Donald Trump: Ben Carson has 'pathological disease'

When it comes to medicine, Trump is as big an idiot as me!!

Maybe bigger.
memo to LWNJs; Please continue to demonize Carson with pettiness, it's doing wonders for his campaign! ;)
I expect Carson to say to Trump "oh, you're into bedazzling? I'm into bedazzling too!!" Trump responds "and you admit that?" Carson sheepishly, "yeah..I'm a... I used to be into bedazzling".

Trump is a master wordsmith of innuendos.
I saw the Meet The Press interview of Trump, and the interviewer called him out on that.

DONALD TRUMP: Good morning, Chuck.

CHUCK TODD: Let me get your reaction, do you think this matters, what's going on here with Dr. Carson?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, I feel badly for Ben. I've gotten to like Ben. And it's a tough thing. I mean, he writes a book where he went after his mother, hit her on the head, or wanted to hit her on the head with a hammer. Hitting a friend in the face with a lock, with a padlock, hard in the face, stabbing somebody, only to be broken up by a belt buckle.

Which, if you know about belt buckles, they turn and they twist. I don't think they're going to stop a knife with the force of a strong man. And when he writes that he has pathological disease in a book, now he obviously wrote this book prior to thinking about running for office, I assume. But he said he has pathological disease--

CHUCK TODD: So you don't believe him? You don't believe him, do you?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, if you have pathological disease, that's a problem. I mean, he wrote it. I didn't write it. But he's going to have to explain a lot of things away. The scholarship situation, the dinner with Westmoreland when Westmoreland wasn't there. And the pyramids. You know, a pyramid is a solid structure, essentially. Other than a little area for the pharaoh. And you don't put grain in a pyramid because it's all solid.

CHUCK TODD: You know, you've done a lot of--

DONALD TRUMP: You're going to large,

CHUCK TODD: You've done a lot of--

DONALD TRUMP: structural beams in those days.

CHUCK TODD: You've done a little political trick here. You have referenced every negative connotation that you can pick up on on Dr. Carson. Number one, you obviously believe he's a threat to your standing in the polls. Number two, you believe these are pretty serious.
Carson could tell a lie every day for a year and would still look like Honest Abe compared to Hillary.
#2 Deflect to Hillary

cuz we all exist in a vacuum and nothing is relevant to anything else. because the Left's hypocrisy is something they'd rather not talk about
#2 Continue to deflect to Hillary...rinse and repeat....(if only Hillary could be investigated....or something)
The GuardianVerified account‏@guardian
Ben Carson: inside the worldview of a political conundrum

Trump is right. Carson isn't mentally fit to be president. That is obvious.
From what I'm hearing on the various news channels - it sounds like a hot night for Carson in the debate tonight. BTW, I don't get the Fox Business channel - does anyone know if any other channels will air it? I really want to watch it.
From what I'm hearing on the various news channels - it sounds like a hot night for Carson in the debate tonight. BTW, I don't get the Fox Business channel - does anyone know if any other channels will air it? I really want to watch it.
You can find it the next morning on YouTube.
Carson could tell a lie every day for a year and would still look like Honest Abe compared to Hillary.
#2 Deflect to Hillary

cuz we all exist in a vacuum and nothing is relevant to anything else. because the Left's hypocrisy is something they'd rather not talk about
#2 Continue to deflect to Hillary...rinse and repeat....(if only Hillary could be investigated....or something)

continue to cry that real-world comparisons to lies left-wing candidates tell but arent called out on by the left-wing media arent a relevant point to make

ur embarrassing yourself stupid; dont you ever get tired of it???

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