Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

It is your claim that the Ten Commandments are the foundation of our laws
I am showing you that they are not
Really? I missed that. Please state your argument/evidence for how the Ten Commandments and the JudeoChristian Bible have NOT influenced our laws, our culture, our development as a civilization.

I warn you that if you try, there is a mountain of expert opinion to dispute your statements about that.

Here is just one:
Yes but that was back in between the nineties and early two thousands.

Of course.

If you go to a Catholic school, they will teach you to believe that God is the highest power.

If you go to a government school, they will teach you to believe that government is the highest power.

This is what really drives them loco.
I am the Lord thy God, you shall have no God before me.
Really? I missed that. Please state your argument/evidence for how the Ten Commandments and the JudeoChristian Bible have NOT influenced our laws, our culture, our development as a civilization.
Everything has influenced our laws, from the Hammurabi code to the Magna Carter

Just look at our language, it's made from multiple languages, not just English.

That's something I learned in Kindergarten.
I’ve worked very closely with a California high school as a coach for 8 years now. I can assure you that whether staff are politically left or right for the most part they go to work and do their jobs. Maybe a small a percentage let their politics sneak out at times but for the most part they follow the curriculum and care very much about the kids, spending a lot of blood sweat and tears trying to help them succeed. Our media breaks it down in a way that is very unrepresentative of what’s actually going on

Good, I'm glad to hear it. Especially since it's California we're talking about. AKA Leftist Loopyland. (I'm not talking about you specifically for that one but politics in California is WAY out of control in my opinion so I'm glad it's not interfering with their teaching. I'm glad for both sides it isn't actually since education shouldn't be politically based.
1. Don't spend too much time on TikTok

Funny, I don't remember that commandment. 😆

Of course.

If you go to a Catholic school, they will teach you to believe that God is the highest power.

If you go to a government school, they will teach you to believe that government is the highest power.

This is what really drives them loco.
I am the Lord thy God, you shall have no God before me.

What about other religious schools since I don't think that Catholic is the only kind.
Pushing the "Rainbow" agenda, especially with rules and mandates, is NOT historical and IS indoctrination.

Acknowledging the influence that historical people have had on our laws, our culture, how civilization has developed IS historical. Nobody is saying that the public schools should be pushing Jewish or Christian beliefs and certainly should not mandate them, but neither should those students who embrace those faiths (or any other) be required to suppress their faith. And to suppress how important JudeoChristian history has been, how much it has influenced our laws, our culture, the development of civilization as we know it, is absurd.
That is MAGA nonsense. Even this court will overturn or refuse to accept an already overturned case.

Fuf Fuh Fuh BDS Fuh Fuh Fuh
Fuf Fuh Fuh BDS Fuh Fuh Fuh
Fuf Fuh Fuh BDS Fuh Fuh Fuh
There is no such thing as the leftists would have you believe.

That was written in notes for the protection of the Church from the state, not the other way around.
I agree with U! The problem is that with the current divided constituency plus the current mentality in American government we'd end up with koranian propaganda in the public school system like that is the LAST propaganda we want to expose American students to. I mean the islamos PUBLICLY ADMIT THAT ISLAM IS A DEATH CULT!!! The islamos just don't admit it they BRAG about it!

Everything has influenced our laws, from the Hammurabi code to the Magna Carter

Just look at our language, it's made from multiple languages, not just English.

That's something I learned in Kindergarten.

So you've got nothing but you're changing the subject here?
That is MAGA nonsense. Even this court will overturn or refuse to accept an already overturned case.

Fuf Fuh Fuh BDS Fuh Fuh Fuh
Fuf Fuh Fuh BDS Fuh Fuh Fuh
Fuf Fuh Fuh BDS Fuh Fuh Fuh
You're welcome to make your argument for how it is nonsense. Otherwise you're just an empty echo chamber for the left and/or a troll determined to make sure no reasoned discussion happens.
You're welcome to make your argument for how it is nonsense. Otherwise you're just an empty echo chamber for the left and/or a troll determined to make sure no reasoned discussion happens.
Oh, be quiet and listen to your nonsense. We have a secular constitution basically written for a nation generally of questions. The Founders did not want any government in religion, or government in religion. Read outload to yourself, Foxfyre.
Just to be clear, Jesus was in no way at all telling that man to bypass keeping the Ten Commandments. As long as we love God and others we are automatically keeping the Ten Commandments. We are supposed to move from learning and knowing to the application of relational doing.

The 10 commandants were at best a starting point, not the end all.

The commandments say "do not murder", but Jesus says hate is just as bad as murder.

21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults[d] his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.

The commandments say "do not commit adultery", but Jesus says looking at a woman with lust is just as bad.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Do you not agree that these passages more correctly reflect the views of Jesus than the 10 Commandments?

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons[a] of God.

10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
There is no separation between church and state. There is only a constitutional prohibition for the federal government to interfere with the people's expression/exercise of religious belief/faith. And a constitutional prohibition for any religious group to have any more authority or power than any other citizen group.

There should absolutely be no prohibition of posting the Ten Commandments (or any other historical document) in any classroom. There should also be absolutely no mandate to post such.
That’s not true. The first three commandments violate the rights of polytheists, atheists and graven image fans. This law is unconstitutional on the face of it.

That’s not true. The first three commandments violate the rights of polytheists, atheists and graven image fans. This law is unconstitutional on the face of it.

The first three commandments or any other Biblical commandments have no force of law. Therefore they violate absolutely nobody's rights. But you violate my rights and the rights of others when the majority wants the document posted and you say they cannot be.
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