Dominion Software User manual Shows How it Could Be Used to CHEAT


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just stupid, how in the hell does this get past a GOP legislature?? oh, right, forgot.....never mind

1. Votes can theoretically be ignored for individuals if a straight ticket vote is selected. This setting could very welI enable "Repubiican"-style typo fraud. Many complex rules decide how the "straight ticket" option works.

2. Network Security is very weak since all software access keys use the same cryptographic pair. This gives plausible deniability to whoever potentially decides to mess around with voting settings. It cant be proven who changed a setting since everybody has the same key

3. Digital certificates are not protected by password, and Dominion user manual explicitly says not to enter a password. This enables potential for bad actors to MITM attack data traveling over network between precinct tabulator and central tabulator.

4. Cryptic "split rotation" function that features the ability to "force a maximum deviation". There is no definition of a "split rotation", so we cannot know what "force a maximum deviation" means in this instance.

5. Local IT guys have ultimate power to clandestinely change settings, thus having the ability to potentially alter an entire election. There are no checks and balances or observers of the local IT guy when he accesses machine debug and admin settings. Its unclear if logs exist.

6. Dominion is a black box with votes ultimately tabulated in a central server system. Who has access to the central server and where is the manual and security reviews of that server software?

7. Settings could theoretically have been changed during evening downtime on first night of voting. Much easier to change settings on hundreds of machines than to forge thousands of ballots. A couple of people could have done it quickly.


Didnt Pennsylvania take a vote counting break during the night of the election?

People hypothesized that they were spending those hours to make hundreds of thousands of new ballots. A near impossible feat.

All they needed to do was change the settings on all of the vote tabulator machines, which seems reasonable to do with just a couple people in a few hours.

I dont know if there are any change logs on those machines, but thats what I would look for if I was an investigator looking into voter fraud in those areas.


There is a setting to throw out votes for specific individual contests if you vote for a whole party.

"With the Party Preference contest, the voter selects their preferred party, and any contests which do not belong to the same Elector Group are ignored when the ballot is cast."

A bad operator could theoretically setup the ballot to put a specific candidate into a party that is not his official party. If you select his party and vote for the party, the individual candidate wont get a vote.
Republican -> Trump
RepubIican -> Trump

In the second scenario, if you voted for the Republican party, Trump would NOT receive a vote because he was registered to the "repubiican" party.

This might explain why Trump performed poorly in strong-republican districts. In the second scenario, if the voter just voted straight-ticket, then a Trump vote would be ignored.
This is just stupid, how in the hell does this get past a GOP legislature?? oh, right, forgot.....never mind

1. Votes can theoretically be ignored for individuals if a straight ticket vote is selected. This setting could very welI enable "Repubiican"-style typo fraud. Many complex rules decide how the "straight ticket" option works.

2. Network Security is very weak since all software access keys use the same cryptographic pair. This gives plausible deniability to whoever potentially decides to mess around with voting settings. It cant be proven who changed a setting since everybody has the same key

3. Digital certificates are not protected by password, and Dominion user manual explicitly says not to enter a password. This enables potential for bad actors to MITM attack data traveling over network between precinct tabulator and central tabulator.

4. Cryptic "split rotation" function that features the ability to "force a maximum deviation". There is no definition of a "split rotation", so we cannot know what "force a maximum deviation" means in this instance.

5. Local IT guys have ultimate power to clandestinely change settings, thus having the ability to potentially alter an entire election. There are no checks and balances or observers of the local IT guy when he accesses machine debug and admin settings. Its unclear if logs exist.

6. Dominion is a black box with votes ultimately tabulated in a central server system. Who has access to the central server and where is the manual and security reviews of that server software?

7. Settings could theoretically have been changed during evening downtime on first night of voting. Much easier to change settings on hundreds of machines than to forge thousands of ballots. A couple of people could have done it quickly.


Didnt Pennsylvania take a vote counting break during the night of the election?

People hypothesized that they were spending those hours to make hundreds of thousands of new ballots. A near impossible feat.

All they needed to do was change the settings on all of the vote tabulator machines, which seems reasonable to do with just a couple people in a few hours.

I dont know if there are any change logs on those machines, but thats what I would look for if I was an investigator looking into voter fraud in those areas.


There is a setting to throw out votes for specific individual contests if you vote for a whole party.

"With the Party Preference contest, the voter selects their preferred party, and any contests which do not belong to the same Elector Group are ignored when the ballot is cast."

A bad operator could theoretically setup the ballot to put a specific candidate into a party that is not his official party. If you select his party and vote for the party, the individual candidate wont get a vote.
Republican -> Trump
RepubIican -> Trump

In the second scenario, if you voted for the Republican party, Trump would NOT receive a vote because he was registered to the "repubiican" party.

This might explain why Trump performed poorly in strong-republican districts. In the second scenario, if the voter just voted straight-ticket, then a Trump vote would be ignored.


These people are pure evil...Is it possible we need paper ballots, in person, and purple ink?
This is just stupid, how in the hell does this get past a GOP legislature?? oh, right, forgot.....never mind

1. Votes can theoretically be ignored for individuals if a straight ticket vote is selected. This setting could very welI enable "Repubiican"-style typo fraud. Many complex rules decide how the "straight ticket" option works.

2. Network Security is very weak since all software access keys use the same cryptographic pair. This gives plausible deniability to whoever potentially decides to mess around with voting settings. It cant be proven who changed a setting since everybody has the same key

3. Digital certificates are not protected by password, and Dominion user manual explicitly says not to enter a password. This enables potential for bad actors to MITM attack data traveling over network between precinct tabulator and central tabulator.

4. Cryptic "split rotation" function that features the ability to "force a maximum deviation". There is no definition of a "split rotation", so we cannot know what "force a maximum deviation" means in this instance.

5. Local IT guys have ultimate power to clandestinely change settings, thus having the ability to potentially alter an entire election. There are no checks and balances or observers of the local IT guy when he accesses machine debug and admin settings. Its unclear if logs exist.

6. Dominion is a black box with votes ultimately tabulated in a central server system. Who has access to the central server and where is the manual and security reviews of that server software?

7. Settings could theoretically have been changed during evening downtime on first night of voting. Much easier to change settings on hundreds of machines than to forge thousands of ballots. A couple of people could have done it quickly.


Didnt Pennsylvania take a vote counting break during the night of the election?

People hypothesized that they were spending those hours to make hundreds of thousands of new ballots. A near impossible feat.

All they needed to do was change the settings on all of the vote tabulator machines, which seems reasonable to do with just a couple people in a few hours.

I dont know if there are any change logs on those machines, but thats what I would look for if I was an investigator looking into voter fraud in those areas.


There is a setting to throw out votes for specific individual contests if you vote for a whole party.

"With the Party Preference contest, the voter selects their preferred party, and any contests which do not belong to the same Elector Group are ignored when the ballot is cast."

A bad operator could theoretically setup the ballot to put a specific candidate into a party that is not his official party. If you select his party and vote for the party, the individual candidate wont get a vote.
Republican -> Trump
RepubIican -> Trump

In the second scenario, if you voted for the Republican party, Trump would NOT receive a vote because he was registered to the "repubiican" party.

This might explain why Trump performed poorly in strong-republican districts. In the second scenario, if the voter just voted straight-ticket, then a Trump vote would be ignored.


These people are pure evil...Is it possible we need paper ballots, in person, and purple ink?

Yes. Vote fraud experts have been pointing out the back door coding problems with these machines for years.

And somehow...Trump got 70M votes.....the cheaters didn't do a very good job.
I refuse to believe that Democrats, being the most moral and God fearing folks on this great planet, would ever knowlingly cheat to win an election. *sarcasm*

Democrats believe it is there life’s calling from their God(science) to stop global warming, feed everyone, provide healthcare to everyone, give everyone a house and a car and take money from those horrible, successful folks who made too much. Granted, this calling can stray a quite a bit from time to time as their God(science) adjusts for previous unknowns, but their continuing faith will not falter. They are on an assignment of sort to fulfill a calling they have been taught since pre-school. It is a sad reality, but one we must not ignore. They will do absolutely anything to support the ideology with which they have been indoctrinated. Cheating in an election is the mere tip of the iceberg.
I refuse to believe that Democrats, being the most moral and God fearing folks on this great planet, would ever knowlingly cheat to win an election. *sarcasm*
I just spewed diet Coke all over my monitor.

I cannot get the goop off my screen, it is permanently stained and visible.

That will be $1200 to get it replaced.

Please please please, please, PUHLEEEEEEZE, dont do sarcasm without a warning, OK?

lol, just kidding, but that was funny

And somehow...Trump got 70M votes.....the cheaters didn't do a very good job.

They only needed to win. No reason to make it blatantly obvious by making it 140 million - 0, although, I do say most Democrats may actually believe those numbers as well.

Diabolical. I guess they decided they also didn't need a majority in the Senate, to widen their majority in the House or install favorable state legislatures?
It HAS been from the very beginning. It is now obvious why the repub elite let them get away with it.
Democrat cheating has always been the Republican Establishment's excuse for not delivering on cultural issues.

We gonna fix dat
Yeah, no kidding they're programmable and 100% unverifiable, but anyone who can convince themselves that Dominion Voting Systems leans left must be permanently unconscious. This shit show has been the right's wet dream all along - Diebold, ES&S, Premier, PES,.. Hand counted paper ballots have always been the only sensible system - but you can't meter it! What, no way to corrupt or profit? Fuck that!
Yeah, no kidding they're programmable and 100% unverifiable, but anyone who can convince themselves that Dominion Voting Systems leans left must be permanently unconscious. This shit show has been the right's wet dream all along - Diebold, ES&S, Premier, PES,.. Hand counted paper ballots have always been the only sensible system - but you can't meter it! What, no way to corrupt or profit? Fuck that!

They are part owned by Pelosi you stupid hack.
This is just stupid, how in the hell does this get past a GOP legislature?? oh, right, forgot.....never mind

1. Votes can theoretically be ignored for individuals if a straight ticket vote is selected. This setting could very welI enable "Repubiican"-style typo fraud. Many complex rules decide how the "straight ticket" option works.

2. Network Security is very weak since all software access keys use the same cryptographic pair. This gives plausible deniability to whoever potentially decides to mess around with voting settings. It cant be proven who changed a setting since everybody has the same key

3. Digital certificates are not protected by password, and Dominion user manual explicitly says not to enter a password. This enables potential for bad actors to MITM attack data traveling over network between precinct tabulator and central tabulator.

4. Cryptic "split rotation" function that features the ability to "force a maximum deviation". There is no definition of a "split rotation", so we cannot know what "force a maximum deviation" means in this instance.

5. Local IT guys have ultimate power to clandestinely change settings, thus having the ability to potentially alter an entire election. There are no checks and balances or observers of the local IT guy when he accesses machine debug and admin settings. Its unclear if logs exist.

6. Dominion is a black box with votes ultimately tabulated in a central server system. Who has access to the central server and where is the manual and security reviews of that server software?

7. Settings could theoretically have been changed during evening downtime on first night of voting. Much easier to change settings on hundreds of machines than to forge thousands of ballots. A couple of people could have done it quickly.


Didnt Pennsylvania take a vote counting break during the night of the election?

People hypothesized that they were spending those hours to make hundreds of thousands of new ballots. A near impossible feat.

All they needed to do was change the settings on all of the vote tabulator machines, which seems reasonable to do with just a couple people in a few hours.

I dont know if there are any change logs on those machines, but thats what I would look for if I was an investigator looking into voter fraud in those areas.


There is a setting to throw out votes for specific individual contests if you vote for a whole party.

"With the Party Preference contest, the voter selects their preferred party, and any contests which do not belong to the same Elector Group are ignored when the ballot is cast."

A bad operator could theoretically setup the ballot to put a specific candidate into a party that is not his official party. If you select his party and vote for the party, the individual candidate wont get a vote.
Republican -> Trump
RepubIican -> Trump

In the second scenario, if you voted for the Republican party, Trump would NOT receive a vote because he was registered to the "repubiican" party.

This might explain why Trump performed poorly in strong-republican districts. In the second scenario, if the voter just voted straight-ticket, then a Trump vote would be ignored.

So with the same voting machines in place, the DNC should have no problems sweeping the Georgia RunOffs then right?
How many Democrats did it take to screw in a light bulb?

None, because they never stop screwing America!
The Democrats? Both Parties suck. 'Bout time you woke up and smelled the duopolicity!

And somehow...Trump got 70M votes.....the cheaters didn't do a very good job.
Perhaps a couple million votes did not register on the tally. And what is worse went to Biden instead. The write ins and other ways have bit the Repubs in the ass....again! When you notice the two large voting blocks, it is not the Repubs who look like they are on drugs looking for a fix. Societies end up in wars/conflicts of some type at some point as the pressure builds and many people expire.

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