Donald Trump: Ben Carson has 'pathological disease'

For a educated man Dr. Ben Carson does come across as a very ignorant religious nutter. I am just waiting for Dr. Ben Carson to declare:

1. The Moon Landing was staged in Hollywood by the Jewish Media.

2. If you sail far enough you will fall off the end of the Earth.

3. The Moon is made from cheese.

4. A stork bring a new born to it new family.

5. Sun revolves around the Earth.

He seem like the type that would believe such silly notions from what he has uttered so far.

So please GOP nominate Dr. Ben Carson and watch Hillary Clinton win every state in the Union!
Don't quit your day job, dude.

Already did, and doing a great job with making jokes about your man Dr. Ben Carson.

Now being serious and it make me wonder if you believed President Obama lacked the political experience to lead this nation then why on Earth would you support a daft in the head politician like Dr. Ben Carson?

As much as I dislike Trump at least Trump has made billions of dollars, and has a clue on how the world works, but Dr. Ben Carson make President Obama look smart...

Support a candidate that can fix things, and not a puppet that is the lead driver for the clown car...
I hate to tell you this but Carson is not "my man". If he gets the nomination though, I'll vote for him. Why? Because anybody, and I mean ANYBODY would be better than that bitch Hillary Clinton or that whacked out nutjob Bernie Fucking Sanders. Having said that, I don't see any Ronald Reagans but there are a couple of potential Ronald Reagans. Trump and Cruz. Those are my two picks. I'd like to see a Trump/Cruz ticket. That would be a winning combination.

Trump and Cruz are Ronald Reagan types to you?

That is funny as can be, and such a disrespectful comment to Reagan memory.

Not ever did I see Reagan be such a crude politician like Trump has been or be as ignorant as Cruz can be.

You want a real candidate then support Kasich.
You don't read so well, do you, punk? I said "POTENTIAL" Ronald Reagans. Learn how to read, punk.


It seem I am upsetting the little child that can not understand that they are insulting the memory of Ronald Reagan when comparing Trump and Cruz to him!

The real punk is someone that write the word bitch when describing a woman running for office, and will vote for anyone that is not Hillary Clinton.

Again I did read what you wrote, and you are a true insult to the American Population and should think before writing " Potential " because neither have any Potential of being anything like Reagan!
Carson could tell a lie every day for a year and would still look like Honest Abe compared to Hillary.
Hillary doesn't believe that the pyramids were built because Joseph urged them to do it to store grain.
Hillary doesn't believe that the earth was created just a few thousand years ago.
Hillary doesn't think evolution is absurd.
Carson lying doesn't bother me. It's the crap he believes that is the trouble.

The Hildebeast doesn't think.... or NONE of the scandals about her would have happened... she thinks she's ABOVE everyone, instead of being a turd at our feet!
Facing facts, Trump has learned years ago, what that little prick Rahm has said..


Trump is exploiting what any politician should be doing if they are looking to win, and Trump is in the strongest position to win. It's politics, baby, it's the real deal, and not simply a game.
In four of his Sunday interviews, Trump said Carson probably couldn't be cured of that "pathological disease."
  • "He said he has 'pathological disease' in the book. When you have pathological disease, that's a very serious problem because that's not something that's cured. That's something that you have to live with. And that's a very serious thing to have to live with," Trump said on ABC's "This Week."
  • "He talked about he has 'pathological disease.' That's a serious statement when you say you have 'pathological disease.' Because as I understand it, you can't really cure it. But he said he has pathological disease," Trump said on CNN's "State of the Union."
  • "Well, if you have pathological disease, that's a problem. I mean, he wrote it. I didn't write it. But he's going to have to explain a lot of things away," Trump said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
  • "And when you write in a book that you have 'pathological disease,' pathological disease is not cured. ... But those are pretty tough charges. And they were written by him himself, you know? The pathological stuff was written. That's very serious, pathological disease. So I just don't know what to think," Trump said on CBS' "Face the Nation."
More: Donald Trump: Ben Carson has 'pathological disease' - Business Insider

It sounds like Trump has accurately diagnosed Carson.
You're official obsessed with Carson. At least 90% of the Carson hate threads have been your doing. I hope this isn't some minority vs. minority thing. I hope you seek help from a doctor for your obsession with the Doctor.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Don't quit your day job, dude.

Already did, and doing a great job with making jokes about your man Dr. Ben Carson.

Now being serious and it make me wonder if you believed President Obama lacked the political experience to lead this nation then why on Earth would you support a daft in the head politician like Dr. Ben Carson?

As much as I dislike Trump at least Trump has made billions of dollars, and has a clue on how the world works, but Dr. Ben Carson make President Obama look smart...

Support a candidate that can fix things, and not a puppet that is the lead driver for the clown car...
I hate to tell you this but Carson is not "my man". If he gets the nomination though, I'll vote for him. Why? Because anybody, and I mean ANYBODY would be better than that bitch Hillary Clinton or that whacked out nutjob Bernie Fucking Sanders. Having said that, I don't see any Ronald Reagans but there are a couple of potential Ronald Reagans. Trump and Cruz. Those are my two picks. I'd like to see a Trump/Cruz ticket. That would be a winning combination.

Trump and Cruz are Ronald Reagan types to you?

That is funny as can be, and such a disrespectful comment to Reagan memory.

Not ever did I see Reagan be such a crude politician like Trump has been or be as ignorant as Cruz can be.

You want a real candidate then support Kasich.
You don't read so well, do you, punk? I said "POTENTIAL" Ronald Reagans. Learn how to read, punk.


It seem I am upsetting the little child that can not understand that they are insulting the memory of Ronald Reagan when comparing Trump and Cruz to him!

The real punk is someone that write the word bitch when describing a woman running for office, and will vote for anyone that is not Hillary Clinton.

Again I did read what you wrote, and you are a true insult to the American Population and should think before writing " Potential " because neither have any Potential of being anything like Reagan!
Yeah, PUNK. Ronald Reagan achieved greatness AFTER he became President, not before. Trump or Cruz, either one, COULD do the same thing. Hence, "potential". Get it, moron?
Trump picked up on Carson referring to himself as pathelogical and is now beating him up with it. Good call.
In four of his Sunday interviews, Trump said Carson probably couldn't be cured of that "pathological disease."
  • "He said he has 'pathological disease' in the book. When you have pathological disease, that's a very serious problem because that's not something that's cured. That's something that you have to live with. And that's a very serious thing to have to live with," Trump said on ABC's "This Week."
  • "He talked about he has 'pathological disease.' That's a serious statement when you say you have 'pathological disease.' Because as I understand it, you can't really cure it. But he said he has pathological disease," Trump said on CNN's "State of the Union."
  • "Well, if you have pathological disease, that's a problem. I mean, he wrote it. I didn't write it. But he's going to have to explain a lot of things away," Trump said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
  • "And when you write in a book that you have 'pathological disease,' pathological disease is not cured. ... But those are pretty tough charges. And they were written by him himself, you know? The pathological stuff was written. That's very serious, pathological disease. So I just don't know what to think," Trump said on CBS' "Face the Nation."
More: Donald Trump: Ben Carson has 'pathological disease' - Business Insider

It sounds like Trump has accurately diagnosed Carson.
I watched MTP this morning, well, yesterday morning at this point. I nearly spit my juice at the TV when I heard T-Rump utter those words. Dude is funny.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Carson could tell a lie every day for a year and would still look like Honest Abe compared to Hillary.
Hillary doesn't believe that the pyramids were built because Joseph urged them to do it to store grain.
Hillary doesn't believe that the earth was created just a few thousand years ago.
Hillary doesn't think evolution is absurd.
Carson lying doesn't bother me. It's the crap he believes that is the trouble.

The Hildebeast doesn't think.... or NONE of the scandals about her would have happened... she thinks she's ABOVE everyone, instead of being a turd at our feet!
Scandals? There were no scandals. It was just a feigned indignation of far right-wing.
Which "pathological disease"

Some of these "pathological diseases", like OCD, would not bar you from the presidency. In some cases, it could help govern!

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