Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

We are a Judeo-Christian nation.

I know that and I didn't make the rules either.

How is looking at the ten commandments forcing anything on anyone? Actually, there is no requirement that anyone even look at them.

Yeah, but it also shouldn't be forced upon the schools either. If they want to put the Ten Commandments in their schools they should have that right to but they shouldn't force it.

It’s not the place for religious displays. That’s for parents. You’re just going to confuse them.

And gender ideology doesn't?
Louisiana passed a LAW requiring the posting in every classroom
What is posted establishes a specific religion

I am the Lord thy God, you shall have no God before me
Previous cases have allowed such displays as long as all other religions get equal access.

That will little room in the classroom for blackboards.
from the 0311

Religion is twice and only twice and only twice.

Article VI. Clause I. But No Religious Test Shall Ever Be Required as a Qualfication To Any Office or Public Trust Under the United States.

First Amendment: Congress Shall No Law Respecting An Establishment of Religion or Probhiting The Free Excerise There of.

No American can be required to believe in god to work for our government and the government cannot force any religion our throats.
Cool story, ZeroTTZero.

Now, show us where 'separation of church and state" is located in the Constitution.
Louisiana passed a LAW requiring the posting in every classroom
What is posted establishes a specific religion

I am the Lord thy God, you shall have no God before me

So now every citizen of the US is required to be a Christian because of this? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :itsok: :itsok: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
How is looking at the ten commandments forcing anything on anyone? Actually, there is no requirement that anyone even look at them.
If that were the case, teachers could post centerfolds of naked women (or men), and claim that nobody is required to look at them.
How is looking at the ten commandments forcing anything on anyone? Actually, there is no requirement that anyone even look at them.
Wait.....what about all you bitches claiming that Target was 'Forcing shit' down your throat, when it's just a display.

So you oppose Tranny shows in schools, right?
I've never seen one in a school.

What schools have you seen them in?
Oh wait, you've NEVER visited a public school, but you read about it on the internet.
Nope. Major fail.

Try again, Simp.

Congress should make NO law respecting an establishment of religion. That means that it's allowed but I also take it to mean that it cannot be forced as it says NO law.

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