Donald is roasting Hillary

Trump said it was the first time she ever gave a speech and didn't get paid for it.

i thought she said that... that she usually gets a lot of money to speak.
Maybe it was her, but it's funny.

The thing is, she gets paid and walks away with a pocket full of money owing nothing. And they say Trump is better at business?
Who wrote this stuff?

Here she is tonight pretending not to hate Catholics

Everyone knows it takes a village, especially in Haiti where she has taken a lot of them.
I didn't get the Catholic thing at all. It looked like the Bishop or Cardinal or what ever he was sitting next to her apologized when he touched her shoulder. And the people sitting behind Trump looked truly pissed.
I have said it many times before....conservatives do not understand humor
Humor to them is a pie in the face or someone slipping on a banana peel

Trumps speech, which was read directly off the paper was somewhat humorous to start and then it seems Trump wrote the last half for which he deservedly got booed

Rudy Giuliani who has been attacking Hillary for months, scowled when she made a joke at his expense
I can't believe how inept Trump was last night in trying to fake he can be funny

Reading lines off a script?
Didn't anyone read what he was supposed to say and tell him....that is not really funny
Jokes about people in Haiti dying and losing their homes is funny?
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I can't believe how inept Trump was last night in trying to fake he can be funny

Reading lines off a script?
Didn't anyone read what he was supposed to say ant tell him....that is not really funny
Jokes about people in Haiti dying and losing their homes is funny?
She gave it to him but good.
Tough room Donald

Comedy is not easy...especially if you are a spoiled rich boy
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One of the funniest parts of last night was Rudy Giuliani's reaction to Hillary making him the butt of a joke...he looks like his mother just died

Many people don't know that Rudy got his start as a prosecutor going after wealthy New Yorkers who don't pay their taxes

But, if you can't beat em, go on Fox News and declare them a genius
Trump got booed for calling Hillary out for her hatred of Catholics.


Trump, as usual. was clueless

The purpose of the dinner is for good natured ribbing for a good charity. Trump has no idea what "a joke" is
Seems somebody wrote his material for him and Trump used the last half of his speech to use his own material...Trump got booed....booed by a conservative crowd

His best line of the night was when he said Michelle Obama gets praised for a speech while Melania gets criticized for using the exact same words

It is sad really, that Trump understands self depreciating humor when it applies to his wife but will not allow any to be directed at himself
Trump left the dinner thinking he really killed up there

I have never really seen Trump laugh...does he do it?
I'd have to say that the Rudy Giuliani bit was the highlight of the night. Rudy sulking and scowling in the back of the room while Hillary mocked what he has become was priceless
You know what? The Catholics should have booed Hillary off the stage, the Cardinal should have given her his back and told her to kiss his Catholic Irish ass
You know what? The Catholics should have booed Hillary off the stage, the Cardinal should have given her his back and told her to kiss his Catholic Irish ass
Yet they booed Trump till he left

Catholics do have class

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