Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

I don't understand why he thinks it's a good idea to display them. It's just a reminder of how blasphemous and lacking in human decency he truly is.
Your TDS is showing again.

There is no separation between church and state. There is only a constitutional prohibition for the federal government to interfere with the people's expression/exercise of religious belief/faith.

With all due respect isn't that exactly the same thing? Ah well if the Rainbow people can push their religion why can't we?

Public schools would be a no-no. Posting the big 10 would only fly in privately funded schools.

Yeah but it looks like they're trying to go for public schools too.
There is no separation between church and state. There is only a constitutional prohibition for the federal government to interfere with the people's expression/exercise of religious belief/faith.
You actually think that putting the 10 Commandments in Public Schools is NOT Indoctrination?

Of course it is, and you despise Indoctrination.

So WHY is this OK?
The first six commandments have to do with loving God.
The last four commandments have to do with loving others

God said a new law I give unto you I am putting in your mind and in your heart... the law of love. Either way it goes God has tied us, crisscrossed us into "LOVE"

God told us to owe no many anything except to love them. That means are are all in debt to love.
You don’t even know the Ten Commandments
First four relate to worshiping God
Last six relate to specific behaviors
The Ten Commandments reference the God of Moses

Passing a LAW requiring the posting that there can be no other God than the God of Moses establishes a religion
I know my Bible. The Ten Commandments as printed in three different areas of the Old and New Testaments do not reference Moses in any way. But nevertheless Moses IS a historical figure who had a profound influence on JudeoChristian law which comprised the culture of much/most of the western and near east world. To disallow any reference to Moses as a historical figure would be as absurd as disallowing Plato or Hammurabi or Cyrus or Alexander the Great or any historical figure who has had a profound influence on developing civilizations.
I am too but there's only one problem. The separation between church and state.

All this stuff just feels like election year political games. The Right makes a move like this just to get the Left to fight against religion and they use it for fuel to say the left doesn’t care about children. The Left always takes the bait.
You actually think that putting the 10 Commandments in Public Schools is NOT Indoctrination?

Of course it is, and you despise Indoctrination.

So WHY is this OK?
She is a Groomer
Grooming children to worship her God
You actually think that putting the 10 Commandments in Public Schools is NOT Indoctrination?

Of course it is, and you despise Indoctrination.

So WHY is this OK?
Nope. It is teaching history and what are the foundations of most basic law in western civilizations.
All this stuff just feels like election year political games. The Right makes a move like this just to get the Left to fight against religion and they use it for fuel to say the left doesn’t care about children. The Left always takes the bait.

I think Louisiana believes they have a Supreme Court that will support them
With all due respect isn't that exactly the same thing? Ah well if the Rainbow people can push their religion why can't we?
Because you hate Indoctrination and should NOT support any form of Indoctrination.

Why are you being a hypocrite?
Matthew 19:18
18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,
19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Very good, now look at this in context and see what Jesus said after this...

20 The young man said to him, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

Any time Jesus brings up the 10 commandments, He adds to them.
Nope. It is teaching history and what are the foundations of most basic law in western civilizations.

Western civilizations only have three of the commandments against the law

Islamic civilizations will punish you for all ten

Louisiana is implementing Sharia Law
Your TDS is showing again.

With all due respect isn't that exactly the same thing? Ah well if the Rainbow people can push their religion why can't we?

Yeah but it looks like they're trying to go for public schools too.
Pushing the "Rainbow" agenda, especially with rules and mandates, is NOT historical and IS indoctrination.

Acknowledging the influence that historical people have had on our laws, our culture, how civilization has developed IS historical. Nobody is saying that the public schools should be pushing Jewish or Christian beliefs and certainly should not mandate them, but neither should those students who embrace those faiths (or any other) be required to suppress their faith. And to suppress how important JudeoChristian history has been, how much it has influenced our laws, our culture, the development of civilization as we know it, is absurd.
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Congress shall pass no laws respecting establishment of religion

First Commandment requires you to follow a religion
You shall have no other gods before Me

Is…Congress trying to pass a law establishing a national religion?
The Commandments were the foundation to the Constitution. It had to be written by the hand of God so no king, however powerful, could change it. It is thus that the Constitution is necessarily very difficult to change.

That my simpleton skank is the reason that we in the US have to respect both.

The constitution was written by men that expressly didn't include "god" or "jesus".

Prove me wrong
Nope. It is teaching history and what are the foundations of most basic law in western civilizations.
How many of the 10 Commandments have YOU ^^^^^ broken.
I know, it's a tough honest question, and you won't be honest.

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