Donald Trump has proclaimed himself a stable genius to cheering Depolrables


Oooooh looky another outrage du jour. This one merely outrage. Same as it was last week and the week before.
Same shit different day. Where’s 0bamas grades and school records. Oh that’s right they are locked up inside a safe In Area 51.
Stable genius indeed. Mr. Ed would have scored higher grades.
Denizen is a Russian bot, nothing of any substance, just a troll.
No he isn't.

Yeah, he is, just a hateful bigoted troll.

Stop projecting Papageorgio's own wretched state of mind.

Right on cue, man thanks for proving me right, Russian troll for proving me right.

Papageorgio is now confessing. Has Papageorgio become a rat?
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Denizen is a Russian bot, nothing of any substance, just a troll.
No he isn't.

Yeah, he is, just a hateful bigoted troll.
The truth is neither bigoted nor trolling.

You are entitled to your biased opinion.
The truth is never a biased opinion. Get a clue.

It’s your opinion, not truth, you need to get a clue.
No he isn't.

Yeah, he is, just a hateful bigoted troll.
The truth is neither bigoted nor trolling.

You are entitled to your biased opinion.
The truth is never a biased opinion. Get a clue.

It’s your opinion, not truth, you need to get a clue.
The truth, has never been, or never will be my opinion. Cohen is going to jail for a crime. That isn't my opinion. It's reality. And that reality becomes the truth.

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