Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

That's a lie.
Not at all. You cannot lay a finger on a single word or clause in the Constitution that says it. No religious person or group may have any more government power than any other citizens have and the government cannot interfere with anybody's religious beliefs or exercise of those beliefs unless such exercise violates existing laws--human sacrifice would not be allowed for instance. But otherwise government can be as religious or non religious as it wants and the people can be as religious or non religious as they want. The Founding Fathers held church services in the chambers of Congress.
Not at all. You cannot lay a finger on a single word or clause in the Constitution that says it. No religious person or group may have any more government power than any other citizens have and the government cannot interfere with anybody's religious beliefs or exercise of those beliefs unless such exercise violates existing laws--human sacrifice would not be allowed for instance. But otherwise government can be as religious or non religious as it wants and the people can be as religious or non religious as they want. The Founding Fathers held church services in the chambers of Congress.
Derp derp derp
And you can ignore BLM/Antifa/gay people/trans people.
Not when they are in my face, disrupting my peace, demanding laws that accommodate them and take away my right to privacy and security, are doing vulgar and sexually suggestive displays and entertainment in front of children.

Otherwise you are right. Never said that I couldn't.
The 10 Commandments List, Short Form*

You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.
And your point is?
Not when they are in my face, disrupting my peace, demanding laws that accommodate them and take away my right to privacy and security, are doing vulgar and sexually suggestive displays and entertainment in front of children.

Otherwise you are right. Never said that I couldn't.
Your Christianity is in my face. It disrupts my peace. I'm not going to accommodate your lifestyle. Take your 10 Commandments and shove them up your ass.
They do if posted in classrooms against the majority of parents' will.
I have said that if a majority of parents do not want the commandments posted, they should not be posted. If a majority of parents do want the commandments posted, the teacher should be able to post the commandments. Not as a mandate but as a historical document that, among others, has had a profound influence on our laws, culture, and development as a civilized society.
I have said that if a majority of parents do not want the commandments posted, they should not be posted. If a majority of parents do want the commandments posted, the teacher should be able to post the commandments. Not as a mandate but as a historical document that, among others, has had a profound influence on our laws, culture, and development as a civilized society.
This is not a majority vote option.

It’s a constitutional separation.

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