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Donald Trump Calls For 'Complete Shutdown' Of Muslim Immigration To U.S.

Are you stating that all Muslims are terrorists?
Technically, YES, they ALL are, because to be a Muslim is to be a follower and obeyer of the Koran, which has 132 suras calling for violence and/or killing of non-Mulsims. It is cover to cover terrorism.
in the Bible it states that you must stone to death anyone who works on Sundays so technically all christians (those who are followers and obeyers of the bible) are murderers. See how that works.

We are not under the old law anymore. The new law, the New Testament, says nothing about keeping the Sabbath holy. The first century Christians met on the first day of the week. when they prayed, worshipped, took communion, fellowshipped, and sang psalms. Get a Grip...
Pick up a bible and read it christian. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.(Matthew 5:18-19 RSV)

The last thing any Christian should do is start spouting off what is in the Koran.

This Video of Christians Judging Quran Passages Is Going Viral — But Not for the Reason You Think
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so you didn't state why he was a dumbarse, you don't have any examples so you give some sort of political speech about college? wht the fk libturd.

Every time he opens his mouth he's shown to be a dumbarse. He has almost no intellectual curiosity about the world, he talks in nothing but soundbites that are fed to him, and he appeals to those who think in terms of the lowest common denominator. He is a dumbarse.
Trump is not the dumb ass; the idiot libtards who think anyone that disagrees with them is stupid are the dumbasses.

Not at all. Only those who don't think critically and like to appeal to the peanut gallery in order to get votes or get people to think around to their point of view. For example: You. You are a dumbarse.
and then there is Benghazi and war on climate, and nothing about protecting americans. he is a failed president.

Benghazi is in Libya last time I looked so I addressed that point. That aside, Benghazi was the fault of those who perpetrated the incident. What war on climate? You mean the fact that it has been proven over and over again by climate scientists that climate change is happening and humans are having an impact on it? That war? Why is that a war? It's common sense.

You have an armed forces and police forces in various states. He's protecting you just fine. If you think any president of any political persuasion can protect your sorry arse 24/7, you're an idiot.

He is not a failed president by a long way. Not great, but he he done okay considering what he inherited.
You people DO realize that those terrorists who have made successful attacks on this country weren't refugees, right?

All of them came in legally on visas. We need to understand the difference between the two, not lump everything into one blanket group so that it all gets confused.

We need to tighten up on the visa program, not the refugees.

ISIS have tried to enter the US through the refugee program, we know this for sure. We don't know how many have made it in, just the ones that get stopped.

We don't know if they are recruiting, giving orders, running financing for future or past attacks or just sleepers for some yet to be thought of attack.
Don't worry, Trump will keep them out.

Asked how his proposal to deny Muslims entry to the US would work in practice and whether border agents would have to ask people their religion, Trump said, "They would say 'Are you Muslim?'" Of course, we know ISIS would never lie.


Experts: Trump Muslim ban likely constitutional
Trump's ban is not on immigrants but Muslims.

NY Daily News Cover Shows Donald Trump Beheading Statue Of Liberty

Trump is now the most hated man in the world.
How original.
Are you stating that all Muslims are terrorists?
Technically, YES, they ALL are, because to be a Muslim is to be a follower and obeyer of the Koran, which has 132 suras calling for violence and/or killing of non-Mulsims. It is cover to cover terrorism.
in the Bible it states that you must stone to death anyone who works on Sundays so technically all christians (those who are followers and obeyers of the bible) are murderers. See how that works.

We are not under the old law anymore. The new law, the New Testament, says nothing about keeping the Sabbath holy. The first century Christians met on the first day of the week. when they prayed, worshipped, took communion, fellowshipped, and sang psalms. Get a Grip...
Pick up a bible and read it christian. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.(Matthew 5:18-19 RSV)

The last thing any Christian should do is start spouting off what is in the Koran.

This Video of Christians Judging Quran Passages Is Going Viral — But Not for the Reason You Think

Most of the scriptures used in the video are from the Old Law, the Old Testament. Christians are not bound by the old law. But it is important to understand that Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the SAME GOD.

The problem is that there is a sect of Islam that has perverted their beliefs to allow murders, rapes, and other atrocities that have befallen much of the middle east. The problem is NOT Islam or Muslims. The problem is Daesh and their perversion of their religion.

This evil cannot be removed with bombs and bullets alone, as Trump and many in the GOP have asserted. It is a much deeper problem that must be addressed in a comprehesive manner. Obama has started the process, but it is going to be a long and painful journey.

People like Trump are EXACTLY what Daesh wants. They want the US to come to Syrian and Iraq and show the world that they are legitimate. Donald, as he often does, shows his ignorance and arrogance by doing and saying exactly what they want to hear.
It also looks like the shootouts at Planned Parenthood clinics in the United States! Who do the "baby warriors" think they are to flout U.S. law and tell women what they should or shouldn't do about their health or lives? Did "baby warrior" get a vasectomy or carry condoms at all times so he wouldn't be responsible for a birth? Did he adopt? Did he make sure congress was willing to feed, house and educate ALL children? Did he try to make a direct impact in the lives of less fortunate children by volunteering in some way? No, he decided to do nothing but kill because he's a "warrior". Just like jihadists.
Well that's about as close he has come to explaining how he will keep Muslims out of the US. I suppose it's a secret.
It's not exactly a secret, it's just undefined but implied. It's like if my daughter says she is going to her brother's house, she doesnt really have to give me the details of how she will get there. I know she can and I know the typical way she would go. But I dont just assume she is lying to me or that she doesnt know the routes.

Trump is talking about instituting a policy that is going to a be a temporary policy and done in the same ways this type of thing has been done before.

But it must be done and listing the details of how he is going to do it is unneeded and could give our enemies more time to circumvent any measures Trump has in mind. Why should he do that?

And besides, all the promises given in a campaign are more about what they intend to do, as they have to negotiate the final law and the staffers have to translate that into legal code.

A million things could happen till then and Trump winds up with something somewhat like he wanted but almost unrecognizable.

So what is the point of using such specificity today?

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Yes, some women had acid poured on their faces in the middle east, and some women were killed and threatened to be killed in the U.S.
Most of the scriptures used in the video are from the Old Law, the Old Testament. Christians are not bound by the old law. But it is important to understand that Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the SAME GOD.


The problem is that there is a sect of Islam that has perverted their beliefs to allow murders, rapes, and other atrocities that have befallen much of the middle east. The problem is NOT Islam or Muslims. The problem is Daesh and their perversion of their religion.

The problem is a bit broader than that and includes the Salafist Jihadis of any organization, not just ISIS.

This evil cannot be removed with bombs and bullets alone, as Trump and many in the GOP have asserted.

True, but then I dont think anyone really believes that killing the Jihadis alone will bring us a permanent solution.

But it is a good start.

It is a much deeper problem that must be addressed in a comprehesive manner. Obama has started the process, but it is going to be a long and painful journey.

Agreed, in general, but it can be a relatively short process not extending to more than ten years to bring down ISIS and all its fellow jihadist groups.

What it takes is a comprehensive understanding of the problem, the development of a strategy that is efficient in materials, cost and effort, and the political determination to implement the strategy.

While we are using multimillion dollar weapons systems to fight cheap infantry in dug outs we will lose the attrition aspect of the struggle. While we are keeping our borders wide open for the enemy to enter our country we are being clueless.

People like Trump are EXACTLY what Daesh wants. They want the US to come to Syrian and Iraq and show the world that they are legitimate. Donald, as he often does, shows his ignorance and arrogance by doing and saying exactly what they want to hear.

Daesh can want all they want, it does not matter. IF we shut them out of our country to as great a degree as possible, we minimize their activities here. If we shut down ISIS access to the internet and social media we take away most of their ability to recruit here as well.

Your approach to defeating ISIS via political hackery is what is the real disaster here. We cannot win a war with political agendas driving the show.
Yes, some women had acid poured on their faces in the middle east, and some women were killed and threatened to be killed in the U.S.
What some kook-burger did at an abortion clinic does not compare to the DELIBERATE actions of Salafist Jihadis intent on preventing all women from getting an education.

And what that Kook did shooting up that clinic is nothing compared to the live dismemberment of unborn babies with no pain killers given them.
I am a feminist. All of my life I've been treated as less than, not as qualified, the "little woman", the lesser sex, good for one thing only, dumber, blond and stupid, cute but should stay in my place, pushy and loud if I talked too much. Fact is I'm smarter than at least half the men I talk to. But men have made the rules for my life. Men have told me what I can and can't do, how I should live, work and take care of my health. Men usually have no idea what it's like because it's never happened to them. They dismiss feminists as obsessive, man-hating wackos because it's so much easier than thinking about what we really want. Yes, this probably means you. Deal with it.
I am a feminist. All of my life I've been treated as less than, not as qualified, the "little woman", the lesser sex, good for one thing only, dumber, blond and stupid, cute but should stay in my place, pushy and loud if I talked too much.

Bullshit. IT is all in your head as you have been sensitized to every microaggression in the known universe.

Studies have shown that women with the same experience and qualifications make more money than equivalent men.

Do Men Really Earn More Than Women? - Infographic - PayScale

These stats show the net pay after adjusting for time off for having babies and raising children, etc, which further penalizes womens incomes.

You think that you are victimized because someone says 'Good morning beautiful' and you are unaware of what a joke feminism is.
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Yes, Carter's Ban of Iranians was About National Security
"Iranian students in the United States instructing them to commence terrorist activities by planting bombs"
December 9, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


My piece yesterday on how Jimmy Carter responded to the hostage crisis in Iran by issuing a ban on Iranians coming to the United States has gone viral. It's been cited by NewsMax, Rush Limbaugh and many others.

On the other side of the coin, it's been hit with attacks from the left. Either way this part of American history has stirred a lot of interest. So let's take a closer look at what really happened.

President Carter ordered a number of responses to the hostage crisis.

One of these was that, "Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly."

Not only were Iranians barred from entering the United States, but the large number of Iranian students already in the country were ordered to immediately report to the INS. They were asked about their support for Khomeini and feelings about the United States.

The ACLU and other left-wing groups accused Carter of violating the First Amendment. A lawsuit was filed claiming that "the primary purpose of the regulation at issue was both to punish Iranian students in the United States for past demonstrations and to chill the future exercise of their rights of speech, association, and assembly."

A Carter judge overturned the law, but it was upheld by a Federal Appeals Court and the Supreme Court declined to review the case. (A "Fact Check" at a site called FlaglerLive by Pierre Tristam claims, "It did not outlive the first glance by a judge barely three weeks after implementation." That is completely untrue.)

His response to the problem of Islamic terrorism echoed Trump's response and proposals for a moratorium on immigration by other candidates such as Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

Like Trump, Carter was even accused of "fearmongering" and of engaging in a "witch hunt" and violating the First Amendment.

Critics have complained that the measure targeted nationality rather than religion. But efforts were made to aid Jews, Christians and other minorities to exempt them from the consequences of the measure and bring them to the United States.

The entire crisis had been caused by the Islamic Revolution's takeover of Iran and its propensity for Islamic terrorism. The attempt to claim that it was a response to a national threat, rather than the reality of religious terrorism, ignores what actually took place.

The Islamic State's terror is just Iran's Islamic Revolution on a larger transnational scale. Sunni Islam is more widespread than Iran's Shiite Islam and the footprint of Islamic terrorists, both those associated with ISIS and with rival terror groups including Al Qaeda, is much larger. The scale of the problem has transcended any single nation, but Trump's proposal echoes that of Carter.

When dealing with Islamists, the term "nationality" has little practical meaning. Islamists define themselves by religion, not by nationality. They do not view conflicts with America as a war between nations, but a war between Islam and the Great Satan.

Carter was responding to the Islamic Revolution's attacks on Americans. But he was also addressing concerns about terrorism by Iranian students in the United States, escalating violence between Iranian students and American students and worries that access to the US embassy in Tehran would enable Iranians to arrive with forged documents to carry out attacks in America.

Critics of my piece have claimed that this was purely a state-to-state response. For example, Kim LaCapria at Snopes writes, "Carter's fourth sanction pertaining to visas for Iranian nationals was in no way a security measure".


Yes, Carter's Ban of Iranians was About National Security
Well that's about as close he has come to explaining how he will keep Muslims out of the US. I suppose it's a secret.
It's not exactly a secret, it's just undefined but implied. It's like if my daughter says she is going to her brother's house, she doesnt really have to give me the details of how she will get there. I know she can and I know the typical way she would go. But I dont just assume she is lying to me or that she doesnt know the routes.

Trump is talking about instituting a policy that is going to a be a temporary policy and done in the same ways this type of thing has been done before.

But it must be done and listing the details of how he is going to do it is unneeded and could give our enemies more time to circumvent any measures Trump has in mind. Why should he do that?

And besides, all the promises given in a campaign are more about what they intend to do, as they have to negotiate the final law and the staffers have to translate that into legal code.

A million things could happen till then and Trump winds up with something somewhat like he wanted but almost unrecognizable.

So what is the point of using such specificity today?

It's perfectly reasonable for a candidate to explain their ideas and address questions about them, particular when those ideas are a radical departures from those of his running mates. Simply saying "Trust me; it's going to be simple, easy and fast", doesn't work at least not for anyone with any intelligence. This is the rhetoric you expect of a 3rd world dictator speaking to illiterate peasants.

I think Trump's problem with explaining himself is that he has no idea how he might do what he has suggested nor does he know enough about the issues to go any further than issuing broad generations.

If you go to Trump's official web site and look at his position on the issues, you will not find a single word about terrorism, nor limiting immigration from countries such as Syria. You will not find anything about deporting all illegal immigrants. What he might do as president is anyone's guess. However, one thing is for sure, his support from his own party in congress would be lukewarm at best.
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