Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Your Christianity is in my face. It disrupts my peace. I'm not going to accommodate your lifestyle. Take your 10 Commandments and shove them up your ass.
The Ten Commandments are attributed to Moses' who is said to have received them from God on Mount Sinai. This is not a Christian scripture but a Jewish one. All or most of the commandments are included in various places in the New Testament but Jesus was teaching them as a Jew teaching Jews. There was no Christian faith at that time.

But the JudeoChristian faith that has evolved from those Old and New Testament times was very much part of the psyche, culture, values, beliefs of the Founding Father as reflected in the Declaration of Independence, the founding documents, the Constitution itself and in most of those who followed them right up to modern day times. To dismiss that influence as non existent or unimportant in the development of what the United States was intended to be and what it has become would be as stupid as throwing out all science and math books.

You can certainly appreciate and teach the honest history without in any way using it to indoctrinate children in the Jewish or Christian faith or in any other way.
Like the pyramids or Aztec culture?

The Mongolians or the Mao dynasty in China?

You’re a pretty self-absorbed person for just having the skin color white.
There have been a lot of civilizations. Not all have been great.
Congress shall pass no laws respecting establishment of religion

First Commandment requires you to follow a religion
You shall have no other gods before Me
It just says to put God first, not yourself, your butt buddy or your transgender god. I doesn't mention any religion.
The 10 Commandments List, Short Form*

You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.
A good list but outside of government.
Then It's ok to go after another man's wife, have the Devil as your god, murder people with reckless abandon, covet everything everyone else has, steal anything you want, etc? You must be a BLM cultist.
That's why Lefties don't want kids to be taught morals

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