Donald Trump: "I Play To People's Fantasies"


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
When Trump announced his candidacy, on June 16th, he vowed to build a two-thousand-mile-long wall to stop Mexico from “sending people that have lots of problems.” He said, “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Three of the statements had no basis in fact—the crime rate among first-generation immigrants is lower than that for native-born Americans—but Trump takes an expansive view of reality. “I play to people’s fantasies,” he writes in “The Art of the Deal,” his 1987 memoir. “I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

When the Trump storm broke this summer, it touched off smaller tempests that stirred up American politics in ways that were easy to miss from afar. At the time, I happened to be reporting on extremist white-rights groups, and observed at first hand their reactions to his candidacy. Trump was advancing a dire portrait of immigration that partly overlapped with their own. On June 28th, twelve days after Trump’s announcement, the Daily Stormer, America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site, endorsed him for President: “Trump is willing to say what most Americans think: it’s time to deport these people.” The Daily Stormer urged white men to “vote for the first time in our lives for the one man who actually represents our interests.”

Ever since the Tea Party’s peak, in 2010, and its fade, citizens on the American far right—Patriot militias, border vigilantes, white supremacists—have searched for a standard-bearer, and now they’d found him. In the past, “white nationalists,” as they call themselves, had described Trump as a “Jew-lover,” but the new tone of his campaign was a revelation. Richard Spencer is a self-described “identitarian” who lives in Whitefish, Montana, and promotes “white racial consciousness.” At thirty-six, Spencer is trim and preppy, with degrees from the University of Virginia and the University of Chicago. He is the president and director of the National Policy Institute, a think tank, co-founded by William Regnery, a member of the conservative publishing family, that is “dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of European people in the United States and around the world.” The Southern Poverty Law Center calls Spencer “a suit-and-tie version of the white supremacists of old.” Spencer told me that he had expected the Presidential campaign to be an “amusing freak show,” but that Trump was “refreshing.” He went on, “Trump, on a gut level, kind of senses that this is about demographics, ultimately. We’re moving into a new America.” He said, “I don’t think Trump is a white nationalist,” but he did believe that Trump reflected “an unconscious vision that white people have—that their grandchildren might be a hated minority in their own country. I think that scares us. They probably aren’t able to articulate it. I think it’s there. I think that, to a great degree, explains the Trump phenomenon. I think he is the one person who can tap into it.”

Trump has succeeded in unleashing an old gene in American politics—the crude tribalism that Richard Hofstadter named “the paranoid style”—and, over the summer, it replicated like a runaway mutation. Whenever Americans have confronted the reshuffling of status and influence—the Great Migration, the end of Jim Crow, the end of a white majority—we succumb to the anti-democratic politics of absolutism, of a “conflict between absolute good and absolute evil,” in which, Hofstadter wrote, “the quality needed is not a willingness to compromise but the will to fight things out to a finish. Nothing but complete victory will do.” Trump was born to the part. “I’ll do nearly anything within legal bounds to win,” he wrote, in “The Art of the Deal.” “Sometimes, part of making a deal is denigrating your competition.” Trump, who long ago mastered the behavioral nudges that could herd the public into his casinos and onto his golf courses, looked so playful when he gave out Lindsey Graham’s cell-phone number that it was easy to miss just how malicious a gesture it truly was. It expressed the knowledge that, with a single utterance, he could subject an enemy to that most savage weapon of all: us.

Trump’s candidacy has already left a durable mark, expanding the discourse of hate such that, in the midst of his feuds and provocations, we barely even registered that Senator Ted Cruz had called the sitting President “the world’s leading financier of radical Islamic terrorism,” or that Senator Marco Rubio had redoubled his opposition to abortion in cases of rape, incest, or a mortal threat to the mother. Trump has bequeathed a concoction of celebrity, wealth, and alienation that is more potent than any we’ve seen before. If, as the Republican establishment hopes, the stargazers eventually defect, Trump will be left with the hardest core—the portion of the electorate that is drifting deeper into unreality, with no reconciliation in sight.

Much More (Interesting Read): Donald Trump and the White Nationalists

So, is Trump the champion that white nationalists have been waiting for?
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“I play to people’s fantasies,” he writes in “The Art of the Deal,” his 1987 memoir. “I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

Is that the kind of president we want?
Finally the truth from Duh Donuld.

Will this cause the other R candidates to suddenly tell the truth as well?

If they did, would the RWs care?

The answer is no to both questions.

RWs know Drumpf is lying about his "beautiful wall" and they know the R is lying about repealing ObamaCare.
Trump Has Strongest Jewish Ties of all GOP Candidates

Trump is from New York, works in professions saturated with Jews and long has been a vocal supporter of Israel. His daughter and two grandchildren are Jewish, the executive vice president of his organization is Jewish — and Trump certainly has chutzpah.

Given his myriad Jewish associations, Trump is not an unfamiliar face in Jewish circles. He has served as a grand marshal at New York’s annual Salute to Israel Parade. After Hurricane Katrina, he was among a group of celebrities who decorated Jewish federation tzedakah boxes to be auctioned off to support hurricane disaster relief. And in February, he was honored with an award at the annual gala for the Algemeiner, a right-wing Jewish news organization.

“I have a Jewish daughter. This wasn’t in the plan, but I’m very glad it happened,” Trump said at the event, held in Manhattan. On Israel, he said, “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.”

Before the 2013 Israeli election, Trump recorded a video message endorsing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“You truly have a great prime minister in Benjamin Netanyahu. He’s a winner, he’s highly respected, he’s highly thought of by all,” Trump said in the 30-second spot. “Vote for Benjamin – terrific guy, terrific leader, great for Israel.”

Read more: Trump Has Strongest Jewish Ties of all GOP Candidates - Breaking News

I wonder if white nationalists will have a problem with Trump's Jewish affinity.

"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good". --
Hillary Clinton, 06/28/2004.

I will go with Trump,
Trump Has Strongest Jewish Ties of all GOP Candidates

Trump is from New York, works in professions saturated with Jews and long has been a vocal supporter of Israel. His daughter and two grandchildren are Jewish, the executive vice president of his organization is Jewish — and Trump certainly has chutzpah.

Given his myriad Jewish associations, Trump is not an unfamiliar face in Jewish circles. He has served as a grand marshal at New York’s annual Salute to Israel Parade. After Hurricane Katrina, he was among a group of celebrities who decorated Jewish federation tzedakah boxes to be auctioned off to support hurricane disaster relief. And in February, he was honored with an award at the annual gala for the Algemeiner, a right-wing Jewish news organization.

“I have a Jewish daughter. This wasn’t in the plan, but I’m very glad it happened,” Trump said at the event, held in Manhattan. On Israel, he said, “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.”

Before the 2013 Israeli election, Trump recorded a video message endorsing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“You truly have a great prime minister in Benjamin Netanyahu. He’s a winner, he’s highly respected, he’s highly thought of by all,” Trump said in the 30-second spot. “Vote for Benjamin – terrific guy, terrific leader, great for Israel.”

Read more: Trump Has Strongest Jewish Ties of all GOP Candidates - Breaking News

I wonder if white nationalists will have a problem with Trump's Jewish affinity.
Three cheers for Trump!!!

"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good". --
Hillary Clinton, 06/28/2004.

I will go with Trump,

Don't be so gullible.

Not every chain email you get is factual.

From the chain e-mail: "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

This is from 2004 remarks that Clinton made to a roomful of Democratic donors, some of whom paid $10,000 to attend the function, according to the Associated Press. She was discussing the need to end the Bush tax cuts in order to balance the budget. Her full quote was, "We're not coming to you, many of whom are well enough off that actually the tax cuts may have helped you, and say 'We're going to give you more.' We're saying, 'You know what, for America to get back on track and be fiscally responsible, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good. ' "

He stakes out a position:

"All Illegals have to go!"

"The court interpretation that says Anchor Babies are citizens ought to be challenged!"

""We must build a Wall"......things like that. Its his opening offer.

And the Socialist who are hoping for new votes from Mexico...go Apoplectic, but the stones Trump has shown in breaking their Political Correctness Rules is changing the whole conversation.

Now, it is a given that the Mexican Invasion must be closed off...before we will even talk about what to do about the illegals aliens already here.

Trump has stones.

Boehner does not have stones. McConnell does not. Bush does not.

Obama is committing treason by encouraging the illegal Mexican invasion. Mrs. Clinton is a fool, a liar, and a crook. Kerry is a worse fool. Valerie Jarrett is a fool. Susan Rice is a liar and a fool. Pelosi & Reed? Good God.

Fuck Washington, D. C.

Its time to try anything but Washington, D. C.

If Trump slips, well Carly Fiorina is the sharpest of the bunch, anyway. It may be time for a woman President after who doesn't lay claim to it simply because her husband was President once.
He stakes out a position:

"All Illegals have to go!"

"The court interpretation that says Anchor Babies are citizens ought to be challenged!"

""We must build a Wall"......things like that. Its his opening offer.

And the Socialist who are hoping for new votes from Mexico...go Apoplectic, but the stones Trump has shown in breaking their Political Correctness Rules is changing the whole conversation.

Now, it is a given that the Mexican Invasion must be closed off...before we will even talk about what to do about the illegals aliens already here.

Trump has stones.

Boehner does not have stones. McConnell does not. Bush does not.

Obama is committing treason by encouraging the illegal Mexican invasion. Mrs. Clinton is a fool, a liar, and a crook. Kerry is a worse fool. Valerie Jarrett is a fool. Susan Rice is a liar and a fool. Pelosi & Reed? Good God.

Fuck Washington, D. C.

Its time to try anything but Washington, D. C.

If Trump slips, well Carly Fiorina is the sharpest of the bunch, anyway. It may be time for a woman President after who doesn't lay claim to it simply because her husband was President once.
You win the seegar today!
He stakes out a position:

"All Illegals have to go!"

"The court interpretation that says Anchor Babies are citizens ought to be challenged!"

""We must build a Wall"......things like that. Its his opening offer.

And the Socialist who are hoping for new votes from Mexico...go Apoplectic, but the stones Trump has shown in breaking their Political Correctness Rules is changing the whole conversation.

Now, it is a given that the Mexican Invasion must be closed off...before we will even talk about what to do about the illegals aliens already here.

Trump has stones.

Boehner does not have stones. McConnell does not. Bush does not.

Obama is committing treason by encouraging the illegal Mexican invasion. Mrs. Clinton is a fool, a liar, and a crook. Kerry is a worse fool. Valerie Jarrett is a fool. Susan Rice is a liar and a fool. Pelosi & Reed? Good God.

Fuck Washington, D. C.

Its time to try anything but Washington, D. C.

If Trump slips, well Carly Fiorina is the sharpest of the bunch, anyway. It may be time for a woman President after who doesn't lay claim to it simply because her husband was President once.

Interesting that your two faves ... one sent his business to China, the other to India.
“I play to people’s fantasies,” he writes in “The Art of the Deal,” his 1987 memoir. “I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

Is that the kind of president we want?

And trump is playing the rubes

What Trump said about Mexicans was meant to hit the rube button. If he wasn't the clown that he is, he could have said what needed to be said in an intelligent, informed manner. But he didn't, he went for the rube button. A truth bomb does nothing to persuade reasonable people, it only serves to rile up the rubes.
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“I play to people’s fantasies,” he writes in “The Art of the Deal,” his 1987 memoir. “I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

Is that the kind of president we want?

And trump is playing the rubes

It's hilarious that white nationalists would think that Trump and his rich friends are the saviors they've been waiting for.

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