, moron.
How is Governor Windy doing, genius?
The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
Do you have anything that doesn't openly demonstrate through constant political ads that they are just a tool of the Democrats???


Are yo claiming that Todd Smith is a tool of the Democrats?'ll have to do better than that.
Or are you trying to cover that egg on your face?


Former GOP lawmaker blisters Abbott for pandering to idiots over military exercises Dallas Morning News
And any relationship between that letter and the OP???? There is none, so run along and find another thread to Hijack.

If you can't make the connection that even a former Republican State Rep is calling these frenzied "jade Helm is a threat" conservatives "idiots" and the fact that it is rational to think that anyone shooting at the military may be one of them, then you shouldn't even be posting in this thread.
The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
FORMER GOP state rep.


Bwahahaha....that doesn't mean he is no longer a Republican, moron.
How is Governor Windy doing, genius?

She's standing tall........unlike Gregg Abbott, who's made a fool of himself to even Republicans.........:)
The only ones getting their panties in a wad over Jade Hellm happen to be Republicans........that is a fact. So, it wouldn't take much for a mental pygmy rwnj to go apeshit and fire at the military.

And, before you go pointing fingers at Occupy Democrat's statements, you ought to check out Faux News' track record on making up shit. And we know how rwnj's are tuned in to Faux 24/7.

DALLAS — The questions being raised by right-wing bloggers and conservative commentators about a Pentagon training exercise called Jade Helm 15 traverse the outer edges of political paranoia.

The eight-week exercise starting in July and planned for locations in Texas, New Mexico, California and other Southwestern states, they say, is part of a secret plan to impose martial law, take away people’s guns, arrest political undesirables, launch an Obama-led hostile takeover of red-state Texas, or do some combination thereof.

But when Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive to the Texas State Guard to keep watch over the military operation, seeming to give those concerns some official credence, it raised a more credible question: To what degree has the extreme become mainstream in Texas?

For liberals, it’s not exactly “breaking news” to find out that Fox News is mostly comprised of misinformation or flat-out lies. Anyone with even a shred of common sense can watch just a handful of their featured shows and see that the entire channel is nothing more than a propaganda mechanism for the Republican party.
Fact-Checking Site Finds Fox News Only Tells the Truth 18 Percent of the Time
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
Do you have anything that doesn't openly demonstrate through constant political ads that they are just a tool of the Democrats???


Are yo claiming that Todd Smith is a tool of the Democrats?'ll have to do better than that.
Or are you trying to cover that egg on your face?


Former GOP lawmaker blisters Abbott for pandering to idiots over military exercises Dallas Morning News
And any relationship between that letter and the OP???? There is none, so run along and find another thread to Hijack.
They feel the need to hijack it because it SHAMES them. The OP was SO stupid even they cannot ADMIT just how stupid and careless he was not counting the LIES.
lefties hope and pray for big government

now that you got it you bitch about it


frikkin tards
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
Do you have anything that doesn't openly demonstrate through constant political ads that they are just a tool of the Democrats???


Are yo claiming that Todd Smith is a tool of the Democrats?'ll have to do better than that.
Or are you trying to cover that egg on your face?


Former GOP lawmaker blisters Abbott for pandering to idiots over military exercises Dallas Morning News
And any relationship between that letter and the OP???? There is none, so run along and find another thread to Hijack.

If you can't make the connection that even a former Republican State Rep is calling these frenzied "jade Helm is a threat" conservatives "idiots" and the fact that it is rational to think that anyone shooting at the military may be one of them, then you shouldn't even be posting in this thread.
How about that LIAR the OP. I mean DAMN what a screw up!
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
Do you have anything that doesn't openly demonstrate through constant political ads that they are just a tool of the Democrats???


Are yo claiming that Todd Smith is a tool of the Democrats?'ll have to do better than that.
Or are you trying to cover that egg on your face?


Former GOP lawmaker blisters Abbott for pandering to idiots over military exercises Dallas Morning News
And any relationship between that letter and the OP???? There is none, so run along and find another thread to Hijack.

If you can't make the connection that even a former Republican State Rep is calling these frenzied "jade Helm is a threat" conservatives "idiots" and the fact that it is rational to think that anyone shooting at the military may be one of them, then you shouldn't even be posting in this thread.
I've seen absolutely no evidence to support your claims about the shooter.... Why not??? It must be because you don't have any, right????
You are deflecting in order to NOT call out the retard OP. You know he is guilty of being a total fool and idiot besides an out right liar. Address the OP direct or face YOUR public failure in regards to honesty and truth.

The only fool I see is you. You haven't provided anything to counter the OP. It is a fact that the right-wingers have gone ape-shit over Jade Helm. I live in Texas and I know for a fact that the governor, an idiot, has called in the Texas National Guard to keep an eye on the much that even a Republican has called him out for it. Republicans need to stop wasting tax-payer money on frivolous accusations made by panties-in-a-wad Teabags that are more paranoid than the Birthers.

Notice that Todd Smith, a Republican calls them idiots, because that is what they are.

Todd Smith is a former GOP state representative and he sent a letter to Governor Abbott criticizing him for “pandering to idiots” instead of “making decisions based on facts and evidence.” He also had strong words for the crazy conservatives pushing the conspiracy theory and called the governor an “embarrassment.”
Texas GOPer To Gov. Gregg Abbott Stop Pandering To Idiots
Do you have anything that doesn't openly demonstrate through constant political ads that they are just a tool of the Democrats???


Are yo claiming that Todd Smith is a tool of the Democrats?'ll have to do better than that.
Or are you trying to cover that egg on your face?


Former GOP lawmaker blisters Abbott for pandering to idiots over military exercises Dallas Morning News
And any relationship between that letter and the OP???? There is none, so run along and find another thread to Hijack.
They feel the need to hijack it because it SHAMES them. The OP was SO stupid even they cannot ADMIT just how stupid and careless he was not counting the LIES.

You post in "bold" because you are so ashamed of the fact that your own Republican leaders think you are paranoid and idiotic. You still haven't countered the ABC story.....what's the matter? Can't accept facts?

Sheriff 2 Men Fire at Soldiers in Mississippi None Hurt - ABC News

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