Domestic terrorists open fire on soldiers at Jade Helm


Face it, you post links ad nauseum from your phone... Now, suddenly, you can't!!!

Got it!!!


I never have. BUT it's true that before their last update, you could post hot links via Tapatalk.

That is one of the complaints people now have with Tapatalk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You have NEVER lied? NEVER? Are you suggesting you are Christ?
NEVER lied? Really?
When he isn't lying he is whining.
Jesus Christ, 11 pages and Luddley only asked for a source. You guys are some petty fuckers.
And it's only six pages, so you must have gotten a particularly good liberal education to figure that out!!!!!!

Your settings are different, Goober. I have my settings at 10 postings per page.
I forgot, you're probably using an Obama phone... Or is it a Hillary phone now?????

I'm not on a phone, you idiot.
Jesus Christ, 11 pages and Luddley only asked for a source. You guys are some petty fuckers.
And it's only six pages, so you must have gotten a particularly good liberal education to figure that out!!!!!!

Your settings are different, Goober. I have my settings at 10 postings per page.

Every day, they prove again and again how utterly stupid they are.

Bottom line is i posted four sources that all said the same thing. Jeremiah evidentially posted a different source but she removed the link so I don't know more than that.

2 whatever guy was apparently correct that some gun nutters didn't know what they were firing at when they fired illegally from the road. No surprise there and luckily, they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Jesus Christ, 11 pages and Luddley only asked for a source. You guys are some petty fuckers.
And it's only six pages, so you must have gotten a particularly good liberal education to figure that out!!!!!!

Your settings are different, Goober. I have my settings at 10 postings per page.
I forgot, you're probably using an Obama phone... Or is it a Hillary phone now?????

See ya, I don't have time for your stupidity.

Face it, you post links ad nauseum from your phone... Now, suddenly, you can't!!!

Got it!!!


I never have. BUT it's true that before their last update, you could post hot links via Tapatalk.

That is one of the complaints people now have with Tapatalk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You have NEVER lied? NEVER? Are you suggesting you are Christ?
NEVER lied? Really?
When he isn't lying he is whining.
And now he is whining about getting caught lying!
Jesus Christ, 11 pages and Luddley only asked for a source. You guys are some petty fuckers.
And it's only six pages, so you must have gotten a particularly good liberal education to figure that out!!!!!!

Your settings are different, Goober. I have my settings at 10 postings per page.

Every day, they prove again and again how utterly stupid they are.

Bottom line is i posted four sources that all said the same thing. Jeremiah evidentially posted a different source but she removed the link so I don't know more than that.

2 whatever guy was apparently correct that some gun nutters didn't know what they were firing at when they fired illegally from the road. No surprise there and luckily, they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Since they were NOT shooting at the troops why would YOU expect them to hit the troops idiot?

Face it, you post links ad nauseum from your phone... Now, suddenly, you can't!!!

Got it!!!


I never have. BUT it's true that before their last update, you could post hot links via Tapatalk.

That is one of the complaints people now have with Tapatalk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You have NEVER lied? NEVER? Are you suggesting you are Christ?
NEVER lied? Really?

I have never posted a hot link via Tapatalk.

Nor have I posted I have an IQ of 214 and then proved, with every single post, that I couldn't pour pee out of my shoe even if the instructions were written on the sole.

That's your gig and you're welcome to it along with your other outrageous lies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
George Soros operatives at it again, huh?

Who is the ZioMedia scapegoating for this one?
Jesus Christ, 11 pages and Luddley only asked for a source. You guys are some petty fuckers.
And it's only six pages, so you must have gotten a particularly good liberal education to figure that out!!!!!!

Your settings are different, Goober. I have my settings at 10 postings per page.
I forgot, you're probably using an Obama phone... Or is it a Hillary phone now?????

See ya, I don't have time for your stupidity.
See ya!!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10
Jesus Christ, 11 pages and Luddley only asked for a source. You guys are some petty fuckers.
And it's only six pages, so you must have gotten a particularly good liberal education to figure that out!!!!!!

Your settings are different, Goober. I have my settings at 10 postings per page.
I forgot, you're probably using an Obama phone... Or is it a Hillary phone now?????

See ya, I don't have time for your stupidity.

Or their cowardly lies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Jesus Christ, 11 pages and Luddley only asked for a source. You guys are some petty fuckers.
And it's only six pages, so you must have gotten a particularly good liberal education to figure that out!!!!!!

Your settings are different, Goober. I have my settings at 10 postings per page.
I forgot, you're probably using an Obama phone... Or is it a Hillary phone now?????

I'm not on a phone, you idiot.
Luddly lies and Carla swears to it. A couple if I ever saw one.
Jesus Christ, 11 pages and Luddley only asked for a source. You guys are some petty fuckers.
And it's only six pages, so you must have gotten a particularly good liberal education to figure that out!!!!!!

Your settings are different, Goober. I have my settings at 10 postings per page.
I forgot, you're probably using an Obama phone... Or is it a Hillary phone now?????

See ya, I don't have time for your stupidity.

Or their cowardly lies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Way to late to spin this, WAY to late. Besides you NEED at least ONE FACT to do it. And you are lacking even that you retard.

Face it, you post links ad nauseum from your phone... Now, suddenly, you can't!!!

Got it!!!


I never have. BUT it's true that before their last update, you could post hot links via Tapatalk.

That is one of the complaints people now have with Tapatalk.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You have NEVER lied? NEVER? Are you suggesting you are Christ?
NEVER lied? Really?

I have never posted a hot link via Tapatalk.

Nor have I posted I have an IQ of 214 and then proved, with every single post, that I couldn't pour pee out of my shoe even if the instructions were written on the sole.

That's your gig and you're welcome to it along with your other outrageous lies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Enjoy this retard......
Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
RWs idiots. I wrote what I read. Read the links. They verify what I wrote.

Quit hiding behind lies and trying so desperately to derail the thread.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The link that verifies what you said was reporting a false report, Luddly. THAT is the point! You need stop getting your news from the Democrat websites that slant stories to the point of fiction.

Jesus H Fucking Christ.

How many times do I have to say I was looking for verification.


I give up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It was verified that the report on "right wing terrorists" was out in left field. In hindsight, I should not have found that article and posted it as it was easy to misconstrue and could easily lead the reader to believe I actually believed there was such a thing as right wing terrorists. (I do not). My mistake was opening this thread and looking for your source to begin with. Good night, Luddly.
If that happened in the Middle East the US military would be bombing by now and the GOP would have their first enquiry underway to find out how it was Obama's fault...what are they all waiting for?

If the shooters were black or Muslim, RWs would be calling for blood.

But, as with traitor and criminal Cliven Bundy, it's okay for RW terrorists to fire on US soldiers on American soil.

They tried lying about it and now they're defending it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How do you know the shooters AREN'T black or Muslim?
RWs idiots. I wrote what I read. Read the links. They verify what I wrote.

Quit hiding behind lies and trying so desperately to derail the thread.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The link that verifies what you said was reporting a false report, Luddly. THAT is the point! You need stop getting your news from the Democrat websites that slant stories to the point of fiction.

Jesus H Fucking Christ.

How many times do I have to say I was looking for verification.


I give up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It was verified that the report on "right wing terrorists" was out in left field. In hindsight, I should not have found that article and posted it as it was easy to misconstrue and could easily lead the reader to believe I actually believed there was such a thing as right wing terrorists. (I do not). My mistake was opening this thread and looking for your source to begin with. Good night, Luddly.

I live near a fort.

Soldiers hear us shooting all the time, and we hear them.

This has to be some bullshit hysteria over nothing.
RWs idiots. I wrote what I read. Read the links. They verify what I wrote.

Quit hiding behind lies and trying so desperately to derail the thread.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The link that verifies what you said was reporting a false report, Luddly. THAT is the point! You need stop getting your news from the Democrat websites that slant stories to the point of fiction.

Jesus H Fucking Christ.

How many times do I have to say I was looking for verification.


I give up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It was verified that the report on "right wing terrorists" was out in left field. In hindsight, I should not have found that article and posted it as it was easy to misconstrue and could easily lead the reader to believe I actually believed there was such a thing as right wing terrorists. (I do not). My mistake was opening this thread and looking for your source to begin with. Good night, Luddly.
Not your fault. If you entered the keywords in Google, it went straight to it.....

Luddley probably intended that, since he suddenly forgot how to post links.
On top of the car of the suspects, it says "Broken Arrow"

Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow refers to an accidental event that involves nuclear weapons, warheads or components, but which does not create the risk of nuclear war. These include:

Accidental or unexplained nuclear detonation.
Non-nuclear detonation or burning of a nuclear weapon.
Radioactive contamination.
Loss in transit of nuclear asset with or without its carrying vehicle.
Jettisoning of a nuclear weapon or nuclear component.
Public hazard, actual or implied.
link to (secure)

Broken arrow is also a Military command when an american unit has been over run by the enemy!

On top of the car of the suspects, it says "Broken Arrow"

Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow refers to an accidental event that involves nuclear weapons, warheads or components, but which does not create the risk of nuclear war. These include:

Accidental or unexplained nuclear detonation.
Non-nuclear detonation or burning of a nuclear weapon.
Radioactive contamination.
Loss in transit of nuclear asset with or without its carrying vehicle.
Jettisoning of a nuclear weapon or nuclear component.
Public hazard, actual or implied.
link to (secure)

Broken arrow is also a Military command when an american unit has been over run by the enemy!
Possible exercise??? Interesting theory, in light of recent events.
On top of the car of the suspects, it says "Broken Arrow"

Broken Arrow

Broken Arrow refers to an accidental event that involves nuclear weapons, warheads or components, but which does not create the risk of nuclear war. These include:

Accidental or unexplained nuclear detonation.
Non-nuclear detonation or burning of a nuclear weapon.
Radioactive contamination.
Loss in transit of nuclear asset with or without its carrying vehicle.
Jettisoning of a nuclear weapon or nuclear component.
Public hazard, actual or implied.
link to (secure)

Broken arrow is also a Military command when an american unit has been over run by the enemy!
Possible exercise??? Interesting theory, in light of recent events.

Camp Shelby hosts large-scale National Guard exercise

HATTIESBURG, Miss. — About 500 active-duty soldiers from Texas are training with a National Guard unit from north Mississippi at Camp Shelby, a 134,000-acre National Guard training center in Hattiesburg.

The Hattiesburg American reports that, all told, about 4,600 soldiers are participating in the exercises to train active soldiers, reserve soldiers and the National Guard together.

"This is the first time that we've had this kind of exercise at Camp Shelby," said Maj. Gen. Augustus L. Collins, adjutant general of Mississippi and commanding general of both the Mississippi Army and Air Force National Guard.

Camp Shelby hosts large-scale National Guard exercise - U.S. - Stripes

First time they have had JH15 too.

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