Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Why? It's all a belief system.

How about the Government just stop all of it and do it's actual job.
Yet here we are, with people pushing for the 10 Commandments to be posted in the classroom and Trump supporting it.

It's fine with me, but as I said, you should allow all other religious displays in the classroom then.
Yet here we are, with people pushing for the 10 Commandments to be posted in the classroom and Trump supporting it.

It's fine with me, but as I said, you should allow all other religious displays in the classroom then.
Write a letter to your state legislature, Gomer.
There is no separation between church and state. There is only a constitutional prohibition for the federal government to interfere with the people's expression/exercise of religious belief/faith. And a constitutional prohibition for any religious group to have any more authority or power than any other citizen group.

There should absolutely be no prohibition of posting the Ten Commandments (or any other historical document) in any classroom. There should also be absolutely no mandate to post such.
The way this First Amendment separation of church and state has historically been handled in public places like schools is through a zero tolerance policy of public displays of religion in order to avoid any perception of an entity "favoring" one religion over another.
As soon as one religion is allowed as an exception to this rule then ANY other religion has to be given equal space and visibility for it's own religious symbols/statements.
That's what The U.S. Constitution says.
As soon as a government entity says "NO! We ONLY allow Christian symbology on the premises," then it is in direct violation of The U.S. Constitution's First Amendment prohibition of respecting one religion above others or prohibiting the free excercise thereof.
Most Christians don't even understand that their "freedom of religion" only applies to THEMSELVES and their freedom to practice their OWN faith...but does not include any "right" to push their chosen religion off on other people.
In other words, keep it to yourself and OUT of public places!
And convicted felon Trump of course is too stupid and incompetent to understand anything about the U.S. Constitution so naturally he would pander to the Christian Right and pretend he thinks The Ten Commandments in schools is a "good idea."
Of course then when he speaks to another group he'll say the opposite.
Because that's just how he is.
He doesn't really stand for anything but himself.
I never claimed they aren’t, Trollwinger. I clearly explained how the First Amendment doesn’t apply to this.

Sorry you are too stupid to comprehend it.

This is your stupid statement

“this isn’t CONGRESS establishing a national religion it is up to each state“

How fucking stupid are you to think each state can establish a religion?

Where do you claim you got your education?
Muslims dont have a 10 Commandments of their own. Belief in the 10 commandments is shared by all Abrahamic Religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
I know

But I don’t think that most realize that the Quran and the Bible overlap

Just making a point
This is your stupid statement

“this isn’t CONGRESS establishing a national religion it is up to each state“

How fucking stupid are you to think each state can establish a religion?

Where do you claim you got your education?
Where did I say a state can establish a national religion, Moron? :cuckoo:

Since it isn’t prohibited by the Constitution it is a state issue.

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