Donald Trump: A Study in Leadership

Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

Trump is not a leader

Leaders are trusted by their followers. Trump is not

I trust Trump a lot more than I ever trusted Obama and heaven forbid Hillary Clinton. The only thing I have learned to trust Democrats to do is lie though their fucjpking teeth with the sole exception of Jimmy Carter who I regard as honest but incompetent. He may have been naive but at least he was a good and a largely honest and sincere man. The other democrats have all been bottom feeding scum.
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

Synthaholic: a study in dumbassism and TDS
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

Trump is not a leader

Leaders are trusted by their followers. Trump is not

As bad as I thought GWBush was, I never feared he would actively try to make a pandemic worse, as Trump has.

When you look at all of Trump’s actions and deliberate inactions (like Defense Production Act) you see that they line up completely with what Vladimir Putin would have him do.

All roads lead to Putin.

Tell me is it at all painful being as stupid and clueless as you are or are up you completely clueless in that respect too.
Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world.
'''Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world.'''
total bullshit
.although, undeniably our system is better than shithole African countries and obsolete USSR
the earth is bleeding, humanity is going extinct, and Trump cares only about the 2020 election and his personal poll numbers

Trump is a barbarian with a twitter account. nothing useful has ever left his lips.

thank God the American people will replace him with Biden very soon!
more babbling crap from the left.......
SO true. President Trump is THE best leader and finest president this country has seen since Lincoln, IMHO.

Since Lincoln? I thought Reagan was pretty decent. Although, I didn't agree with some of the things he said or did.
I liked Reagan, as well. I believe President Trump has already passed Mr. Reagan for effectiveness and getting things done for our country.
Reagan was a president. Trump is less than a nothing.
No you're less than nothing. If you died today your passing would as insignificant as an ant dying.
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:
Sure. The bottom line is that he is indeed a warning sign and a symptom. We all probably assumed that we had learned from history not to elect people like this, but obviously we had not.

So hopefully this will be a learning experience for us, as it has been for other countries. We'll get past this, as the other countries have.
We learned from history not to vote for people like Hillary Clinton. That's why we have Trump.

History of defending women
History of helping people with disabilities
History of actually winning the wars they are in charge of
History of honest government
History of inclusiveness
History of helping the poor

Yup, Democrats have a history.
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

Health care is largely delegated to the state in the US. About 90% of cases have been in blue states who are now begging from the states that handled it better.


^^^ Didn't watch the video. ^^^
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

You are not looking at the totality of the job requirements to be a good GOP president of the US.
1. You need to be able to ignore the 95% negative press all day every day from the MSM including many "fake news" reports.
2. You need to be able to survive attacks by the FBI, CIA, DOJ, including falsifying evidence, perjury traps, illegal FISA warrants, and other attacks and "leaks" by the "deep state".
3. You need to defeat an unjustified "non-crime" impeachment attempt by the democrats
4. You need to be able to keep your campaign promises to voters in spite of opposition party interference
5. You need to "counter-punch" effectively when attacked, to stop attacks.

The other countries you put up in the OP are roughly the size of US states in population and economy. The US is a much more complex task to manage.
You could compare Trump to US governors, like Andrew Cuomo, NY.
Trump is bringing good jobs back to the US, which more than a democrat president would do, just look at the new $12b semiconductor plant in AZ.

Did you ever see Barack Obama have to "counter-punch" over 8 years? No. The worst I ever saw was his vent of frustration at Fox News (which wasn't really a punch but more exasperation). Trump makes all of his bad press. You can sit here and blame it on "MSM" but the bottom line is that Obama never made his own sink holes. Impeachment came as a result of Trump's inability to rise above his worst instincts. If he doesn't demand an Omerta oath from James Comey, most likely, the whole Russian interference ends in a strongly worded report about protocol or procedure (you know, like the FISA warrants). So maybe, the whole Ukraine thing doesn't happen....facepalm. He hasn't kept any campaign promises. Only in the minds of his ginned up base. Before the pandemic, he was just an amusement. A guy who didn't want to be President but always wanted to campaign for it. Now, he's a guy that not only hasn't delivered on anything he promised, he's gotten a lot of people killed by his inaction, ineptness, incompetence, and indifference.

Obama is worshiped by the Press.
He got 100% solftball questions.
They have STILL never asked him about his abuses of power, criminal behavior and constant hate mongering.

and never talked about his racism
....he sent his black AG to comfort the family of a black criminal that attacked a white cop!!!!
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

Trump is not a leader

Leaders are trusted by their followers. Trump is not

As bad as I thought GWBush was, I never feared he would actively try to make a pandemic worse, as Trump has.

When you look at all of Trump’s actions and deliberate inactions (like Defense Production Act) you see that they line up completely with what Vladimir Putin would have him do.

All roads lead to Putin.

Mr Trump trying to make a pandemic worse---you are freaking insane by posting that undeniable babble crap
Trump’s opponents have a different idea of how power should be used. The defining ideological conflict of the Trump era isn’t between conservatives and liberals. It’s between those who embrace Trump’s gleefully anarchic, ends-justify-the-means bashing of “the establishment” and those who would protest, to quote another Larry David creation, that “we’re living in a society.”
SO true. President Trump is THE best leader and finest president this country has seen since Lincoln, IMHO.

Since Lincoln? I thought Reagan was pretty decent. Although, I didn't agree with some of the things he said or did.
I liked Reagan, as well. I believe President Trump has already passed Mr. Reagan for effectiveness and getting things done for our country.
Reagan was a president. Trump is less than a nothing.
No you're less than nothing. If you died today your passing would as insignificant as an ant dying.
More concrete: Trump is the first anti-president of the USA.

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