Donald Trump: A Study in Leadership

SO true. President Trump is THE best leader and finest president this country has seen since Lincoln, IMHO.

Since Lincoln? I thought Reagan was pretty decent. Although, I didn't agree with some of the things he said or did.
I liked Reagan, as well. I believe President Trump has already passed Mr. Reagan for effectiveness and getting things done for our country.
SO true. President Trump is THE best leader and finest president this country has seen since Lincoln, IMHO.

Since Lincoln? I thought Reagan was pretty decent. Although, I didn't agree with some of the things he said or did.
I liked Reagan, as well. I believe President Trump has already passed Mr. Reagan for effectiveness and getting things done for our country.
Reagan was a president. Trump is less than a nothing.

You should slowly start to understand that you president leads the whole USA sustainable not only into an economic isolation, while he and his loyal spitlickers feed the freedom of Coronas.
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Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

Funny thing, I'm an old Trump voter and I consider myself fairly well off. Likely much more well off than pukes like you anyway. Let's just say I want for nothing. Well it would be nice if your kind of asshole disappeared from the earth but as they say, we can't have everything.

So what has Trump done to make your old ass safer?
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

You are not looking at the totality of the job requirements to be a good GOP president of the US.
1. You need to be able to ignore the 95% negative press all day every day from the MSM including many "fake news" reports.
2. You need to be able to survive attacks by the FBI, CIA, DOJ, including falsifying evidence, perjury traps, illegal FISA warrants, and other attacks and "leaks" by the "deep state".
3. You need to defeat an unjustified "non-crime" impeachment attempt by the democrats
4. You need to be able to keep your campaign promises to voters in spite of opposition party interference
5. You need to "counter-punch" effectively when attacked, to stop attacks.

The other countries you put up in the OP are roughly the size of US states in population and economy. The US is a much more complex task to manage.
You could compare Trump to US governors, like Andrew Cuomo, NY.
Trump is bringing good jobs back to the US, which more than a democrat president would do, just look at the new $12b semiconductor plant in AZ.

We'll see Trump changing residence in 2021 -- to a not-so-nice establishment in New York.
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

A devastating review indeed. We cannot allow 4 more years of this.
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:
Sure. The bottom line is that he is indeed a warning sign and a symptom. We all probably assumed that we had learned from history not to elect people like this, but obviously we had not.

So hopefully this will be a learning experience for us, as it has been for other countries. We'll get past this, as the other countries have.
Well, I hope so. Although Russia never got past it. They went from one type of dictator to another, with just a 6 year period in between when a drunk guy was kind of in charge.

The one thing that gives me hope is that they are all so stupid, inept, and incompetent. Their extreme narcissism and paranoia keeps smart people out of the decision-making process when it comes to corrupting the law and our government, thankfully. It’s just Mango Mussolini, Kushner (a moron), Barr (devious, but careless), Meadows (evil wannabe), and of course his three stupid children.
Brash, bold, pugilistic, nationalist leaders, enabled by millions in the grasp of a group pathology, who only end up causing their countries great damage. They're not difficult to identify from history.

I wouldn't put Putin in that group. He's very low-key, smart, cunning, works behind the scenes. He knows not to be a flamboyant buffoon, like you know who.
Putin! On what planet? Have you seen the Russian bear bare chested riding a horse? Or scoring in hockey? Or showing off his black belt skills? Or scuba diving for antiquities?

Are you another Chinese plant?
LOL! They let Putin score in hockey. No one even tried checking him because they knew what would happen if they did. No one tried fight back when Putin was doing his martial; arts. Putin is a punk. If he was a normal person and not in control of an army and other gestapo type services he'd be somebody's bitch.

Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

Health care is largely delegated to the state in the US. About 90% of cases have been in blue states who are now begging from the states that handled it better.

So hopefully this will be a learning experience for us, as it has been for other countries.

Inadvertent good point. We know now to never trust the Deep State medical establishment and Deep State politicians and that "lockdowns" are a disaster for several reasons.
Fortunately, I don't expect you guys to understand the point.
So hopefully this will be a learning experience for us, as it has been for other countries.

Inadvertent good point. We know now to never trust the Deep State medical establishment and Deep State politicians and that "lockdowns" are a disaster for several reasons.

Yikes. Now there are sub compartments of the "Deep State"?
I'm losing track of the conspiracies of the conspiracy theory group....
You need to listen to more talk radio!
Fairly devastating comparisons with other world leaders:


Even now, even in the worst public-health crisis in a century, he divides people instead of unifying them, creating precisely the kind of distrust that makes the disease harder to defeat. He cannot demonstrate empathy, because he is incapable of feeling any. He cannot demonstrate solidarity, because he has only disdain for his fellow citizens.

Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world. But watch this video and ask yourself: Is this the kind of leadership you expect from a superpower? Does this make you feel confident in our future? Or is this man a warning signal, a blinking red light, a screaming siren telling all of us, and all of the world, that something about our political system has gone profoundly awry?

A devastating review indeed. We cannot allow 4 more years of this.

I hope you really mean that and do something when Trump is easily reelected.
Truth about TV print & blog media, most have taken sides & only produce what harms the dreaded other side. few try for informing us what both sides are saying, or point out the hyper craziness, why because crazy is what sells add time & add time is money.
Donald Trumf...a lesson in futility and small mindedness.

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